The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 30, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Aetrfleasanfly andJbomptfy. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. Presents it: the most acceptable form the laxative principles of plants I An own to act most beneficially. TO GET (IS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY TKI GENUINE MANFD. BY >CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. SAN TRANCiSCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE ,KY. NEWYORK. N.Y. Fir ,r<?/c by druggists - price 50*per lottfe^^ i Nerves end Hear! * Are what do the work of Ufa for the ho* ’ mao body. 11 they are strained yon falter; If they •re hurt you suiter; If they get weak yes ; fall. : Or. J. I!, McLean’s i Strengthening Cordial i and Blood Purifier * Is the most valuable agency known for [ stimulating the Heart and Nervous by*- * tetn. * This Is trust mrzt fifty years sf sn * have established it beyoud question. It repairs the tissne-waate of hard * physical tabor; it sustains the over [ worked brain and develops the faculty : of thought. ' It cures Malaria, Debility, Dyspepsia, * Low Spirits, Insomnia, Poor Appetite. : Malnutrition and Btomach Troubles, and [ builds up the run down or exhausted l system. 50c and 51 a bottle, at druggist*, OR. J. K. MCLEAN MS ► •. k W. * roll • W. J.'RUTTS, The Drnggist.' Wail Paper ATjTHE PAINT STORE, 502:Monk St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. r. i- v . . JIM;/-'" ■ "T. MMJIMI f __ A- <, p-” 5 "what is' becoming Can be found in onr display OPruMME t> HATS, or quickly developed in our work rooms from tbe large and beautiful assortment of Millinery Goods in our etoek. Milliners of artielic tastes and deft fingers produce hats which equel in style and attractiveness many of tbe high priced imported models. Our prices are not the least pleasing part of our offerings. HISS KATE SLATER, 504 GLOUCESTER ST.. STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the' stove doctor, repairs al kinds or cook stoves and raDges, buy and sells second hand stoves, 414 Ba street. GEORGIA—GIynn Connty. All persona bavinii claims or demands against the eetate of Marion Robinson, de ceased, are hereby notlfled to present ana file them with me, properly verified, as required law. This July 27, 1000. Wk EDWIN BHOUSTON, Administrator Estate Marion Robinson. MITCHELL at THOMAS. Livery, boarding and sale stable*. Finest turnouts in the city.. Newcastle St. NO COOLING OFF YKT. Auftnt Ahead 103 Degrees In Temper, ature So Far. Yeatorday addsd fire degreas mora to the excess of temperature for| August Instead of cooling off, It was hotter by three degrees lhau it was the day be* fore. At 3 o’c'ock the thermometer regis tered 98 degrees, The minimum of 74 degrees was at 0 o’clock in the morning the excess for the day being 5 degrees and making the exceu for the month so far 105 degrees with a shortage In rain- fall of very nearly six inches. While it is still hot, Brunswicklans 1 rye the consolation of knowing that they are not the oray sufferers. Charleston, at 8 o’clock last nigh', re- j I orted 84 degress, while it was 83 at huYsunah. ■ Norfolk, Philadelphia and j Kew York hid h same temperature a-; Brunswick, while in ihe West, ia Kan-1 s-s, Nebraska and the Dakotas, it wts . I tail higher. In the '.weirs stations of the Savan nah district of the cotton belt the maxi mum temperature reports were all 00 degreos and aboTe, the average maxi mum being 93 degrees. August is pretty nearly’ ended anu it remains for September to bring a change in temperature. The records ol the weather bureau show that the average temperature for September t Bruns wick is 76 degrees. The warmest September for twenty niDe years was that of 1861, with an av erage temperature of 80 degrees. The coolest was that of 1871, with an aver age temperature of 72 degrees. The highest Seplembsr temperature on re cord was 97 degrees on the 21 and 22, in 1897. Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, livsr and kid ney troubles, as well at women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backaohs, ner vousness, headschs, and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there’s ne need to fee! like thst. L’tteß to J. W. Gtrdner, Idaville, Ind. He says: “Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he ia all mo down, and don’t care whether he lives or dies. It did more to giv me new strength and good appetite tbim any thing 1 ccnld ttke. I can now eat any thing, and have anew lease on life." Only 500i., at ail drug stores. Every bottle guaranteed. Many cates ere being tiled at Judge L&mbright’s court, and the next term will be an interesting one. What most people want is something mild and gntlc, when in need of a physic. Cham berlain’s Stomach anu I-iver Tablets fill the hi to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by Bishop’s chug store. Finest aiiirtment of imported and domrstic sardines, at DeVos’s. It will enrprise you to experience the benefi obtained by using the dainty and famous littla pills known as Little Early Risers W.J. Butte. TIMES-CALL JOB OFFICE. Those who waot the best work, at the lowest figures, should bring it to this office. On large dodgers, oar priceß and work will make you a con slant customer, If you will give us the first job. Ring up 31, and Xsolicitor will call. For Bladder Troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. Rowell's Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on’ the market every bottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. 1 THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, AUGUST $O, 1900. Uwton'i RhWr iMMtk, Qsneral Lawton made tt a babM of bU life to taUo a cold water bath ee try morning before breakfast, and while campaigning he canted with him a rubber tub. It made no difference where he was, ho always ordered the tubful of cold water to bia quarters every morning. In following the Apaches he reached > mountain. lie knew that the In diana had fled there, and before pursu ing them farther he left his rubber tub and other tent equipments at the base of the mountains In charge of an old and faithful sergeant to guard carefully until he returned. It was an old trick with that tribe of Indians when being pursued to circle around and return to the exact point whence they started. The general left the tub and started out after the Indians. They circled around, covering a wide territory, and beat General Lawton back to the base of the mountain. When he got there, he found that the old sergeant and his six men had been killed and that his tub had been carried off by the In dians. The Apaches evidently learned how highly the general prized the rub ber tub, for they placed great store by It after they had captured It and guard ed it as closely as they did their own lives.—Louisville Courier-Journal. filer,,,rlea of a Walts. "Did you ever try to dance with a foreigner?” at-ked a Louisville gentle man who had been traveling abroad. "I did once,” he continued, “and that experience was more than enoegh for me. It happened at a hall at Musta pha, at the Hotel St. Georges. I asked an Austrian countess to waltz, and When we stinted I supposed we would dance In the leisurely American fash ion. The countess had a different idea In her head. She preferred to whirl madly like a derviKh on a space that could be covered with a parasol, and on account of her superior strength I dung to her, and we began to spin. "Finally, when It seemed to me that we were performing our antics on the celling with our heads hanging down, I could stand It no longer and, gasp ing for breath, suggested that, we sit down. I saw two chairs galloping around the room and prepared to catch them on the next lap. We steered for them, I clinging helplessly to the ath letic lady, and then we sank down. I tat dazed and almost Insensible until I was aroused by the countess saying: “ 'Excuse me, but we are sitting oa the same chair.’ "—Detroit Free I’ress. Euy, "Excuse me,” said the shabby look ing young man. “But would you be so kind as to cash this check for me?" “Why don't yew git somebody thet knows yew to cash It?” asked the old countryman, picking up hht carpet sack from the curb. “The people that know me won't de M,” bitterly exclaimed the young man. turning away to hide a tear. "Door fellow!” sympathetically an awered the farmer as be toe* out hla wallet. "How much Is It fer?” And still they say money's hard te get—Kansas City Independent. Kee.) tke body heilthyiat this season by using Prickly Ash Bittkhs, It is a necessary condition to successfully re sist malarial germs. W.J.Butts. Mas 7 t man has discovered that au thorship is a danj[erouship to aml.ark in, For Whooping Cough. “Both my children WBre taken with whooping cough,” writes Mrs. O. E. Dutton, of Danville, 111- “A aroail bottle of Fotey’s Honey and Tar gave such relief that. I used a 60 cent bottle which saved me a doctor’s bill.” W, J. Butt*. It eoemi rattinr queer that wmh wornen put out their tubs to catch soft water when it rains hird. DOES IT PA Y TO BUY CHAEP A cheap remedy for coughsjand colds is all right, but you want some thing that wiJ believe and cure the n ost severe and dangorous results n throat and iucg trouble, What sfaa do? Go to a waimer and more regula climate? Yes, if possible; tf cot po slble for you; then in either case tak the only remedy that has been Intro luced In all clvilived countries with success In sore throat and luDg troubles Boschee’s German Syrup. It not only stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflamatlon and causes expectoration, glyes a good night’s rest and cures the patient Try one qottle Recommended many years by all druggists in the world Sample bottles at W. J. Butts and Brown Drunp Go. A lame sboulCeria usually caused by rheuma tism of the muic’es and may be cored by a few applications of Chamberlain’aPain Balm. For sale by Dr. Bishop's drugstore WANTED. Arteaiau wells to drive at $260 each Rise aDd oapacity j guarantaed will also gnarantse to complete walls in 16 days. Call on or address A. H. Baker, Pa 203 Gloucester street. V*th a fine effervescence and rich jfi mm creamy foami combining perfect I £ brilliancy with rare keeping qual/ ■ p aiMB ides, having a most excellent hop tas*e and aroma— H Fail (Bohemian 1 I "King of all Bottled Beers" W i a " reve^at ‘ on io every critical B PrffiPf P tastc ' T° hundreds of thousands of If W&ZzEmj 1 families it has become a household l| * nt, ' e * Sii Y‘ Ordsr frost pgßg Brunswick Wholesale Wine & Liquor Cos. g ■ Msshi K.-"- JSsAs ' LAST EXCURSION OF THE SEA SON.—S2.SO TO MACON AND RETURN. On Wednesday, August 29;h, the Southern railway will run an excar rien train from Brunswick to Maoou, leaving here at 6:40 arriving at Macon at 1:16 p.m. This wiil bs the last excursion of the season, and with the extremely low rate of $2.60 for the round trip, it is expected that quite a number will take advantage of the op portunity to yisit the Central City. Arrangements have been made for both white and colored people, and all who go may be assured of good accorn midstions and a comfortabls trip. QU ESTIONS c AN W ERSD. Yes, August Flower still has the largest gale of any medicine in the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of spendicitis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organic system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other achee. You only need a few doses of Green'e Au gust Flower, In liquid form, to moke you satisfied there it. nothing serious the matter with you Sample bottles at Butts drugstore or Brown Drug C Should b# in every household mede Oiae chest. It affords certain relief Any girl osght to bs do up her hair sweetly by the aid of a honey comb. Chinese are dangerous enemies, for they aro treacherous. That’s why all counterfeits o DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve are dangerou They look like DeWilt’s, but instead of the all healing witch hazel, they all contain Ingredi ents liable to Utfta'.e tbs skin and cause Good poisoning. Fo • piles,lnjuries aud skin diseases, use the original and genuine DeWitt’s Witch HazolSalve. W.J. Butts. Russell’s Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to .be the Best on the market, every cottle guaranteed. For sale by ail druggists. Cheap Katas via P ant System. Richmond, Va.—Annual eesaion Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., Hepterolior 17-32, 1900. Tickets sold Septenihor 15, 1(5, 17, with final limit September 25, at rate ol one fare round trip. Detroit, Mich.--Biennial conclave Knights ol Pythias, August 27 to .September 1, 1900. Tickets to l>e sold August 24, 25,20, with final limit Sep tember 5, at late of one fare round trip. GEO. W. COATES, D. P. A„ Bruuawick.Ga. B< W. WRENN, P. T. M., Savannah, Ga. SUMMER EXCURSION RATES TO All Mountain, Seaside and Lake Resorts Via ihe Plant System. Tickets on sale June 1 to September 80, with retnrn limit October 81, 1900. Perfect passenger service. Pullman sleepeis on all trains. Full information given on ap plication. GEO. W. COATES, D. P. A., Brunswick, Ga. B. W. WRENN, P. T. M., Savannah, Ga. "BUY THE GENUINE" SYRUP OF FIGS ... MA3TUFACTT7AISD 8T... CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. yUOTITHKIAMI. Jn India, the laad af famine. Ihoasands di* bacaaae thfy eannot obtain food. In America the land of plaaky, maay suffer and die became they cannot digest the food thev eat. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. It in stantly relieves and radioally c area all stomach treaties. W J fiMs OcOBSIA DETECTIVE ftGC’Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cares attended to bneineot strictly confidential, Sc qtireeconducted with secrecy, L. a. LEAVV XVLrnern?ir L. J, Leavy 6c Cos Anotioneere, Commission Merchants and Uener al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered. Special Attention Paid to Collection of Rents At the Same Did Place 217 Newcastle St. You Will Fiud JVt. Isaae, ihe Merchant Tailor. With aAcw and complete linejof Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Specially selected to suit all class of trade. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. I just received a full line of the latest anil most fash ionable Spring goods. Aly pants pat terns are the most stylish In the city. I can please all mi customers In price, quality and workmanship. Give me an order for your Spring Suits and pants. Satisfaction guaranteed. M. ISAAC, The Merchant tailor, KIDNEY DISEASES are r fhe most fatal of all dis eases. COS CV?C? KIDNEY CURE lit rULC! o Btiarantsec! Rgmeiiy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the Best for Kidney and Bladder troubles, PRICE sft:. ?.nd SI.OO. * W. J. BuUs. Ui? Druggiist TLIZISSiMMU 302, Newcastle St, [nil in. CIGARS AND,TOBACCO Its iSrsaa Fresh Everv IDav. Uilkl Shake Soda Water! Ete„ All Kind* of Candy. BhaiV BALSAM I CiMnaea and hi’aMtifiea the hair.) Promotei a luxurinnl growth. I N.->ver T*aila to Keatoro Oray l , Hair to itn Youthful Color. I 4 Proventa I >andrufT ami hair tailing.! 1 Wic. wM *$ i'd at DnisgUt^ Ice Cream, Soda Water, Milk Shakes, Wine of Cocoa GO TO ELI ZISSIMAIO 31)24 Newcastle tH. MEXICAN MIXTURE For Meo. For Nervouaneais Hack-Ache, Despondency lnsoinanift, Sexual Impotency, and all digested resulting from Early Error* and Later Kxceaeee Over-Work and Worry, which if neglected, com pletely undermine the system, often resulting In INSANITY find DEATH. If yon have any of the above symptoms MEXICAN MIXTURE WILL CURE YOU IT ,n K 9 NO EQUAL. Develops Youthful Strength and Vigor to ever* | part of the body. Avoid quack doctors. Refuse substitutes. Get MEXICAN MIXTURE. Im mediate effects, Permanent results. Recent, discovery, Phenomenal euccott. Hundreds o testimonials. fI.OU per box. 6 for $5.00. Posi tive guarantee with every $5,00 order to refund the money if cure is not effected. It is nut a stimulant, but a rebuilder. Try it ami be con vinced, Send stamp fsr pamphit.dA ederss Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. EMPTY LOADED || fef jT'-'Oe*' *j Ammunition I h ! Goods. r ' j Rogers f* ; i Knives Bicycle and i. , i Gun repair ing a pp 'cit'l KESSLER’S Cor. Mock and Grant yts OF.VARIS & LEVADAS, Qocerics, Country Produce, >®—Veptables. etc. Also Confectioner*. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK, GA Real Estate for Sale. We have lot number 176 on A street nine lots on Wolf Street, for sale cheap B. H. Caniels & Cos. 810 Neweastl bt. Cure Digests w!wt you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gan*. It is the latest discovered digest* ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It, in Btantly relieve- aud permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,GaEti'algia,Craiaps,ana all other results of ini perfect digestion. Prenarsd by C. C. DaWitt &Co- Cqicaeo. V J. Butts, the Druggist. Li. J. OLEVVINE, i o "V 1 © Selling, Renting, Repairing, Messenger Service. Wo sell Cleveland, Monarch, Gruvilord, Eagle. Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money- W n. SKITH'S COLLESE, LEXINGTON. KY„ | n- mii wjirn. after Investing from Jftj te k for been educated ter poeßlum ut rtlrjf rfei>i*ers, and now from so*wTto $1,500 salary year. Kentucky! University OipfTtnn awarded km gradsMtes. M s'Ttcr two Wefld’e t:xf>...MtionVa(vl refers to Uunsaamls wmdm\ Kwet DoSwcpUal Cuythie for roter<Mkce. kcd advert ire l J i-r r>art>e wiors addrAr onW W. K. Amith. L*Jiingt(m, Kjr. A LITTLE WHISKEY TALK When?you want a|good bottle of whis key, two thlngH should be considered— ijuality and price. I carry a full line of Paul Jones, Fremont and Peerleaß whis key, Imported Gin, California Wlnee, and he best of high grade beer. Also Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes, Cal! on me when you need anything cin that line. LOEWENSTEIW Monk and Oglethorpe Sts. 7