The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 31, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. Mira! Ilil WilMraw Trooiis from Pekii al Once. 10 [EI EMPRESS ill Uermany Wants to Kusli a Large Army to China Other News From the Seat of War. Washington, Aur. 2\— Tbs text of this governmsnts proposals on Chinese qu s ion was mad* yullc today.. It 11 leirned that tbs,, taking of the lio*- sian proposition as the text, ite United States has set fourth Its mem. - rindum what in tha opinion of th president and cabinet ehould be tha policy of the allied powers, and in particular its own polity. Under Russia’s proposition it lotks to recog nition of Li Hung Chang as the representative of the Chinese govern ment, at least in the preliminary negotations. He is to see to it that ihe imperial family shall go back to Pskin, from wh ch foreign troops /ball bs withdrawn and there carry on ‘uip'omatio re*, nations with the t r- Hgo governments looking to perma i ant peaoe. Rarsia is particularly anxious for prunsp. notion and it ia taken hr the pnr.iose of heading eff Germany in its intention to send a large arm; ta China and dec are war at beginning of the plans to destroy the dynast; and divide the territory among tbs victorp. Washington, Aug 3o,—Assistant Sec retary Adoo has bent telegrams to the United States representatives at Berlin, Vienna, Paris, London, Korns, Tokio and St. Petersburg, saying that a note from Russia had been received and that the interdiction of Chang’s communica tion to the Chinese government vras “ie- Bxplicablc,” in asking the powers to flrici the commanders to vacate order. United Slates concii's w.tli the of Rus.ia and informs the now Hitatives in China is in the spirit of note of the Russians. practically forms an alliance be- Breeu the United S’n'es and Russia. SOUNDS IISHY, York. Aug. 30.—A Journal-p-.c- IMfrom London Ea>s a great bait'.e is at Shanghai between the al- Bs and .lie boxers who had massed ■ YangTsun end, The bat tle occut red at SI Wa and Pricde Tuan is reported among the slain. ' Chinese losses number fif ean hundred. The routed trcoi s wrr# driven into Chi Li province. Allied troops engaged were Russian*, Germane, Japanese. Reinrotcemenle who left Tien Tain are on rush march to Pekin.* > TROOPS IN CHINA. Aug. 30,—1t is given out total number of troops of the amed forces now in China number* 173,- 000. Of this number 7,000 are Ameri- NUMBER 14. cans, 12 000 English, 10,000 Germans, 63,000 Preach, 50,000 Russians, 24,000 Japanese, 2.0C0 Lalians and 170 Austri ans. The field armament consists of a total of 311 guns and 36 mach ne guns, U is not tbonght that the force in Chi na will be jieatly enlarged, the authori tin deeming the somber now there ea pable ot carrying through all the plain of the powers. THEY MAY UESIaT. Shanghai, Aug. SO—G-neral L*u daiyk who is recruiting hc black flag* in the Csaton province, said he b s * fores of one hundred and eighty ilnu-ard men. This Indicates that, he Chinese are contemplating a desperate attempt to reiist the army of the powers. PACIFICATION PLAN. Tien Tsia, Aug. SO. —Allies are wov mg from Pekiu southward and Japan ese hare occuple 1 PatoiDg Pd, indicat ing that ihc Japanese propose to enter upon a more extensive plan of pacifica tion than other powers will agree to. MARINES WITHDRAWN. Washington, Aug. 30 —The Japanese legation here received a telegram from the Japamsj goveenment today order ing the withdrawal of marines dr tailed te protect Japanese property in Amoy. TO BURN SHANGHAI. t A Plot to Destroy the City Discovered. Shanghai, Aug. 30.—A plot to burn this city has been discovered and-great excitement prevails among the foreign ers. The situation is regarded as ex tremely critical in spile of the fact that great precautions have been taken by tke commanders. The landing of Brit ish and Frennh troops is said to be the cause of the plot. CHURCH SERVICES. The palpit as McKeadree Methodist church will be tilled Sunday morning and evening by Rev .J. B. K. Smith, of Waycross. Mr. Smith was for a number of years a member of the Mel hodist, but Is now a practicing attorney at Waycross. Ha is a fluent and enterta ning speaker. To the services the public i cordially invited. NEW COAST SURVEY STEAMED, Washington, Aug. 30.—The Ueited States eoast survey sieimer Btehe, which has been in tlis Government service siuce 1871, will Saturday be placed sn tbs retired liar. She will be replaced short’y by a more modem vessel, equipped for the greater de mand of tbs servior. THEY DID WELL The colored baseball club will return to the city today. This team has plays ed some of the best in three slat re and it has never been defeated. If the white club had done ha fas well, tie avertae Brunswick betting man would have several hundred In his pocket. NEED ANOTHER WHEEL. . The bicycle officer who *as deta ltd for wheel dnly is doing more pulling than any ether man on the force and this makes the authorities think that two men should ride. Whether or not anything wi Ibe done at present Is not k&own. Gst year jeb work done at tie Timbi-Csli. jk t-ffise. Bast werk in Iks olty. Prices tbs lswsst. BRUNSWICK, GA„ FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1900. ■I ill ill IB Found Off tlis Famous toiort Oils. HATED A Dill SENSATION The Identity of the Unfor fortunate Woman Is Unknown. Newport, R. 1., Aug. 30—A body of a woman was found this morning in the water off Newport's famous oliff and almost directly in frunt of the new Cliff hotel. The body had on no dress skirt or shoes, but ihe underclething woru was of the most delicate descrip tion. A pair of valuable earring and two riugs were on the third finger of the left hand, one a solitaire and the other a gold wedding ring, on the in side of which the following leiters were engraved: “E. M. K. to M. E. K , June 20,1900.” The woman is quite pretty . There is no clue to her iden tity . CHANGE HEADQUARTER?. Chicago, Aug. 30.—The democratic h-adquartera in the Uni'y building were today evacuated under terms of liasc. The meve is preparatory, to the establishment of offices in the Audi torium building, fioin where the na tional compaign will be directed. The new quarteis consist of fourteen rooms on the second, third and fonrth floirs of the budding, with the main en trance on Wala h avenue. All the campaign paraphernal a is now install ed there. GEORGIA CITIES’ CENSUS. It will be sometime, it is stated st the csa'us bureen in Washigton, be for the population of any town is made publio. The first of the Georgia oitles which will be announced wili bs Atlanta and Savannah and the other towns will not bs announced for perhaps a couple of week or longer. INTERESTING SUIT. The property owners elong the foot of Gloucester street have emp’oyed couns I and will ml- avor tu break the lease on same. If the lease is mads in legal form it will he a bard muter to i eak it. The result of the suit will be watched with interest. GAVE KATES, The railroads hive agreed to give cheap rates to the city Monday on ac count ot the Labor Day exercises and it is probable that a number ot visitors w.ll be here to see the amusement at the Fair Grounds and other Ihiags of interest. MERCHANTS INVITE 1 ’ The Labor union has extended a .. ec ial invitation to the merchants to put Boats in the parade on Monday after noon. It ia very probable a number will participate and a good showing will be made. llustliDg young man can make jeo per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark & Cos., 4th &:.Lccus Streets. Philadel phia,-Pa. IK 11 hi nan A. C. Giiire Kills Hid am Gin, Golorofl. slllOEDflillfl They Were Both Employes of the B, & W. Railroad No Arrest Made. Baggagemaster A. C. Goldwire shot and killed Richard Croom, colored, at Tifton Wednesday at midnight. Both Goldwire and Croom were em ployes of the Plant System and left thia city together at the 5 o’cliok on the Brunswiok and Western train Wednesday sfternoon. When they reached Tifton they beoame involved in a general quarrel. It seams as though they bad bad some words be fore reaohing TiftoD, and when that point was reached, Croom would not assist Goldwire iu unloading the bag gage and a row resulted. After some hot words between them, the negro oureed Goldwire and pulled bis pistol, but the bsggagemsster was too quick for him, and fired five bullets before the negro could ■boo''. Croom fall and died in few minutes later. Goldwire went on to Albany on bis regular run, and when bis destination wai reached ha wired the sheriff of Berrien oounty that be was rsady to give himself up, but up to the time the Plant System train left there yesterday bs bnd not been arrested, and will arrive on his regular run this morning, unless be has sinoo been put under arr- I*, M .<i • wire has bsen a bsggage mastei' otwaen here and Albany for about one year, and has always en joyed the respeot of all who know him. He has many friends in this city who thick that he will come clear in his trouble. Croom was not’a Brunswick negro, and very little was known of him here. A GALA WEEK. It is probably that the Seutfccsstern Fair Association will arrange for a gala week in oonneotu-n with the big race meet in November and every citi zen ehoild encourage this movement. There is no deubt abuut the success of a gala week provided ths people will work in harmony. A prominent stockholder of tbs fair association said that the city council could do a great deal towards the suc cess of the plan by granting the fair people the right te use oertain streets and sell the priveleges. Of course the eouncil will grant this rrquest tad then nothing stands between the gala week and BUcsess. A BIG HAUL. London, Aug. 30. Charles E. Goas, a former clerk in ’he Parro bank, wlo was charged with stealing fifty thou - and pounds from that institution, was committed to trial today. The police say he has confessed. Mr. 1. Heilman, of Sivannah, is regiitered at the Oglethorpe. THOS. J. POWERS KILLED. He Was a Prominent Philadelphia Repnblioan Politician. Pmladeiphis, Aug, *O.-Tlies. J. Powers, Pennsylvania banking oom mliaioner and a very popular Republ J can politician, was found dead in tbe outskirts of this oily this inorniog. It is generally thought that he fell frem a triar, as bs lay not far from Ihe track. A TRAIN ROBBED. Railroad Officials Are Mum About It. Chicago, Ang. 30.—Word was receiv ed here Ibis morning that the oveiland flyer on the Union Pacific railroad bad been held up at Tabic Rock, Wyoming, The officials are reticent, but admitted that the train had been robbed. PREPARING FOR OPENING. Cinvent Will Be Ready About October First. There is great activity at the com modious building corner of Howe and Reynolds streets, where ihe convent of S‘. Xaviei’s Catholic church will be opened on or about October Ist. It is said that ind entions point to a big success for this noble institution. A BALL GAME. Team of the B, &W. Shops to Cross Bats With Tankersley’s Club. Theia will be a game of baseball •ut at tbe fair grouode Labor Day between the Plant System shop team and Jim Taokersley’a club. There is seme good material in these two dabs and a very Interesting game will doubtless be played, AT THE OGLETHORPE. C. D. Mitobel', Cbattanoogo: R. M. Latimer, Atlanta; W. C. Davis, At lanta; T. A. Joiner, Macon; C. W. Rinehart, Maoon; G. H. Sherwood, Jacksonville; I. Heilman, Savannal ; 11. 8. Penn, ReiJsville. ST. SIMONS SUNDAY. These tin wait, take a laat dip in the surf should go to the island Sun day, as this is ths last trip of the ser -on The steamer Governor Salford will make the rue and there will be plenty of room for everybody. A NEGRO TO HANG. Annapolis, Md., Aug. 30.—Wil itm .Alsok, colored, who was convicted of a fslooicu i assault on Jissie Bradlort’, in Hartford county, will be hanged ai Belfair tomorrow. ON SUNDAY NIGHT. Toe representatives of Brunswick’s military orgamaation will leave for Savannah Sunday night to enter the shoot which begins Monday and ends Tuesday afternoon. Cotton MarKei. New York, Aug. 30.—September 5.57, October 37, November 36, January 35. February 3. March 88. Now is tba season when the small boy Qla himself with green fruit, which invariably leads to cramps, diarrhoea or dysenteoy. If parsers are prudent, they will have a botile ef Pain Killer ready for suah summer emergencies' Avoid substitutes— there Is but one Paiu-Killer, Perry Davis’. Prioe 25*. ami 50c. PRICE FIVE CENTS. J ■II IN \n ii imM Kid Hen Out io Fife Roonfls. FOUGHT FAST ID FURIOUS Ihe Kid Put Up a Very Poor Fight, Showing No Match for Corbett. New York, Aug; 30.—C0; bett defeat~ etl MoCoy in the firth round tonight after an easy battle. A few miaatee before 10 o’olook both men stepped into the ring smil ing and tbe first round was a sort of soienoe and light punohing for sport. In tbe seoond round both got in some good bits, Corbett landed a terrible left and Mao came baok at him in tha sarno fashion. Jim got in a good right on the Kid’s head, wbioh seemed to stun hm. In the third and fourth rounds Corbett made for bis oppon ent’s bead and suooeeded in landing several good punohe*. MoCoy too got several on Jim’s face, and in this round the only blood oame. In the fifth MoCoy missed a left swing and also a right, but jibbed Jim a good one in the faee; Corbett "then rushed in and clinched. Jjm landed two lefts on Mao’s wind, which floored him and Corbett was the winner. The last; rouud was a hard fought one, but it took only two minutes and thrse seconds (o do the work. About Bins thousand penple saw tha mill. Betting was at first two to one on Corbett, but latter it went to three ts ane THING? IN GENERAL. News Notes acd Comments of General Interest. It seems that tbe prize fight fever is on in Brunswiok. A great deal of in terest and quite a number of bets was one of tke results of ths Fitzsimmons— Sharkey fight, but last night every body who possibly could get out came dewn town to learn the result (f the Curbett-McCoy bout and incidentally to place a few dollars. The excursion season will soon be over, and it is needless to say that tba average colored person will And it hard to wait until next year for a trip off, and then remember the water melon seasi n is at an end too and trou ble comes in double form. Sportsmen who have been trying Ibeir luck at dove bunting report few of the birds in Ibis vioinity. A DARING CAPTURE. Binghamton, Aug. 30.—A daring capture of a burglar was made by a telegraph operator at the Erie depot early this morning. Tee burglar was in the act of robbing the station when the operator discovered and captured him.