The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 31, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Several rich pure** have been offered by the Chattanooga Gun Clab for it* two day*’ ahoot which beglne in that city on September 11th, The ahoot it under the Management of a member of the Cincinnati Gan Club. Amateur aportamen from all the principal claba ol the aouth will be en hand to con teat. After Kins; Lief took the Autumn Handicap at Sheepahead in a renip on Monday an offer ot $15,000 waa made for him on behalf of William C. Whit ney. King Lief won gal oping, leaving inch good onea as Janice and Monad way out of it. Gradually Pittsburg la losing her grip on second place in the National League Pennant race. Brooklyn ia ins creaaing her lead slowly but surely, while old Philadelphia has unbuckled herself and is after second place honors. The Pirates have a good margin left yet but they will have to play baaeball to hola it. Boaton is squeezing Chicago tor the honor of fourth place. New Yo;k is last by a safe margin. After a phenomenal run of wins,John Nelson, the young speed merchant from Chicago, met defeat at the hands or rather feet—of Burne Pieroe. The defeat was due to the fact that Nelson’s motor ehains broke and left him with out pace after ho had gained a full lap in live miles. Nelson lost little by the first break of the moter but a second break left him without pace for about ten miles. The youngster fought bitterly for mile after mile, hanging on to Pierce •"hoping for his machines but they did not return and he left the track at the fifteenth mile. Pierce fin ishing in 84 minutes. This is the first race in 15 that Neiaon has lost. MALARIA IS COMMON TBBSK DATS. Malaria fever appears to b very prevalent these days all over the South. Thie means an epidemic •( la grippe In the winter and spring, unless steps are taken to oocqiar the malarial seeds. We cal! attention to the advertisement of Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic, a medicine which is r ade in the South by a man who un rstande the disease and conditions ; who gaareatees a care, or has your money relanded. TK E INDIANA CAMP AIG . Columbus, Ind., Aug. 38 —Congress- man Lentz opened the campaign in this state today by addressing a mass meet ing here. A large number of enthusi asts were on hand and the event will wind up in a grand torchlight demon stration tonight. The ■ greatest skin specialist in Amerioa originathe the formula for Banner Salve. Foiall skin diseases, all cute or sores, and far piles, it’s the most healing medicine. W, J. Butts. The finest grades of coffees and teas, to be found at DeVoe's. CASTOR! A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought WA NTED : - Gentle horse for family use. Apply to J. W, Walking. wanted; Artesiau wells to drive at SSSO eaoh Hie and capacity guaraataed will Also guarantee to c nplete wells in 15 days. Cnil on or address A. FT. Baker, S: - A--;. ' THE OFFICERS IN CHARGE. Detail for State Shoot Named by C *>. Cann. The official oiroular from the tffioe of the . state inspee'er general of ride praotioe, designating tbs officers who will be la charge of the earbine, rid* and revolver matches that will begin at Avondale on Monday, wae teaued yesterday. The officers detailed for terviea on tbe range, to bate charge of the vari ous matters relating to or conoeeted with the competitions, are aa follows: Lieut. Col. W. T. Hopkins, assistant Inspector general; Lieut. Col. J. F. Brooks, retired; MtJ. J. 8. Dozier, First Cavalry; Maj, R, L, Wjliy, Fourth infantry; Ctpt. W. W. Wil liamson, retired; Capt. J. C. Poite.l, First Cavalry; Capt. G. M. Hope, First Cavalry; Capt. J. M. Rogers, First Infantry; Capt. J. T. West. First Infantry: Capr. H. J. S itoliif, retired; Capt. J. D. Jarrell, surgeon; Cap‘. W. E. Coney, First Infantry ; Capt C. H. R'chardson, First Infantry ; Cape. Wright Hunter, Infantry; Capt C. M. Smitn, Fourth Infantry ; Cipt.- VV. H. Tucker, Fourth Infantry; Capt. Thomas Hunter, First Cavalry ; Lieut. C. W. Saussy, Chatham Arlilsry; I.ieut. J. H. Butner, Firat lufantry; Lieut. J. C. Tyson, First Infantry; Lieut. E. A. Leonard, First Infantry; Private Henry B!uu,Jr., First Infau try; Private C. S Richmond, First Infantry. Lieut. Col. W. T. Hopkins, Lieut Col. J. F. Brooke, Capr. W. W Wil liamson and Capt. J. C. Poatell are designated assistants to the executive officer. Capt. W. E. CoDey is plaoed in charge of records, statistics, and ■ 'J. offioe work. Capt. C. a. Richardson in charge of tbe scorers and issuance of ammunition. Private C. S. Rich mond is in charge of revolver praotiot. Some additional information in reference ta the matches o' her than that contained in jprevious orders and circular letters jia contained i Col, Cann’s latest circular, Uuly original ammunition issued by tbe state will be permitted and the arma used must be those witb wbieb tbe stste proridei its citizen soldiery. R ties and car bines must be used as they coma from tha state arsenal, and bee! pads, aidi tienal shades and nnatborizsd sight cavers will not bs tolerated. For each challenge to the acoursay to tha mark ers’ discing tiie challenger must depos- fas of 50 [cents, whiah will be re turned to bim in case his challenge Is sustained by tbe proper authority. The -laws of health require that the bowels move once each day, and one of the penalties for violating this law U pilaa, Keep your bow- Gl* regular by taking a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets when neceesary aid you will never have that severe punish man inflicted ui on you. Frioe, 23 cents. For sale by Bishop’s drug store Mr. H L. Harrison is spending sev eral deys in Jacksonville. It Saved Bis Baßy. '•My. baby w as ei ribly sick with Etc Star rkeca; we were unable to eure liim with the doctcr’e. assistance, and, as a last raeort, we tided Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Itsaudy,” says Mr. J. H, Doak, of Wil liams, Ore. “I am happy to say it gave imme diate relief and a complete eure.'’ For sale by Dr. Bishop’s ding score. Many friends regret to know that Mr. Biain Pearson is quite sick at his horns on B ssrest. The Dread of people with week lungs who suffer wish stubborn esugh) is consumption. Foley’s Honey and Tar, if taken in time, cures ’ho sold , basis the luugs and always cures incipient Csn-'uiiiption. W. J. Butts. It ousts only ona dollar to Bavstinah and return via Seutbern Railway every Sunday. FOR SALE -Two fine milch cowt. I— -.1.-1. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. AUGUST 31. 19uu 1 iIIMB Interesting Information For the Local Military. Capt. Farr, of the Waycross Rifles, the Ranking Cap tain in the State. A gneernl order has beta issued by Assisting Adjutant Gnneral Phil Byrd of tbe Georgia state troops, defining the rank of line and staff officers below tbe grade of major in the service of tbe state. This order has besn awaited for months with much Interest and pitas ure, siace it determines their rank in line under the reorganization. It has bsen iu course of preparation by the as sistant adjutant general since February 1, this year, on which date the reorgan ization took place and when many ef the old officers stepped ont under the elective s> stem to make room for new men. Asa result of the reorganization thtre has been a general laca of knowledge in tbe service as to rank, and the general order given below and published here for the first time is the first notice fur □ ishtd the 300 odd line officers of Iks state of their relative rank. There haye been during the past few months many friendly disagreements among officers as te their positions in the lint. The list of captains is headed by Capt. Farr of Waycross, eo*pany F, Fourth iafantry, whose commission dates from January 38, 1890. The ranking first lieutenant is Lieut. Hendry, ef troop E, First cavalry, whose commission wns issued December 3, 1893 Tbe second litu’enants are headed by Lient. Myers. unasMgned, commissioned December 1, 1894 The different Brunswick officers are given their rank as fellows: Wright, lieutenant, tTerpedo division, F. 8,189 T. Strechan, lieutenant, Fi st division, April 86, 1899. Dunn, captain, Cos. G, First Infantry, June 19, 1899. Taylor, lieutenant, naval reserves, February 8, 1897. Wiggins, first lieutenant, Cos. G, First infantry, April 38, 1899. Elliott, naval battalion, March 8, 1900. Mirsch, battalion adjutant, First in fantry, March 19 1900 Wrench, ensign, First division eaval reserves, May 11, 1898. Parnell, lieutenant, Cos, G, First iW fantry, April 28, 1899. Gowan, ensign, Fourth division, na yal reserves, February 1, 1900, Dcmiag, ensign, Fourth division, na val reserves, Februsry 1,1900. Tbef wolf in the fable put on sheep’s slothing because if he trsveled on his own reputation ht couldn't accomplish hit purpose. Counter feiters of DeWitt’s Witch Hatel Salve couldn't sell their worthless selves on their merits, bo they pet them in boxes and wrappers like De- Witt’s, Cook nut fc.r them. Take only De- Witt's Witch Hasel Salve. It euroe piles and allsltin diseases. W.J. Butts. OASVORIA. Bears tbs Mre Always Bougfi j ;P¥Si¥-PM>toKiL 1 Jll jf a vJvi/i. pLa a gticK ct re rd 1 ?. ; COUG. v 5 AND COLD?. ‘ Very valuable Rmr'dy in ad < aiioctions ui tiio ’ iX i Av)i ii OF i ANewßookForMen Special Arrangements TVhereby a Free Copy Can Be Obtained by Every Reader of This Paper. “1 For weeks the presses have been busy turning M out tho enormous edit Mb ion of Dr. J. Newtoi. WajL. V Hathaway’s now book ■2l IU ' "Manliness, Vigor, Pj tf Health” necessary to J satisfy the pubitc do manu. r Dr. Hathaway has reserved a limited 7 number of those books, aud these he basspecially arranged to send free by mall to all readers of this paper who send names tST* .. . 1 and full address to him. For 20 years Dr. Hathaway has confined his practice almost exclusively to diseases of men, and during that time he has restored more men to health, vigor, usefulness and happiness than any ten other doctors in the country combined. Dr. Hathaway treats and cures by a method entirely his own. discovered and perfected by himself and used exclusively by him. Loss of Vitality. Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poisoning In Its different stages, Rheumatism, Weak Back, all manner of urinary complaints, Ulcers, Sores and Skin Diseases, Brights Disease and all forms of Kidney Troubles. Ills treatment for under toped men restores lost vitality and makes the Indent a strong, well, vigorous man. I*r. Hathaway’s success in the treatment of X • ricocele and .Stricture without the aid of knife f- iautery is phenomenal. The patient Is treat * by this method at his own home without pain !* oss of time from business. This is positively t only treatment which cures without an oper hr.ol. Dr. Hathaway calls tho particular atten tion of sufferers from Varicocele and Stricture to pages 27,28, 29,30 and 31 of his new book. r Every case taken by l)r. Hathaway is specially treated according to Its nature, all under nls gen eral personalsupervision,anti all remediesusod by him are prepared from thepurestand bestdrugs iu hi3 own laboratories under his personal oversight. Dr. Hathaway makes no charge for consulta tion or advice, either at his offico or by mail, and when a case Is taken the one low fee covers all cost of medicines and professional services. Dr. Hathaway always prefers, when it is possi ble, to have his patients call on him for at least one Interview, but this is not essential, as lie has cured scores of thousands of patients iu all sec tions of tho world whom ’ o has never seen. Ills System of Ilomo Treatment Is so perfected that he can bring about a cure as surely and speedily as though the patient called daily at his office. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. J>r. Hathaway & Cos., 15 Bryan Street, Savannah, Gta* MENTION THIS fAI’V-K WHEN WRITING. Breakfast Foods for Sot Wealr. Breakfast is the most im portant meal of Ike day to many business men. Tbe day starts with it, and if thins* go wrong at break fast they are spt to go wrong all day. Buy your breakfast foods here nod you will be sure of a good meal and a good temper. I have Cream of Wheat, Wheat Farina, Wheatina, Pettijohn’s Breakfast ~ Food. THOMAS KEANY, FANCY GROCER. 312 Newcastle Street. Southern Railway Cos. Office of General Agent, Brunswick, Ga. SCHEDULES. For Savannah, Washington and New York. Lv Brunswick r> 40 am 9 05 pm Ar Savannah .10 30 am 18 50 arn ArWMillington 7 35 am 8 50 pm Ar New York 2OS pm 6 24 am For Jaeksoaville. Lv Brunswick . 500 am 856 pm 905 pm Ar Jacksonville .925 am 740 pm ISOanu For Macon. Atlaila, Louisville and Cincinnati Lv Brunswick 0 40 am 9 05 pm Ar Macon l 15 pm 3Ob am Ar Atlanta. .. 350 pin 520 am Ar Louisville 7 50 am 7 HO pm Ar Cincinnati 7 45 am 7 40 pm From New York, Washington and Savannah. Lv New York— 330 pm 12 16 am Lv Washington.. 956 pin 11 16 am Lv Savannah ... 315 put 620 nm 600 pin Ar Brunswick... 25 pm sO6 am 835 pm From Jacksonville. Lv Jacksonville 185 pm Ar Brunswick. . . 025 pm From Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta and Macon. Lv Cincinnati 8 80 ani S 00 pm Lv Louisville 7 it am 7 46 pm Lv Atlanta 10 45 pm 12 06 pm Lv Macon . . 100 am 230 pm Ar Brunswick 7 10 am 8 35 pm ■j These PliesH ' Why don’t-yeu kill tiienaf *> j 1® af Ffy tt and m* VUK hr t a. rfifc tu all suoiuaak * •15 Centsl Russell’s Chill and Feyer Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every bottle guaranteed. i Of itue uy an uiutf^islS. SHERIFF SALES. GEORGIA, Glynn county— Will be sold before the courthouse door of ■Aid county, on the ffral Tuesday In September next, within the legal hours of sale, the fellow* lug described i roperty, to-wit: All that cer tain tract or parcel of land lying and being in tbe sity ol Brunbwiok, county of Glyuu, and state of Georgia, and described according to tha map aud said plan of said city made by George R. Baldwin, a. D. 1837, as follows, to-wit: The northwest oao-fourth of Old Town lot No. 548, containing 45 by 00 feet, aud bounded aa fol- J©w: Bul *h, 90 feet. by a portion of Old 1 own let No. 54r; ou the east, 45 feet, by a portioaef Old Town lot No. 548; on the south 90 feet, by a portiou of said Old Town lot No. 548. and on the west, 45 foet, by imherst street l evied upon as the property of the defendant, Charles Am rris. under aud by virtue of an exe cution issued from the Superior eourt of said county, la faver ef the Atlantic Invoatmeut Company and against the wud Charles Morris; in the prlaainai hub of 9TUMO, besides interest and coats. Notice of levy given tenant In pos session, as required hy law. Also, at the same time and place, that csj tain tract or puroel ef land, sitaate, lying and being in Glynn county, Georgia, iu the oity of Bruns wick therein, in the southern portion of said city, in that tract of land known aa tho Thirty throe acre tract, aud known, designated and described on iu the map aud plan of said Thirty-three asre tract, as made by H. A Pen niman, city surveyor, which map is recorded in book K E, folio 250, of the general rooerds ef said county, reference to which is hud for all purposes, as the northern one half of lot nuui. her four (4). Levied on aud sold as the property of John l>. Lang, under and by virtue of an exe cution issued from Glynn Superior court iu fa vor of Harry Tattnall and against John D. Lang, for SIOO c 0 principal, cost and interest. W.H.BERRIK, Sheriff Also, at the same time and place, the north eastern oue-foui th of Town commons lot, num ber seventy-nine (79), between Amherst street and Cochran avenue. Levied on and sold ns the property of Rachael Harmon, under and hy virtue of an execution issued from the Superior court of Glynn county and against Rachael Harmon. Massie, Patrick and John C. Moore, and in favor of A. D. Candler, Governor, for $l5O priucipal aud $20.25 cost. W. 11, BERRIE, Sheriff'. Also at the same time and place tlie following described p operty to-wit: That certain two lots or parcels of land, situate lying and being in the city of Brunswick, Georgia, known anil describou on Simmons’ map of said city as Dixville lots numbers one (1) and two (2) oast ot Gordon, betwien London and Priuco streets. Levied on as the property of the estate of K. C. P. Dart, under aud by virtue of an execution Issued by 11. J. Road, tax collector, for state aud county taxes due for tho year 1899. Amount of tax sl.Bs with interest and all costs. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pylos, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit: That certain lot or parcel oi land, situate lying and being iu the city of Brunswick, Glynn county Georgia, known and deeignated on the map of the city Brunswick, made by George R. Bald win A. i>. 1887, as the southeastern one-lialf of Old Town lot number 204. Levied on as the property of W. F. Penuiman under and by vir tue of an execution iasuod by H, J. Read, tax collector for state and county taxes due for the year lsyy. Amount of tax $22.44 with interest and all costs. Levy made aud returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, the following described property to-wit: That certain lot, tract or parcel of land sltuute lying and being in the city Brunswick and known and designated on tlie map of said city, made by George It. Bald win. A. D. 1887, as the eastern one-half of Old Town lot nil raker 400. Levied on as the piop eriy of John H. Buggs under and by virtue of an execution issued by 11. J. Read, tax collec tor, for state and county taxes duo for the year 1899. Amount of tax $19.38 with interest and all cots. Levy made and returned to me by K. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also ut the same lime and place, the follow ing demrribed property, to-wit: Tho lease hold interest in and to the n rth western ene-foarth •if Town Common lot number 127, between Lee and Stonewall streets, iu tho city of Bruns wick,ccorgia, as per Simmons map. Levied ou as the property of Jack Adams and by vir tue of an execudon issued by H. J. Head, tax collector, for state and county laxch duo for the v ear 1899. Amount of tax $2.60 witb inter est and all eosts. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. rylea, dopnty sheriff. Also also at the same and place. the follow ing described property to-wit: The lease hold interest in and to the northern one-half of Towns Common lot number 106, hot ween Gordon and Johnston streets, in the city of Brunswick, Georgia, an per Simmons map. Levied on as tbe property of Win. McKinxie under and by virtue of an execution issued by li. J. Read, tax collector, for taxes due for the )ear 1899. Amount of tax $3.25 with interest and all costa. Levey Made returned to me by It. S. i’ylea, deputy sheriff. W. H. BERRIE, Sheriff Glynn County, Georgia. SKRVICK BY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia—Cennty of Glynn. Mrg.EUlu Markham j Libel for divorce; in the Superior court of Glynn vs. I county. May term, 19C9, Order to perfect service Marti* B. Mathham | granted at *eid term. To tbe Defendant, .Martin B. Markham. You are hereby required, in person or by at torney. to be aud appear, at the December Term, 19C*. ef Glyna Superior court, to lie hold* eu in andlfor said county, at the court house,in Brunswick. Giyau count*. Georgia, on tha lirat Mondav In December, 1900, aud you will he there by leu ' 10; o deck, of tlie forenoon •! said daj , then and there to answer the complaint of tbe plaintiff Mr*. Vila Markham, iu the above stated ease, in her libel for divorce. WitneM the Honorable Joseph W. Bonnet. Judge of the Superior court of Glynn county, this the 24th day of August, 1900; A. O.TCWNBKND, Deputy Clerk of tho Superior Court, Gljnn County, Georgia, KUN If ST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Stutc of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs. Lizzie Long 1 Libel for divorce; in the 1 Superior court of Glynn V 6. | county. May term, 1900. | Order to perfect service, TaoiiitK A. Long. I granted a: said term. To the Defendant, Thomas A. Long. You are hereby required, in person or by at torney, to be and appear, ut tne December term, 1900,0f tlie Glynn Superior court, to be holden in and for said county, at the court house In Brunswick, Glyna countv. Georgia, on the first Monday in December, 1900, and vou will be there by ten ( 10) o’clock ot the forenoon of said day, then and there t answer the com pUint of the plaintiff, Mrs. Lizzie Long, in the above stated case, in her libel for divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph \V Bennct, Judge of the Superior court of Glynn county, this the 241 h day of August, UkO. a. o. Townsend, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn County, Georgia. 10 ERNEST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. Service By Publication. j STATE OF GEORG I \ -County of Glynn. • John Rogers, ) Jn Glynn Huperioi Court, May v*. 5 Term. I you. Bus!" Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. To tlie Dcloftdunt. Su-io 1* oxers: V- u are hereby c mummied to he and api ea: lat the Decern* ei Term. ext, of Glynn Hupei joi 1 Court, to !;o hold n :ti the court I.i s. i It u wick. Glynn C"Uiity, Georgia, o i the Fifgt Monday in December, I 1 .."*), and by Tie (10) O'clock of Ihe forenoon of s.-io d. t •.' ilni nut! e to answer !)>• ooi plaint of Pie plai - tiff in the a ore s'aird case in ill Limn Divorce. .Ju lie of the ■'Tip rior Court ol Glynn Cou .ty. thin the iuth day f July. l'oo. H. K. daBtGNON, Glut k fti i erior Court, t :yun ounty, Ca. A DMINJSTBATOR’B NOTIG K. GEORGIA Glyon County. Notice' is i ereby given to all creditor* of the estate of J.-'an Mahoney, lete of HilD or ougb county, florid*. Bee ised, and formerly ( of Brunswick, Glynn evutuy, Georgia, to ren- | tier an account of their demands to me wipin' the time proscribed hy -ar.. j roper ly made out. ; I And all person* indebted to paid deceased uie ! j in reby n que.-'cd to make immi dure pavmem j u end trued. This August 21, IW*>. I II ...L.4S- SEUUU.'.I.i, < Avlmiujjjiralcr oI John Mahouey, Admin,,..... 5 1 l_ ■ _ jy* GEORGIA— GIynn County. Notice is hereby given that tlie undersigned has applied to tho ordinary of said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of Amanda Hughs aud for the payment of debts of said estate. Said application will be heard at the regular term of Ike court of ordinary for said county to be held ou the Are I Monday lu September, 1900. This tlio 6th day of August, HW- J. It. KM IMB, Administrator Estate of Amanda Hughs. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA—GIynn Coanty. Will he sold iu said cennty on the Hist Tuee dar in September, 19M>, bstweea the hour* ef 19 e •lock a. m. and 4 o’eleck p. m., at public evt erv, before the court honee doer (Grant Street aide), ef said county, to the highest bidder fer cash, certain personal property of the estate of Menoa Itobiuson, dooeMea,eonMeting of wear ing apparel, ti unk*, b oks, one sither, two pair epora glasses and one field y|i and other per sonal effrots. Said sals will he continued from day to day uutil completed. Sele made in pur suance ef an order of the court of ordinary granted August 9,1900. This August 9,1900. EDWIN BROBSTON, Adrnr. Estate of Manen Itobiuson. PROCLAMATION -JWte of Georgia. l*x eoutive Office, Atlanta.—Submitting constitu tional amendment regarding pensions for the widows of confederate soldiers to a vote of lbs people a ttbe uext general eleotion. Whereas, llio general assembly of 1899 passed by a constitutional majority the following act towit: ••An act to amend section 1, article TANARUS, para graph 1, of the constitution of Georgia, so as to extend tho provlsi -ns of said section, article and paragraph to the widows of confaderale soldiers, who, by reason of age and poverty, or ill runty and poverty, or blfndnesa and pover ty. are unable to provide a living for thiui- Belves, and for other purposes.” .Sec. 1. Belt enacted by the general astern bly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by au ihorlty of the same, that section 1, artisle 7, paragraph l,of the constitution • f Georgia, l aud the same is hereby amended by Inserting alter tbe word “sonice” iu ths Uth line, the following words: “or who, by reuson of age aud poverty, or infirmity and poverty or blind ness aud poverty, are unable to ea: n u living for theinsblvo so that said not on when so amended, will read as follows, towit: “To sup ply tho soldiers who lost a limb, or limbs iu the military service of tho confederate states, with substantial artificial limbs during lire; and to make suitable provisions for such confederate soldiers as may have bees otherwise disabled or pennaneuily injured in such service; or who may, by reason of *ga aid poverty.or infirmity and poverty, or blind ness and poverty, art uu nhle to provide a living for ihsmsclvcs, aud for the widows of such confederate soldiers us may have died in tho sorvice of the con f ederato states, or since, flora wounds received therein, or disease contracted iu the service, or who by rorsou of ugo aud poverty, or infirmity and poverty, orNinanOfvs anl poverty, are unable to provide a living for themselves; provided that tbe aot idiall only apply to such widows as were married at the lime of such service, and have remained unmarried since the death of swell soldier huidand.” See. 2. Beit further enacted, that, if this amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds of tbe general assembly, of each house, tbe saixrn shall .>e euien-d ou Heir journals with tlie vea* and uays taken thereon, and tho governor ahal cuuse the amendment to be published In one or more of the newspapers in each congressional district for two leontlis Immediately paccodlng tho next general election, and the same shall \*€ submitted to tho people at the next generai olection, aud the voters thereat shall have writ ten or printed on their tickets, “For ratifica tion or section 1, ai tide 7, paragraph 1, of the constitution ef this elate," or “Against ratifica tion of section 1, article 7. paragraph 1, of live co.stitutjon of tin* state," as tJiay may choose; and ill a majority of the electors qualihed to vote for members of the next geaoral assembly, voting, shall vote in favor of ratification, then S i . * ment * m cntghU become a part of .-aid ar ticle 7, sectloa 1, paragraph 1, of the constitu tion of this state, and -the governor shall make proclamation thereof. Bee. 8 repeals oonfliutiijg laws. Approved December 21, 1899. Now, therefore, 1. Allan I). Candler, governor of suid state, do la.-ue tins, my procTam allow hereby declaring that the fotegoing uropeeed amendment of tlie constitution is hereby sub mitted, for ratification or rejeotlon, to the voter* “Mins state, at the general election to be held on Wednesday, Oetoher S, 1900, aa provided ‘u 9 . a i (l ,? Ct * ALLEN D. CANDLER, By tho Governor, Govutuor. J. W. WARRIN, beeretary Executive Department. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Mrs. Clyde Freeman, Libel for Divorce. Re turuahle to Ducwaber Term, IVoo,of Superior „ _ „ Court ef Glynn coun (). J. Freeman, ty, Georgia. To the aaid defendant, O. J. Freeman: \ou are hereby required* personally or hy attorney, to he and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county, convening <>n the llret Monday in December. 1900, then and there to euswer the plaiaiiff, Clyde Freeman, upon the merits of her petition for divoroe Hied against you; as in default of sueh appearance the Court will proofed its to justice shall apper tain. Witness the lion Joseph W. Reaael, Judge of.said Superior Coart, this 2?d day or August, 1 MM. A. U, TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Glynn Cos., <*a. D. W. KRaUSS, Pltff’s. Ally. J GEORGIA—GLYPH Gountt. To whom it may concern: John J. Speers has applied for permanent letters of adninietra tion upon the estate of John Campbell, of said county, deceased, snd said matter will ha heard at the September teras, 1900, of the court of or dinary of said county. Let objections, if any, he filed ou or beiore Monday, September 3. August 6, IVOO. HORACE DART, Ordinary Glynn County, ua. STATE (JF GEORGIA— (Vlynn Conn tv. The Federal Transport aud'l la Eqalty in the Insurance Cos., ct. al., | Superior Court of vs. l ofnaid.couuty The Atlantic Cotton Cos„ j Suit to enforee <ft. al. I payments to cepi ) tal stock. The defeadants, J. 11. Ernst, Carlo Ernat, C. Schumacher A Cos., a copartnerghip A. Norden A ( 0., a copai tiiei'ship, fl. W. O. Edge. William O. A Hi.-on and J.H. Thomas,are hareby notified and required to be and appear in peraen or bv attorney at the next December, l!l%, term of the Superior Court of said county, to be he’d in the court house of said county, at Brunswick, >n the flrat.Monday in December, next, aad by 10 o’clock, a. in., of sai l day, then and there to answer the plaintiffs in this action as in default thereof the Court will proceed na to justioe may appertain, Hon Jos. W JBen net, Judge of Hfcid Court. This STtli day of July, IMW. H. F. ouBIGNON, Clerk Superior Court, Glynn Cos., Ga. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. To ail whom it may concern: R. R. Hopkins having in proper form, applied for permanent administration on the ouinte of J. D. Jones, late of said county, this is in to cite all an<l,Biugular the creditors and next ef kin of J D. Jims to be and appear at mj oifee within the time allowed by law, and show catioMf any, they can, why parmaneut ad in uistration should not be granted to It. R. Hopkiu -n .J. D. Jouon’ estate. Witness my hand and ofliclal signature this 6th day of August, iueo, HORACE DART, Ordinary. .•SERMCE JJY VV BEIC V.TK>N. s -trite of Georgia—County <f Glynn. Mrs. Edna Wylie j Li* cl fer divorce; in tho j superior c< urt of Glynn | county. May term, mo, order to rorvlee, James Wylfe. | granted at il term. To • lie Defend m, Jam a WyJ o. Y u nr.? hereby ruijuireo, in person or by at toruey t-. i;e aud appear at the Decernber term, iw ('.of Giver mu orir cou t, to bo iiold en i : and for fluid foanty, *t tits court house, in Rnni-wick. Glynn county. Georgia, on tho Ur?i Monday In December, 1900. und yen will be there by isu (10; o’clock uf th forenoon of said day, thou sad there to in wor Ihu com* pi *in t of the plaintiff Mrs. Bd <a VYylie, In tho above stated case in her llbsl f er livorce. it i the Roacnebie J-*ph W. Bonnet, ! Judge of the cobrt of Glynn county. I Hi'# the 2Uh davoi August, 1900. A. O. T'OWNSFND : Deputy Cicri of t' - interior Court. Glvun • c; iniv. • -cor/ .. All 5 1 1. Attorney for rialntiff. 3