The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 31, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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I Most everybody knows something about Old Virginia Cheroots as 300,000,000 of them are being smoked this year. Ask anybody about them, if you have, never smoked them yourself. ' They have made their own reputation and their own place in the cigar trade, wholly on their merits. Three good smokes for five cents, and no waste 1 Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. s BTPANS iabiiies Doctors find , v .... A Good Prescription ;. for mankind Te lor Sr mu, t Drag-jUt. Crooen, Rrslaiinott Silanru, News-Stand*, General Stores tad Barber* *j*op*. They banish pain, induce sleep, aad prolong life. On* fjive* rcJ&ei 1 No matter what’s the maitor. mse will 4© you good. Test samples and one thousand teatW teat ky aufi to any address ns receipt prux. Kfea* Uai C*., Si., M* 7rt€V BUY s=HQME QUIT PAYING RENT "We can sell you a nice two, dwelling for less than Q $500.00. S oftSm small payment down and ■DBSTON, FENDIG & CO., Real estate dealers. OPEN AGAIN. JrLO. VeruM wines, Liquor, Cigars, Etc. &irs ready for business, We will sell yon good? 10 per less to*!. original coat. u3| • _j6i<&M©nk Street, THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-OALL, AUGUST Jl. 1900 Pill I In the State Fair Agricultural Department. Glynn County Farmers Should Try for Some of This Cash. The managers of the Georgia State fair ha? made up the premium list in the agricultural department, and for the benefit of the Glynn county farmers the Times Call publishes the list: To the county making th largest and best display of products, grown or pro duced by residents of the coanty $ 500 00 To the county making the second be;t dis lay as above 300 (0 To the county making the third boat display as above 2'o 00 To the individual making the largest an i best display of products, grown or | produced ly him, or under his direc tion 3)0 00 To the individual making the seconi best display as above 20 00 To the individual making the third b .st display as above 103 CO FIELD CROPS. Competito s for premiums m group 2 of til's department are required to hava the land measured and the articles weighed or measured *n the presence of three disintere ted witness, and a certify icate giving the measure and weight signed by them before a notary public, accompanied by a sample of the crop. These requirements must be mot and a certificate furnished the sscr tary at the time of makiug the en ry. Blanks will bo furnished upon appli cation to the manager. Committees arj requested not to divulge result of inves tigation, but to report the same in seal ed envelopes. For the largest crop of Sea Island Cot ton produced on one acre, one bale as a sample, accompanied with a statement of the mode of cultivation, the amount and kind of fertilizer used,time of plant ing, number of times plowed and hoed and cost of production 50 00 For the second largest crop, same re quirements as above 15 00 For the third largest crop, same re quirements as above 10 00 For the first largest crop short cotton. sann requirements as above 50 00 For the second largest crop short cot t >n,samc requirements as above 15 CO For the third largest crop short cot ton, same requirements as above 10 00 For the largest crop of corn grow n on one acre of land, same requirements two bushels as 'sample 20 00 For the second largest crop of corn, same require neiits as- above 15 CO For tlic third largest crop of corn, same as above lo 00 Largest crop of field peas cn one acre two bushels as sample 500 Largest crop of sweet potatoes, two bushels as sample. r> 00 The largest crop of rice on one acre. two bushels us a sample 25 00 The host sample two bushel* of rice . 10 00 For the largest crop of peavine hay on one acre, one bale sample 5 00 The best bale pea viao hay 5 00 For the largest crop hay, native grass, three bale;, as a sample 15 00 GROUP NO. 3.—CEREALS. First Sec. Piera Prem Best bushel of ear corn |2 00 $1 00 “ display of broom corn 2 00 1 0J ** w of Kaffir corn 2 00 1 00 “ bushel of white winter or grazing oate 2 00 1 CO Best bushel of red,rust proof oats 2 00 1 00 ' Best bushel of red wheat 2 00 l CO Best bushel amber wheat 2 00 1 00 . Best bushel of any other variety of wheat 200 100 Beat bushel of rye 2 00 1 00 Best bushel of barley ... 2 00 1 00 Beet bushel of clean rioe 2 00 1 Oj Beet bushel of rough riee 2 00 1 0° Beet display of rice in sheaf, not 12 bundles J W Best bushel of field peas for etock 2 00 1 00 Best collection cf peas, not leas 8 varieties, 1 bushel each.-... 2 00 2 10 Best velvet bjaaa* nj :ttui j 1 bushel 2 00 1 Of Rest wheat in the sheaf, not less than 12 bundles 2 0) 1 0c Best oats in sheaf, not less than 12 bundles 2 00 1 00 Beet rye iu sheaf, not lcs9 than 12 bundles 2 00 1 00 ROOT CHOPS. Best bushel sweet potatoes 2 00 1 oo Best collection sweet potatoes, not less than 5 varieties 8 00 2 00 Best bushel of Irish potatoes 200 100 Best bushel of Swedes, or ruta # bagfts 1 00 50 Best peck of ebufas 2 00 1 Oo Best bushel of mangel, wur/els or 6tock beets. . 1 00 50 Beat bushel of ground peas 2 00 1 00 FORAGE. Beat display of Georgia raised forage, quality and quantity, not less than 75 poudds to each bale. .25 0) lo 00 Best alfalfa, not less than 5 bales:* oo 2 50 Best red clover, not less than 5 bales 5 00 2 50 Best Bermuda grass, not less than 5 bales 5 00 2 50 Best crab grass, not less than 5 bales 5 00 2 50 Best crow foot grass, not lets than 5 bales 5 00 2 60 Best pea vines, not leas thau five bales 5 oo 2 50 Best hay or any other grass, not less than 5 bales 5 CO 2 50 MISCELLANEOUS. Best display of bacon and bams not les9 thau 200 pounds 10 00 5 00 Best display of pumpkins 2 50 1 00 Best gallon of c ine syrup in glass 10 00 5 00 Best two dozen stalks sugar \ cane . . 19 00 5(0 Best five pounds sugar, Geor gia made, to be exhibited in glass .U) 00 6 00 Millions will be spent In politics this year. We can’t keep the campaign going without money any more than we can keep the body vigorous without food. Dyspeptics used to starve themselves. Now,Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, and allows you to eat all the good food you want. It radically cues stomach troubles. W. J. Butts. Hot word? between friends ara usu ally followed by acrid wav. Tde lack of energy you feel the backache and a run down condition generally, all mean kidney disorder. Foley’s Kidney Cure witl restore you* strergth and vigor b3 T m king the kidneys well. Take no substitute. W. J. Butts. A lame shoulder is usually caused by rheuma tism of the muscles, and may be cured by a few applications of Chamberlain’s Pain B aim. For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drugstore The quicker you s top that cough the legs danger there will be of fatal lung .troublo. Cn One Minute Cough Cure is the only harmless remedy that g ves immediate results. You will like it. W. J. Butts. Fortify the body to resist malarial germs by putting the system iu perfect order. Prickly Ash Eittbrs is a won derful sy3*em regulator. W J, Butts CAOTOHIA. Boar, tha /) Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought J. W. Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real esiruU Fern,’, mwir, Swill's premium una's, aed Dove brand meets, to be htl at D Yofc’s. Mr. J. 11. Thompson, of J sap, is spending some time in ttie eily. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Curelmpotency, Might Emissions, Loss of Mem ory, all wasting diseases, r~ ■ ■ jMIPn a “ of seif-abuso or fV WL Jexcess and indiscretion. \J\J ft A nerve tonic *\nd PILL^ 'TO iallblood builder. Brings 1 i m *P*rthe- pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the of youth. By mail CTSa per box. 0 boxes for*—— 92*00, with our bankable ganrantee to cure or refund the money paid. Send for circular and eopy of our bankable guarantee bond. Nenrita Tablets Ctkllow label) Immeaiatc Rfflits JJwltlvolv guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Iteettlte of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor By mail In plain package, SI.OO a box 0 for $5.00 with our bankable guar antee bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. QHitton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL For sale by grown Drug Cos., Brunswick, Ga, the ROCK ihat WRECKS /lives.rjt brings in its'train bodily evils / that slowly but surely'destroy health, /strength and cheerfulness. PRICK&sI It is a marvelous system cleanser and regulator \ Permanently CURES a constipated habit, \ corrects'trouble in.the digestion. blood, strengthens the kidneys. THE SYSIEM IN PtRrtCT 0111)LH SOLD AT DHUfiOISIS ■ W- J Butts, Special Agents. S Cnl Remark. Don’t fret and stew all summer in a hot uncom fortable room- What’s the use when we are sell- AWNINGS^ at prices which suit even the most slender purses? v An ounce of satisfaction is worth a ton of talk. Satisfaction goes w.tli every article we sell. H. M. MILLER 4 SON. $1,000,000! This is the amount that Charles Broadway Rouss, of New York City, offered to have his eye sight restored. Mr. ltouss is paying the’penalty of twenty years’ overwork and neglect of his eyes, probably neglect to provide- himself with suitable glasses in the beginning. The right glasses would have prevented the strain of muscles and nerves that for want of the aid that they needed have at last given out. I* this not a warning to YOU who need your eyes attended to? Examination and consultation FREE ! Call now. KENNON MOTT, i Jeweler and Graduate ontician. j 215 Newcastle Street, j Inspector of Watches for Southern Railway. Time by Wire daily from Wasbington \ 25c. fo St. Simons and Return SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2D. This is the last excursion of the season. Take ad vantage of the low rate. SCHEDULE. Lv Brunswick 9.30 am 2 pm! Lv St. Simons Pier 1/1.30 sir 6 pm Ar St. Simons Pier 10.30 am 3 pm! Ar Brunswick 12 30 n'n 7pm St. Simons and Return 26 Cents. 5