The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 31, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SOCIETY NEWS. MART M’NISH BURROUGHS, Edito*. KECKS&IOKAL. Ood of oar fathers, kaowa of eld— Lori of oor for-fluog battle-line, Beneath whoto awfal Hood wo bold Domlnlea oror palm ul piae— Lord Ood of Hoete, bo with u jot, last wo forgot—loot wo forgot! Tko tumult ood tho ohootlog dies— Tko ooptoloo aid the ktogf depart, •till ataad Xklae anoienl SeeriHee, Aa humele aad a sontrlto hoart. Lord Ood of llooto, bo with uo jot. Loot wo forgot—loot wo forgot! For-colled our aarieo melt away— t on duno and lioadland oinks the (Ire; Xo, all onr pomp of yesterday Io ouo with Nineveh and Tyro! Judge of tho Nations, opare uo yet,* Loot wo forgot—leal we forgetl If, drunlr with light of wild power, we loooe Wild tonguea that hare not Thee In awe— Such boaatlng of the Uentileo ute Our leaner breeds without tho law— Lord God of Hosts, bo with uo yet, beat we forget—loot we forget! For heathen heart that puts her truat In reeking tube aad Iron shard— All reliant duet that builds on duat, And guarding calls not Thee to guard— For frantic boast and foolish word, Thy Mercy on Thy People, Lord! amen. -[Kipling. H will interest many frienda of Mrs, Uorace Dart to know tbatahe has been appointed honorary member of the Woman’s Work tbu State Fair, to be held in Valdosta the last of November. Many friends regret to know tbat Mrs. Hugh Purler is quite sick at her borne at the Oglethorpe. After apendingsomo wreka at Warm Springs,Mias Fleurine Madden Isnow the guest of her sister, Mra, Sain Hatcher, In Columbua, wban aha will remain for a month or two. Major William Spencer Qreen baa returned frem a pleaaant wiait to kia old home in Virginia Mies Kloias Davanporl and Mr. Jae. llavenpart, formerly of Brunswiok, who are now living in Norfolk, Va., art now spending soma time at Blue Kidgu Springe, Va. Misa Susie Gale, after a visit to Tal lulah Falla, ia nsw tbs guaat of friends in Uarnesville. wbere she will remain for several weeks. Mias Guaale Dixon has returned from a pleaaant visit to frienda in Au gusta, where she spent several weeks. The exouiaion to St. Bimen on Sun day, whiob will ba the last of tho eea •on, premise# to be well patronized, every one wishing to take advantage of the surf and moon light. Mra. B. Marlin and children are spending some time tho guests of the Misses Gale, at their home on G street boulevard, Mrs. D. W. Krause and little Miss Dorethy Kraues have returned from a pieaeaat summer among the North Georgia mountains, Mr. aad Mrs. W. C, Hatober have returned from a pleasant visit to friends in AuKdsta. ‘ Ur. Kd Stevens has returned to UtiAswiok after several days in Sa vannah. At their beme'on F street boulevard, the Misses Gale are making many plans for the improvement of their tohoul, which has been such a suoaeu in the terms past, and wbieb epeae with an unusually large lamber ef sehelari this fall. Many friends are glad to kaaw tbat little Matter J Leavy haa almoat re covered from bio reseat illnen, at hit homo on Howo streat. Mrs, W. R. Thomat and little son, Master Ciarenoe Philip Themis, are •pending the summer at Waynesvllle, North Carelma. Many frienda of Miaa Ruby Dart are glad to know tbat she ia having a moat obarming summer in Lafayette, Ala bama, wbere ahe ia making a boat of frienda. The oboir boys of St. Mark’s Episco pal church are working faithfully thie summer weather, and the muaio ren dered by them, led by Mist Berthe Baker, organial, ia uoniually line. Mr. J. S. Counzleman la expected in Brunswiok in a few days, on bnsiness relating to the opera house. Mattie Will is the name that has been given to the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gale, at tbair home on Dartmouth street. Mias Mable Robinson, of Darien, ia one of the attractive young ladies who is spending several weeka with frienda and relatives in Brunswick. —o— Mrs, M, L. Parker has returned from a pleasant summer ameng the mountains of North Oeorgia. Brunswiok friends received invita tions yesterday to the marriage of Miss Mary Ina Giilican and Mr. King Davis, to be solemniztd in WilmiDg ton, in the Methodist oburefa, on the sixth of September. Mias Giilican lived in Brunswick for many years, and kai a boat of friends here, while Mr. Davis ie a prominent young man of Wilmington, where the young peo pie will make tboir future home, Mr, and Mrs. K, D. Wolffs are ex pected in Brunswiok next week, after a pleasant summer off. Col. and Mra. W E. da? and chil dren loaves shortly for tho mountains of North Carolina, where they will spend the fall Misses Nina, Neil aad Ada Barnes are spending several months with friends and relatives in the Carolinas, and will not return home until the late fall. Mr. A. Borchardt leaves in a day or two for Demorest, where he will j >in Mrs. Iljrchardt, who ie spending th summer there with friends. Best Way to Cure Backache. Baokaohes are caused by disorder in kidneys. Foley’s Kidneys Cure will make ihe right. Take uo substitute, w. j, Butts. It’s only natural for n fellow to feel ohsap when his salary has been re duced. “Little Strokes Fell Great Oaks ” Trie giants of the forest must yield at j last to the continual bloivs of the woods- ! mart* When the human blood has become clogged and import the little drops of Heed's Sarsaparilla , properly taken, will : fell the oak cf bad blood (7 (bed’i • Set s Jape tiffs THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. AUGUST 31, 1900. JOHN TEMPLE lA7I “The shirtwaist is an aspiration tow arn freedom. It must have tactful cul tivation, amendment and adaptation to the masculine form. But having onca started it !• surely coming, and with it comes an increase of happiness, comfort and vitality. "In this practical age reforms that have comfort and common aensa bahind them never go backward. "The twin state of modern barbarity in summer fashions are the black coat and stiff colar upon men, and the in qnistarlal bratality of the corset in women. “Suspenders, black coats and stiff shirts and collars make the summer miserable for my aex. The tax the vi tality, affect the health, and facilitate the strain by which so many busy men in thie tense and strenuous age, sink in to nervous prostration before the age of 40. It is a wonder that reform has been so slow in coming along the vital line “The corset was invented by a brutal butcher of she thirteenth century ae a punishment for a loquacloua wife whom he thought to silence by choking her breath. The punishment became popu lar, owing to the frequency of the provo-. nation, until at laat the women of the time, pleased with the shape it gave them, seized upon the idea and convert od the punishment into a custom, which was continued ever since, to compress Working Right and Day. The busiest aad mightiest little thleg that was ever made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Xvery pill is a tagar seated globale ef health, that ehaagee weakness into health, llsklaeaaeta late energy, brain fag into mental pewer. They’re weaderful in building ap the health. Oaly Mete, per box. Sold by all druggists. Compliments art the red fl/es that light up lift’s dingy wtve. If you have a baby in the house, you will wish to know the best way to check any unusual looseness of the bowels, or diarrhoea so oom mon to ohUdren. O. P. M. Holliday, of Tlomlug, ltd., who hae an eleveu months’ old child, says: “Through the months of June and July our baby was teething and took a running of the bowels and slckneee of the stomach. Hla bow els would move from five to eight times a day 1 had a bottle of Chamberlaln'e Colio, Chelera imd Diarrhoea Remedy In the home, aad gave him four drope In a teatpoonful ef wt'er and he got better at once." For sale by Dr. Bishop’s dreg store. It’s a doctor’s business Cos study health. Doctors confidently reoom mend HARPER Whiskey. Sold by T. NEWMAN, Brunswick, Ca. WANTED.—A few boarders. Ap ply at 800 Monk street. ... Beautiful Liue of Fruits mm We are now receiving daily fcip monte of the itnwai California *4 Hervh Georgia raountnin frown frniU. ©ou tfitting of: FANCY PEAOHBS, FINE I*BARS, JAPAN PLUMS. DELAWARE GRAPES, ~ CONCORD GR APHS APPLES, RAN ANAS. This ia strictly n American fruit ;.tand, caleriop only to fir*t clrm trado. Telephone or other orders will be promptly acut out, and sutifsiaatma gu*r&i>Ued in •very instance. Tr : l ordrr* o lici>d mlnii Next door to Fleming St Waff’s. HE HAS SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT SHIRT WAISTS. I the uital organa and make fiaecld the ' body muscles of the mothers of the race. "I always rejoice in the rebellions which trample a dearee of this tyrant and run up over Its oppressive customs aad red flag of Insurrection and liberty. “There was never In history nay peo ple mere graceful and beautiful than tde Greek* er more dignified aad man ly tkan the Romans. Their flowing draperies aad their stately logaa com passed every end of beauty, grace and dignity. The world has not progressed beyond them, and ie traveling fast backg ward toward tke ideal costume. “Byron was the modern apostle aad exponent of the shirt waist, and the By ronlc collar is a model for the new fashiea that *ie fighting its way to the front. “I think the common sense of the world lebehind this movement for freer and cooler bodies for men and women. “I think that health, amiabilitr, asev fuluess aad civilization are to b# pro moted by reasonable drees reforms. “I congratulate Governor Xorthen and Burton Smith for the heroic charge against the breastworks of local preju dice, and will be glad to follow them to victory and comfort. “Up wl h tke shirt waitt. “Off with the corset. “Give the men liberty! “Give the women breath!”—Atlanta Joarnal. Blbtok, Ten*., April is, itoa. I feel it my dnty to tell of the benefit I have received from the use of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balia. I had rhesnutism in my back, legs and ankles. My feet weregreatly •wollen. I could scarcely get from one room to another. I used three bottles of Liver and Kidney Balm together with one bottle of Vol anic Oil Liniment, and wm completely cured. Have gained 2D poinds. Audt M. Jeaas, For sale by W. J, Butts, the druggist. TRY ALLBN’i FOOT-EASE, A pewdtr I, b* shaken Into your thoet. Tear feat fa el swollen, nsrveus aad he*, aed get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight aboss, try AUsn’s Foot-Bee#. It etola the feat aed make* welkieg easy. Cures swol lsn, sweating feet, iegrewing nails, blisters end oallous spots. Relieves tores and bneiona ef all pain, aed give* real aad eoaoferl. Try H today. Said by all druggist* aad thee stores for IS oeats. Trial peoage frt*. Ad dress Alles S. Olmsted, Leßoy, M. Y. A women seyt the rain is too ftmil iar when it begins to patter on the beck. I “I fsel uif I should fly to piecse." llow of tta are these wards 01 a woman’a lips. They express to the uttermost the nerve racked con dition of the body, which makea life a daily martyrdom. If this condition had come snddenly, it would have been unbearable. But the transition was gradual A little mete strain eack day on the nerves. A little more drain each day of ike vi tality. Any woman would be (led to be rid of •nch a coadition. Every woman triee to be rid of It. Thousands of suck women have been cared by i r. Fierce’s treetmeat with bis “Fa vorite Preemption” when local doctors had failed to cune. ’■Favorite Prescription’.’ contains noopinm cocaeas or other narcotic. Pride ae a beggar le the equal of want—and a great, deal naoxe saucy. Rod Hot From the Gun Was the bill that bit G. B. Stead man, of- Newark, Mich., in the civil war. Ic caused horrible Ulcera that no treatment helped for 30 years. Than Bu.'kien’s Arnica Salve cured him. Ciiraa Cato, Bruises, Burns, Boils, SV.sns, Corni, Skin Eruptions, i Bast Fils Cura on aartb. Sects, a box. j Cure guaranteed. Sold by all drug Bretli line of pickle*, in bulk and bot'les. at DeVne'e. Advertisers lways PPRECIATE Reaping ich ETURNS AND THAT I€E T! —I ESI Regular eturns ' EPORTED By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. 1 ■ ■ Jnutilj asd tywltj of Circulation givss {saalitj and Duality’ to idrirtisers And We Give Both ALSO——. GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. > DON’T SEND AWAY FOR .;i;. - JJi ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., When you can gat them at home for the same prioe aud besides you save the cost of freight and dray age, OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling and talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. ~ .j ALL WE WANT IS A TIM'. ‘ v \ The Tirnes“Cal ‘ i 209, 209 1-2 and 211 F Street. NOTE. ~~i If you haven’t time to write your “ad” let us kno what you’ve got to sell and we will write the “ad” f©i> you." That's our business,and we only charge you for the space.