The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 31, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Theßee Hive; The Bee Hive y" J : *-J' - ■ 'V> '•v' 1 '** v * V" • , ;, ~ • 'l. HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY Bn ti |if §ii tel . ; w ilie vppi Pillow Coses, tejfit, oi lesffiiow tie tool ißt, on ief : fell: fiiioi if 1 fort is lie. WINDOW DISPLAY.^— The Bee Hive. The Bee H*ve. Phii S. Farmer, Proprietor. 213 Newcastle st„ Brunswick, Ga. Goney& Parker ' r DEALERS.IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime,[Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles Laths/ Phone \t 525 Bay St. J.J.LISSNER, * l '>. •' . * • —WiIOLJiS.VLE—' ?!*?*>,,. - Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and .’**-*• * : T . ■.*,* v V . , t *A •£." '* * **&*£/?. - "■ v • > .' *^ *"* : rSH*'vXSy* *ir s j>fc*'v■ - -- {^visions, GRAIN, S fAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. RtputUrt Bwiails of the famous Carhartt Brand are tramping about the country worn by farsighted men, We sell these overalls —we know all about them. We , know the Company that makes them. We f know they are the most serviceable, most de pendable, most satisfactory overalls you ever * bought with money. You need try bu’jone pair to-know that this'is so. If they aren’t as good as *we say, bring them back and- get your money k back. Sold only at > 1 EVY’S THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. A 1(1:' • 3U9CO. SHIPFiNG REPORT. * • ejfcf’o Gomctoi Diily- bj ’apt. Otto Johsiiioea Port of liras . wlj.'Aug SO, 1800. All* IV ED S3* jVuv*Jbc©ij Poster, via Porto. • "?• Sdbr. Oaac.ik *BuckDy, Tuwnssd, Rssdy le-iar, * • CLEARED. 53,, Ctlarado, Avery, Ntw Yorl , Rasslans. *' v ■ Bark,fJri Gustave, Sailfo, G.-ien ,cok. _ •*' '■',, ' BAILKD : CS\reeney, Mii er, Ntw y. rt . ;; \ Sohr. Rhrccv M, W*lls, LitiD, Pi>iU^el['bf. / : ->?'; ____ <;*; ■ .SI ftSfi ::‘~i ..•'fehip Notice . fc‘.£- - - s, Nfelttiefttbe master, owners oor con signees 4pVhe German ship Heinrich .will hii for any debts • ' . ”?C- • contractAJ by the crew of said ship. . ‘ SU.OKK, Master. “I si a KWitchnif’ writes A. J. Jsnngiss. , of-9501 Buuer St., Chicago, “and a.a cat in all kinds of weather. I took a cold which settled in my bid- VSey and was in very had shape. 1 trrOu ; ssveaal advertised medic n s with no benefit until ! whs recom mended to laitd'Toley’a Kidney Cuie". Two-! hi Ids .of a bottle cured me.” W. can fruit to be had at be* 'VWs , . ,'- t “ 1 : - sphere are no better 'pills made than i)e "vfilt's Little Early Kisers. Always prompt and certain. IV. J. Butt's. For Backache, use. STUART’S GIN t {*u BtfCHU: - jr ■ Money loar-ed on personal property and-rnal estate. Ap sply to J. W. Wat Kin- Wer Never Stop, r ** [But Keep on ‘'felling” telling you of tKgocd things we have to eafi ; Lilly’s CottJige LoaMjust tlie thing for supperjrpercan.... — -121-2 c ( Libby's Veal Loaf (just the thing for supper;, per can \ 12 l-2c | f.ibby’fi Vienna Sausage with Sauer Kraut, p6r can, 12 l-2c ( r * Libby's Corn Beef Hash, per can...,. * 15e \ SpiceforH(l;.'.ussaj T itgmore i\}cw\3kvrv ' CCpc ™ NE lsB ' LOCAL ID PERSONAL. Mr, Edwin Brobston is in Florida. Mr. It. Jil. Latimeit; of Atlanta, is in' the oRy. Mr. T. A Joiner upeut yesterday in the ei-ty from Msoon. Mr. Hubert Farmer is out after an /Ulfiess of st veral tiaye, / The Mallory thip will sail for New YQrk this morning, Mr. CfP. Mitchell, of Chattanooga, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. C. W. Rinetiarr, of MXooo, was a visitor in tbs city yesterday. Mr. G. H. Shirwoid, of Jicksonv '"ie, is speeding a few days ,n ttie city. Mr. H. S, Penn, of RricDvijl- 1 , G’., was a visitor to the city yesterday. Mr, W. 0. Davis, of A'lanta, wae a visitor at the Ogletbo'pj yesterday. . VI 1 fie nfgtt mail has been arriving {po late for distribution the past few day*. * Mr, L, K. to improve toih'e delight of ’bH many frienOs in tile ciif. , Mr. Pat Golden, who made the oost* score of the Riflemen, canuot go to Sav; nnah. A Mr. and Mrs. M. Elkana and little son, Ciareroe, leave this morning for New Yotfc. Mr, Wood will return shortly from Florida, where he has several months. • •' Mush interest is being manifested here in the target shoot to be held in Savannah Monday. Mr. B. Padroaa sailed from New York Wednesday for his former home Barcelona, Spain. * Dr. C. M. Gowen will spend all of September in Sumter, lowa, where he is visiting his brother, Mr. C. B. Gowen. Tne Labor Day 4 oomraiUee h.eld a well attended mee,ing last night and everything for the big celebration is about complete. t ' *.ar The 1 abby building, corner if Moak and Grin* streetSf which is l eing rejair and for Mess. B umgartner &„C), will bs ready for cconpancy about October 1, Cures Blood>nd Skin Troubles. Trial Treatment Free. f? your blood port? Are you ture of i.? Do cuts or scratches heal slowly? Does ytur itch or burn? Have you Pimplet? Eruption.? Aching bones or back? Eczenu? Old Sort.. . Boil.? Scrofula? Rheumatism? Fou | Breatl? Catarrh? AQ you pals? Then B. B. B. (Bctani, Blood Balm') will purify your blood, hesl every sore, and gi_ve_a clear, ,mioth, healthy skin. De-p-seatedrf'easee, like ulceis, fo cancers, eating sure.*, P.v.nful Swell ings. Blood I*o : jj|n, are ((Vjickly cured by Botanic B'od Balm. Cures when ‘at! else for j * thirty yetAp. Drug Stores large bottle. Trial treatrari nt. f-je b, jvrit ing BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. Describe iroubie. Free medical advice given. Over 3,000 voluntary testimo nials of cures by B. B. B. , Disinfect Your , —WITH -<**—. * Choloro-NaptholeHHi, 1 fT A Safeguad to Disease. We Sell in Any Quantity. W J BUT I S, Ine Druggist. “On the Corner.” [We Owe Money ! ! and must have money to ! meet our bills, therefore I V t> 4 7 it behooves us to push collections with a .ven geance, which we propose | to do on the first. No more.CREDIT. 10 per cent off foi cash. BROWN DRUG CO. Keep Cool - These Net Summer Nights ♦ • v_)ur window suggests how. It is filled witj? a beautiful line of ( Pyjamas and Night Shirts ■ From 50s to 51.59. See Them, THE PALMER SHOE CO Use any of my brands of WINES ANl> and nature will tre greatly assisted in the work of recuperation. My goods arc of excellent quality, and have been bottled and matured under our immediate supervision, Each brand has been ' 1 cted because of some special merit. Find out which suits. PIiICE?S TO SUIT. T. NEWMAN, Bay Street, Brunswick, Ga. know it. Rut 113 k "° IPIPo i • l lyou for the space, whisk Because It is absolutely pure, £;■ T Because it is very old, Because it lias a very fine aroma and fiavor. - . *_ Because it is THE for Medici' Look for our Trade Mark on the label. | I. TRAGER & CO., Distillers, 1 • R. Y. Douglas, 2UB Bayjslreet, General .)tfent. /j fJk ’ A "SEj