The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 01, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WILL MEET MONDAY. Arbitrator* Will Take Up Railroad Tax Matter*. Hon. J. l'ope Brown ard Hoc. Pope Barrow will meet io Atlanta Monday to adjuat the difference* in tax valua tion between Comptroller £Jentral Wright and the fffloisla of the Piant System of railway*. The railroad did uot give in wbat wa* thought proper by the comptrol ler general, and be made an a*s?es ment which amounted to over $750,000 more than the road desired to pay. The road objected, and according to law it waa nece’sary to appoint a com mittee to aibitrate the difference*. The stale appointed Pope Brown and the railroad* burned Pope Barrow. The arbitrator* have agreed on September 3, a* the date for the meeting. Io cate they fail to agree they have the right to teleet another arbitrator. It ie believed tbat a satisfactory ad jastment'oan be reached between tbo two men. A'aoon aatbU 1* done tbe Plant System will pay tbe amount ■greed on. Millions Given Away. It ii certainly gratifying to tbe pub llo to know of one concern In tbe land who are not afraid to be geaeroue to tbe needy and differing. The proprie tore of Dr. Kina's New Dieeorery for Coneumptioa, Cough* and Cold*, hare given away over tea million trial bot tle* of tble great medicine; and bare the eaiiifaeiien of knowing it bat ab eolately cured thousand* of bopalsa* eaeee. Aetbuia, Bronchi**, Hoarse neee, and all diseases of the Throat, Cheat aed Longs, are eurely eared by Hr Call on ell druggists aad gat a frwe trial bottle. Regular six* SOnts. and (1. Every bottle guaranteed, or money refunded. lleanty Is Itlood Deep. Clean blood means a clean akin. No beauty without it. Caaearets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, aad that sickly bilious complexion bytaking Caacarels,—benu'v for ten cents. All drug gists, sat'"' on guaranteed, 10c, 25c,50c. THE URN SION DAW. At the October election the voterral- Georgia will be called on to PJ*> tbe proposition to so change ion laws of the s'ate as to entiTlc more ex eonfedersts soldiers and sol diers’ widows to pensions. At present only those who lost limbs in the war, or wbo were permanently disabled in the servloe, or tbe widows ef such, are entitled to pensions, but if the pro posed amendment passes, those who by reason of age and poverty, or in firmity and poverty, or blindness and poverty, will corns under a provision of tbe aot. The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb io is not only a bleed purifier, but a Blood, maker for Pale, Weak' and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood. It acta aa a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a msdicine forjweak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, snd can be taken by the most delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all disaaees of the Blood, Stomach and Nerves soon succumb to its wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend It. Prlsa 11.00, QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med ioine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. Jt's anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, BpfWis, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all pa in can be relieved by it. Price 85c tad 600. QUAKER WHITE WOKt/KR SOAP. • medicsted soap for the skin, sclp ••4 eomplexioa. Price 10c a cake. QUAKE* HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of letter, eeeema tad eruptitfiM- cf the •kin. Price 100 a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. PoJJhill's Drugstore FIXING TAX BATES. Ordinaries of Various Couutiea Asked for loformatlon. ■ ‘ ' 1 '' ,Tbe Atlanta Journal has tbe follow ing, which will be of intereat to own zma generally: Comptroller Genaral Wright i* •ending out cotioe* to tbe ordinaries of tbe 137 oountie* of Georgia asking for the county tax rate for this year. A majority of tbe counties generally wait until the tax rate is deoided on before fixing tbe rate for tbe year. It la expected that nearly all ibe counties of Georgia will Ax the tame rate aa that named by (he state. The state rate ia $5 21 on the SI,OOO. Several counties have already decid ed on tbe rates for this year. Bibb county will maintain tt -ame figure* and Chatham la expected to do the same. Fulton's rate ie alio expected to be tbe f me ihia year aa il waa laat. Chinese are dang.irous enemies, for.they are treacherous. That's why all counterfeits o UeWltl't Witch Hasel Salve are dan*ron They look like Dewitt's, hut Instead of the all healing witch hazel, they all contain Ingredi ents liable to Dritato the skin and iii< Hood poisoning. Por piles. Injuries and skin diseases, use the original and genuine DeWltt’s Witch Itaaol Salve. W. J. Butte. ON A BIG DEAL. Tbe Jacksonville Metropolis of Thursday says: Mr. E. Brobston, of tbe real f tate firm of lirooston A Fendig. passed through this city this morning on his way to JPalatka. Mr. Brobston is quiet ly negotiating a deal by wbieh lie will toon dispose of one of tbe most exten •iye saw mill plants in Middle Geor *i. A Minister's Quod Work. *1 4d a severe attack of bilious eotie, got a bottle of Chsmberlsln's Colic, Cholera and Ularrhtsa Remedy, teok two doses and was en tirely cured,” says Her. A. A, Power, of Smpo ria, Kan. “My neighbor across the meet was sick for over a week, had two or three liottles o medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or four days without relief, then called In another ddetor whof treated him for tome days and gave him no relief, so dJsetuu-gM him. I went over to see him the next morning. He SUM his bowels were fn a terrible 'fit, that they bad hee fanning off so long that tt was almost. •btaedSJS** I asked him If he had tried ebaw berlslhvt Colic, Cholera and Oiarrbuia Remedy, and he said, ’No.' 1 want home and brought Dim my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty min utes It be did not And relief, but be took no more, and was entirely cored. I think lithe best medioinc I have ever tried." Per sateTy Dr. Bishop’s drug store. It seems rattier queer that wssb women put out their tubs to catch soft water when it rains bard. Fresh line of the best bams can be found at DeVoe's. Our Greatest Specialist For 30 years Dr. J. Newton Hath away has so successfully treated chronic disoaaes that ho is acknowledged today to stand at the head of his profession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele and Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery (cure* in 00 per cent, of all caae. In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, raralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful- Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to hit treat ment. Write him today tally about yonr cats. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at hia of flea or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY. M. D. 86 Bryan Street. Savannah, Ga Many a man haa discovered that au thorship ia a daogerouabip to embark in. Fur Whooping Cough. "Both my obildren were taken with whooping epugb,” writes Mrs. O. K. Dutton, of III. ‘‘A small bottle of Foley’\ Hooey and Tar gave snob relief that r used a GO cent bottle artnob dated me a doctor’s bill." W, J. Butts. For biadttef- Troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. THfißßjf ; ,V; [VMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 1, 1900. mmon t from m met atarrh 1 cold, >e and thy oat. it is, in tact, a complicated and vary dangerous disease; if not at first, it vary soon becomes so. The blood is quickly contaminated by the foul secretions, and the poison throngh the general circulation is carried to all parts of the system. Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis factory and disappointing, because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. S. 8. S. does. It cleanses the blood of the poison and eliminates from the system all catarrhal secretions, and thus cures thor oughly and permanently the worst cases. Mr. r. H. McAllister, of Hurroduborg, Ky., writes: “Having been a terrible sufferer fro* Catarrh, and being now aouud and well, the quo tion often put to me la, • What cured you ti In an- f swer 1 feel il iny duty to § SU state that Swift's Specific PWIPwMWv. i* the medicine. lam vSW WK suc)t% true believer In the *%} efficacy of Swift's Specific Hijiu TT that 1 can honestly and SSrfj||, >* cooKlentlonsly zecom- w-~.^/f mead it to any ode Buffer- s- rjL : Ing from Catarrh. Have recommended it to many, and am happy to say that those—bom I l.ave lsduc td to use It can hear me out In tbe statement that It will cure any case of CaUrrifu~taEA accord ing to direct was." g ' —, is the only purely veg -91 A V etablr blood purifier known,and the greatest of all blood medicines and tonic*. If you have Catarrh don’t wait until it becomes deep-seated and chronic, but be gin at once the use of 8, S. Sr, and tend tor our book on blood and skin disease* and write our physicians about your caae. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO„ ATLANTA. BA. NOT ARRKBTED. Baggagemaster Geldwlre Comes on His Regular Trip. Baggigemastcr A. C. Geldwirr, wbo shot aod killed Richard Groom, col ored, on tbe Plant System train Wtd neiday night, arrived in Brunswick yesterday morning at 10:16 oo his reg ular run. * Gold wire, it was sxpeoteoTwould be arrested wben be reached Tifton, but the autboritiss did not go to tb* train far him wben he pissed through yesterday morning. He is not biding and telegraphed tbe sheriff at Tifton tbat he ia ready to give up if they want blm. Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kid ney troubles, as well as women, and all feel tbe remit* in loss of appetite, poisons in tbe blood, backache, ner vousness, headache, and tired, listless, rua-down feeling. But there’s ne need to feel like that. Listen to J. W, Gardner, idaville, lod. Ue says: “Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man wben he is all run down, aud doa’t ears whether be lives or dies. It did mere to give me npw strength and good appetite than any thing 1 aould take. 1 can now eat any thing, and bave anew lease on life.’’ Only Bests., at all drag stores. Every bottle guaranteed. AGENTS WANTED—For the P oitic Mutual Life lusuranoe Company, a stock company organized in 18t>3. Writes Life and tbe most improved form of Aocldent and Health Insur ance. Liberal contract* will be nude with active and reliable agent*. A. C. Hakmok, Manager, Savannah, <ja. DOES IT l’A Y TO BUY CHAKP A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want seme thing that wiJ believe and cure the n ost severe acd dangorous results n throat and lung trouble, What in. dot Go to a firmer acd more regula climate? Yes, II possible; If roi jo elble for you; tben Id either case tak the only remedy that has been lqtro tuced in all civilived success In sore throat and luogtrouh'es Boechee’s German Syrup. It not only stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays Inflamatlon and oaueee expectoration, gives a good eight’s rest sod cures the patient Try one qottle RoootnmcDded many years by all druggists 'n the world Sample bolUss at W J. Butte and Brown Drum* Oo "V For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: BEADY FOB BUSINESS. The Chattanooga Brewing Company’i Ageney Open, Tha Chattanooga Brewiag Company announce thia morning that it is now ready to serve the trade. Mr, Lewis W. Beach, agaat, has % aommodiout quarters at 215 Oglethorpe street, where the compaay has their le frigatora. The establiahment of an agency here by this rich brewing com pany mean* more thaa the average man figures. In the first place, they wll erefit a eeventy ton ice factery, cold storage, ete.. and will make Branswick the distributing point for cities within h several bundled miles of Branswick. Mr. G. J. Sander*, far a number of fluffs foreman of the fire department has accepted tde position at city tol ;< I- Mr. Beach, and will begin his new work this morning. Tbe Chattanooga Brewing cempany bM long siace bald an excellent repe talion for fine beer -APd Jkay atnrt off in Brunswick with promises of good" patronags. Agent Beach aay* there will be no discrimination, bnt every csh tomer will be treated in a liberal man ner. The company asks tha beer drinking pnblic to give their beverage a trial, knowing that they wi l be pleased. Tbs Rsrnadj forStomtek aad Bowel Troabla* “I bave been In the drug business for twenty yean* and have sold moet all of w- V the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain’* Colic, .Cholera and Diarrhoea Remeey for all stomach and bowel trouble*,” says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This remedy cared two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family, and I have reeom meJWed and sold Tififtfreds-of it ty my customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and snre ’cure in a pleas ant torm. No family should be without It. I keep it in my house at all times.” For kale by Dr. Bishop’s drug store, Many oases are being filed st Judge Lambrigbt’s coart, and the next term will be an interesting one. QUESTIONS ANWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine la the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of uun hoy - thing else for Indigestion or bltioua oes*. Doctors Wore scarce and they seldom heard of opendlcitis, nervous prostration, heark fali'irq, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the aottou of the liver, stimulate tbe action ol the ner vous and organic system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's Au gust Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied there i*. nothing serious the matter with you Simple bottles at Butts drugstore or Brown Drug C Should be in every household mete 01 ne chest. Tt afford* certain relief Russell’s Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market every bottle guaranteed, For sale by all druggists. Any. ought to be able to do up her hair sweet y by the aid of a honey comb. The wolf in the fnb'.c pnt on aheep’e-clothirf hoconse 11 bo traveled on bis own reputation h eouUt‘t avoooipltsh his pnrpoee. Cooswr felter* of DeWiti'e Wlth Basel Salve eoaldn't •ell shell worthies* selves on thslr Bertie, so they pot Item ia boxes and wrapper, like De witt's, eut ter them. Take only De- Wltt', Wlteh Base! Salve. It tare, pli„ „ and atlakU dlaiA** W. J. Bmt. A dry good* clerk defines a oounter irritant as a woman who insists upon examining the entire stock, snd does not buy anything. If you wish to onto crfu!a or -alt rheum permanently, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. It t\- |vtalt i<npQ title, ftvm the bio <l. fioo Drops] ’r’—rr - SS P j AVegetable Pre parationfor As - theFoodandßegula king the Stomachs and Bowels of INKV!VIs/tHILI>KtN Promotes Digestion. Cheerfu lness and Rest Contains neither Swum .Morphine nor Mineral. OT XARCOTIC. nmpear OUJ^S.iHVB.Pmmn Soid- , Mx Stnna * ] AsU/, Ma - J A(mS-d ' /%%%!&, ) J A perfect Remedy for Constipa- Ron, Sour Stomach, DiarrhoeA Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. ■a*. Far Simile Signature of *% * V * t!t •■ * I I N \>l It f, Di'si h jjli ms EXACT COPY OP WEAMetA. I * for LADIES. SNORTER COLLEBE, OEOiKliAr **”— ' in —— ■■■l i HI >w>4w i’htabtfal deitghkfal aad iwvige *Ma Heallh r *‘C 'A !tnp*ralU!d HiAr #wr*fai tt>*avtatwh feaa-v girls nsoettoo w® * / > .A Ua with Mta fae*ly in Mte eetfwga Vtalldhagw w*rth tlV>,l ; >o fr',sMlptßCiV > / v, ~tyFt •*•!’ ipn-mtod la**oratria. gnoA etf. Facallj. tergal >/• A-' . An-l comp-.*,*-! of eh!** Xpwr'ttwrvl [•rsfitaira. < ure* tiWi-:•<* *•.<*! i r~A kWdMKJ * nr\ A ****•*•> <• lit.* wit* w -•*•• gtv*>. :.-i the t-*ti Mmwwttifcfi*. X J*rge -3 I * N . IS' ft t, :rt". .•••■•. VI ispti'at e aAvaj.Wvge* a* na*.r*„r*t eat Tht r }>h ■ - . jjp f grar-tan -•; .-•? -*: .ara'a jr ■fn de*rtttg y ting ladle* Ar* **4 fcWP* I ***** ■'4- “. .* 1 €-■*-: -'•! nit ,VHR iZk PIANO f f * ?;U!i V* 'B* 9' gr; I 'f .?1 iHTOb! *•*.**-*% f.nk. l> a 4wrtl*w*ia* > **•' • A 1 lean , ,r; api l s’vMrrt tawe.ta.l r 'flsr.'t r ! Any ** -t t Dur-wg 'h.* j.-aat Nr xi*^R’-v' Y< g U ’ ,,M •’ ' wM * ,li w , " Ul ' vpll ♦''.** fire r. i *- - iV. • t.V.*cr [L,.-....... „ * -.ltfft* Preside,.! Simmon* f..r a r*Uh gua wl.i h wiii • eei-l ‘ ‘ s4 c s ° - Will! buy a Model 59 Columbia Chain less Bicycle. ' $37-50 Will buy a Model 51 ladies Chainless Bicycle. $25-50 Will buy a Ladies Cushion Frame Bicycle- ThiajA something nice Try one —buy one! $15.00 tO $20.00^ W ill buy a good Ladies' or (rents’ Bicycle, at the I DOWNING CO. $1,000^00! This is the amount that Charles Broadway Rouss, of New’ York City, off-red to have eye sight restored. Mr- Rouss is paying thejpeualty of twenty years’ overwork and neglect of his eyes, probably neglect to provide himself with suitable glasses in the beginning. The right glasses would have prevented the strain of muscles and nerves that for want of the aid that they needed have at last given out. Is this not a Warning to YOU who need your eyes attended to? Examination and consultation FREE! Call now-. KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. US Newcastle Street, Inspector of Wetchee for Southern Ksilwsy. Time by Wire daily from Waehlofton Russell’s Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every eottle guaranteed. For sale bv a 1 ! druggists. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind Ysu Have Always Bought Bears the £ a Signature hjr Use Xs For Over Thirty Year| MSTOBIi rw OCNTAMN IOMMNV, MW 4MTF. wj", Bcure YOURSELF ! V* Big® for on:;t*rwl 4 1 ha r•, In ft* am* tlo**, irritation* or ai<*mU*<s* < t mucoa* membrane*. I'ainTw*. and not aatrm* or poUcnou*. Sol* by UrnggimiM, rr Mbt in *J*in wrappm f.y xpr •, prepaid. tc4 nrJ