The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 04, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. > . •* A> • ’• 4 ■ .*■••• .*•••. " • \ • -v. VOLUME XI. ■ HI ‘ l| 111 Iwror Beipfl Eipss Nil to Attack: Legate, films mieid China’s Empress Is Responsible for the Great Trouble the pire Has Come To Recently. S’lcloria, B. C., Sept, i.—Chinese fcrefngeis jjy in the North ChiM, Gazette, here tbtb.y, that the HHSHBS Kara ami groveling at the W&MUir ie truLprcis dowager, bo-ought o >t to attack the ltgstious u.i bring HRs on the empire, but was contemptu fctualf refused by the empress and I'riece tame payor sajs y r American ti. ;i.-i*t cr, Ketteler, tin; Gen a . - amelt by three r hine* • the but th<i lattcT refus -eu lo an d did not go LI Yapja the uay he was killed. The following acepum ? tut sortie by the American vnarottia tr. atv~n: “The, Mex man*. American i*gtk>r. was sr -i-ouded by thousands of Chinese, when Jleycr men char pad and dr*vg_ them back and held there at bay until bshlcades ouuld be built.” UCWO.IT FOB SmOMtHAI. tPri, Bspt. s.—a dispatch from Bhangbsi crates that French gun boat is on her way to that port from Taku, for the purpose of ascending the yang Tee Kiang river,-lor the prctec " tion of foreigners at Kklo and Her kow. Three additional British w,-- •hipe hare entered Vaog Tee river, " l*dording t Nankin advices L; Hung Chang is said to hare demanded ier- Vicaa of tiro maritime viceroys and M. r.g ! negotiators. Tiie French j, opinion of America’s Cbine>o policy is it is quite untrustworthy, being HJjßlKhsi, S'pt 3 —Two f'i tpriests have reacted Kan Chau from ii-ffe f*r inferior, who were escorted the ! who!* wry by ( hioss soldiers fur nilbsd ty Yauan Sbi Kai, governor of i Shan Too?. They assert that Yana# V Shi Kaf has 20,000 troops beyond Kiao Chau. He *s disp ad, apparently, to View opposing any aitempr at German Bxpanaion, Yauan Hm Ksi ha been reported • desri, bu r wsi found that nn are m e confusion of .dames. - Washington, .->ept. S.—Gen. Barry cables from Taka as follow*: fee has everything well in band. H>* driving power materially asais'.eo prompt relief to legation. Consider* ble arduous service. Condition if troop xoeilent.” A considerable pir tion iiMis dispatch, which was nor mads public, related to military dt- Jafl*. Washington, S?pt. 3.—Mjv Par NUMBER 17. ley, surgeon in charge of tbc Taku hospital, cables: “Barrister reports one hundred and twenty sick at front, two hundred at Tien Ts n, and ulfirj slightly ill. All woundtd brtugh from front for relief. Will tsk * sii serere cases in boats, Plenty of sup plies, All doing well.” CLEW 6 LETTER Chinese Ti ruble Stops (be Tradi g New York, Sepr. B.—Current even's are doc favorable to the success of any pronounced at ibis time. While what se-erog ooDsidw-oO basic conditions are generally satis-, faotory and might be depended,, yjpmb, in ordinary times to dtvrlop So <i|l and stronger marjfct; **£, ir vjlteW? the numeroua uncert|iwfli£ domestic iio and the mitqgr it wajß&jH folly tw atteaSpt movement until s% respite's is somewhat ftnpnjjfrd..JCfcflk ed to these factors is the nt sfsj willingness of the deopie to buyetofsS at the present level in the abcence of some very decided sSimulim. Such a stimulus might have beee furthcoming’ had the big operators taken bold and exercised their lifting powers; but evidently, for such reasons as jvai suggested, they have elected, to pvst pohf activities of untila more propitious time, isesitatioos ot this sort naturally encouraged the trading •element to take tide short side of the nttwtk-.'t; and sales on 'W *oou#t, as well as for a few weary bulls, have bvoa tbe only relief in an exceedingly asoßOtonou* atsd unioteraetiog osar j|k < t-j.: ■■ •A' •" * '•'* if- ■y* V l i** *?&y ’nßßjtf y-of.f. ■ I rnMrri •“**• iT,ErHOKPK. C. J. Kelly, Femandma; K. Barber, Cincinnati; Tho*. Joiner, Macoe.;-B/F* Fl®yd, Waycrosa; C, F. Uabt|New York'; B, O, Middleton, AtkiusoffjJ Macon; H. B.Weed. J U-affri. eUabteu, Cincinnati; A. Macon; T. Hubbard, ti* Clark, Savannah; G. W. •I. C. Burrows, Atlanta; I. W.NSleu afrl Wife, Atlanta;*K. Swint, Maton;!?#. .VrkS- Hiddell, AUanta;W.C,Cql,*At]#vttU;, }j ' • alnes, Jackson viiic- U. LifpV&Fit ojjlf trie; J. il. Fultz, Altoona; J, roc, Maine. A 810 FEE. Louisville, Sept. 3. It develops that Arthur Goebel bus placed a claim of £IO,OOO against the estate of Governor William Goebel, In favor of Dr. J. N. Me' iroiick of Bowling Green, forger* | vices rendered in attendance on Goebel | alter lit was shot. Goebel’s wound was 'realized to be a mortal one, and it. wa his ambition, to live until he could be as governor of Kentucky, V Conmek worked constantly with him, anil the b’g fee is in appreciation of hia services. BRITISH 'VTEL'JOMKD. Bar Ha-bor, Me., Sept. 3.—Groat Britain's North Atlantic bquadrtn wilt be formally received and weleomi and at port today by the Nor h Atlantic Squadron of the United States. The affair prorabet to be a brilliant me. 'he vessels arc expected to stay in the harbor 'or one week /the national league. At Brooklyn— Brooklyn, 9; Cbict <, 5, At Bosto r —BoatoD, TANARUS; Pittsburgh. At Philadelphia—Philadelphia, 10; St. Louis, 2. BRUNSWICK, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1900- 11111181 lEWIIf Repin® of New York, Otal aifl Couecliciit immim com •* " _ " -#M There Is' CMteaffon®? the'Mao'iiaf'- ’ % '• 't. pul,'roMnßnpA|(iTb tatet. hern ^ (V9 p fnatti ■jjfifl' . ti eftet at At^roi'bijiit-^. I Vioct-' sow uj.. If therf*. - noV'i p Payoft. 11 -ntdipe ten yi 7 '-**' . -'.a d ~ Lt. Gov. \V U !i*'til will, •l itv. rect ivt roi.. u - New HaveO, Conn., fjcti,'4 r -i-Tbel Uepubl'can State Cant htUt tier* l]a of precosaaiVeil. *r apprehvnded,- and the' expeeted to g*> kfeim.: The c i*- '.y the Stac; (jommi.ftetf had io mtnd, being iddreksad' !y to'S**? publicans, not to all thoaa who inteiid •d aupp irting the Repttbllean tiekel. Tne diseensian of ,the CarrtwiillAele gallon at. the Miy nouveatioo ie not expected to be repeated. ji j/jff: K _ ?V ' e- *—- • Bjpt. -Th.- ftipiibtl J*i of tjkif Sjate will hold cpr veo- nfifeiination U full State ti.jkgt arid dlector?. E-H, Csh* lister, racbairi^i XO9 rigroeeutrfiefa in orq vott. c:it it! the isat-'c lit camfuign. So thou:•'it. to nSibiir. B&<i IIJ EEI IfleO NVE NK. Se’pt.. 3.—The an nul convtnffon,of the National A sdeia'ion of Stationary Engineers of tbe United States opened here today. Se -ions will cuininua until ti e :ri. E .gin-era of from alt over the country are present, and ttss convention promises to surpass in re ■u; * auy other eu;h meeting. BUBONIC PLAGUE. Glasgow, Spt. B. Ihe bubonic plague is spreading, and baa reached Ga w in, on the left bank ol the Clyde, below the city. A boy died there Sat urday. Teday the medical authori ties testified that he was a victim of tbe disease. Three addition* cases have been reported ia .he oi'y. COTTON MILLS S'J’e K T Biddoford. Me., Kept. 3 T* e Soco mills started up here ort full tin e to. dt>’. All m.l s have been c< Bed down here for some time pa.t, and the renewal of business greatly eases the strained iudujirlal situation. New York, Bopf 3.—T00 last Big re gatta of the season is that of the Mid. die Sin e ' Rstatta Association is be ug held or th'- Harlem riter hero to - ay. winn vmm Great Leafier Tails telly MTeasai. IS IN GOOD VOICE •And M&te Eloiiaent "and Uon vinciugSpeoTi Which Caught ss? the Crowd from the Start. 8 —Pu'ly fifty thous and at Klectrio I’ark today to iv William J. Bryan, the great demOcratio leader, apeak. Mr. Bryan % at hi* beat and made one of thoßO excellent and oonvinoing gems oratory, for which he is hoi visually notej- ~*f' y " € ■ ' * iiws 'FltOJtt McAHXKUK F .. _ f* icans Lose Oee.Rilled and e. Six WoiiodeiL f - ■ , v- V . •■’•!■- :t General sU • • •!'.! owing : B** "ral Reports an opt pt.' ist. Lie.its A, W t T.evack. of the Forty-fourth,Volunteer InTaotty, reports an engsgemnc near Raman Bphai. Our losa was one killed aad *is wtundfd. The enemy’s lots W one hundred and twenty. Further dstalls not reoeived,” women tq, aid. Chicago, Bept B.—'Die headquarter* of the Woman’s RepnbHifian ShtWcoln were opened in tie Great Northern hotel. Plans for a vigorous campaign have been laid, and the fair politicians are determined to. push their t icket with energy. Music will B* furnished by tile^rgjif,ixariCi; at sll wprd by the regu lar Republic!®' The “end'ess ohain bt letters,” wbiuh w>(l he operated throughput the *8 f nte, ir expected to wonuri votes for tl.e ’ inpublidin^Hteati-. > ' PHILIPPINE CABLE New York, Sept. 2-Tbe first -ection of ihe Dew Phi'ippiue cable was today tamed over Ply the Safety Inrulntcd and Cable Compimy fo Hie r ov erument ofHciils bore T ’-is eeciion is 000 miles hng and cost SfloO/XlO r l’he cable wi:| be ship, el to Afamla rn the transport Burnside, whicn hat been fitted Into a cab e sioaintr The st..r on the Work of laying the P..ciUo ea' le is 1o be made ut M mla. AT NOME. 8u Francisco, Sept. B.—The new •tetmer Kimball cleared from this port today for her second triptoNuma, Alaska. Much interest is sat on this two, me of the presence ot s*verai government officials aboard, who will investigate tba rumors of the disease •trioken camps of gold seekers. A number of bridal parties on their honeymoons also sailed on the vessel, FOR TUNE FOR LIVING. Yonkers, N. V., Sept. 3. Simply tor having lived 23 years, Mug Emil H, Trevor, one of the in >st populi' you'.g wnrneii ot this city, will today come into a fortune of sl,lBB,T9f>. ’I his large tnnup! represents Miss Trevot’. ehireiof th.,Leal ate het Xaijier, theta’* Jobu B Trevoh, wiip died Diioember 20, JSOft .JBy the terms of his will, liJjsYTrivor, then a giri-of ■ '1 ' :•'• ... id,,was to reueive ouc-ftfUi el rtbe'-ft&r, ■ •• ■ V;. J ', , , : tate, provided.she attained the ago of 20 years. That time haa-cow arrived, and a fortune has been gained in an extremely iinjiyii'e way, MANY accidents. A Day for General Hard Falls Was Yesterday. i-Jiie'ri' were all kinds of accidents yes. . tefday. F.veu before the crowd reached *?■ their destination a carryall broke down with a heavy load and thore was a gen eiil scramble. The first bicycle race re sulted in two accidents. The two wheel men who were leading tho race collided aud the mixup was a caution. The win ner of thia race fainted just as he cross ed the 1 ne, aud it took all kinds of wa ter to restore him. . In ttie foot race, which was next oh • 1 /’ v *&..'%, two of the runnere tell, rolled over about ten timed, and on eh ad to be carried off the track . During the first horse race one of tho leading kernes, wljKtfi senned to bo g'yiug at full Speed, suddenly stopped, but the ridsr wept on —over bis head.. Two physicians were c|ft)Jcde #lu 4h#tiext beat horseyeoN lided, the one stredit the ieroe, and the other w'autjjjj to see how tbe ground .van. V A., I * Then came a feature which was not on jjxogramme, A party of race irseW .Lltbwers, all white, got into an nr'gamhhlt, which grew hot, hotter, hot test. When !kis last stago ot tho dig. fliutsioi), war* reached It look a fight to settle tt. TWO started it, but it took tm, .including jtao police officers, to stop it. There Vaa' Idootl In the air, blood on tho ground, bud blood everywhere in fact, it : . *.s , ail, down and dragJonjl ac’fl^p. K few more *xo l ltin^r* l ee,i. flcoidcot. Ah'ov,' iweo /- live negroes, .,wh<^ wanted t? .sc'je fun „ fem, cl|piiea : 19 n W trorrihto'wtiiS'i let '^^y breast ho camel’s -bse!;, so diif the last mapPbFJßak the limb’. Down It "cim* Ha,v j < vetWl * til i g.,t ' ■"tried. It ma, Sept. 3—L g H precetdiogs ■ havu be jo opened a.-atnst Counts M& ; latest! and Cla .cabiiia who sue obargul w th being c nnc-eted with the conspiracy which ei.d-.d in t e. ranrilor of Kii g Humbert. Bo h will ho Kdjudg.d guilty in ric faiilt of t'u ir apptiuiarice. Ma’ut eta i a tr sent 1 . Lordon, Chaacabtila} i. Rome. KENTUCKY CAMPAIGN. Louisville, Ky,, bept 3 —The preei. dential campaigu was auspiciously in* augumed here today bv a fo-n.a. open • ing of the campaign aqu. ti .r; a*, on hundred and nineteen different lownr, where addresses were mdo rlmnlisnc ousiy. The fight promises (o be a hot one. SCHOOL FOR NEGROES. Cbamtersburg, Sept. 3. —A sch <•! for the business lustrum on of tl.o oe< r<> race no I’l'ei el here today. The f ur ooB; el o s to hare a summer Chau tauqua at < wnucobearue Ist,nil and ■mkafaii tinelcfse tduealon of iho ra .h, iliuw log pu, Is Isom an pare of >h non . * ■ PRIGE FIVE CENTS. mSi fle Hates a Wager of $20,000, fi HffflT FOR BRffl If Bryan is Eleoted the Tammany Chieftain Will Pocket $50,000 and if He Loses Wormser Will Win $20,000 Richard Crokac stands to win 100,- 00Q upon the e’eed n of \Y, J, Bryan while should he lose Louis W. Wertn ser will get $20,000 of the Tammany chieftain's morey. Me, (’loiter is known lo predict a ururalily fur Biysn in Greater New York or HO 000, ard this wag, r indicate that bjs hophfnl view is pot mere cam paign-talk. '(} llfr, Wormser had already -fttagieed a U ' K i# Ue ° n at same J . Au’gUvt :13rd he placed sf; ( ,<oo aea i L>l . SB,OOO. Of this * lO ‘LoO vent o cover f l;*000 put up by- If. A, CoopF,, The name ol tU* per on, who advsncod b-* Otter *4,000 or- the Bryan bet wai witiftrM Tho araruntf. ° ; M ’ orm *3f> ttyr is estimated at $200,000. , t 0, 'i 1,11 i tha tempting for Mr. Croker’a , lr " i| " • t ’ nr, / ! " hav'ng l,(. cn grr ’,Belland Company, a V The dFcat W.vck for governs ijCr cost Bryan . SI-. l "',k- Kcoup'ea his loss if 189? In the opicion of -omo of tbe domo ct’iiie h ad era, the ei<;Ctlonbettirg odds will be shorter toward tbe end of the xii4)ftl S n, so that it will be possible to out hets made now, and leave a margin of profit sbou'd Hlryan win. without the possibility of iiEs ir the event of bis defeat. Sevc al other wag rahavc been mad* o be took Exchange. John H. Dunn p aci-rr £O,OOO on ’-iryan ogir]|t sl3 000 " ’* , wi h John U. 81,aw. Mr Dunn iff’.aed SO.ooomore on the same terms bu 1 his ofier wai not tnken. HE I URN TONIGHT 3Phf local marhßmrn who went to Snyam ill to enter the sate sbeot will rp*u rt • tlip eln tonight or early to nic •.-* r Si. . Tor v doubtless did ’ 1 ’ ’ imes all office would ■u e one s-eg.d wth tele gram, as n gbt. Beoauso of the fact that nothing h >* beoi; heard from them aum* one to believe that they are not ini. ap TIIEATPfCALffRABON. Nl ' w H"PI. 8 - The theatrical .s. on here may n(w • oonaidered la full blser. Tonight th. Criterion and Lyceum theatres opened up, and these abmt complete the list of houses to open here this lunnsie.