The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 04, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 HOW LABOR DAY WAS OBSERVED IN BRUNSWICK A Mammoth Parade and Good Speaking at the Fair Grounds. MY M OBSERVED IHROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY Aril C|asses of Labor Was Represented in the Big Parade —Good Horse and Bicycle Racing and Other Amusements. Labor day was oberyd in Bruns wick yesterday rot tbe first lime in many years, and there is no doubt now But that (he labor unions of this city will continue their celebrations annu ally. The big parade wra formed in front of the Oglethorpe hotel at 1:30, and started off a few minutes later. The band fed, folbwed by carriages containing the speakers; then tbe white union, c lored, and carpenter*.’ ard jointers’ union. At the fair grounds the unions marched to tbe grand stand, where some excellent •perches were made. Mayor Atkinson was the flrst on the list, and -o say that he phased his hearers, would be •eying only half enough. The mayor, always a good spesker, excelled himself on this oooaaion. He told of the important part labor ’.dM In commerce and manufactures, aid •nded with a beautifuj tribute to the horny banded eons of toil. Mr. A. I* f raoklin then adireased the unions. and his speech #ae a gem. Mr. F<i*oklin first dlscdAed the reU •uion of employer and^mploye— -odc he •aid was eesenklff to the other, and wbe there was Unity betnMmyW the benefits to both Mr. Franklin madsf epeeuh and many fmrabjis|fe-n ts were board . • After the (peaking game race anil other amusements., i&Upt.%. 11, Msrrlflr M, manager nient committee, very yracljj _as ;yt produced Jthe speakers, A&.e Uifc who attendul were eatUfled witrafl afternoon. The receipts amount#4lj| $134, anil the attendance was between t,MO anil 8,000. * Labor daj was more generally ob served throughout the oountrj than ever before. In most of the Urge *Utes North, East, South and West, monster picnics or parades were held, •ml where there were opsn-ilr meet ings, speakers of national rapuration addressed the assembled multitudes. In many cities there was an sntira suspension of business. Labor day, as now observed by all the labor organisations of the country, was first suggestsd by P. J. McGuire, on May 8, 1892, tn an address to tbe Central Labor Union of New York City. He urged the propriety of tbe eettiag aside of one day each year aa a general holiday for tbe laboring clsse •s, t* be celebrated with parades and general rejoicing, tbue publicly show ing the strength and esprit de oorpe of tbe trade and labor organization) of tbe country. Tbe proposal was adopt ed, and this year, ai never belore, allow* a wide aooeptagee It bae met with. The flret parade was held by thaCsotrel Labor Uoton, on September B, 1892, and from that time forward, the movement gradually gained In public favor. In June, 1894, tbe claims of tbe workingman was formally recognized by ooogrees, and one day each year, tbe flrst Monday of September, was made a national holi day, under the name of “Labor Day.” All- States in tbe Union have since that time ratified tbe blit. And yef, from all psrts of this great country, can be beard, as never before, tbe re joiciogs and merry-makiogof tbatall powerful branch of oorameroe, organ ized labor. * * * THK BAI.UUMK Probably tbe most interesting fea ture of the day was tbe bill game, be tween tbe Plant System team and Jim Tahkerley’s club, for a purse ef fit). /The gsme was indeed a good one for dmaluer players. They sll played fast, ball. It sekmed a victory fof /Tankergley’s team up to the fifth In king, the eoore being 3to 0; but the Ahcp boys got down to work, and suc ceeded in defeating their opponents by a score of 4 to I. Suites number of rooters were pres ent, and they all seemed to enjoy the game. . } Welker and McCullough were’’he battery for the l’.ant System boye, while Creamer, O.een and Arpbelter did the work for Taukereley’s Islub. L /' ROOSKVKIjT AT OBY&'aUO. Chicago, Sspt. 3.—’p'necdore lioose veit, of New the star attrae tib| of the iabi/r celebration in this feity today. Be arrived here ibis morc jng, an* this afternoon addr<ed of union labor mom new VtyKH New York, N. Y., S-pt . 3—Labor Diy was generally observed here. Bus iness was practically su-peuded, and the man of toil owned ltie ci’y. Meet ings and excursions under tbe aus pices of Ike dittorent labor organiza tions made up the program. IN ATLANTA A lauta, Ga., Sept, 3.—Tbe feature of tbe big labor oslebratiun here today was the industrial carnival parade. Fully 100 handsome tl ists wire seen, and every uniou in the city was rep resented, Grand otremonlea were held this afternoon at Grant park, where speaker) of national importance ad dressed the working people. Among tbe ipeakera were l'rank K Foster, editor of the Liberator, Gov. Candler and C. T. Ladsou. GREAT AT VILWAt'KZ*. Milwaukee,Wfa.,Sspt. 3.—The meat extensive and elaboate Labor Day demonstration ever held in the state were those held at tbe National park in thia city today. Speaker! of prom inence from all over the oouotiy were preeent, among them Carter Harrison, k, mayor of Chicago; Robert M. La Fel lette, republican candidate for gover nor; Mayor Roee, fx-Gov. Peck and THE BRUNSWICK TIMEg-CALL, SEPTEMBER 4, 1900. The Quakers Are Honest People. t. The Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a bicc-d purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood, I tacts as a tonic, it regulates di k \ geation, cures d}sptpsia W e V\L arid lends strength and A * v i 'Wsumpo the nervous eys tern. It is a medicnie for weak wr men It is a purely vegetable medicine, ami can be taken by the most delicate Kidney disease, Rheumatism and a!) diseases of the Blood, Stomach ami Nerves soon succumb to its wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of popple In Georgia recommend it. Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the mod ioine that the Quaker Doctor n ade all of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia. Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism ■Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 2ie snd 50c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, v medicated soap for the skin, scalp ud complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, eczema and eruptions of the skin. Price 10c a box. FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. PoHriil’s Druis Store Congressman Otjen. I’ajmub at wijinrom > T.ehmood, Va , Sep'.. 3.—Oover 2,0C0 men were in line at tbe bigjabor pa rade her* today. AH tbe union*in th* city ware represented, besides dl -egationi from other cities in ths state. CEI.ftdHWTtON fit OHIO. Cleveland, 0., Spt. Si.— An elabor ate La :-v Da >>celebration was in prr graes bare A grand parade, with mm In Dne, consumed the morning hourr. I.ABOB PAY tN IOW4 Dee Moines, Is., Sipt/s. -Labor I>,iy was extensively observed in this state today. Both here and in Sioox City monster parades were £e!d, havk outing . Philadelphia, P., Bpt. 3.—Wash fngtoo Park Grove was today the scene of one of the greatest athletic demonstrations ever held in the slate. Tba United Labor League and the Couucil of Allied Building Trades conducted tbe affaire, ALL NKU ENGLAND. Concord, N. II , Sept. 3.—Toe Labor Day celebration held bsre was ,thf greatest labor demonstration evtWbld m New Eag’und. The program was gotten up in connection with the state fair, and was most elaborate. ing delegations from all over New England were present^ HARPER WHISKEY RECEIVED GOLD MEDAL Paris, Aug 25—(Special dispatch.)~ Amorioan whiskies received the offl oial approval of the exposition today, when gold medal was awarded to Rsrnheioa Bros., Louisville, Ky„ on their I. W. Harper, whiskey. Sold in Brunswick, Ga., by T. Newman. Tht Remedy far Stemeeh and Bowel Troubles "I have boon in the drug business for twenty years, and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reincey for all stomaeh and bowel troubles,” says o. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus iu my family, and I have recom mended and soM hundreds of it to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick aud sure cure m a pleas ant torm. No family should be without It. I keep it in my house at all times.” For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug store, •StfKi.l many coiiMmiiHive* would be cured sail the worst cases comforted and relieved t.y ustug Foley’s Honey and Tar. .suggest it to those afflieted. you chould do tills as a frieud. W. J, Butts. SHIPPING REPORT. Corrected Daily by Copt. Otte Jcheznttni Port of Brans viok. Sept. 3, 1900. ARRIVED. 88. Carib, Ingrain, Charleston, (and sailed for Jacksonville). Nurw bark Emil Stong, Evenee’, G itbenburg. SS Kin Grande, Johnson, New York SB. Lassell, Brickley, New York. Schr. Charles 11. Hinck ley, Bermudk, V-ssel consigned to E. H. Mason & Cos. A Minister’* Good Work, *X had,, a severe attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Cbeqnberlatn’a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhosa Remedy, took two doses and was en tirety cored,” nays Rev. A- A. Power, of Kmpo rls, Ban *rfy neighbor across theatieetwaa sick for over a week, had two or three bottles o medicine from the doctor. He need them for three or four days without relief, then culled in another doctor who treated him for some dwys and gave him no relief, sojUacharged 'him. I went over to ec him the next tnoTnlng, V“ raid Jus bowel* were In a terrible,-Rx, that they bad been vanning off so bmg/ihat it was almost ✓ bloody flax. I asked him (khe had triedChaui berlain’s Colic, Cholera! and Remedy, and hf said, 'Nuy r x went home and brought him my bottlgjtfnd gave him one dose; told him to take pmotber dose in flrteen or twenty intn utc* Yt he did not And relief, but be took no duor*, add was entirely cored. I think It the best mt rieine I have ever tried.” For sale by Dr. jj ishop’s drug store. * COLORED-'; KAM WINS, The Brunswick colored base bell club defeated Albany, in th*t city, by „?oo?e of sto 3 They will play sg,i<, tble afternoons Millions Bi>en Away. ■ H la grtf ifyfng to tbe pub lio to know of one concern in tbe land who are not afraid to be generous to tbe needy and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Ooneompiion, Cough* and Colde, have given away over ton million tte of thiegreat medicine; and have th* satisfaction of knowing it ha* ab •olutely cured thousands of hopeless •ases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness, and all disease* of tbs Throat, Cheat ard Longs, are surely cured by it. C.ll on r!t and uggists and get a frea trial bottle. Regular siz* s)ets. aod sl. Every botlie guaranteed, or mosey refunded. aSBI BTIU.ATWOUK. Tbe expert wh i i* examining tbe books of Treasurer Harvey Rf still busi ly engaged and will probably be for som* flsya yet. Women are Like f IntAGrc Healthy and strong I lUWd 5. they blossom and bloom. Sickly, they wither and die. Every woman ought to look well and feel well. It’s her right and duty, but she might as well try to put out a fire with oil as to ba healthy and at tractive with disease corroding the organsthatmakeherawoman. Upon their health depends her health, if there is Inflammation or weakening 1 drains or suffering at the monthly ' period, attend to it at once. Don’t , delay. You’re one step nearer the grave every day you put it off. ' Women can stand a great deal, but they cannot live forever with disease dragging at the most delicate and vital organs in their body. You may have been deceived in so-called cures. 1 Ws don't see how you could help it— ' there Is sc, much worthless stuff on the market. Hut vou won’t be dis ' Appointed inßradfl'eld’s Female Reg- ’ uiiU r. V e believe it is the onemecii erne on earth Tor womanly ills. There ' is as much difference between it and other so-called remedies os there la between right and wrong. Bradfteld’s Foma.o Regulator soothe* the pain, 1 at ops tn© drains, promotes regularity, Strengthens, purities and cleanses. It ' does alt this quickly and easily nnd natufully. It is for women alone tode- ' 1 cide whether they will be healthy or Kick. rati field’s Regulator lies at 1 baud. $1 per bo .He at drug store. Send far onr free booklet. * , THE MUDFIIU) REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. f9 oo Drop?) ——— AVcgetablePreparationfor As similating rtieFoodandßegula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Infants / ( hildken Promotes Digestion.CheerPuP ness and Rest .Conlains neither Opum.Morptune nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. afm^uA-smmmcma P Z±J° U ' \ Ka*kU* Saltg - „ Ii Anise Seed- + BSfeftw: ) Aposfect Remedy forConslipa- Tlon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Yferms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Alfa inoiilliv old )5 Dust S f N 1 N EXACT COPY OP WRAPPER. | g forLAiiiKs!' ,Ut ° n SHORTER COLLEGE, a """ 1 uutftan hnxrttful Clfmnte aeli*htfMt lßvir.r*ti.i e , HeaUk r*<rd i > 1 ii *. it * , *♦*•<• ■-(ml‘-He, Venn* rersliw*. AH J \ /-n ***, *^- r * tt.y -jitlt Lve faeulty H. the-c.disrfe BttUllHga s*„rt: |iSD,(W. PuulDHieat ( I pswY"'**•> it ' 'wire -K 1 X a.- nt. ft|,vj|tvu.'l rovk! te, FtieaUjeT hire*. \ */ * Ik" A .V, ' C ‘^ s,M S V '* " lrt e*f'et '-nrd t -xfeitot. < fTtmiriv*. *fei l ' f > 1 ' if”', i. in th-.- A Hrut i / I fn airti ii nf r "Vnd: u i ,f j#*r rnsli t; i•>' ,n>fn4 mizt piano * ..r .&***% *-■?{ 11..1 "T* I**’* * ( ~f^ *** t"*fWi'* a-u i Write ’Mru.Mie.x* f*7’ a cat'al * PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. *g. 77 SIaD~n6WN ' ’ ’ , read 1f9 .,, 5r , go Time Iftblo w*. w ; w<*.fo !!!"!"; — ’... 1,.,..., i,P*eager Mixed < NO. 35 jPaseenger K ixed Effective Sunday, Daily Daily. Daily. Daily. May 2T 12:01 am 0 15im.... 800 pm...i ar Waycrnaa lv jBOPm... j 7 lSa^n... P 4i> pm... 10 m pm...{ lv Waverosa ar j 7 4Sp..- ; 6 45am... - 12 19 am... I ar Savannah lv i o©pm.... j 2 ir.atD. 4 H'diu... 6 2-s am ar Cbarleaton lv ....1115m 0 OOpui.. 8 COam. ar lv 7 ilOau* 7 05pn V7a w aYLKUSS A MONTiiOMEKY . * !7 15 am...| 6 00pm — lv Brunswick mtill 30 am... 10 15 am. ............ t. 2 25a m... ill fid am... ar B-rminghara* lv 842 am. 4 05pm..,!.. fl Warn ... 710 pm... ar ~ Naanville lv 2 21am 000 am . * 12 25 pm . j 2 80 am... ar Louisville lv| 912 pm 255 am... * 7 l&ptt* •••; T am., jar St. U nis Iv; 828 am js 5a pm.. VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. j•l* am 6*ud pm - l.v itr mawick Ar j n2u'~pia i Wi& aaa . [... .. ,7.7 | 4 89tm,. ;613 am Ar uaiieaton Lv 650 am 111 15pm I 710 am iII2O pm \r W >*h tngton Lv 307 pin 4 140 am \ 115 pm.. ! 6 63am JAr New York Lv 1 875 am i 0 25pin . | { __ Direct connection made at Wavcroas with throuiro Pullman Sleeping Car* foj Savannah Charleston, and all points North; also foi Mont, ornery, lilmilngh*NaahvfDCe St. Lout* and all points West, Heeling Chair eat? between Waycrosi; and Mnntpoii'orv via TTioma Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana. GOING. | laV Port Tampa 10 00 pm Mon. Thura. Rat I Ar Key Wear 30 pm Tries. Fri. Sun. Lv Key West 0 00 pm Tus. Fri. Sunday i Ar Havana 0 00 am Wed. Sat Mon . W.B. DENH AM GEO. w. R, W. WH> \ ‘’"sclSinS?* Division Fw Agent Pass. Trsfflc Mgt bavnnnah, t.A Brunswick. ■ a. Savannah Ga mm DISEASES arc 4 the most fatal of all dis eases. Cftl EY’O kidney cure it a i ULL! 0 Suarantead Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. O W, J. Butts, tbe Drugglist ■ •> Russell’s Chill and Fever Touic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every cottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. cisTomt For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / i Signature /fiy ft Jfv In Use Ur p or Q ver Thirty Years cum CENTAUK COMPANY. MCW YOwVctTV. RETURNING. I Lv Havana t 80 pm Mon. Wed. and Rat I Ar Key Weft 9 00 pm Mon. Wed. and sat Lv Key West 10 00 p. m. Mon. Wed. and Ar Port Tampa i 30 am Tues. Thur. and Run.. BEORGIA DETECTIVE IBC’V BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, Civil and criminal cases attended to business strictly confidential. En quires conducted with secrecy. L- and. LEAVY iyi*rtao<ap L. J, L&avy 6c Cos Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Gener al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered. Special Attention Paid to Collection of Rents Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins.