The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 04, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 The Bmnswick Times. Eet*blt*ta 1889. The Brnnsiiclr Call. Eetablished 1892. The Brunswick TiißvCall CONSCM.m.WJKIJ WO.. B7BKY MORKS.V6 £XCSFT MONDAY ARThJR H. LEAVY - . - - . Editor BOLAND A. MULLINS, Buemeee Manager Jt'ftriß i in Ogletbortwßlock, 2ll lfStreet ‘ i *SjL£PHONB NO 81. TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subpcribcra are leitucetod to notify the office when they f®li to get any inane of the T+tiiks- CalL Attention to thi* matter will lie appre ciated by t-L* Oublieher*. The Timee-Call will be Delivered by carrier or mail, per yoar. 85.00; per week 15 eenta Correspondence on live unbjecta eolicied. Real name of writer ehonld ac company fame- Snbecriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper fhottld be reported to the bofineaf office. -Addrett all communications to TUB TIMEB-CALL, / iSmuawick.Ga. Will some editor kindly say r—oys. t:rH Capital and labor should not be at daggers points. Crokur seems to tliiuk Bryan will win. We think so. too, , Tke much talked o! stare shoot i now In progress at Savaunali. The Brunswick death rate Is the low est of any city of its size In the South. The repeal of the Horton law take® vue prize rotors back to Carson City. Mr*. Cobb seems to be tke favorite for poatmUUess of the house. The Timus-Ca u. h .pes Speaker Little wW name tl.ln desotving little woman. dill uoi h ik l'Te lii i len'.k or, but l*i.iuet* i . revived ti> w t emit taste ami non !•..• is to alcohol. There is no denying the fact that Woodwaid is a good man, a kind hus band ami a loving father. His term is nearly out now, and let those who are demanding his impeachment kindly throw the veil of charity around this unfortunate gentleman, (live him one more trial. He is too old to be die gr. -d. AT LAST! 1 At last Brunswick has a daily piper somewhat more commensurate with her sire and commercial imp i -mce. Me-s s Heavy and Mulllm-, editor and business manager of iho Times and Call, have showu couimoudable real in consolt dating those papers and making the Tiuiss-t all what it Is. We bespeak for them a liberal share of pstronago from tlio people they ssrvc so well.-* Southeast Ueorgiati. alas: we have none. Wo have received u small pamphlet of sixty pages issued by the C&atlauooga chamber of Commerce It tsßurotcd to Chattanooga and the dis trict. The chamber of comhiercs of Chattanooga is a very llvo orgau'./.atiou and h is over 500 members' whose names and telephone .numborßjf arc] printed in the pamphlet. It would be a great thing if every city in the aoutb could have as Wide awake and as enterprising au oi gsnizvtion as the chamber of commerce of the Tennessee ci'y. “ACCUSE NOT NATURE. SHE HATH HONE < HER PART; DO THOU BUT THINE* When the Master Planner of the universe designed and mapped the harbor oi Brunswick he made it one that, from all the standpoints of sitnstion, environ ment, proportion and fitness, would be pre-eminently for a grea* maritime trade. He zavs it a wide stretch of inland harborage; streams that pen etrated into rich sections and to admirable wharf sties; placid auchoragt for uni rnited merchant fleets, thirty-seven miles of available water Iron** a deep and ample gateway from bay to open sea: and to tompleie the master plan of ge ographicai excellence, He threw about the inner waters the protecting arms of en cloeing Islands to shield the mart of trade inside from the ocean’s vengeful tem pests. AVENUES OF COMMERCE. The ontrarce to Brunswick harbor lies between St. Simons and Jckyl islands —achannel nearly two miles in width, leading on the one hand to the broad At lantic, on tke other into St, Simon sound. From this landlocked bay there are five avenues of commtrce, First, through Jekyl creek, by the inland route, to Flori da; second, past the shores of St. Simons island, by broad, deep stream, t* the mouth of the Altamaha and Us vast timber interests; ' the Brick river into the heart of the salt marshes, reaching extensive mill properties; fourth, by snr>le river, past wharf sites unexcelled, the government's oav*i reservation batcf'tl& interior, rich in agricultural possibili ies; fifth, mto aloilg the present commercial water front of the city. Such remarkable advantage! of location an environment ‘together with the depth of its water, the scone of its harborage, must fuily|pplais to manifest destiny which Brunswick is now working out tor it; elf —a destiny oi r>/ commcroial prestige and activity, the half of which has'not as yet bepi dreamed; a future or vast importance, not only to itsetf and its pete pie, Jycit tij thtftniaqaoaa intereets of its people. ' ’ , - THE LOGICAL GATEWAY.' ‘ ’•%, TANARUS, ** Located in the extreme western reach of the Atlantic seaboard, affords facilities for the of an illimitable maritime trade. It is tktf logical gateway from the south and the middle west to the world beyond the sea. Its capabilities arc never limited' by eeasons, It is perennially ready for the ser vice of man, for the accommodation of his enterprises. Jutting out into this harbor, from the pinelands of- Georgia, is a peninsula l -, intended, in the general plan of creation, to be the site of a city which should dominate and give name to this mart of commerce; and, upon this peninsula, the city of Brunswick is built. It has the immediate and saintary isurroundiugs of a deep water roadway on the west, and of the salt marshes, penetrated by navig able dreams, bn the east. Interiorly, the available ground for city-buiULng is practically exhausttvss. As the capacity of its harbor for commercial operations is illimitable, so the capacity of Brunswick’s back-country for development is without natural bounds. GKKAT SHII’I’ING TERMINALS. fc Vt ith St. Simon’s Island, Colonel's island, Uiysbo Island, and tb/e >ntigu*- out mainland conveniently strewn about the city-site, there will, reasonably,nover b? a dekrtb of water 'ront properties for utilization as shipping terminals. surveys have shown an available wharf space of thirty-seven miles in extent, not half of which has yet been occupied. Along this water frontage ample for almost any class of vessels, while there is no spot with of moderti engipyonng cannot reach with lines of railroad. Th*com“)lnntio.i e-'.A jlh connection of mil and water unexcelled any where for convenience, commercial fitness. In tfce creative topography of 4-* ,f this particular locayn, there was left no untoward feature. If tnpre are faWr* faults, mau will make thnin; the God of Nature has dohe His turn. _ THE BEGINNING (5f GROWTH. Hpf Despite the reitarkjble guvantagrs, which must have forcibly the discoverer of Brunswick batbo;—whoever that remote iedlvhwß may btiyw been—the Importance of the port as a gateway of commerce hasbecn stria i ugly recent. It wa an insignificant lumber port many years ago, shipping, in IN!!), accenting to a newspupof print of that dale, ’’three cargoes of hewn limber in coast-packets, during the current fiscal year,” thecom’ngof railroads, even failed to inject the elixir of active growth The advent of post-bellum ideas ana post-bellum citizenry, both wedded to tlio belief thut I’tunswn k was intended to mount to something, slatted the up ward tendency; and Brunswick soon became aware of the fact that the particular something of which it was pre-eminently lilted, wins shipping, Poes the aveiagc citizen ever give nature credit for what she has done! Is not the hand of man only needed to mako Bruuswick the leading among the great seaport cities of the South. ’ Accusf not nature, she tilth dons her part; do thou but thine.” TK/IDBS CONGRESS. UuddlcAffld, Eng., Sept 3 —Tlie Brit- ; isb Trades 'Congress held its opening session boro tbia m truing. Du'cgatce from all over - the world are present. Matters perlaiuing to labor organization j aud to bultdlng up of inddalriid trades wore discussed. America i repicsenied by 8. J. Kent and John M. Hunter of the United Mine Workers. Bl LORI AN I*ORTS. Berlin, Germany, Sept. 3.—The Ger man Levant Utie at Hamburg entered into a oontrsot with lha Bulgarian government today to touch the ports of Varna and Boorgbas twics a rnootb, coming and going. The eontraot Is for Aye y"- , KtseMßineeTG*.. **• J tt - M - Usti K arreaatftt's* lo^ 1 * 1 •** 1<l " od l ' <,r,a,r LZ.Z • ’ ,1w used ll amt l 1 ■An It lo w * , e l. y„r sale ( v n Butts, the diuJtdTO-. , Kt-as Kt i-t. the Tasteless llistnim' Ton.c, cqres Chill* *M tever *0 bottle. THE BRUNSWICK TIMIVUALL, SEPTEMBER 4, WOO. BEWAHt OP GREEN FRUIT. Now to lbs heated term, people should pay attention to tbsir diet, avoiding unripe fruit vege tables, wbiob invariably bring on cramps, cholera morbus, or diarrhoea. Ctiildreu are particularly subject to complatote of this kind, and no mother can feel safe without having a bottle of Tain-Kii.lir It is a safe, sure and ipeedy cure. Avoid substitutes. There is but one Pain-Killer, l’erry Uavia’. Price Zsc. aud 80c. Humify In Ulooil l>rrp. Clean -blood mourn* a clean skin. No beauty without it. Ca&carcta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keen it clean, bv stirring up the laey liver and driving all im parities from the bodv. begin todav to banish pimples, boils, blotohc*. blackheads, and that sickly bilioua complexion bv taking Cascaret*.—beauty for ten cehts. All drug gists, salw‘ on guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 30e. G*t ycur job work done at the Timks-Cai-L job ortlce. Best work in tbe city. Pricjs the lowest. id.PIERCES GOLDEN HEDICAL DISCOVERY I ' A ' ' * C*-[. ~ “ I have been thinking of writing to yon for some timv” writes Mrs. W. D. Benson, of Maxton, Robeson Cos., N. C., “to let you know what a wonderful thing Hr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery did for my little boy. He was taken with indigestion when he was a year and a half old, and he was under the doctor's treatment’for five long years, We spent all we made for doctor s bills, and ft did no good. He could not eat anything only a little tnilk and cracker, and sometime* eves this would make him sfck, and "he got very weak; could not ait up ail day, and I gave up all hope 'of hia ever getting any better. Looking over one erf your bocks I noticed Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery rec ommended for indigestion. We bought some and gave,to our boy. Two bottles of Dr. Pierce* Golden Medical Discov ery cured him.. He is well as can tie, and can ent'anything that lie wants and it does not hurt him. He has not been ska day since, and it has been three years sbit he took your medicine. I that God will always blew you and "your medicinw' 1 nm DISEASES OF TKESTBMACH 3IOOD. NERVES Wk LUNGS. * THE TRADE 1 £tfitiaoooga Brewing company reoetted it* first car of beer yesfe'day aitg-%as Jbuay all day serving the trade. Everybody who tried tb bev erage said they llkrd It. THE DOOM DULL. On aeoouot of the Labor Day cele bration there waa no work done along the river front yesterday, all the men having knocked off to participate in the celebration. When you want * pleasant physic, try the new rcaMf, ChamUerlajn'tt &tuiaaeb and Uve;- Tablets. Tsuiy *reg s.y to take and pleaaant in effect. i'Heu tbuuple* flee at Bishop's drug Hyrs. j KNIGIifS ARE DACE. The Kuighta uf Pythias who went to Dltroit, Mich., have returned to the city. AH say they had a very enjoy able time For Bladder Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. V*V* € OFF FOK cOUOOL. Not less yun twenty-five Brunswick bey a and girt# will leave within the next, few week* (or college. Most all will go to Georgia institutions. * D*afae* Oaaaot Be Cured by local applications, an they cannot roach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tbc mucous lining oi the Eua tnchjjgii Tube When this tube gets in liiuuea, you have a rumbling sound or imperfect heating; aid whtn it is en tlrily closed, deafness is the result, and unless the iuilinuination can be taken out and this tulie restored to its normal con dition, hearing wi’l be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. AVo will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall'* Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free F. J. CHKNEY A Cos , Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 73c. liaU’B Family l’ilts arc the best. When in need, call on Jr W. Watkins. He loans mo ney on personal property. Ship Noticj. Neither the master, owners nor con signee* of the Norwegian bark Cbr. ICnudsen. will b> responsible for any debts con i acted by the crew of said bark. Hakaldss.n, Master. To prevent consumption 'jotv-Uy cuve throa *u ! lun e - trouble with one Minute Cough Cur* tV J Butts. Advertisers lways PPRECiATE aEAPIJNG ICH ETURNB and t i—i/a.~r; is ti—i tD V -V*- -- Regular ETLIRNS E PORTED By Advertisers Who Use These' 1 Juwtity and Jwltj of Circulation flies {aintii) and Quality to Advertisers And jye.Give Boh WVJNW V ee. aej. l wse ,■ - - ~ . 0 ALSO —. GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. - DON’T SEND AWAY FOR $. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS ETC., % W hen you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention We don’t mind calling and talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, a and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. The Times-Call, 209, 209 1-2 and 211 F Street- NOTE. If you haven’t time to -write your “ad” let us know and what you’ve got to sell and we will write the “ad” for you. That’s our business,and we only charge you for the space.