The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 04, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SOCIETY NEWS. 1 " it < *N* * 1 MARY M’NISH BURROUGHS, Edito* . THEB HEART. Other heat t. mj other heart, Tour bow It love and love the dart— Look Into the waste o t tile and catch The glltspre ol a 4wr with 111 ted latch, Take In your hand the golden string, Ai.d dll the hall with magic you bring. My other heart, sweet other heart. Other heart, w heart. My Doer nature, Anar art, tome into the paths and understand The length and width and depth ol the land Ollove, where scented lilllesgrotv 'With dreams wind-blown, that silvery flow, Sweet other heart, my other heart. Otter heart, my other heaat, 'My better aell and better part. Look into my soul and comprehend The hong of a lile that's more than friend, And touch with hope the golden key Ol temples wide as visions can he, M other heatt, tweet heart. —Seinetad. Dr. T. N. Hopkins has returned to hit home In Thomnsvilln, after visit to Brunswick, the guest of his son, Mr. R R. Hopkins. ——O— Mrs. J. W. Price left a few days ago for Savannah, where she will spend some time the guest of friends. Mr. James Wrench is anticipating a pleasant vacation, spent in Madison, leaving in a week or two. After a pleasant eummsr in Virginia, Mrs. S. Cargyle and Mrs. L. A. Flem ing are spending several weeks in At lanta. b*fore returning to Brunswick. Miss I.utle Collins hat returned to Brunswick, after a delightful summer In New York, during she tool- a af.ei.-ial c urre in uiuslfrgy- wilt give her largo A1 re. George .•. lt(, ofnQHHT spent yesterday in Brunswig, last uiglit for Atlanta, where si ■MS spend some time, the B nw *'* - wP r 'fc: daughter, Mrs. Jacob Bench. Miss Gertrudo Allen left lor Korna, where she will spend otn* time the attractive guess of friends. Mr. Wolber Coney, of Savannah, Is spending sums time In Biunswick, the guest of bit am',Mrs. E. F. Coney,at her borne on Union street. Mrs. M. Harrison bas moved into her pretty new borne, corner of Glou cester end Union sheets, where she is receiving her many friends. Mr, Walter Brobston expects to leave In about two weeks for Madison, where he will spend his vacation at homo. Mrs. Frank Wrench and sons. Mat ters Francis and Joe Tom Wrench leave in a few days for Dalton, where they will spend a month the gusets of Mr. and Mrs. John Black, at their pret ty home. Wr. Oua Howell ane little ton, Mm H'i - Howell, ere spending tome tin i 1 t fatalists In Kiuntwlek, bt rfon- go( g to r'aTaunab, Howell ii accepted a position, and Weber* they will make their future boon. \ \ Hit* Amelia Landin It being wel tjmed back br many friends. after a Y&ksr Liver Will be roused to its natural duties and your biliousness, heartache and rcusiipation be cured if you take Hood’s Pitts Sold by all druggists. 85 cents. pleasant vacation, spent at ber home it Bvchtnond, Va. Dr. Richard Berrien Burroughs, of Jacksonviil, is the guest of his brother. Dr. William Berrien Burroughs for sometime. A pretty ■ adding next month, be tween a prominent young man of Sa vannab, and a charming lady of North North Georgia, will Interest many Brunswick friends. Msny Brunswick friends will be in' tereted in knowing that Miss Kath - leen Norris, of Darien, is spending a pleasant summer in Atlanta, where she is receiving many attentions, the guest of Iri nds. Miss Willie Barkuloo is spending some time in Savannah, the guest of friends, where she is receiving many •harming attentions. Many friends are glad to know that Miss Lillie Jeffers is receiving many graceful attentions in New York, and that she leaves there shortly for the Catskill mountains, where she will spend the fall, the guest of Miss Flor ence .Jorden. who visited Brnnswick seme time ago, and has many friends here. Miss Kate Ross lias returned from a pleasant vaeaion. during which she was greatly missed by her many friends. Mr. R. J. Bliss is recovering from her recent illness at the home of her son, Mr. C. A. Taylor' on Reynolds street, to the gratification of many friends, „ Iplk'esterday, the first oelrbratiou of Labor Day in Brunswick, was largely observed, and along tho busiuess streets there was much the appearance of Sun day all of the afternoon, Many of the agares were closed, and there was little ihopping done, andfew chopper* were y • Many friends of Mias icon's Davta are glad to know that ihe Is spending a charming vacation with friends In the Carolinas, where she will remain for a week oa two longer. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Adderley have moved into the pretty new home on Un ion street, formerly occupied by Mrs. Harrison. One of Brunswick’s prominent so c e'y ladies received a lovely basket of fruit recently, with card enclosed, Jno Weller, and now she is wondering who sent It fstPTtMßeal Pepsol \ The new, sparkling, healthful and refresh ing drink, just leceiv ed by express. The most popular and de lightful drink of the day. Free tickets honored and more to be given away. x cm ii< in it ML#-*. THUS. 'LLOYD. Next iloor to Tfcmmg A ,Waff's. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. SEPTEMBER 4, 1900. n/hftfl Iha accompanied by TV lIVII IHv mucous patches in the mouth, erup- II u ilk tions ou the skin, null rU!ls sore throat copper colored splotches, A||f swollen glands, aching muscles 11111 and bones, the disease is making rapid headway, and far worse symptoms will follow unless the blood is promptly and effectually cleansed of this violent destructive poison. S. S. S. is the only safe and infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures the worst cases thoroughly and permanently. Hg Condition Could I contracted 81003 Have Bttfi Nt¥OPSC. tlp^d'octofi/brn , their treatment did me no Rood; I -was Retting worse all the time ; my hair came oat, ulcers appeared in my throat and mouth, my body was almost covered with copper colored splotches and offensive sore*. I suffered severely from rheumatic pains In my shoulders and arm*. My condition could have been no worse; only those afflicted aa I was can understand my suffering*. I had about loat all hope of ever being well again when 1 decided to try 8. 8. S.. bm must 1 had medicine. After taking the third bottle I noticed a change in my condi tion. This was truly en- S couracing, and I deter- ’A mined to give 8. S. 8 a “ thorough trial. Prom M that time on the improve merit waa rapid ; 6. 8 S. &aM\ Wißrf > seemed to h*ve the dis- v Jw ease completely under control; the sores and ulcers healed and I wnaffipfejS 7 / VwJMdff soon free from all // of the disorder; I have ** * been strong and healthy ever since. !*• W. Smith, Boa 611, NoblesvMe, lad. I i* the only purely vews table blood purifier %% %knowo. ftyooo is LS WW offered for proof that W W it contains a particle of mercury, potash or other mineral poison. Send for our free book on Blood Poison; it contains valuable information about this disease, with full directions for self treatment. We charge nothing for medi cal advice; cure yourself at home. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, QA. TIMEH-CALL JOB OFFICE. Those who wtagfr ihs best work, at the lowest figures, should bring it to this office. On Urge dodger-, our prices and work will make you a con rant customer, if you will give us (be first job. King up 31, and a solicitor will call. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that wasever made is Dr. King's New Life IMla. Every pill is a sugar coated globule of health, that changes weakness into health, listletaness into eßsrgy, brain fsg into mental power. Toej’re wonderful in building Up tbe health Only Ssct?, per box. Sold by ail druggists. EXCURSION TO AMERICUS. For i he above occasion, tbe FJant System will sell round trip tiuketsto Americas, Oa., at rates of one and one third faro Tickets 10 be told Sept. 30th and Oct. 2nd, inclusive, with final limit Oct. 7th. + “1 feci as it I should liy to) ioces.” ltow of ten arc three words on s woidan’s Ups. They express to the uttermost the nerve racked con dition of the body, which makes life s dsily martyrdom. If this condition had conic Fuddcnly, H would have lieen unbearable. Hut the transition was gradual A little more strain each day on the nerve*. A little more drain each day of the vi tality. Any ivomau would be glad to be rid of such a condition. Every woman tries to be rid of it. Thousands of such women have been cared by i'r. Pierce’s irentmeut with his-Fa vorite Prescription" when local doctors had failed to cure. -Favorite Prescription” contains no opium oocasne or other narcotic. MAKSH HEN SHOO t'ING. The northeast wind of Sunday night and yesterday morning c*u- u good high tide, and many .pon-m'-n w out for their marab hen bunt of H e aeaaon. Quite a large numb r of the Ashy game were bagged. Our Greatest Specialist i For 90 years Dr. J. Newtnr. Hath ' away baa so snccesafnllv treated chronic diseases that he is acknowledged today to stand at the bead of his profession in this line. HU exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele and Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in 90 per cent, of sli case* Tr, the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney sod urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catsrrb and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful- Dr. Uathawar's practice it more tlisn double that of any other special i<u Bases pronounced hopeless by otbe> physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write biro today fnlly about four case He makes no charge for onsulialion or advice, either at hia of , doe or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 86 Brvan Street. Savanuah, Qa W ANTED: tien’l- horse for family use. Apply ro ..f. W, Waiknis. MET WITH AN ACCIDENT. Mr. Perry Carroll Thrown From. Hl Horse in the Race- Mr. Perry Carroll met with quite a painful accident in the horse rice out at the fair grounds yesterday aftrr -0000. Mr. Carroll was riding one of the horses in the race, and be was coming at a good speed. Ween the last quar ier was reached Mr. CarrolPs horse jumprd the track, throwing him heav ily against the fence. His face war h-.dly bruised and several. other small in jurist sustained, but nine were serioas. m How Bright's Disstse Starts. Indigestion, biliouauest,blood poisoned with urea and orlc acid (which should have been excreted by the kidneys,, rheumatic paint in nerves and Joints, causing irritation of the kid neys, then paint ovei the small of tbs bask, mark sure approach of Bright's disease. Do not delay in taking Foley’s Kidney Care, for it makes the kidneys richt. Take eo substitute. Vf.J Butte.) WAITED. Artesiau well* to drive at $260 each Rise and capacity guarantaed will also guarantee to complete well* in 16 days. Call on or address A. H. Baker, 205 Gloucester street. Okamb‘Ham's Ooagb Rtmsdy a Orett Favorite. The southing aad healing ijualitler of this remedy, its pleasant taste and promat and per manent cures have made it a great favorite with peotleeverywhere. It is oepectaily prised by mothers of email children for colds, croup and whooping cough, aa it always affords quick reitef, and salt contains uo opium or other harmful dr. g it nfsy be given aa oontidently to a baby as to an adult. For ante by Bishop,s drug store. NEXT WEEK. The Woodward -Warren citnpsny will open the season here uoxt week. Guy Woodward and hm company are favoiites here, an l they wilt do a g>ud boairets. Manager Wolffs will return to the ally within ftifcjnext few days.. Red HotPromtieGan Wss the ball that bit G. B. S’ead man, of Newark, Miob., in the civil war. It oauied horrible Ulcers that no treatment btlped for 20 years. Then Buoklen’s Arnica Salta cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile Cure on earth. 25cts, a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by ail drag gists. Hava you a sens* ol hU.uesSin dhe region of yoar stomach after eatiag* It so you will be hanalUad by using Chamberlain’* Sromuch and Liver Tablets. They also enie belching and sour stomach. They regulate U>' bowels too. Price 15a. Sold by Bishop"* Drug Bpir CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of TTc©rß,ofHin or obelin&te w>res, wealds and piles quickly cured by Banner Salve, tue most healing medicine in the world. W. j. iluttf. Foley’S K da y Care sa s pure mediclsssnd contains in concentrated form remedies recogbised by the most skillful of ibe medical profeeaiok as the most effective agent* for the euro of kidney and bladder tronbles. W. J. Bull*. ANOTHER GOLD medal I. W. Harper whisky waa awarded gold medal a Cenraooial CV' Ex position, New Orleans, in 1884; rgim at World’* Fair, Cbiosgc, 18M, and oow announcement o< mes by cable ihat Harper reoeived gold medal at the Baris Exposition. Thi. is probably the foremost of Am ri-- iw. I ALWAYS KEEP oil HAND ’Pain-Killer There la no kind of pain nal* C t h n’ ‘"o'”" 81 or eTter not roheve. P * n ,l, "* r "' F T OR ' MlT * T ' ONS asosub- 1 S TUTES THE GENUINE bottle 1 BEARS THE NAME, ,l,t | PERRY DAVIS A SON. | Did You Ever Know | any one who smoked the same kind > of Five Cent cigar any length of [ time? Five Cent cigar smokers are I always dissatisfied—always trying j something new—or something differ- ent, as there always seems to be some [ thing wrong about the cigars they have I been smoking. Ask your dealer for ! Old Virginia Cheroots They are always good. | Three hundred million *moked this year. Price. 3 for 5 cents. S m v - Hf fiTPAN S tabgies tßoctors find v-*y A Good Prescription ._ for mankind Jwhv *vv MM. •! Druggists, CSreem, InnsrsMs, **.f rrm*, Gtn *ri Store* ud Barber* WMUHn TWy Walsh paw, induct sleep, aad prodomf life. |bn raßafl N* Bitter nhat'* the manor. •$ *HS I®°*: mmplc* ud eo* B*tw4 •Mtl gfiatei BUY HOME QUIT PAYING RENT 'We can sell you a nice two. story dwelling for less than $5oox)o. A small payment down and balance $lOOO per month. BROBSTON, PENDIG L CO., REAL ESTATE DEALERS. OPLN AGAIN. Jno VeruKi wines, Liquor, Cigars, Etc. Is now ready for business, We will sell you goods 10 per cent less ttxan original cost. 808 Monk Str*A*.