The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 04, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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: £B&esk'\fTi f W If- : ■Man i : h : iAm*s: Wssmizm' "' ; c" : " 7 -i ; ' <; -/ " ... .^-.f:- ii> Syrup-Figs Actrfleasant/y cindJfromptfy: Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. Presents in the most aceeptableform the l&jratjye principles of plants hnoren to act most beneficially. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. for s*!e by druggists - price 50 * per bottle.^ I You don’t need the doctor ;! | (or every little trouble, but ; | - you do need In the house a • | > trusty remedy for times of ; [ > danger. Thousands are saved < | by having at hand < | i OR. J. H. McLEAN’S IJ.IVEB AND I KIDNEY BALM ; a certain cure for disorders of ; ; the Liver, Kidneys and Blad* ; ; der. Use It at once for lame ; ; back, furred tongue, lost ap- ; ; petite and changes in urine or < ; jewels. | SI a bottle, at drutwtoU. 1 ’ TMt DM. I. H. Met CAN MEDICINE 00., ’ , at. tows. no. ! ANATWVM FOR BALE BY IVYWVA BUTTS, The Druggist.' Wall Paper —at .the — PAINT STORE, 502 Monk St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. >*•;*% e-iw ‘ v!i ffSISi Tffmr^ f DAT IS BBCOMING Can b found in our display Trimmed hats, or quiokljr developed in our work rooms from the large and beautiful assortment of Millinery Goode in our '“Milliners of artiitio taetee and deft Angers produce bats wbioh equal in style and attractiveness many of the high priced imported models. Our prices are not the least pleasing part of our offerings. § MISS KATE SLATER, SM GLOUCESTER ST„ STOVES REPAIRED.™ Rice, the' stove doctor, repairs al kinds or cook stoves and ranees, buy send sella second band stoves, 414 Ba street. GEORGIA—GIynn County. All persons bavin* claims or demand, against the estate of Hatton Robinson, de ceased, tire hereby not'fled to present and Hie them with me. properly verified, to required by law. Thia July at, isoo. KIWIN BRORSTO.V, Administrator Metate Marlon Robinson MITCHELL at THOMAS. Livery, boarding and sale stables. Finest turnouts In the city. Tel. 97. Newcastle Si. THE CHINESE INFERNO. _ It Is a Most Unpleasant Place, Devoted - 7 Post Mortem Tortures of a Terrible Nature. :: :: :: :: :: The Chinese purgatory is not a pleas ant place to contemplate ns a future abode. It Is distinctly unpleasant even when compared with the goheu na as painted by the most orthodox Christians. Even Dante’s Inferno is not so bad as the place to which naughty Celestials must look forward. To the Chinese mind the proper pun ishment for sins done lu the flesh is a series of post mortem physical tortures of the most horrible kind. These are vividly Illustrated by means of pic- GOD OF THE LOWER WOULD. torial charts with which every Chi nese Is familiar. An examination of one of tttese religious charts Is most Interesting. It Is because the Christian mission aries preach that these torments do not exist that they have aroused the anger of the Chinese, and especially of their priests. trophies nro therefore directly connected with these pictures. / The Chinese love of cruelty and in genuity In Inflicting torture are vividly shown here. For every offense com mitted there Is some different and pe culiar way of tearing a man to pieces. 1.1 fe on earth docs not differ much from this imaginary purgatory. The Chluamau puts Ids enemy to the tor ture at every opportunity, and bears It himself with wonderful equanimity, lie must suffer somewhat from it or he would not take so much trouble to Inflict It, but the fact that he can con ceal bis feelings at all shows that they ore very different from those or white men. This custom of torturing makes the danger of Europeans and Ameri cans falling Into Chinese hands during the present outbreak very alarming. They are clearly ns had as Apaches. An explanation furnished by an edu ' cated Chinaman of the various tor ' mel ts Illustrated on the charts gives oi;i cl. ar Idea of the Chinese concep tion of purgatory. The human bodies which have been impaled upon the sharp limbs of bare trees will at once arrest the attention. These are the bodies of women who have been guilty of tho murder of their husbands. This is a very dreadful j crime In China, much more so than tho i murder of a wife by a husband. On the top of nti ornamental bridge I is pictured an unfortunate Creature i with his hands bound behind his back, while the executioner, with a devilish expression, pulls the eyes out of his face with an enormous pair of tongs. Afler tho victim has been operated upon Ills body Is handed over to fli assistant' executioner, who tossif ; Into a lake. This Is the Inflicted upon n man for the murder bis brother. The sightless body Monts for a hundred days In the lake, after which It is fished out for further dis position. Avery curious scene Is where n tiger Is used as a chopping block while a tnan Is bound across his back and an executioner Is In the act of cutting (lie u In two with an enormous knife. A Chinese authority explains that tho tiger plays a very Important part iti Chinese religion. lie is supposed to he animated by an intelligent spirit and to eat up only wicked men. Thin par ticular tiger has misbehaved himself by eating up good men, and for punish ment he is to be used as a chopping block in purgatory for a certain period. The man tied across his back, who Is being di\idl'd in two, has been guilty of disrespect to a priest. In one ease un executioner with an enormous sword is engaged In dismem bering a human body lying on the stump of a tree. As lie cuts off the head, a leg. etc., he sticks It on the sharp limb of a tree. The body before him has lost every limb but one arm. Tills Is the punishment Inflicted on a blasphemer, or one who said that there was no “shin.” or soul, In a man. It Is the most dreadful punishment that can he Inflicted, for this Is the greatest of all crimes against religion. Two torturers are engaged In putting n man head downward Into n re ceptacle which looks like a large orna mental flowerpot. His legs are still sticking up In the air, while his body and bend are already out of sight. This vessel Is filled with boiling water, and the victim Is suffering thus for having spoken 111 of n mandarin. In several plnces on the chart there are pictures of aulmnls. They play an extremely Important part In Chinese THE BRCNSWICJK TIMES-UALL, SEPTEMBER 4, L9uo, religion, lu one case a man is lying on the ground, white three curiously spotted animals with long tails are gnawing at -him. These are hi tended to be cows and calves, and the man is condemned to be eaten by them be cause he had killed some members of their species in life. Another man Is having ld.-yeyes picked out by a crane, lie lias been guilty of killing one of these birds, which are very sacred lu China. Many other birds are hufrylng tip to take part In the execution. In cluding the goose, the parrot, the Chicken and others. StiU more curious are the pictures of the chicken and the kid, who are walk ing away with what appear to be tickets labeled “1” in their mouths. These contain souls which have once Inhabited men ami which, having been Judged In purgatory, are now being sent out on earth again la this form. A woman having a board with a hob l in It fastened about her neck is being led away by two men of very curious appearance. Three small children who look like demons cling about her. She is a woman who murdered her chil dren, but died too .soon, and is being sent back from purgatory to spend some more years on earth before un dergoing the next transformation. She Is condemned to have the demon chil dren always dodging around her to re uilud her of her crime. One executioner gouges out the eyes of a man whose hit into are tied behind his buck, while auotber fleutl with a grin ou liis face holds tho victim’s head. This man Ims been guilty of dis respect to liis parents, which is ouo of tlm worst crimes among the Chinese. Treachery to the emperor is the crime for wh(jch ouo of tho terrible punishments is inflicted. The traitor Is fastened feet upward between two upright posts, while two executioners saw him in half lengthwise. A pnir of scales of Chinese pattern, with a man bound hand and foot at one end and a weight at the other, ts pic tured. Tho man’s hands, feet .and pigtail are hound together behind ids hack, and he is suspended face down ward lu a most painful situation. Ills crime was wasting food, which, with considerable reason, is considered very wicked in China. When tho punishments are com pleted, the former dwellers upon earth come before the judge again to learn what shall he done with them next, if they have been good on earth, they are sent hack to become princes and rich men. Then, according to their degree of unworthiness, they are con demned to be soldiers, workingmen, sailors, women, and So on down to the lowest forms of human life. Most of those who have undergone punishment arc too bad to go back to earth again ns men, and therefore their spirits must pass into the bodies of animals. I /I SECTION OF THE CHINESE FUW.ATOIIY. fAs depicted by a Chinese artist.j Those who have sinned least Inhabit tho bodies of horses and cows, while others become snakes and rats. The fact that any animal may have a human spirit makes It wrong for a Chinaman to kill one of them. On tho other hand. It Is often not consid ered wrong to kill a white man, because many of the priests teach that they are not men, but devils. A picture of the god who presides over the Chinese purgatory Is also given here. His Image is commonly set up In joss houses. Lime init Teeth. Dr. Charles Valentine, examining a child's teeth, remarked to its mother: ‘‘You should move Immediately to a lime country If you want your children to have good teeth. The water here will ruin them." In testimony whereof he produced a statement that the residents of the state of Oregon have the worst teeth of any people In the United States, all be cause there Is no lime water In that country .—New York I’ress. SA Claiming Individuality most welcome to the connoisseur— rich, dainty and sparklingly brilliant x _ ABC (Bohemian m Bottled Beers.” Brewed from the tSU/i Canadian and Minnesota barley and the choicest imported Bohemian hops, this beer is a nourishing drink of unequaled purity and excellence, Brunswick Wholesale Wine and Liquor Go. S ' FRISKY AUTOMOBILES. To Bo Faiililoimhlo Ton Should Own One of tlio Itucklnn Kind. If you wish to rank as the social equal of men whoso fortunes run Into eight figures, you must have an auto mobile that rears, bucks, snorts at baby carriages, chases policemen, butts flown fences, jumps over walls, turns handsprings and conducts Itself fu every respect like an unbroken bron cho—-only more so. You don’t believe It? Then read the following true stories of the adventures of mobe busting millionaires: William Iv. Vanderbilt, .Tr., stands at the head of the automobile fraternity In this ftountrj? because he has a Trench machine of greater speed and more wicked tefiijier than any other In America, because he has broken, the record from Newport tallest on and i back and because ho Ims frightened | more people and poultry and had more trouble with the police than any other automolilllst. Rut Ids chief claim to leadership Is that lie has been more nearly killed by his mobe in more kinds of ways than any other millionaire In the United States. Mr. Vanderbilt’s most stirring ex perience was with the high spirited machine which preceded Ids Trench liter. He {darted out from Newport one night In a fog, bound for Uolvoir. Arthur Kemp, In command of a second automobile, made the pace. When ho reached the summit of (Jrosvenor’s hill, young Mr. Vanderbilt tried to ap ply the brako. It wouldn’t work. The machine tore down hill like a cannon bnll. Its owner threw over the lever to reverse the power. It was done too suddenly. The mobe snorted and turn ed a somersault. When young Mr. Vanderbilt was pulled from under the wreckage, lie was believed to he dead. He was un conscious, and there was a large gash In Ida head. But after a few days In bed he recovered, to order n new auto mobile—one that could turn somer saults without converting Itself into a sgraii heap. Colonel John Jacob Astor had three young and frisky automobiles In the stables of Fortlcllffe, his riverside home a' ..limbeck. The other day ho t.n n little sou Vincent out for a spin ,ie of them, which Is de scribed . a gasoline plmetou. Two miles from home Colonel Astor essayed to turn fot the return) trip. The high way was narrow hud (lie molie ini patient. It lashed the air with Its rear wheels, and Vincent Astor shot but on to the sward liy the roadside. While Colonel Astor WTtfd in vnlu to soothe it the machine leaped In the air, turned a somersault and came down ngainst a stone wall, badly damaging Itself. Colonel Astor’s hands were severely out. He walked home with Ids son, had them bandaged, and tin I shed the A lIUCKIN’G ALTOMOMLE, Interrupted outing In his electric tnobe, which ting proved so fur a little more docile. William Rockefeller has found much diversion In an nutomobllu of unruly spirit which ho drives between Tarry town and Greenwich, Conn. Burly this year It frightened Robert Minor’s horse, and the runaway, resulted In severe to Mr. Minor’s mother and sister. Imter it caused the wreck of a grocer’s wagou. But the real temper of the Rocke feller mobe was not shown until a few days ago, when Its master, who was accompanied by his wife and a woman friend, tried to bring it to a standstill at his son’s residence, Deer I’ark. It is supposed that Mr. Rockefeller Inadvertently reversed the machine, I for it shot backward 50 feet and tried to batter down a stouo wall. Nobody was hurt much. The auto was re moved in a truck. August Belmont bought a bucking automobile, but he wisely tried It on his grooms before tackling It himself. They escaped with a scalding and somo broken ribs and bruises. This happened at Hempstead. 1 Oliver 11. P. Belmont's automobile I assaulted a truck and tried to destroy It, wrecking itself In the attempt. The persons Immediately concerned were more frightened than hurt. Leiirned One Tliln, Bishop Walsham llow, the hymn wrller, once induced a man to attend church. Asked afterward how lie liked It, the parishioner replied: “I learned one thing. I learned that Sodom and Gomorrah were places. I always thought they were husband and wife.” QUESTIONS ANWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for Indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors woro scarce and they seldom heard of apendicitiß, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undl geeted food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organic system, and that Is all they took when feeling dull and badj with headache and other aches You only need a few doses of Green's Au gust Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied there is. nothing serious the mailer with you Sample bottles ai Butts drugstore o* Brown' Drug C Fhould be in every household ms'e oine chest. 11 affords certain relief ; —v— SOMME a EXCURSION RATES TANARUS All Mountain, Seaside und Lake Resorts Via ’he Plant System. Tickets od sale June J to September 80, with return limit October 81, 1000. Perfect paßgengerservice. Pullman sleopors on all trains. Fall information given on ap plication. GEO. W. COATES, D. P. A., Brunswick, Ga. B. W. WRESN, P. T. M., Savannah, Ga. DOES IT PA Y TO BUY CHAEP A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want some thing that wiJ believe and cure the n oet severs and dangerous results n throat and lung trouble, What tbs dof Go to a warmer and more regula climate? Yes, If possible; 11 toi po Bible for you; then Id either case tak tbo only remedy ihat has been Intro luced In all clviltved countries with success In sore throat and lung troubles Boscbee’s German Syrup. It not only stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays Inflamatlon and causes expectoration, glyos a good night’s rest and cures the patient Try one qottle Recommended many years by all druggists In tho world Sample bottles at W. J. Butts and Brown Drum* Cos. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Allen’s Foot-Esse, s powder. It eurcs painful, smarting, nervous feet and Ingrowing nails,and instantly takes the stiug out of corns and him ious. It's the greatest comfyrt discovery of the ngo. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new •hoes feel easp. It Is acertein cure for sweat ing. callous und hot. tired, aching feet. Try it today. Bold hy ell drugxiats and shoe stores. Hy mail tor tic in stamps, Trial package Free. Address Allen S.Olinstead, Le Roy, N. I. Kueael-l’is Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market every bottle guaranteed, For sale by all druggists. YOUR FAU2 I / 19 Youa trtfxffi. Iwfdlßi Throw away O/itm ittc*. IF SBfuSm American WArn-m thr y v* Jf'-'fL away seventy-fl m'ilioa I L ,. dolLars annually fjr •' s 5 | pow idt'MOCtai ti • li>f which arc made of pois'nous substances an** |cf estroy the skin. To seeme a Natural, Rjijr I Healthy Complexion, get a VIRGIN RUBBISH MASK. Restores original contour, permanently re moves pimples, freckles* blackheads, and all cetnplexional imperfections. Absolutely harmless. Results guaranteed. Write for particulars. Price J.’i.OO by mai, GloVos S2.UO and $2.50r VIRGIN ftUBßsB<£>., NoW ut lift -it S'. Y Brown Drug Co,,'Sole Agts Brunswick, Ga. at KESSLER’S Cor. Monk and Grant Sts DEVARIS & LEVADAS. Gocerics, Countrv —Vegetables etc. Also Confectionery, MONK BTREBT. BRUNSWICK. GA Real Estate for Sale. We have lot nnmber 176 on A street nine lots on Wolt Street, for sale cheap B. H. Daniels & Cos. fLIO Nowcast! bt. ,Sdo\ Dy* ,psla Cure Dijf i|ts what you eat. HMpßially digests the food and aids in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or* gfpK It is tho latest discovered digest and tonic. No other preparation can approach It, in efficiency. It in* stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulent , Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headacho.Gafitralgia, Cramps, and all other resultt of imperfect'digestion. Prepared by E. C. DcWltt a Cos.. Chicago. „ W' J . Butts, the Druggist. B. J. OLEWINE, JJicyles Selling, Kentlng, Repairing, Messenger Service We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford, Eagle. Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money. W. R. SMITH'S COLLEGE. LEXINGTON, KY„ la v.h*re manyvyoiTltgwmn, after Inventing from 565 to for been educated for patition* n Bookffteter*. Monographer.,, 1 eleg. rapher.'’-, and now reccffci from SporNo $1,500 salary per yaar. Kentuihyf t)n|vfrity Oiplmua awarded III® graduate#. M lege-received two World’# refer# to csful graduate*. JUwat thi# chrnpoM And most Influential Oit/thia out for reference. Read partlc* ular# addre## olv W. R. snUttl. Leiiirfgtdn. Ky. ELI ZISSIMATOT 3021 Newcastle St. :... Li fi CIGARS ANG.TOBACCO In *Cream Fresh Starr Jar, HIM Shah Soda Water! Etc, All Kindi of.Oiolf . 7