The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 05, 1900, Image 1

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' - ' V- „ THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 18. INI TO Til 1 ALLIES s Imperial IM Issued ly CWneso Emperor. PLAGE ENVOYS SELECTED Li Hung Cfitng Given Two Ass<d oiates to At With Him—Pow- ' ore May ReCuse to Reoog aize thj> Envoys. t Shanghai, Sspt. 4. —An imperial i ' edict :>m issued, appoints Priooe Chin*, Yang I.u end Hear Ting to act; wet!) Li Hang Chang in negotia ting peace with tbe power*. The Yang T* viceroy* are entirely ig nored. WON’T RECOGNIZE COMMISSION. London, Sept. 4.—A diepateh from Shanghai, giving tbe names of tffe ool _Jeaguee of Li Hung Chang in tbe negotiations, says that tbe pow- refuse to recognizs this com mission, personnel of wbiob is composed , 0 f 00e Cbinese and three Manchuria* VroAT QUIUESK papers say. Shanghai, Sept. 4 —Dispatches an wounding that tea American govern ment refuses to sgree ta * witbdrswel of the troops from Pekin before satis faction for outrages and Americans have been received here, and are applauded by tbe entire for eign oolony at Shanghai. Maasee of Chinamen now believe the Cbinese army was victorious against tbe allies? The native papers print lurid acoounts of tbe Chinese soldiers, and also show pictures of foreign missionaries being tortured in tbe pretence of the vice roys. HOW GERMANY STANDS. Cologne, Sspt. 4.—Tbe Gazette, whose utteranoes are usually inspired offi cially, in discussing the policy of Ger many in China, denies allegations of the foreign prese to the effect that military preparations m dioate an adventurous policy. Tbe Uazette announces that Germany will not attempt any dismemberment of China, but merely desires atone ment for the murder ef her minister and an extension of ilegea. The Gazette adds; “Our oom meroial interests point unmistakably to tbe policy of non-partition, and im peratively demand that sueb a polioy not only be theoretically acknowl edged, but adhered to established principle.” MARCHED THROUGH PALACE. London, Sept. 4.—The latest reliable Pekin date la now neafly a fortnight old. An undated dispatch has been re ceived at Vienna, reporting that tbe allied troops marebed through the im perial palace August 28tb, but it was known that this day had been fixed by tbe allied commander* for a formal protnenaoe. There Is no other of any kind. M. Deßlowitz, the Paris correspond ent of tbe Tims*, asserts that tbe ori gin of Russia’s deoiiion to evacuate Pekin was her desire to frustrate tbe schemes of Emperor William and to orrect the impression produced by tbe Kalset’t speech, attributing to Emperor Nicholas tbe initiative In tbe appointment of Field Marshal Coant von Walderiee to tbe command of the international troopa. TROUBLE IN HONG KONG. Hong Cong, Sept. 4. -The anti-for eign feeling israpldly deepening here. In Canton province mob* of unem ployed men are reported to b looting house* and store*. THE OREGON REPAIRED. Captain Wilde Sends Report of the Grounding of tbe Warship. Washington, Sept. 4.—The navy de partment has just received by mail the official report of Captain Wilde of tbe battleship Oregon, of the elreumetaucea attending the grounding of that ehip In the gulf of Pechill last June, and her successful salvage. The report goes to confirm the department’s previonsly ex pressed conviction that the grounding was not in any respect attributable to fault on the part of Captain Wilde or any officer of the Oregon, who, in fact, appeared to have exercised extraordi nary precrutions to guard against the accident. The Orej-uanow been day at Woo Sung, where she is to form one of the international fleet to guard the transpsrt service during the exist ence ef the Chinese troubles. PLANS FOR PEACE, Q&iiin Powers Are Working On a -s Scheme, S' - v t. 4,—lt is r.saored In of s that certain powers are a program ; embodying con which peaec can bt restor ed In UhinA. It is proposed that the question of withdrawing the troops from China will be ignored. Thl* arrangement will be a rebuke to Russia’s proposal. SEW ALL WILL DIE. Physicians Say His Death Is Expected at Any Moment. Rath, Me., Sept, 4,—The condition of Eon. Arthur H. .Sewall is unchanged at midday. He had not con sciousness, and it was stated phy sicians that there was absolutely no hope for his recovery. His death is expected at any moment. AMERICAN ANARCHIST. Arrested On the French Frontier Yes terday. Rome, Sept. 4—Bohn Guinoppo. a noted American anorebist, was arrested on the Frenoh frontier this morning; the Italian authorities are advised that he came over from the United Slates to kill the emperor of Austria, WILL GO FOR HIS DAUGHTER. Detorlt, Sept. 4.- President H, B. Ledyard, of tbe Michigan Central railroad, has received a oablegram from his daughter, the widow of Barron von Ketteler. the Germrn am bassador to Chins, who was murdered at Pekip, saying: “Come to Yokohama for me.” Mr. Ledyard will start for Yokoha ma September 12th, Mr. M. Ku*er will return from a trip to Europe some time, next week. BRUNSWICK. GA„ WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 5,190 ft 8188 HaraonyFloweflllieSyrap MfipiciCoiiratiQi. -’ "I: •" o’kii * ia He Will Be Nominated bj Aoola mation T hie Morning—Wood- raff for Lt. Governor.' 1 ______ ■ $* Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 4.—The New York republican convention was called* 1 .T-. to order at noon today and adjourned' shortly afterwards. The coavsftlion was reconvened at tour o’eloek. 1 reports of the different committees Were read, and when tbe credentials commit tee announced that there was no con tests; the whole convention burst into great applause. Nevada M, Straathan was made per manent chairman. :/ , .i When the convention meets tomorrow morning ex-Gov. Black Mill. nominate Genjamtn B. Odell for governor and Timothy L, Woodruff for, lieutenant governor. • - ~ 'W / Thificon vent ion is very harmonious, > PRIZE FIGHTER KILLED. fie Wins ths Fight, Ratifies Shortly Afterwards. Loudon, Sept. 4.—Ponk Andrews and paok Coon, two looal pugilists, bad a savage fight last night. In tbe fourth round Andrews received a terrific blow in the jaw and neok, but revived before he wa* counted out, add continued tbe light. In the fif teenth round Andrews laotid a knock out bjow and wM declared tbe Winner. Soon afterward# he began to feel badly and an examination showed he was suffering from ths resuts of the blow in the fourth round. He grew steadily worse and died this morning. COFFEE COUNTY POPULISTS They Put Oats Ticket for the County Offices, Douglas, Ga., Sept. 4.—When the democratic convention a week ago put out a ticket for county offlesre it was thought that the populists would not putouta ticket, as the ordinary’s place was left vacant for them lo fill. They met here, however, Saturday and made a full ticket. This results In there be ing three candidates in the field for representative. Judge C. A. Ward, Jr. regular democratic nominee; J. M. Denton, Independent, and T. L. Paulk, populist. NAVAL RESERVES RETURN. They Report a Good Time At the Shoot in Savannah. The team representing the Naval Re serves which entered the shoot In Savan nah, returned to the city last night. While this team did not make a very high score In the contest they report a royal time. They all say that they en- Joyed the trip, and speak in the highest terms of the Forest City. nil or Cowarflly lillin Near YOU MSN SHOE TO PIECES H."?VV-*v v 7-' i-<& ■ Simply Because He Loved a Girl and Defiantly Saw Her, Four in Jail. A-dnupfr . ..It a Atlanta, Sept. ,4.—A special to the Constitution from Colombia, 8. C., v.s.'W#* ■' • i.g" 9 *-*' - says: Tbk body of H. Taber Earl, proprie tor of a restaurant in Seneoa, was fished out of Ssn*£| river this after noon, three miiee from town, by tbe sheriff of tbe eounty, while UatUe Games, a young woman, gave direct * i f 'A * ions to the officers where to And her lover’s body, Earle and the girl were sweethearts against the wishes of -the young wo man’s family. They forbade Earle entering tbe house, so lbs young, couple mat in a nook by the river where the water tumbles over great rook: and the scenery is beautiful. KaiW went to these meetings on his iiic/clr, hie sweetheart living three milei from town. Saturday brothers and a brother-in law sus pected the meetings, followed tbs young woman and surprised the pair together- The girl and Earle pleaded for hie life, but the young men were relentless and shot him to death. Then they tied tbe body to hjs bioyole and threw both foto /deep hole in the river. t s •v, m. ■& *, The woman wis arrested when jSlrf^ 5 , could not be found, and someone reported baying seen them together. After tryingTo shield her a relations for a time ebe told tbe whole •v*#- story. All are in^jaiL TO DISMLS3 APPEAL. Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 4,—-In tbe Third department of the Superior court bore today, Attorney General Davies moved to dismiss an appeal taken by the “Ice Trust’’ from Justice Chester’s de cision, thus permitting Referee N use baum to go on with the examination of ■s*w the officers of the ice company. Tbe at torney general’s motion for a dismissal was based upon the ground that tbe or der of Justice Chester at special term is not applicable to the appellate division. SPANISH WAR VETERAN, Washington, D. C., Sept. 4,—The veterans of the Spauish-American war are bolding a reunion here today. The gathering ie a large one, and much enthusiasm i* manifested in re collections of Cuban and I’orto Rican campaigns. Tbe convention will last three days. TRAINS COLLIDE. Utica, Sept. 4.—Tbe Montreal Ex preas and tbe Adrioodaok Express met in a head-on collision at Holland Patent thia morning. The engine were wrecked. Five hundred people were aboard tbe two trains, but none were seriously inj ired. RIFLEMAN MAT ENTER. Mac* Talk Among Them of the Prize Drill in Atlanta.. J It is very likely that tbajßrunswioa Riflsmen will enter tbe competitive drill to be held in Atlanta at tbs fair next month. As it only requites3s men, including the officers, to enter, the .Riflemen eoold easily get np a orask team. ’ Considerable interest is already be ing manifested, and it is thought tbe military feature* of tbe fair will be among the most entertaining to visit or* ae well as to tbe soldier boys them selves. The three military day* are October lltb, 12th and lltb, the latter being the day of tbe great sham battle. Colonel Park Wopdward, of tbe Fifth regiment, waa seleoted to take oharg* of all arrangements for tbe sham battle. He will also hays tbs troop* under bia commend daring the battle, , Tht prizes determined upon to be competed for Ootober lltb and 12, b, are as follower Company drill—First prize, $$00; second, S2OO, and third, SIOO. Squad drill—First prias, SIOO, and aeoond, S6O. Individual drill—Firat 'And only price, SSO, The judges will ba selected from regular army offliers, and only thoaa from dlatant aides will be considered. In thia way absolutely unbiased men will ba sebbred. Tents will be farnlehed all visiting companies tree of coat, and meals will iMbiairrsii at nominal prioea. The outlook is for a splendid milita- * ry exhibition, the beat Atlanta has , ever seen. Jjjj A BOER FTiAQ. Game Ne*r Causing a Riot \\ BafkariC . bor7 Maine. Jt Bar Harbor, Ale., S' Van if ess, a New porker, came near tit a riot hero todays When ttlo ships arrived this afternoon, Van Ness hoisted a large Boer flag on his lawn, and great excitement was the result. Large crowds gathered in the vicinity of the flag and trouble would have fol lowed had not the' chief of police ar rived and pulled the flag down. DART’S BATTALION. It Was Leading in the Shoot in Savan nah Yesterday. From Mr. Indy itoss, who returned from the shoot in Savannah last night, the Timts-Call learned, that * Major Dart’s battalion was leading for the battalion prize in Savannah yesterday. There are several battalions contesting for the honor, and it was impossible to finish yesterday, but after the close of the day’s shooting Major Dart’s team was in the lead, FIRST NEW RICE, The Savannas News of yeeterdsy said: The first two cargoes of the new sea son’s orop of of rioe arrived at the Planters Mill yesterday, consigned to W. OTlfforrell. Of the consignment 2,1100 bushels were from Mr. Utlpb Elliott’s plantation jmd 1,000 buabels from plantation. The .grain looka very baTrt4ftl and clMf prime. j KiCE FIVE CENT*: I fin imm • ' 4% ' Chaffee Wails Only Firs Thoasanfl Hen. y‘J, * * V*",; II PEACEFUL CABLEGRAM ' As Water in the River is FalJing Rapidly He Wants Sup plies to Be Sent at onoe. Washington, Sept. 4-General ;Ohaf fee cable from Taku today that hostih tiei are practscally over and ke needs duly fi v thousand men in China for the Winter, <• Chaffee alto states that water in the r * v * r ia falling rapidly and ha mast toon have suppliei as flty miles of the railv road which was torn up will not be re paired before the rirer freezes. WIND PREDICTED. The Weather Man Tells of g ‘ Storm. The following was reooived by Mass. TupigM&'Co. yesterday: ’*■’ 'lVnnin.l g torm oentrtl SpjiOtttheast Cuba. Vee- J'io ith Will probably encoun ter sf *. nortl *east Winds for next iwaor tee flays. Storm may possi ble if so timely wiP’ will be given. P- ra - Advisory, nortbeaat storta moving 4:30p. jm. from Cedur Keys, Tgmpa, Punta Ounta, Key West, Miama and Jupita; Tropical storms moving northeast over Western Cuba, High and probably dangerous north and northeast winds along Florida coast during next 36 hours. WEATHER FORECAST. For Brunswick and vicinity: Proba bly showers Wednesday; fresh to brisk northeast to east winds. PLAGUE IN GLASGOW. Glasgow, Sept. 4.—A bulletin from the medical offloers in Glasgow this morning shows that an additional plague case has been reported. This now makes a total of 13 doubtful oaaes tbers, under observation, 103. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPGH NKW YORK COTTON. New York, Sept. 4.-The following table showK the range In price* of cotton for the dif lorent months: Open. High. Low. Close October asr g7a NOO g 3 December. 84M BS3 g 8 „ Jan '"‘ r J’ 84# B|B 845 g M April ** • *4B *4B PRO DUCK MARKET. New York, Sept. 4.-The leading mture, ranged M follows In the New York Produoe Krclmnge today: : vruoat, No. a-open. High, LOW. close a V ,p * r ® 4 78 1-8 781-X Corn, No.*- Htrpl DeC ‘ L 1-2 41 I.* 408-8 4i3.i Mr. M. Jsaao, the merchant tailor and clothing dealer, ha. removed lnlo the store adjoining Mrs. M, Isaac, where he La. one of the prettiest place, of the -IrifliTin the city,'