The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 06, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Mr, Henry I Dnnn Hack From
a Northern Trip.
Tells About the Political
Situation and Says Mc-
Kinley is a Winner.
CJoi. Henry TANARUS, Dqnn returned Mon
s.-rflay from an extensive trip north and
ia the picture of health. 001. Duno
waa asked by a reporter for bia idea
*>f the result of the presidential elec
tion and ha aeema to think that the
Republican ticket will win in a gallop.
Mar. Dunn said that the foroee were
juat organized and that the Republi
cans oould safely count on New York.
Be farther itated that from talk* with
politcal leader* he waa convinced
that tbe result would be a Bryan de
teat, The more they talk of imperial
iam, said Mr, Dunn, the more votea
oor party will gar.
rSfr. J. R. Mangram and Miaa Leila
Moye Joined Together.
At the reaidence of the bride's eia
tar, Mrs. 1). U. Mann, on F atreet, at
•T-o'clook Tueaday morning Mr. J. R.
Mangram and Mias Leila Moye were
joined in tbe holy bonds of wedlock,
Rev. Walter M. Gilmore, officiating.
The married couple left at onoe over
the Southern for wedding tour.
Mr. Maogram is an employe of tbe
Riant System and baa resided in
Brunswick for aome time and has
made many friendi. Miea Moya ha*
bean a resident of this olty for a num
ber of years and has fMenda
inth- oily who JK ■ 'ysL Timks-
Cam m and
prospeioua life.
8. V. Kk.yd, WByoroKr w y, DyaL
Owens Ferry ; K. 11.
til.; Kdwanl I*, Gill,
"Wilbert, 1 odiappoli*; M,
Hew York; It. H. I,eter, CbicP|Hr
J*. Huboard, Atlanta; O. it. Smith,
Mtoon ; W. MoOiougb, Jacksonville;
V?, rt. Smith, Atlanta; Wo. E. Davis,
Atlanta; S. .1. llaya, Macon; C. M,
Mel’ail, Macon.
How a Woman
Suffers. )y J
Howell, lifD.* Not. 26. I
I will ahvav praiws Wine of Cardui. II / , f\ L—*
baa done me more pood than all the modi* /
einea I have ever taken in rnv life. Please / \ * I t s3 ®!
•*nd a book about female disease* to the \ Lj I
ladies whose names 1 enclose. J 1!
It Isn’t necessirv for a woman to Rive particulars. Wlien she says
she has “ female troubles", other women know what that means. It
means days and nights of endless suffering. It means headaches which
no tongue can descube. It means that terrible bearing and dragging
down In the lower abdomen. It mear.s agonizing battache, and shoulder
ache, and arm ache, and aches In the lower limbs. It means nerves on
edge—the blues— despondency and loss of hope. It means debilitating
drains that the doctors call leucorrhoea. It means martyrdom—some
times even death seems preferable. And still Wine of Cardui will utterly
put those diseases and pains to rout
.a.‘ur has cured thousands of cases
; For ,1" t *'n “niTin, when nothing else on earth would,
i dilution*. !’' Hnaloni., To the budding woman, to the
aumills iw iTntuaooe*. ina. bride, to the wife, to the expectant
w—~~~ —■ 1 -'•mother, to those going through
the Change of Life, this Vegetable Wine is a blessing.
Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO.
Will Be tbe Firet Attraction of tbe
The Woodward-Warren Company
will open the opera bouse on Septem
ber 17th, having an engagement here
for one week. The Sorrows of Satau
ia the next attraction. Thia excellent
oompany will play here on Oc’ober 1 tf.
followed by Al. G, Fields on October
Little Louise .Voiteau, who played
here with tbe Renfro Company the
last attraction of the 1899-lUCX) season,
died some days ago in Dsyton, Ob'o,
of typhoid fever. Tfaiaobarming little
girl actress bad many friends here
who will regret to hear of her sad
Ulcers, open or obstinate sores, scalds and
piles quickly cured by Banner Salve, the most
healing medicine in the world. W. J * putt*.
A Minister’s Good Work,
“I had a severe attack of bilious colic, goto
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chhlera and
Diarrluca Uemedy, took two doses and waa en
tirely cured.” says Kev. A. A. Tower,of Kmpo
ria.Kan. “My neighbor across the street was
sick for over a work, had two or three bottles o
medicine from the doctor. He used them for
tilroe or four days without relief, then called in
another doctor who treated him for wine days
and gave him no relief, so discharged him. 1
went over to see him the next morning, He
said bis bowels were in a terrible fix, that they
bad been mailing off so long that It was almost
bloody flex. I arkeMhlin If be had tried Cham
berlain’s Colic, ChampWW Dbtrrhesa Beni oily,
and he said, ‘No.’ I went homo and brought
him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him
to take another dose in fifteen or twenty min
utes if he did not find relief, bat he took no
mgre, and waa entirely cored. I think It tho
best medicine l have ever tried.” For sale by
Ur. bishop's drug atom.
The rain and thunder storm a few
days ago seems to have broken tbe
bookbane of tbe hot weather.
The progressive nations of the world ro the
great food consuming nations. <;ood food well
dlgeto*g veistrength. If you oannot digest
all you eat, yon need Kodei Dyspepsia Cure. It
digeats what you ent. You need nut diet your
aeir. IleomiUasaU of tbe digestants combined
with the host known tonic* and reconstructive*
It wlli oven dayetta all classes of food* in a bot.
tie. No other preparation will <l<> thia. It in
stantly relieves and cures all stiwnoch lixinblca
W J Butts
Paris, Aug. liß— (Special dispatch )
whiskies reoelved tbe ofH
clai of the exposition today,
when gold fiSsda! was awarded to
Bernheim Bro’., LootsviUe, Ky., on
their i. W.Harper, whiskey. Sold in
Brunswick, by t. N“y> ms'.
The Quakers Are
Honest People.
s. The Quaker Herb Ton
ic is not only a blood
purifier, but a Blood
in a k er for Pale, Weak
and debilitated people
who have not strength
or blood. It acta as a
tonic, it regulates di
ll tIN XA gestlon, cures dyspepsia
V ”1 ‘yx’ an< * dnds strength and
x >j tone to the nervous sys
tem. It is a medicine for weak women.
It is a purely vegetable medicine, and
can be taken by the most, delicate.
Kidney disease, Rheumatism and ail
diseases of the Blood, Stomach and
Nerves soon succumb to its wonderful
effect on the human system. Thous
ands of people in Georgia recommend
It Price SI.OO.
icine that the Quaker Doctor made alt
of his quick cures with. It’s anew and*
wonderful medicine Neuralgia,
Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism,
Sprains, Pain in'Bowels; in fact, all
-pain can be relieved by it. Priee 25c
and 600.
a medicated aoap for the akfin, acalp
and complexion. Price 10c a cake.
vegetable ointanmt for the cure of
tetter, eczema asik.eruptions of the
•kin. Price 10c a box.
F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor,
Cincinnati. ?ti3F a
PolhilTs Drug Store
Orange,' N, J„ Sept. s.—Tbe State
Retail Liquor Dealer*’ Association ts
holding ita convention in this city to
day. Tbe attendance is extet ltrge
this year, many visiting delegate* bs
ing present. Tbe principal bueihess be
lug oon*ide#pl t bow beat to force tl a
Federal government to withdraw the
war tax,, since the country, according
to the assertion* of the government,
l* in a- state of'praoe. Resolutions
bearing on tbe ques’ion will be pre
sented for ratification this afternoon.
Gome* from Dr. D, B, Cargile, of
Weebita, I. T. He write*: “Four
bottle* of E eotrio Bitter* liaaoured
Mr*. Brewer of scrofula, wbiob bad
cauaed her great suffering for year*
Terrible sores would break out on her
bead and face, and the beet dootore
could give no help; but her our* ie
complete and her health ia excellent.”
Thie shows what thousands have
proved—that Eleotrlo Bitters is the
b?*t blood purifier known. It’s the
supreme remedy for soseme, tetter,
tetter, silt rheum, ulcere, boils and
running sorea. It stimulate* liver,
kidneys and bowels; expels poison,
helps digestion, builds up tbe strength.
Only fi&sts. Sold by all druggists.
Mr. Norman B. Sbelverton bas re*
sigaed bis position with tbe Brown
Drug Cos.
The Remedy for Stomaoh and Bowel Troob'ei
"I have been In the drug business for
twenty years, ami have sold most ail of
the proprietary medicines of any note.
Among the entire list I have never found
anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remcey for all
stomach and bowel troubles,” says O.
W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This
remedy cured two severe cases of cholera
mortpis in my family, and I have recom
mended and sold hundreds of it to my
customers to their entire satisfaction. It
affords a quick and sure cure in a pleas
ant term. No family should be without
It. I keep it in my house at all times.”
For sale by Dr. Bishop's drug store,
Agooi many consumptives would bo cured
and the worst esses comforted and relieved by
using Fol.y’s Honey and Tsr. Suggest it to
those Afflicted. You should do this ass friend.
W. J, Butts.
Russell's Chill aud Fever
Tonic is acknowledged to
be the Best oiT the market
every bottle guaranteed, For
sale by all droggiets.
There is Some Talk of Organizing
One in Brunswick.
There is a probability of a Bryan
Club being organiz'd in Brunswick.
Nearly every city in Georgia bas a
club and a prominent Brunswick law
yer yesterday said to a Tinas Cal
reporter: “I think it would be a good
idea to organize a Bryan club in
Brunswick. Nearly every city in
Georgia and tbe South bas a club of
this kind, and I see no reason why tbe
citizens of. Brunswick sbonld no:
Several other citizeos said that it
would bs a good idee, and it is vety
probable one will be organized.
Mr. W. A. Hines, of Msncbester,
la., wHUog of his almost miriouloui
escape ffbm death, .ay; “Exposure
after measles inducsd serious lung
trouble, which ended in Consumption.
I bad frequent hemorrhages, and
coughed night and day. All my doc
tore said I must soon die. Then I be
gan to use Dr. King’s New Discovery
‘for Consumption, *HOh ■Completely
cured me I would not be witbont it
. •• , - .y* '•*
even if it cost $5.00 a botile. Han
dribs have used it on my recommenda
tion, and all say it never fails to enre
Throat, Chest and Lung troubles.”
Regular size 50cte. and #I.OO. Trial
bottles free, at all drug stores,
Mr. E. D, Wolff returned to the city
yesterday morning, and it getting the
opera bouse in shape for tbe opening.
••dklaYs abe danufkous.”
A email pimpla on your face may seetu or lu
ll* conseqdsnco, tmt It allows your blood Ulm
pure, aaU Impure blood 1* what canoe* most of
the diseaua from Which people suffer. Hotter
head the warning giyeu by the pimple and pu
rify the blood at onoe by takln; Hood's Suns
parllls. This medicine cure* all disease* due
to bad blood. Including scroful* sail talt rhnm
The non -ln ltnting cathartic—Hood's Till*.
-———ife——-—* -
Those who want the best work, at
tbe luwest figures, should bring It to
this office. On large dodgers, our
price* abdhvork will make you a coo
stant customer, it you will give us the
first job. Ring up 31, and a solicitor
will call.
Tbe Riflemen held quits an interest
ing meeting last night.
/7p A Baby's
/Q A f^^Birth
[f is very much like the blossom
|l ing of a flower. Its lieauty and
I perfection depends entirely
I upon the care bestowed upon
I its parent. Expectant mothers
I ■ should have tlie tenderest care.
I They should be spared all worry
| and anxiety. They should eat
I plenty of good nourishing food
and take gent le exercises. This
will go a long way toward preserv
ing their health and their beauty
as well as that of the little one to
come. But to he absolutely sure
1 of a short and painless labor they
. should use
\ rTjrtilarly duririff the montba of resta
► tfon. This is a rumple liniment, which
is to be applied externally. It f?ive*
strenßili and vigor to the muscles and
j , prevent* at]of tnediscomfu: ts of preg
t hanoy, n-hich women used to thfn*
, wet’c absolutely necessary. When
, M ther’s Friend is u>cd there is no
, danßer whatever.
Oft Mother’s Friend at the time
Stef \ HM ier bottle.
m BRsonrin rigi i sior co.
i Writ# for our Tt*# bank,*' Bvfcur# H*by 1* Horn
[9 00 Drops
AVcgeiable Preparationfor As
- the Food andllegula
ling the Stomachs andßowels of
Infan is /C hildren
Promoles Digeslion,CheerfuF
ness and Rest .Contains neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narcotic.
or Sleep.
Facsimile Signatory nf
\ t b ifoii lh-i old
j y UllSl S J>CIIN I S
. T". - . - .'.".". ItKAD DOWN T ~ ' : kSaD'TTp
so. m no.,** Time rab’e • *,. ** o *
PBBVQ|fnr Mixed * MO. 35 , Passenger Mixed f
Kffeclive Sunday. Daily. Daily. *'.'.'.'.'.‘.'.'.’.'M
Daily. Daily. May *7 1Z:Bl am _
# 16am — soopm... or Wayetow tv . SOPm...- rlt*m
oi' pm... 10 HP pm.. ■ l Waycros* r .p—
- Ilian... ar Tifton Iv S>• *•*—
.11 60 pm... 12 10 am... ar Savannah ly 400 pm... 21>an...„
* 10um... a Mam .. ar CBarleston ly
’ ii.ii.l* i4O pm. *1 36 am... ar rhoma*v!lle lv 530 pm.... 2 00am
y 00pm. gfOau . ar Tampa ly 7 90am 7 OSpir....;
vTa~w a Across a riuMKki
... . 715 a n...| 500 pm ,ly Brunswick ar ill 30 am. .jlOls am •]
ij jr.a m 1160 am.. ar B rnnngbamf h: *am 4 06)m..-i
r> 60a n .. i7 10 pm.. ar Kasnville lv 221a in !900 am *
I2 26iim .Ii SO am.. ■'ar Louisville 1' 9l2pin. j 265 am. ...
4 osm . .7 03 am. .. ar Cincinnati 1 545 pul. ’ll 00 pm
it. :::, t wpSu: •* •k.Lcuia i •>. sospm . i
I Ii - I••• ■■■
.....i 7 ir. am. ]~ 5 00(.in.. )Lv Branxwick Ar iiao piu ilO 15 am
.... 11 Hi* am. It 10 am. Ar Savannah Lv j fiuOpm t l>*m
-14 !m 613 am Ar < harleatou Lv 050 am ;1115 pm
Hri am \ 7 25p*n !Ar llicbmond Lv fi 48 pm i UGo Am ••
2iam 1(3 am Ar BaHirrore Lv 1 4tfpm I *2*® t*
l'ireet connection made at Wavcroes with ihrouau Pullman Sleeping Caia foi Savannah
Cbarlenton. aad all pointa North; alto fo. MonFOuierj Birmingatm, Nashvllic, nfc. Lonw
aud all points West, __ ...
Heolibg chair ca • b#*twrsen Waycroae and Montgomery *ia Thomaaviue.
Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana,
Lv Port Tampa 10 OO pm Mon Thurs. >at. |
Ar Key Wist S 0 pm ,uos Frt. rititi
Lv Key West 9 00 pm Tues. Frt. Sunday. I
Ar Ilsvsna 6 00 m Wod.Snl Mon I
General Bupt !)lvision Pass. Agent. Pass. Trsfflo Mgr (
Savannah. Ga Brunswick." a. Savannah Ga
are f (he most fatal of all dis
rni ry?c kidney cure is a
iULIi 0 Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c. and 51.03.
W. J. Butts, the Drugglist
crPFSXJ 1 1 ifiSt r unnatural
j- lr f '*.-■ 1: \r^':fl,lctlsittißualton,
rr t Ati. u: uv ulf* rariv'Tii
IS*JI -t : 1 nnnr**. tl ran tuu membrane#,
bjpj *** •** T 4i#n. P..ia* a, and net Aetna*
TTatTMtEm*tuih.CAjC j, ' k.r pu*oiiott*.
kjj4cts.civHTl,o.KS9 Sold by DruffVtot*,
NdKTL. f-S.A. XTor f>nt in plain wr>m
by cxproM prepaid, foe
r ok*. 0r.3 bottl. , 13.73.
*• Circular tout on rogue*
I For Infants and Children. J
The Kind You Have'
Always Bought
ft Jfv In
(\Jf‘ Use
U' For Over
i Thirty Years
Lv Havan* 1 80 pro Mon. Wed. and Sat.
Ar Key Welt fi 00 pin Mon, Wfd. and Sat .<
Lv Key Wort 10 0) p. in. and ftVw,..,
Ar Port Tampa l SO am Tties. T*r.&ttd Bun..
and criminal cases attended to
business strictly confidential. En
! quir. s conducted with secrecy.
1 11 — 1 a —■
L. J. Leavy Sc Cos
Anul i< fieerif, Commieeiou
Mr ivlisuts and oner
ai Cos 11 ruling Agent*
Cct %• utiitnte Solicited and
U*-tnrriH Umt<fTed.
Sj Lil Attention Paid to
CoilrtCtion of Renia
Money loaned on personal
: property and real estate. Ap
ply to J. W* Watkins. m