The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 08, 1900, Page 3, Image 3
POSITIVE FACTS FOR WOMEN. /f . AU the world knows of the wonderful /M cures which have been made by Lydia E. JpiP' r Plnkhant "s Vegetable Compound, yet some women do not realize that all that Is M -\\ claimed for it Is absolutely true. ‘ If all suffering women could be made to *. JjpfpAgdi believe that Mrs. Pinkham can do all she *• fj- -- y.y T says she saw, their suffering would be at ~---~ JIT - '”•' ! a ewaf, /er <hfiy would at once profit by her advice and be oured. 7 ——"••' To all doubters Mrs. Piukliam can furnish the mast positive f ✓ i —t * , " H and proof of these facts. ■ If I’irst— Myelin K. I‘inkham’sVeffetahlte Compound holds the record /C/firf 1 lihr /■ the largest number of absolute cures of any remedy for female I” 7 ' / ills ever known in thisjeountry. , „ . * *'7 '/ Second Mrs. llnkham has on file millions of letters fro-m women C "ho have bveu restored to health by the use of her Compound, and all that she claims ran be verified by an examination of her records. ' Ihird—All letters addressed to her at Lynn. Mass., are received, opened — read, and answered by women only. This is a sacred confidence never violated No testimonial ever published without the writer’s full and free consent in writing How Mrs. Bcugltor's Life was Saved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. “Lydia K. I’inkham’s Vegetable Compound saved my life and gave back a loving mother to eleven children, which was more than any doctor could have done or any other medicine in the wide world. My trouble was child bed fever. The third day after my l ‘babe was born 1 took a chill, which ’ IJoUowed by a high fever. 1. would mrtit my clothes were as wet j*u(rh in a tub of water, jhills and fever kept up for three Jo My daughter got me a bottle of .Utvnuld. The fourth dose JKopfeod the chills, and the fever also d.-sapp ii •and. Mi life was saved. My age a. this critical time was fortv ni itc." Lydia E. Bougher, rtna, Pa. He medicine in the war id hats a greater record of ceres for female ilia than L r&IA E. compound. -TLLIONAIRE MI3SINO. < *is. Work, of Mhdison, N.,r., Vsrj Strangely I) enppear*. A v Werk, a mlUonaire, out of life three weeks ago as if he had been innihilsted, Detectives have worked day and night, tnovi and by the promise of a Urge reward, to Bad some clew of him. 't he police of several cities have now been asked to he’p in the search, but Mi without avail, Mr. Werk is a millionaire, a gentle ‘ man of leisure Mis wife is the fav orite niece of Henry M Fligler, Florida’* great developer. The particular fancy of Werk is for rose growing. Oa his great (arm at Madison, N. J.. he bar miles of green houses and thousands of splendid rose plants, some of thiru represent ing varieties rai e as crown jewels. He also has a floe cottrge at Chad as J., where he divides hi* time wi h the Mad' n man sion. Oi; AugU'l Jo ti be If th<’ I'had wit>k eot'lg 4 wtiere bis wi?s . 11J son uok fr>>, sod went to Mld’fcort. He r*rtFil trek for Chadwick tb* “nme day. lint wax the laxl -ex., it beard cf hint. The worries <! a weak ur and sick mother r;re only begun Hb ihc birth <■! her eh:!a. By .lay her work is constantly iuterr ptr ! and at •night her rest is broken by the waillr. of th pe.-Tish. puny infant. Dr. Piu te's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It lightens all the hardens of maternity, giving to mother* strength and vigor, which they impart to their children. In ovet thirty years of practice Dr. Pierce and i his associate staff of nearly a score f pby - cian* have treated and cured more I La n : fa trillion suffering women, kick women are in vited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free of charge. All correspondence Is strict 1; prl. ate. Address Dr. R. V Pierce. lid- Hotel an 1 Surgical Institute, Buffalo. Oyt’er s>a*oo i on in esrneet now, and the juicy bivalve* are better than ever. ticldthwaite & Bod, Troy, Ala., wrote: Teithina'3 epeedy cure*; of sores and erup ions npon the skin have been remarkable. u Facts About Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound In Cases of Change of Life, Bearing- Down Pains, Etc. “ l haddffclling, inflammation and ulceration of the womb: backache, ben ring-down pains; was, so weak and nervous tiiat I could not *<lo my own work; hd sick headache, no appetite, mimtt sptjlls. hands and te-t eold all the time. X havl good Afetors. but, none of them did me nipf’good*.,' Through the advice oi luipdv frien® I liegao the use of LydfS EX'h’ikhlvntk Vegetable Compound, one bottle 1 fell, greatly’relieved, and by the time I had used several bottles was completely gored, so that I could do my work again. 1 ainnow passing through the change,pf life and using your ('. impound, if helps me wonder fully. 1 want every sutTering woman to know what your medicine has done for me.” —Mrs. W. M. Bull, New Xhilestlne, Mo. A GOOD SIG.^. During the campaign of 1H9(; politi cal cranks could easily llnd some sign* which showed that their fsvorito would be elected. The Metropolis has now d'cnvered slons ' same lines that Bryan is a winner. The ostrich farm is the scene, and, aa is we 1 4 known, there are a large number of the birds on the farm, and ail are and. Two of them had a fearful combat yesterday. They were 15 H McKinley aril bill Bryan, brytn ia rly whipped McKinley to a stand s'ill. Hie battle was a lierce one, and attracted much attentior Teddy Boosevelt was an eye witness, but proved a coward. —J,ck>o< v He M - tropolis The emergency pent by a church society to Katiaaf.oMiergiii lho Philippines contained among the necessities a hok ot PuWitt’s Witch H axel tfnlv-6, the well known cure for piles, in juries am! ijkiu (in*ca-c. 'I ho ladies took care to obtnio the original HeWitt’ Witch Hazel Salve, knowing that all the counterfeit* are worthier,*. \V. .1. Hutta. Mr. C. Di wnirjr i" still in Atlanta, whor* he went for the banefif of hi* health. For Backache us* STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: We beat the world on dodgers. l Cheapest end b-st. Titn*s <a. job offle •. I "’* ftßo "‘ 4 toicstooa- re-trabling mu-hr- ms, have eauMMl frequerut -■ tbi*yoar. lio-ure j to use only the genuine. < m* the imue care j whea yon*>.fc for Hazel.* Salve j I They ft re poisonous ©o UeVVltt'a Is J the only original Witch rr on! salve. It Iklsafe umi ccrtaiu care for pile- .•' all skin ditoaecg W .! Unite. Mr. N (Jfigertaeri returned last, night from a short trip up tb* j . <k W. Aden Halverson of ft est I’rarte, Win., says: • People come ter, mites to l.nyl holey’s Kidney Cure,'’ while J. A. Spero of lielmer, Ind., says: “It it the medical wonder of the ;age.” W. J. l utis . THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL SEPTEMBER 8, 1900 Still More Facts Showing Irregularity Is Overcome by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. • • Ilk aa M HtwPns a ham —Ia m troubled witli Irregular menstruation, andlmve begun the use of Lydia K Pinkham’s Vegetable ( ompoudd. Would >Jike your ailviee.”—Cora L. Pavton, MaV .9. 1898. “Dear Mrs, Pinkham—l have taken three bottles of Lydia K l’inkhanr's , Vegetable Oompomid, but 1 have a bad 1 discharge and write to ask if 1 had better not. use your Sanative Wash’ also? Your medicine is helping me.” Cora L. Payton, Ogontz, Pa., July l, •’Dear Mrs. Piskiiam—~X-write to tell, you of the benefit I have received fromthi use of your remedies. Before using them 1 was feeling very had.’’ I used to go to the hospital, hut it: did , me no good. Your remedies have dom wonders for me. V Cora L. Pay ton, Ogontr, Pa. Feb. 25, 1899. LARGE EXCURSION _______ Arrived Last Xight ,from~i T p ’ the Southern, One of the largest excursions of ibe season reached the city last nTgliffW,'. Macon and poin's along’ the Southern railway. The crowd was about half white and half colored. Tickets on this trip are good until Sunday-, and most of the crowd will remain until that time. —r —— Hat days followed ,by coel nights wiil breed malaria in the b< dy that is bilious or costive. Priokly As 1 Bit ters is very valuable at this time for keepirg the slomach, 1 ver tnd bowels well r-gulated. W.J. Butt*. Knpsell’tf Chill jjud Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be tlie Beat on the market every bottle guaranteed. Fur sale by all druggists. Send your work to the Timer-Call job i ffice. Cheapest and best. | Von can spell it cough, coft, caugli, knot kair, i sough or kaugh, ljut the only harmless remedy , thaWjuiCkly Cures it is One Minute Cough Cure ! W .1 Butts. Mr. J. H. Abrams hat returned from a visit to Ins family in Demote.t. W hen yon want a pleasant physic try the nOw remedy, i hamherlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Taey are eir y to take and pleasant in effect. I’ri.-C Samples free at Bishop’s • rug store. wanted. Areeiau weils to drive at $250 each | Hue and capacity guaranteed will also guarantee to complete welle in 15 | days, Call on or address A. ff. Baker, *O5 Glonceater street. Do you read what people aay atom Hood’s Sarsaparilla? It Is curing U 1 forms of di-ease reused or promoted by impure blood. When in need, call on J. W. Watkins. He loans mo ney on personal property. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. The following valuable building lo’r, charmingly situated in Vive ivfeld'int portion of tbe city, are for sale on easy term? : 135x180, on Pnion street, running back to R’ymbls street. This piece of property can be divided into six Jo’*, 46y90 each, three fronting on Union and three on Ruynt Ids streets, and is situated immediately north cf Hie residency of Mr. Glauber Lot on tbe east side of Hcign, opposite tbe residence of Mr, John H, McCul lough, UOxISO feet, can bs divided in’o fourjiot* 45x90; two fronting on Union and lwo 011 Ellis streets. Lots ISOxISO 1 feet,cornering on Albany, Albemarle and Amherst slreyle, can be divided Into eight lots, 45*90 feat tseb, Abo lots on Gloucester street, b tweeu Al bany and Amherst streets, acd lots on Albiny, betwsep nd F streets; and on Amherst street, be tween Gloucester aud Fstreets. To' anyone v i*bit'*t desirable building 1 lots, either folr,their own residence or 1 >. ;*i ' ■ j for reof, cannot fait to be satisfied with theEd locations; For further Informa ■stx-ir tion app'y to J. E. dußionox. Ktsseimnee, (ia., June is, 189!'.—Dr. J. 11. -Me- Lean’s StrongteiiingCoKlinl and liiood Furifler 1s the best medicine of its kind made. 1 have used it and know it to lie good. C. i>. Me pan - iel. For fate UyAV. .1. druggist. Jti'Ou Li-na, the lastpuinluo Tonic, Cipes chills aud fever Ke a bottle. For Bladder Troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. Advertisements are read at all times without regard to whether the business season be dull or active. Therefore the business man who advertises when husi ness is quiet is hound to be remembered by the purchasing public when commer cial activity becomes greater. Whoso ever among merchants can keep himself In ■fjubKe mind will enjoy the greatest amount of'f’ilsiom. , always keep ON hand fPorin-KiUev i There Is no kind of pain or ache, interna! or exter nal, that Pain-Killer will not relieve. ( LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB- STirUTtS. THE GENUiNE BOTFLe' BEARS THE NAME, < PERfIY DAVIS 3/. SON. . A SPECIAL I'OIJJTBK TO HOUSEWIVES, Dried Smokeless Boneless Herring and ajquickly fried egg make a most acceptable ‘ hot weather” breakfast pleasing to cook, pleasing to appetite. I have the Herring, the real “Kstz.en .famine ” kind, with true dyed-in-the-wool Havering, the kind which wakes up the jaded appetite. It is absolutely boneless and in thin strips about 5 inches long and half inch wide. A jar will make a meal. Packed in glass jars. Try a jar now—just the season for them. THOMAS KEAKV, FANCY GROCER. Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Street. $47-50 . Willi buy a Model 59 Columbia Chainless Bicycle. $37-50 Will buy a Model 51 Ladies Chainless Bicycle. $25-50 Will buy afrfldies Cushion Frame Bicycle- This is something nice- Try one—buy one! sls OO to $20.00 W A buy a good Ladies’ or Gents’ Bicycle, at the DOWNING C(£ rwNurfflt Summer 'd. Bargains, Furniture. A clearance sa'e to make room for new goods. I I’arlor Suit, 5 pieces, worth S4O, now $29. 1 Oak Refrigerator, worth $46„ now sls. * 1 Oak Bed Room Suite, 3 pieces, worth $25, now SIS Bed Loungsa, worth sl6, now, loe Cream Freezers worth $2 .50 at 81,95. A large assortment of Sideboard*; Clipboards Hp Prices Below tlie Market, |l|plf n ipfiiiyFY" wl Bwliwiwyiß! BBn 8 Uo Boor war. w. ji. boJen. % m iSrh&Xffi*: A Of Stone. Brick nxijp Frame Boildisigs Manulacturers of Ccmcnti'Tilc and Artificial Stone. s mm i jjjf / i ; i E\ EIO BARKKL SELECTED has stco] oar quality test. Failure to come np to the required standard means failure to form part of our stock of \V lues and Liquors. Only that which is good ralue for money is offered, FR- V -206 Bav Strest, wnen ciug Use any of my brand* of WINES AND J UQUOIIS and nature will be greatly assisted in th- work of recuperation. My goods are v> excellent quality, and have been bottled fljid matured under our immediate gupervfafon, Kaeb bratid has been selected bee ante special merit. Find out winch suite. % JPKICEH OTO BUIT.J t:toan, Bj StreJ*'- B,wseri A, On. Yj 3