The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 09, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE; SHALL WE ORGANIZE ? He Croates Are Dffiu, Bat the GiG lift fill Ge on. Shall Brunswick have a Chamber of Commerce—a progressive organization of citizens willing to do their share In promoting our city’s commercial devel opment, or shall we listen to the croak ers and do nothing? - ' A public-spirited young citizen has v neglected his private affairs in order to make a canvms of the citizens of the town with a vie w of organizing a Cham ber of Commerce* His patriotic efforts have been greatly encouraged. When innocess seemed assured the kickers ap peared on the scene. It has been urged / by them that yarloug? classes of citizens have no business on [ board of trade because, forsooth, there may be conflict -log inleresty. J If this view is correct we have the . most ideal-board of trade today Id Amer ica. It is composer! of at Icast 'four members—a presided, a secretary, and two or three privates* It Is, perhaps, one of the most harmoni um bodies in the country. Yes, it would be a most excellent Idea to exclude all of the doctors from the new board of trade. They are profess ional men, and, of course, their practice Wout be greatly damaged if a few hun dred jew people came to town and htugir.||pnv a few thoua nd dollars l j invest. • Then the Uwyera would be almost rained if we shtuld lmve an influx of population and v. 'ut-i ’iny timi lia for ita^HHuC;'‘ 1 lug of ouroiM. 1 orate Hie retail merchanlHßjtr the b, ard, but who feu owe but, wf A will g. t Up a terrible Ooespiraef out some merchant who contentpisflW jnoving hither. Again, Mr. Kicker aaya, “I am : going to belong lo any organi ration of "winch Mr, .Tones is a mimtier; if they take him lu I’ll juat quit." Oh, no; it will never do to get two or three hun dred of our citizens to join together and pay tn a thousand or fifteen hundred dollars a year to be used in laudable ef forts to get manufactures established in this community, to enoouiagc the build ing of railroads and to induoe capita! to seek investments generally in our city, and correspondingly increase our popu lation. The oily is slready so large and •o great that our people can so well af ford to divide up in factions ;n a business sense, and let every faction hoe its own row. Let us have about six hoards of •trade— one composed of lawyers, one of retail merchants, one of the doctors, one ot the carpenters, etc. The old adage of ' long pull, a strong pul! and a pull al together," Is exploded. “In division nd contention there is strength" is the modern, up-to-date motto. Seriously, Brunswickians, it is , time for action. The future ot our oily is in oar own hands. Shall we retrograde or go forward? „ Let those who have undertaken the work of organizing a Chamber of Com snetce keep up the good work. Don’t )t little kicking ditcourage yon. To ha rare, many who promise active as distance will perhaps prove somewhat disappointing, but this la true in every undertaking.-—tfoniraercial, political or religious. Success In all undertakings depends on the few. Determined, enthusiastic work will re sult in great good. Be not daunted; continue to secure names and subscrip tions. Call a meeting of subscribers, elect officers who will do their part. Move forward. Let the kicking be fresh inspiration, and success will come. There Is no intention in this article to discredit the good done by the few that have faithfully stood by the old board of trade, but the need of a thoroughly organized commercial body composed of a / -.vr the business men and professional men is imperative. ’’DELAY# aKE HANO PIIOUS.” A Knl! pimple on your fiicp may soaui of Ut tle i-onaeqUanoo, built shows your blood il Im pure, and impure blood Is what causes most of the diseases from which people suffer. tipto e heed the warning (flyen by the pimple and pu rify the blood at once by takln t Hood’s Bares pm ills. This medicine cures all diseases due to bad blood, including scrofula and salt rheum The non-Irritating Cathartic- Hood’s I’tlls. w , * “ ———— C. C. Collins, of Atlanta, is in the oity. The Remedy for Stomach and Bows! Troubles '•I huve.bccn in the drug business for twenty yenrs,fand have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Amotig the entil e list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, IBfcolant and Diarrhoea Iteweey for all : -U and bowel troubles,” says'O’ Acfield, of Columbus, Ga. “This cured two severe cases of cholera Jw in my family, and 1 have recom ■H and sold hundreds of it to my to liicir entire satisfaction. It affords a qnMrahd sure 'euro m u pleas ant iorm. No family should he without I it. I keep it in my house at all times.” <tfur sale by Dr Bishop’s drug store, * . V- !' dost received ready to wear felt hats Miss Kate stater. DOES IT FA Y TO BUY CEfAKP A cheap remedy for coughs, and coids tr sli tifbt, t u t V t,u want ecnri6 thing that wi.. believe and cure the n ist severe aid dangerous results n throat and trouble, What eh# dot Go to a wsiint r 11 , more regula climate? Y<e, if yeas la ; if in po slble for pie. tun u . iter ti h 'ak the only remedy ’fcst Lai beet ii tro luoed In ail olvilived countries with success In sore throat and lung troubles Boschee's German Syrup. It not only, stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, hut allays tnfismation and causes expectoration, gives i good night’s rest and cures the patient Try ono qo’Ue Recommended manv years by hit (Laiyglste iu the world Sample bottle* at VT. .1. Boris ard Brown Drocir Oo i Just received ready to wear felt bats : Miss Kate Slater. R. 11, Patterson, of Danville, it spending a few days in tbs city. At oo Tune la Mao S-oure from At tacks of such disorders of the stnmaob stobolera morbus, cramps and rbora; but tbese complaints are com mon during tbe heated term, when It is dangerous jo naglset them. Pain- Killer ioi remefly that bas never fail ed, the 'several attacks bave been cured by it. Avoid eubstitntes. There It bat cniTVUt-Killsr, Perry Pvle\ 260. and 50c. „ THE BRUNSWICK TIMBS-CALL, SEPTEMBER 9, 1900. The Quakers Are Honest People. The Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blood I Purifier, but a Blood raakev for Pale, Weak Ea, fin d Debilitated people ' who have uot strength nor blood. It acts as a <?: ■■ tohie, it regulates di • 1 yjp. -gestion, cures dyspepsia \ a, and Tends strength and A -A v >i tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. ■ltMa a purely vegetable medicine, and can bo taken by the most delfoate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and -Verves soon soccumb to its wonderful effect on the human system. Thou*-, anils of people in Georgia recommend it. Prfuel.oo. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wondej-ful medicine for Neuralgia;- Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all pain can be relieved by it. Prise 23c and 60c. , - ' QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion, Price lOe a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, ectetna and eruptions of the skin. Price 10c a box. FOR HALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Chacinnati. , Polhill's Drms Store THE BALL GAME. The Two Local Clubs Played a Very Good Gama. * ’ The baseball game between the Plant System club and Hirtch’e team resulted in a tie yesterday afternoon. The game ve y good one in deed, both sides playing srappy ball, ft looked like a viotory for HiraohV team up to tbe fifth inning, the soore being 4 to 0, but the shop boys got to gether in this inning, and sent Hive man across the home plate. Hirsob’s team made another run in tbe sev enth, tieiog the score and tbe game was called on account of dark new. The shop boys olaim that tfiey won the game by one run, as Mr. Dan Krjtuas, who kept tbe score, bad it S to 4, but the other side olaims that it was a tie. Mr. Krause, they say, made a mistake and did not score one run they made. A Times-Gaia man kept a score of his own, and it showed a tie. Anyhow it was a very good game and was witnessed by a good-s zed crowd. Jtitt reoeived ready to wear felt bets Miss Kite Sister. Junes Meyer, of Baltimore, h. regis tered at tbe Oglethorpe. A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT. Mr. V,’. A. Hines, of Manchester, la., writing of bis almost miraculous escape from death, says; ’‘Exposure titer measles induoed serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I bad frequent hemorrhages, and coughed nlgbt and day. All cry doc tors'said I must soon die. Then I be gan to use Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, wbioh completely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost 95,00 a bottle, Hun dreds have used it on my recommenda tion, and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." Regular eir.e 50ets. and SI.OO. Trial bottles free, at all drug stores. Just received ready to wear felt tats Miss Kate Slater. WANTED—Man for outside work. Apply to Roberts’ Furniture store. Knss&U’s Chill and Fever fofife is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every cottle guaranteed. ffit^saltby ail druggists. A NEAT BOOK. The Timsb-Call is in receipt of a neat book oh “A Compendium of the rescuicea, attractions and business op portunities a’ong the lines of the Plant System in Georgia, South Carolina, Alabem* and Florida,” issued by the above well kuown railroad system. It is full of interesting facts, well Ulus trated. Copies can be obtained by ap plying to George W, Coie, agent, SCHOOL NOTICE. Miases Gsle’s seleot private school wiilopen Oct. 1 at t.beir residence,7oß E street. Thorough instruction is given in primary, mstromentajjuad collegiate d-pirtments. TtiU institution of learning it of seven years’ standing, and.the teachers are progressive, em ploying all the new add improved method* of instruction. • . —— - __ y TEACHERS’ EXAMINATION. Superintendent Orr held an exami nation for teachers’ license at the Mansfield street school building yee terday morning. Thi* is the last ex amination this fait. OPERA HOUSE. One Solid Week, Commenc ing Ail Wii [ 17 Matinees Wednesday and Saturday The Woodward- Warren Company Supporting the Eminent Comedian, I 1 111. In high class repertolr, ffiii fin Siii Nil ($l5 doWQst#to*f,#lo upstairs ) Prices, 10,20,30 c Reserved seats on sale at Butts, Colored people can secure their seats ot Carter s. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. The following vsluable building lots, charmingly situated in the resident portion of the oity, are for sale on eary terms: 135x180, on Union street, running Lack to R-jswilds street, Tms piece of property osn be divided into six lots, 40i90 each, ttuee fronting on Union and three on Reym Id* street*, and is situated immediately north ef the residence of Mr. Glauber Lot on the east side of Uoion street, opposite the residence of Mr. John H. McCul iough, 90x180 feet, ean be divided into four]iot< 48x90; two fronting on Uoion and two on Ellis streets. Lots 180x180 feet, cornering oo Albany, Albemarle and Amherst street*, can be divided into eight lot*, 45x90 feet each. Also lota on Gloucester street, between Al bany and Amherst streets, ar.d lots on Albany, between Gloucester and F streets; and on Amherst street, be tween Gloucester and F streets. To anyone wishing desirable building lots, either for their own residence or for rent, cannot (ail to be satisfied with these locations. For farther Informa tion apply to J. E. dcßioson. i Castor i A The Kind You Have Always Bought, anti which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of —. anti has been made under his per- Sj? , sonal supervision since its infancy. AAllow no one to deceive you in this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castoiin is harmless substitute for Castor OiJ, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contaius neither Opium, Morphine nor other Naruotie Substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroy* Worm* amt allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the StoinaeipMffl Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The OtiTklrcn’s Panacea-—The Mother’s l ri*nd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thc ccwt.ub 00M..-Y. „ aunn mu,, at. oi>. err,. PLANT SYSTEM i’ASHKNGKR DEPARTMENT. -ggj u Low;, [’ _ : kSao, Tip j 7“. - no.ft no s. | Time .Hir e > no.;o .. P***en|,er Mixed j NO. 35 iPaoaenger j Mixed j ...J Effective Sunday, Daily Daily ..V Daily- Daily. May 27 li:tt aiu .. . 7 15am.... SCO pm... Iv Brunswick *r 1130pui.... 10 iram#... ~ 9 15am a9O pm.-. ar Waycro** lv 950 Pm —i 7 JSan... . 2 10pm.. 460 am. ar Albany It 4 46pm.... jl2 Otftno....[ •• 11 50 puu.v alO am... ar Havannah lv 400pm....1 2 15am... 1 4pm... iSsam... ar rhorwaivllie lv :>3 r pm....* 2Warn.... ••• . ( 9 oopm 6 €o**b. ar Tampa lv . 7 > 7 OSpir— r-y , _ ! ! V.A WaNoKOSS A MONTGOMERY. 715 a®.,. 1 6 00pm iv Bmnawtck arfll 80 am...[10 15am.-i 0 800 pm... ar \vayoroau h 9SO am...; 7 ............ i0 20 pm. 910 am... at Montgomery U :i 25 am,. 745 pm...;.. ~v . .rr.,..|i-26a m... li 50 am... ar B- rnr..nghain* 1\ 842 am. 4‘5 |in o 50am... 710 pm... ar Kasnviße Hi 2 21am. 0 00am ‘.v.j 4 05piu -. :7 0S am... ar Cincinnati H 5 45 pin. 11 00 pm... 7 lHpm .. 720 asn... ar Bt. Leu is VIA SAVANNAH AN D CHARLESTON. “r~~7 715 am 500 pm Lv Brunswick Ar UtU* pm 015 am . . 11 60am.. il2 lOatn. |Ar Savannah Lv 5 00tu 2 isara ; 8 22au. . 724 pm.. !Ar Hicbmoiul Lv 648 pm 005 am | -v **•|7 10 am ;1120 pm \Ar Wntdimaton Iv 807 pm 430 iun Direct connection made at Wavcroa* with throueo Pullman Sleeping Cara foi Savannah Charleston, and all iioints North; alto for Moult omcry, Birmingham, Nashville, Bt. LouU aud all points Reeling cnairea * between Waycroesand Montp- merv Thomasyiilc. Between Port Tampa, Key West and Havana. GOIXU. | RKTV USING I.T Fort Tampa 1 Wpm Mon. Than. Sat Lv Havana 2 10 pm Mon. Wed aud A 1 Key W. -t S0) pm Tne,. Pri. Sun . Ar Key West CO pm Mon. Wed. and SM*.. ■. l.v Key west opm Tue- Fri. Sunday Lv Key Weft 10 0, ). id. Mon. Wed. and 8 t Ar Havana tam Wed. Sat Mon Ar Port Tampa 130 am Tuea. Thoi.aud rod. ■ W.B. I’KNH AM GEO. W, COATES, . W. WRf.NN GeuevalSupt Division Pa-s Agent. Tass. Traffl : Mgr savannah, Ga Brnnawick, <va. Savannah .Ga KIDNEY DISEASES are f (he most fatal of all dis eases. CHI CY’C KIDNEY CURE ill rULL I O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $ J.OO. O W. J. Butts, tbe Druggiist w @CURE YOURSELF 5 nue for insurant •,tnfl<*?u.Ti3t! ’Hw, trn;tiob4 or ulretations of mucous m<‘_.bnu?w. Painless, and not a* trill* , g*ot or pcfeonottt. ®M by DnifgUla, or sent in pUin wrappat by tiprws Frvpfkjd. tot p.OO, ora Utils*. $1.73. CXrcuUr wot o* raot GEORGIA DETECTIVE AGC’Y Civil and criminal cases attendd to business strictly confidential. En quire* conducted with secrecv. L I. LSAVY * TVTs=tnnr L, J> Leavy 6c Cos Aue tioueers, Commission Merchants and Gener al Collecting Agent* Consiginnents Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered, Special Attention Paid to Collection of Rents Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins.