The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 09, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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SntH Actjf/e&fanl/y andfwmpt/y. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. Presents in the most acceptable form the Jajrative principles of plants Jcnown to act most beneficially. TO GET ITS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE .KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. for safe by druggists - price SO? per boftjpj You don’t need the doctor for every little trouble, but you do need In the house a trusty remedy for times of danger. Thousands are saved by having at hand DR, J. H. McLEAN’S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM a certain cure for disorders of the Liver, Kidneys and Blad* der. Use it at once for lyM| furred tongue, lg< jretite and changes/ JP Rowels. /"w 1 -4 ll • bottle, a TUf D. i. M. McieA^eOtc, W# , ■ *t. LOOM, MO, for SALE BY WWW 5T irVTTrt, The DruggUt.' ; Wall Paper —at .the — .PAINT I STORE, [ 501£ Monk St. ■ W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. •! % J m, ;f Q /' fe r—^ 11 WHAT IS BECOMING C.n be found in oar display Trimmed hats, or quickly developed in our work room* from the large and beautiful k'.oriment of M-llmery GoOiU in our atock. Miilineraof artistic ta.te. and deft fingers produce hats wbiob equal in style and attractiveness many of the high priced imported models, Onr prices are not tbe least pleasing part of onr offerings. VISS KATE SLATER, m 604 GLOCOMIKB ST., THE GREAT REUNION Veterans to Have a Rig Gathering. Hospitable Augusta Is Pre paring to Entertain Them Royally. The annua! re union of the Gcnrga Considerate will be he’d a 1 Augusta, Ga., November 11, lit, and !(!, 1000# The low rate of one cent poc mile for the ye erans and their friends over all railroads in Georgia, will u've the tf'trana from every bcc'lqd of the state and opj ortu .ity to a>sgiuhie to gether, hrirglng; their friends with them, ‘which keeps alive the on modes of the past. Tne younger seneretion arc fast fill >ug the piaoee of our oil heroes of the tK)e, and hey are anx'ous ns Sons and Daughters ot Veterans to keep alive Vh u mtuiorbs of the glorious ach eve men is of our hetoes of the past. It will be well for those who antici pate going to Augus a on this glonous occasion to bo well it formed as to the t xtent and magnitude of the prepara tions which are being made by the citi zens of lhat city, a eity that has a na tional reputation for Us hospitality. It i the 11-et city lu thelaud through efforts of its patriotic women,where a monument ofwas placed on its most prominet thoroughfare, in memory of the “L >st Cause” and ils dead heroes, A 1 who attend this- reunion are as eurod of a mo t cordial welcome aud ample and sufficient accommodations for all. Cures Blood and Skin Troubles. Trial Treatment Free. Is your blood pure? Are you sure of it? Do cuts or scratches heal slowly? Doob your skin Itch or burn? Tlave Eruption)? Aching bones or back? Eczeim? Old Sores? Roilr? Scrofula? Hheumatisai? Fou B eutl ? Catarrh? Are you pate? T hen 11. B. B. (Botanic Jilaod Balm) wdl purify yonr blood, Ueslevery sore, and give a clear, smooth, healthy skin. Deep-seated oases, like ulcers, cancers, eating sores, Painful Swell ings, Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Botanic Blood Balm. Cures when all else faiie. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Drug stores $1 per large bottle. Trial treatment free by writ ing BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Oa. Describe trouble. Free medical advice given. Over 3,000 voluntary testimo nials of cores by B. B. B. r Wanted, a first clas3 drug clerk, who don’t drink stim ulants, cliew tobacco nor smoke cigarettes, and not afraid to work- Brown Drug Cos, BUY THE GENUINE^ SYRUP OF FI6S KAacrAcnmiß 8Y... CALIFORNIA FIO JVRUP CO. irkOTI THE lUMt OA*TOHIA. B,r, tia jt TU Kind You Hare Always BongM THE BRUaYSWIOK TIMES-UALL, SEPTEMBER 9, 19(0. THE OYSTER ROAST, It Will Be Given in the Vaoant Lot Oppoei b the Opera Hopse. The ladies os ihe order of the- Katt. ern Star have decided to give their oys ter rcan in !he vacant lot just optc poaUe the o era house on Wednesday night nex. from ,1 to 11 o’clock p. ro. The ladies will also sene c-ff jp”, cake, etc ~ and as it Is given in a good cause, it will no dou&t be well patron iz;d- ' •" GLORIOUS NEWS Comes from Dr. D. B, Gargv >./ Washita, t. T. He writes: “Jfemr bottles of E eotric Bitters h3 Mrs, Brewer of scrofula, which had 'caused her great suffering for years Terrible sores would break out on her besd and face, and Ihe best doctors could give no help; but her cureis complete anil her health is excellent.” This shows what thou'ands have proved— that Electric Bitters is the beet blood puriflir known. It’s the supreme remedy for ecaeui., tetter, tetter, salt rheum, uloere, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels; expels .poison, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only BOots. Bold by all druggists. Just received ready to wear frit bats Miss Kate 31atdr. QUESTIONS ANWEKEO. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine In the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of apendieitis, nervous prostrt tian, hcan failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undl gested food, regulate the action of the fiver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organic system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headache end other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's Au gust Blower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied there it. nothing serious them*iter with you Bsmple bottles at Butts drugstore or Brown Drug C Fboutfi be In es_r-ry household mf< e Ctieijheef. ItgfTorde curtain relief Just received ready to wear felt hats Miss IC?fe 31*ter. The Southern’s night train contin ues to arrive three or four hours late every night. ANewßookForMen Special Arrangements Whereby a Fi ce Copy Can Be Obtained by Every Reader of This Taper. a For v.'Ook-s tllO prpasp : tliavo keen bu*y tunUiip. out tho enormous fcdl* lon of Dr. nfc Ncwtoh Hathaway'* now book “ManlinoHri, Yf&oi, Health" —necessary t satisfy the public *lo rnanu.' Dr. Hathaway ha# reserved a llwitec number </f these books-, and these lie h&fiSpe'iali arranged to Lena fret malltf. all readers of till paper who send name and lull address to him. For 20 years t)r. Hathaway has confined h:> practice almost exclusively to diseases of mu* and 'during that time he has restored more m *• to health, vigor, usefulness and happiness than o nv ten other doctors In tho country combined. rr. Hathaway treats and cures by a method utlrcly his own. discovered and perfected b hip self and used exclusively by him. I>:•;. '•! Vitality Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poisonin' > its different stages, Rheumatism, Weak Betk. ill n iuoerof urinary complaints, Ulcers. Here and Skin Diseases, Brlglits Disease and aliform f Kidney Troubles. Ills treatment for under toted men restores lost vitality and makes the p: lent a strong, well, vigorous man. >r. Hathaway’* success iu the treatment of ico* • ( and Stricture without the aid of Knife f 1 niter vls phenomenal. The patient Is treat t y this method at his own home without pain oss of time from Dullness. This Is positively only treatment which cures without an oner- Dr. Hathaway calls the particular atten tion of sufferers from Varicocele and Stricture to* 27. 23, 29, 30 and Hi of his new hook. ' Kverv ease taken by Dr. Hathaway Is specially f rep fed. to Its nature,all under his gen erai personalinjpervUton.and all romediesuseu by him ar< prepared from thepurestand bestdruK# in his own laboratories under his personal oversight. Dr. Hathaway makes no charge for consul ta lon or advice, either at his office or by mail, an ! vhen a case Is taken the one low fee covers all ost of medicines and fWofeislonal services. Dr. Hathaway always prefers, when it Is postil" i *. to have his p itb*nU call on him for at lea: t •no Interview, but this is not essential, as he has •ured scores of thousands of patients in all sec tion* of the world whom * e has uever seen, ills System of Home Treatment la so perfected that he can bring about a cure as surely and speedily ts though the called daily at his office. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Hathaway & Cos., I 5 Bryan Savannah. Oa K*TIGK THIS WHEN WRTTiyO* ■L£¥j9 MurHealth K mgijß * s affected for good or ill by Kpfifl frhjlfflftfiH every substance that finds m .!;&s&'' isareßal its way into the stomach. PfUrl I I ail ] D AB C rjgll (fjOH EM !AN mmw •‘King of all Bottled Beers'* BF’siM * s amous * or ffs purity and general excellence, It re/ ■ freshes—nouftshes—induces O’ healths is incomparably finer R in qualities than any other, g|g§ijmk v * act foremost family beer everywhere. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Caro tmpotoncy, Night Emissions, Loss of Mom. ory, till wasting; diseases, a “ c^ccts seif-abuso or 42 4% iwaK-,5,-lexeGss aud indiscretion. VF nerve tonic *nd PILLS ns# >Hhfo*d builder. Brings £Mow to polo nlieoks mid restores the W Youth. By muil CTS- Pwii\4 par box. 6 boxes fori— s2.sot urtUi our bankable gaurantee to cure or refu&dxhe Hioney paid. Send foi* circular and copy of our -bank able guarantee bond. Nenrita Tablets gaagg tYEhLow label) Immediate Results PorfttvoJy ffuaranteod cure for Loss of Power, Yarlcooelo, Undeveloped or Shrunken. Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra- Won, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Kosuits of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. Bv mail in phi in package, SI.OO a box, 6 for $5-00 with our bankable guar-* antee to cure in BO days or refund money Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by Brown Drug Cos., Brunswick, Ga, Chasp Rates Via Southern Railway. After Sunday, Sept. 2, Southern Railway w ill uiscon tin lie selling tickets to Savannah .*it rate ot 11,00 for the round trip, that being the last Sunday this rate will be used. MACON, (i A.—Excursion. *2.W for the round trip. Tickets on sale morning of August 2J), fin*] limit August 81. ,CH! ('AGO, ILL. National Eiicumpinent Grand Army Republic, $24 25 for the round trip. Tickets on gale August 25-27, Anal limit bopt. By depositing tickets with joint ag<*ut before Sept. 2, and on payment of fee of 50 cents, an extension of final limit may be obtained iiutil Kept W. SAVANNA It, GA.—Georgia State, Guards En ©ampnunt lor Rifle I’ractiae. For rifle teams in wnilorni, fivßor more on one ticket, one laic lor the imind trip. Ticket* on sale Sept. !i, withfinul limit Sept.b. RU IfMONh, VA —One fare for the round trip, account Annual Convention National Baptist Association (colored). Tickets on sale Sept. lOr 1.2, with final limit hunt. 22, inclu sive. RICHMOND, VA.—Annual Convention HoVer erngn Grand Lodge, Independent Ordfer d<l *oilows, (me fare for the round trip. Tickets on sab; MACON. t;a. Street ami AgrleultuEal Fair, hor intiivldnaje,one fare for the round trip. I or Hijlitarv cptnpanhK and brass bands hi uniform, 20 or inoro on ono ticket, for the round trip. Tickets on Hide sept. 24-28 final Jim it Oct. 21. J.GI ISVILT.E, K V.,--Annual convention col ored Oddfellows, One fare for round trip, rickets on. auie Sept. 29-110, and Octi, i, final limit Oct ASIIEVf I.LK, N. C --Annual men,ting Miasis sippl Vaijcp Medn al Afcsoclation. One fare for round trip, Tickets on sale /et,(ML final limit 18. KANSAS (Ti V, MO.- Account of Nation Con ven ioq of the Christian church, tickets wRI he sold to Kaina City. Oct. 8-10, with final limit Oot. 2d, at rate of on# fare for tho round v trip, plus $4. SUMMER EXCURSION fyATES TO Ail Mountain, Seaside and Lake Resorts V.a he Plant System. Tickets od sale June 1 to September 30, with return limit October 31, 1 i. Perfc t passenger ncrvbo. Pullman sleepers on uIJ trains. Full information given on ap plication. GKO. VV. COATES, D. P. A., Brunswick, On. Ji. W. \VIf KNN, P. T. M., Savannah, Gh. Cheap Kates via P a fit System. Richmond, Va.-—Annual session Sovereign Grand Ix>dgc r. O. O. F., September 17-32, 1900. Tickets Hold September J 5, 10, 17, with final limit September 20, at rate of one fare round trip. Detroit. Mi' h. -Blenrnal conclave Knights of Pythias. August 27 to September 1* 1900. Tickets to be sold August 24. 2.% 26, with (Inal limit Sep tember 5. at rate of one fare round trip. GEO. W. COATES, I). P. A„ Brunswick, Ga. B. W.JWKKNN, P. T. M., Savannah, Ga. SHAKE INTO YOUR SH0B8. ; Allen’sJFoot-Ease, lt cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and|lngrowlng nails.and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bun ion?, IPs the greatest comfyi t discovery of the age. Allen’s Foot-Kase mukes tight or new shoes feel <iH*p. it Ih a certain cure for sweat ing, callous and hot. tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggist* and shoe By mall for 2T>c in stamps, Trial package Free, Address Allen 8.01 instead, Le Roy, N. r. Hustling young man can make Ho per month and expenses. Permanent position. Experience unnece* w Write quioK tyr particulars, Cla; Cos., 4th 'AjLocuslStreetfl, * PbiladeN phia/jPa. illlli. Having just returned from New York I beg to inform the public that 1 now have in my stoeK all kinds of lace window curtains, lace lied spreads, counterpanes, bu reau scarfs, piano covers, martlle scarfs, etc., at prices to suit the public. NOTH—In a few day., I will rcceivo a full Uni! of Millinery Uoofia and bavin* secured.tUe services of a flint class milliner from New York will be prepared to do miUincry in Ihe latest stylos. MRS. M. ISAAC, 208 Newcastle Street. Southern Railway Cos. Office of General A gent, f-* l\J /t/ SCHEDULE - * * For Snyannah, Washington an.. I.v Brunswick - <>4oarn ■ Ar Savannah 10 uoam ■ Ar aahhtpfton 7.% am * h r*. t T- For Jfjcksdftvflle,' Lv Brunswick. sgo am .fi 25 am 905 pm Ar Jacksonville 25 am "7fo pm 180 an For Macon. Atlanta, f oui.svillejnd Cincinnati. Kv Brunswick ! < man ■ 9 06pm r Jv5 c °u 1 15 pm Gfliain A r Atlanta 8 56 pm 5 29 am \ r Louisville 7 50 am 7 80 pm Ar Cincinnati 7 4C sin i 74 0 pm ' ■■■..; r— : tf'rcin Now York, Waihington and Svivaunah, Dv NVw York . BGO pm 12 15 am ,</ Lv Washiiiwton.. 955 pm 11 ir.arn Gv Savannah ... 3 ifi pm 620 am r. 00 t>m Ar Brunswick.. <i 25 pm S 05am HSS pm Fro m J acksontitle. I.i 1 85 pm a r Brunswick it 25 pm From Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta and Macon. Lv Olncinii.iti 830 om 8 00 pm f*l l-X'"? 1118 T<sm 745 pm Lv Atlaniii 10 45pm 12 05 pm vj ACOn ■ , . • I<M) am 230 uni Ar Brunswick 710 am 836 pm Bloodworth & Jones New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given ail orders. Drayage a bpee ialty. Phone*4-3. E St. W R SKITH $ CoLi¥ge7 IEXiNGTON, KYV, Is where man after Investing from to $9O for been educated for positions aa IfcwhKcKr*, Mfnwrapbers, Teleg. raphers, and now meftefrom fi.jno salary per year. KenttKk>{ 1 'nlvgrslly Diplolna awarded H graduate* M , //e^llex?' i recelVe<l k+4** v WafW* r:ooslt>on vand refers to thou sand capful graduates. this cheap** t JBnd moat CuGthla out for reference. Head a<We rl. *<• n>h ortk utars addre ootv W. R. smiUi. UiliTftfti, Ky. BH Al R R B A LSA KUo. and UaiiUnaajbflPkaliL ffWIi.OU* a lu-i.r K**v r Falla to IlHirtOrf Gray Hair to iu Youthful Color. , J*r* *■,<! ha’i tailing. 6oc. aagSl>X>atlM,^l>U. MEXICAN MIXTURE For Men. For Nervousness, Baek-Aclio, Despondency in so mania, Sexual Impotency, and all diseases resulting from Early Errors and Later Excesses Over-Work aud Worry, w Rich if neglected, com - %lctoly undermine the ayttem, often resulting in INSANITY and HEATH. If you have any of the above symptom a MEXICAN MIXTURE WILL CUBE YOU IT NO EQPAU Develops youthful Strength hud Vigor to ever* part of the body. Avoid quack doctors. Refuse substitutes. Get MEXICAN MIXTURE. Im mediate effects. Permanent results. Recent discovery, * Phenomenal success. Hundreds testimonials. SI.OO per box. ofor $5.00. Posi tive guarantee with every $5,00 order to refund the money if cure is not effected. It is not a stimulant, but a rebuilder. Tv jut and be con vinced, Scud stjjjjfop far pamphft.dA ederss Brown Drag Cos., Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. at KESSLERS Cor. Monk and Grant Sts j DEVARIS & LEVADAS. Gocerics, Countrv Produce f''®—Vegetables etc. Jilso Gcnfeclionery. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK, GA Real Estate for We have lot number .’-r* on A stree. nine f 'ts On Wolf sale cheap B. H. Danj- Go. wHA |* & a# - , ,/m m j 1 E-S> 9 UysfepSia Cure Digests wh?it you eat. Itartificlally digests the food and aid 9 Nature in strengthening and recon structing tho exhausted digestive or gans. It, is the latest discovered digest ant and tonie. No oth(;r preparation can approach it. \ etllcicncy. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps, and ail other results of irnperfeetdigestion. Prenored by C. C. DeWltt a Cos., Cqicago. V’ J. Uutts, the Druggist. B.J. OLEWINE, IZ^ -6—6 i o y les Selling, Itenting, Repairing, Messenger Service? We 3ell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford,’ Eagle. Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money. ELI ZISSIMATO, 3021 Newcastle St. fin si:;.. -:.:. mhk is CIGARS ANDjTOBACCO let .'Cream fresh Ever? {r#v, Bilk Shikt Soda Water Eic„ AU Kind, otdandy. 7