The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 11, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 23. DHfii 11 IS IN MIL Tie Bepblicm Majority Has Been Gat Don. LOST Tin pm CENT. Returns Prom Forty Small Cities Give the Republicans 11,197 and the Democrats 6,027. Portland, Sept. 10.—Return* from fifty town* give Hill, republican candidate for governor, 11,197; and Lord, democratic, 6,027. At this hour. 11 p. at., tbeee are all the returns in, but these precinct*, aa compared with the figures of four years ago, indicate a republican loaa of thirteen per oent, end a democratic gain of fourteen per cent, In case the balloting had been the same ratio throughout the State, the republican majority will be aomething tbe neighborhood of 32,700. WHEELER 8 TIME UP. ■ V ' He Wept on the Retired List of th e Army Yesterday. Sept. 10. -At noon today Wen. Joe Wheeler, commander of the department of the lakes, ceased to be an officer of the United St Ues army. His retirement was officially commu nicated to h : m by a telegram from Washington when he surrendered his command to Gen. James H. Wade, who will remain in charge until Major Gen. Otis comes to assume permanent control of the department. Qcn. Wheeler left last night for his home at Montesaco, Ala THE OYSTER ROAST It Is Sure to Bea Big Success—Will lie Given Tomorrow Night. The oyster roast to be given by the la ’dleS oLthe Eastern Star order tomorrow night promises to be a very enjoyable affair. The bivalves will be roasted and served right from the lire. Remember the placo is the vacant lot between the National hank and Ogle tborpe hotel. NEW PAPER IN ATLANTA. It is reported that six members of the Atlanta Evening Journal have re signed, end, with a number of other well-known newspaper men, will io the course of the next few weeks pub lish an afternoon paper, to be known aa tbe Atlanta Daily News. Walter Howard, formerly of the New Y r ork Journal, will be editor qf tbe new ebeot. It ie B'<l that Jo* l Hurt, presi dent o£ the Atlanta Railway aDd Power Company, which competes with Mr. Atkineon’* company, is behind the new paper. death list still grows in STORM-SWEPT TEXAS CITIES - —-T- ' It is Now Estimated that Between Five and Ten Thousand Lives Have Been Lost in the Lone Star State —Provisions are Very Scarce aying One Poflar Per Pint * for Drinkirfg Water in Galveston. Dallas, Tax., Sept, 10.—The relief forces which have been aen%* to.-tha sceoh if the great storm In Galveston by the rallraods, have wired that the* .Joss of life in that city and along the coast will exeeed five thousand and may reach ten thousand , Reports received in thia city from railroad officials in Galveston state that the number of lives lost in that,city alone will exoeed three thousand. The prospeots now are that a water famine confronts the survivors on all sides of Galveston and Houston. Cotton Crop Gone. '*y| f * It is the cotton at Galveston and Houitou is totally destroyed and the loss in these two cities is estimated at between fifteen ■afid twenty million dollars. It ie thought that there will also be mu oh loss in Virginia Point, north and south along the bay front, in suoh places as Texas City, Dickenson, Hitchcock, Haabrook and other inter mediate pointe. It ja stated that the total loss in cotton will be between thirty and forty million dollars. WAYCROSS RAILWAY. . T " Street System to be Built in the Near Future. Waycross, Ga., Sept. 10.—For the past year or more the Satilla Manu facturing Company has been discuss ing the feasibility of giving Waycross an electric street oar line. The company has ample power at its plant in Old Nine, aud the only extra expense would be for track and rolling stock, At a recent meeting of the directors it was decided to launch ihe under taking as soon as neoessary arrange ments could be completed. The Waycrosa and Suburban Rail road Company bah been organiied and application made for charter. The capital stock of the company .is to be 125,000, with tbe privilege of increas es to $lOO,OOO. Tbe line is to take in all the principal business and resi dence streets; and will extend to the different suburban settlements going by the fair grounds to Satllla river. The peiitioners for charter among tbe most influential business men, and include John E. Wodley, Capt. C. C. Grace, Judge J. L. S#eat, Alex Hon nymao, W. J. Swain, Loe L. Sweat, Ward Albertson, ,H. Wadiey, 8. Col lins and George Wadiey. BRUNSWICK, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1900. JfWgluiies boating 4n 1)6 seen floating in of the city, fp.jfe one* trains and crafts, fulljr four hundred and fifty corps, and thlt many more will b£ fgund this after noon. They can be sesa in stairways, gutters, and beneath wreoked house*. The eight is, indeed, * Mothers* fat sisters, can {l,e seen weejpiiyf parts over their deaif pM* lost, Hundreds and hundreds have been swept pat to sea, and there can he no close eatim&teas to vfhat the entire loss of Hie ip. Provisions Short. m GalrOston are exceed ingly short, and the - people can’t get ontto secure any, The situation is, indeed, appalling. Many Ships Wrecked. * jA? tipfjiffi'' kfo&mer foundered in tbehf/at high storm, and at least one btmdriijiiJMid fifty sailing vessels, ofjyrefy doscfipHoijr ’are wreoked and torp tOpiG*ee.Six steamers are ashore in theTa>.- ,1 *.! *■ ■ vs HAS FINISED. ■■ ;r t -* H: ’ V Expert Bray Has Completed His Work. ' -7 T~~ The hooks of ftigscity treasurer have been cFccke'.i liy Krpert Bray and his re port eaa been tamed over to the may or, who wiHk probably have it read to council at the next meeting. Mr. Bray goes to Tennessoa to check up a bank teller who is short, and after completing that work he will be called to Oklahoma, where be has a cashier’s books to check up, LARGE TRANSPORT. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 10.—The Urge steamer Inverness, 3,313 tone, was formally turned over to' the United States cffloieU here today for use for transport service in the Philippines. Tbe veseel is large and commodious, and will at once be placed in commis sion. Two other ships have been se cured by the government from tbe Britisb-Araerican line for a like ter ries. They will all be used for carry ing army and other supplies. NAVAL MANEUVERS, Berlio, Germany, Sept. 10.—Tbe annual naval maneuvers took plaoe today In conjunction with those of tbe army. They will oontinue for one week. House*, Plotting. Sljjhunflred houses havebeou destroy .ed, and dwgiTiinjfc can be seen Seating ardund fho .cij'J' with ulkny dead;bodies on the®. .ot of the houses destroyed ”* rjov- *3 A* „• jjeriPm the main residence part, of the Clty.lir Darkpess. Last night the entire city waa in dark .ness, not a light of any kind could be seen, and people in an effort to get to safe places were drowned^ Water $1 Per Pint. There is a great water famine in the cjty and many are perishing. Number# of colored people have large boats and pro gfttiug water from wher ever they can and sellipg it at $! per plut. Thedenprnd at Ibis price is great supplied. ■wirC: of Alvin Demolished. _ ' r Houston, Sept. lir=Rep6rig from the country between Houston alia Ualvos* ton are very meager. The town of A1 vin is practlcatly demolished, and the loss of life there is reported to be great, Hitchcock has Buffered severely from the tornado, while the little town of Pearl has lost fiver one half of her ROOSEVELT IN WISCONSIN.** Ho Makes Two Able Speeches In fmCrosje I.aCr • i\ Wis., Septj.Kfc— Theodore Uoosfcv&Jp republican- 1 -nominee for vice-president, arrived in this city this morning, in bis tour of the wee tern stater. He was taken in tow by Senator Quarles, who-beaded an en thusiastic reception commltte, Roos evelt made two speeches here this af ternoon and evening. From here he goes to Sioux Falls, S. D. COLORADO SILVER MEN. Denver, Col., Sept. 10—The state convention of the stiver republican party of Colorado opened here at noon today. Five hundred and seven two delegates were present. A full state ticket and presidential eleotors will be named. POPULISTS CONVENE. Denver, Sepu 10.—The populist state convention was beld here today in conjunction with that of the eilver re publicans. MIDDLE-OF-THE-ROADERB ' Topeka, Kan., Sept. 10.—The cam paign of tbe middle-of-the-road popu lists of the state was formerly opened in tbit city today with tbe establisb-dsy. buildings. Not a residence .or busines* house is left standing in Alvin, stocks of goods and house furniture are ruined, and crops are a total loss. An Appeal for Help. jßap ’ Antonio, Sept. 10.—Governor Bayers has made an urgent appeal for help to all. Everything is wrecked, and , the greatest distress prevails. Rice Damaged. New Orleans, Sept. 10.—A trip over tha Bto.m stricken section along the Mississippi river, starting 30 miles below the city and reaching to the gulf, shows a damage of about SIOO,OOO to the rice crop; Truck farms, poultry, cattle and other damage will double the amount. The river rose six feet during the storm and flooded the district. The disabled steamer Oteri was towed into Port Eads—all well. Started Dali at, Texas, Sept I%*-Tbe Dallas News is in receipt of the following tele gram from Will Stapleton, of the Den ver JispnMloan : "The Denver Repub lican has started a relief fund for Gal veston with a subscription 100, and will push movement with all possible vigor Denver will respond generous ly.” - ment of permanent headquarters. Pre parations have been made to win all the votes possible, and tlissP “spell binders” are out in force. M .MEETING AT BUFFALO. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 10.—A monster ratilloation was beld in this city tc :v- :• t, night. Senator Cushman K, Davis, of Minneapolis, was tbe star speaker. Visltory were many. NEW DAKOTA LINE Alliance, Neb., Sept. 10.—A new railroad line operated by the Burling ton between here and Brush, Col., was formally opened to general traffic tos day. The branch is over 138 miles long, and means much to the mining interests of Colorado snd tbe Blsok Hills, as it connects Denver and tbe riob mining distriot of Booth Dakota. The line will also prove of great bent fit in tbe development ofthewf t rr part of Nebraska and tbe northwest ern section of Colorado. GOES TO PHILADELPHIA. Canton, *O., Sepf. II- President McKinley left today for Pbllifieiphia to attend tbe wedding of .Miia Mubel McKinley Toe marriage talies place tomorrow at the ri lidenr* of Abner McKinley in Bum reet, j** He will probably returoj£|^F r |. PRICE FIVE CENTS^ Rations li Tents Hate Been Seat Already. LIST OF DEAD GROWING Reports Reoeived by the Grovera 1 * ment Show the Number Dead Will Go Over 5,000. Washington, Sept 10.—President Me - Kinley, this afternoon, ordered fifty thonsand rations and ten thousand tenta sent as soon as possible to the scene of the Texas hurricane disasters. Govern ment reports indicate that the loss of. life, is greater than th,e figures given at first by the press association. The president will do eyerything in his power to aid the unfortunate vict—- lms of thf terrible storm. WOOD WANTED. The City Ashsfor Bid* for Three Hun-e dred Cords, TJhe following from chairman Thomas, is self-explanatory : Brunswick, jjipf. 10,1*00. "Sealed bida will be reoeivedpat the oity to'aml including Kg <^Bh(M|ful l0 svB ; (pine, l foot lengl|y * V,'hrercd at the city crerfi; i 'T f . J4onnnittee reserves the and aK hide. - gjgjrafrl lN W. Thomas, ChahfteijWWirohaaing Committee. T)iD NOT SUICIDE. itW York, Sept. 10.-Aahley N. Thresher, of St. Louis, and Mrs, Thresher, formerly Mtb. Carrie IV Smith, of San Franoieco. sailed from here today for Europe on their honey moon. The incident discloses ro— mantic situations. Mrs. Thresher, the Mrs. Smith, first met her present hua--- band as an employer, just after the death of Mr. Smith. Lontly and de spondent, site attempted her life on the anniversary of her first husband’s death. She recovered, and returned to her friends in San Francisco. Then it was that her employer, Mr Thresher, found that be loved her She responded ft. bi> sffeot.on. fiance ibis honeymoon. ENGLISH ' K3SELS GONE. Bar Harbor. Sept. 10—The British. North Atlantic squadron, under Vice Admiral Bedford, will sail from thia port tomoirow evening after a week of* entertainment by the social element here. An exhibition drill by the British by a reception and limcb : On Admiral Bedford’s flagship will conclude 'be piogram, The American squadron, under Admiral Farquhar.wlli remain here several day*.