The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 11, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MEETS TODAY. Prominent Politicians to Gath -7 er in Atlanta. Active Steps Will Be Taken to Ascertain Strength of J lemocrats. The metitiDg <4 tfce executive committee which lias teen called for In Atlanta today, promles to lie one of the most important of rscem political meetings. Many of nent politicians throughout the state will be In the capital city. The" purpose of the itjeet ng is to look over the political situation in Oeorgia and estimate the strength of the democrat'c party in each county. Also for the purpose of organlz'ng democratic clubs in every county in the state that the partv might work more unifoim and be utsnblid to know its real Btrongth, Chairman Fleming du Blgnon has notified .he members of the edtnmUtee of the date of the meeting and there will doubtless be a full attendance All of the members are deeply In tercst:d, especially as the date of the election draws near. In aome counties clubs have already been organized and made application for vneinbetsitlp to the united clubs of the United States, of which Wiflurn B. Hear**, of Now York City lathe president. Communications have also been sent chairman of the national demo cratic crmml.tee advising him of the condition of altairß in Georgia. The outlook in most of the counties is exceedingly Only a few still eli'iiß "to-Ho fast reccdiu* popu jism. i a ii r l ■ : ■ ■■ l 1 11 "'' 1 • >->x ' :' r i. tick'l *' * tall I heir j ! • • 1 n v i c'eaiHn%>..-t THE ADVANCE SALE For the Woodward-Warren Cos. Opens Today. The sale of Beats for the long wished ’foe opening of the tbea‘rical season will open today, and ihe indications aretha l • crowded house will greet H. Uuy j Woodward and the popular Wooktvard-; Wirer-en Cos. The company supporting Mr. Woodward is said to be the finest he ever had, as the following from the Augusta Herald bears witness: "The WoodwartMVarren troupe again played to a very large audience, pre senting the "Ticket of lit ave Man” in a most excellent manner. ‘This organization is the peer of many of the full price companies on the road and its performsucc last night wu a ■ evelaiton. Guy Woodward ss the de tective was at his best, enacting the role with intelligence and strength and was • the recipient of continuous ap plause.” sls, in twe prizes, will be given away on Haturd&T night. Trices are •0 and 30 cents, and teat* are on slone i Butts’ drug store. ,oU -I not**; Better eecnre your teat to>* * i j - m, ,—r—•’"L •" 11 "• mm Monday night, if you don’t you may get left.. The Rumley Sisters, who are with the Woodward Warren Cos., are taid to be very clever. Miss Lula Rubaley is con sidered one of the prettiest soubrettes on the stage. . During the month of. September the certain will rise at 8:30 p. m.; aiid-there will be no excuse for patties coming in late and disturbing the enjoyment of the audience. \r' : • ■ -■ Deal’s Orchestra will furnish the fattt * sio for the Woodward-Warren engage men*.. ' ' • >■?. r& -■v’-w GOINU TO WAYGROSB 7* - , Brunswick Gun club Will Paftfeipats jn the Shoot. ** ' *§*• —r-\j O-Si tgjg/ijhft The Brunswick Oun club has accepted an invitation extended them to partici pate in the annual shoot of the Waycross club, and the following members will Dave for that place tomorrow morn ing; ‘ • C. L. Caudler, J. B. Abrams, J. 11. Pol hill, Capt. Clark, Claud Dart and B. J. Olcwine. Arnou these arc some of lbs best shots In the state and they will no doubt bring baok honors. Besides the Brunswick ”Ifc " ' * ■ club, At'anta, Savannah, Macon Jack sonville, Troy; Ala., and other cities will be represented. "bKI.AVei wttK DASOFUODS.” , i, \ mm. A ems!t ‘prtple<o your face may seom of lit tle cynsjeqttoooe, But it shows your blood is im pure, aa Impure Blood la what causes nio*t ©* the from which people sufter. BotUrf heed the warniug glyeu by the pimple ami pb rify the Wood at ouce hy takiot llood’a Sarsa parilla. This medicine curoa ail diaenaes due to bad blood. Including scrofnlv unci salt rheum The non irritating nt ha r tie — Hood’s Vi lie. Tbs Remsdy for Sumach and Bswsl Troublii "I havejbocu in the drug business for twenty years, have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entiro list I have never found anything to Chamberlain’s Colic, Diarrhoea Rcmecy for all stomach and bowel troubles,” says O. ,W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. ‘‘This tfe ftemedy cured tivo severe caeca of cholera morbuk Ui my family, and I have recoae ‘mended and sold hnudredaof it to my customers lo their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and-sure .cure in a pleas ant form. No family should be without it. I keep it mmy bouse at all times.” For sale by Dr. Uiehop’s drug store, Just roeeivi’il ready to wear felt Hats Miss Kate Slater. DOES IT i’A V TO HUY CHAMP A cheap remedy for coughs and coids is all 'pi t, Vet yen went sin e thing that !., believe and cure the n rat severe trd dangerous result* u throat and lurjr iicubic, Mbs' hn do? Go to a vs/no r ire. mere reguia Olfmatc? Yi e, if itf iV; u ~ i u , slide ft rvt u: tbi n ti Utter i r < ak the only remedy that hs ten lr tro lucid In all civilived countries with success in sore throat and lung troubles Boscbee’-Gorman Syrup. It not only stimulates the tissue* to destroy the germ disease, but ad try a .tr.f'u.a.atioD and causrs expectoration, gives a good n’gbt’e rest and cure* the patient Try one qotllo Recommended manv years by all druggleie In the world Sample bottles at W. .1. f.utts *rd Brown Vlrunir CVi. Jmt received ready to wear felt hats Miss Kate ter. „ At no Tims is Man Stoure from At taoka of ei£b disorders of the stomach as rhava; but these complaints are oom -2 during tbs heated term, when it xsrous to nsgleet them. Tain* 1 ®* pt ’ kfcreatdy that has never ftll ivneosl attaoks have been / There , Perry Davis’. * "ii" iii , . v THE BRUiNS WICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 11, 1900. The Quakers Are i Honest People. The Qugker Herb Ton i® i not only a bicod purifier, but a Blood 'WW J S& frjpr maker for Pale, Weak jpft and Debilitated people '■l who have rtot strength nor blood. It acta a., a tonic, it regulates di ,i gestton,cores dyspejlsia 1 .j, V,\K and lends strength and ; \ *Y \ *i'jtone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and /fan be (aketiby the most deliwite. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all dipeaFes of the Blood, Stomach and .Verves soon sbecumb to its wonderful Wect on the human system. Thous and* of people-ln Oeorgia recommend it. Price SI.OO. [' QUAKER PAIN BALM Ithemed feine that the, Quaker Doctor u ado all of hie quick cures with, new and wonderful medicine for .Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Kheiitnatisro. Sprains, Pain In Bowel- *, in .fact, all pain can be pelievedr-by it. Price, 2• and Mo. &. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP. * medicated *oap for bfevin, scalp sod complexion. Price 10e a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, eczema and eruptions of '!• skin. Price ilk; a box. , ’ - FOR SALE BY AXL DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. JF' Polhill s Dru Store ■->£" - ■■•" Si • Just received really to w%r Ml liatj Mils Kate SUter, /• +* Sktt. *’^‘ r A - -.-a * *: — , - , 4 LH’EaSd DEAQH FIGHT. • MrfvW. A. Hines, of MtnobMUr, la., writing of his almost luiracuiou# eicsps from death, says: “Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended m Consumption. 1 had frequent hemorrhages, and coughed night and day. All my doc* tors said I must soon die. Then I be gan to use Dr. King’s N.ew Discovery for Consumption, which completely eared me I would not be without it even if it cost 83.00 a bottle. Hun dreds have used it on my ttbn, and sll say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Long trolfbW.’’ Regular j|*9 Mots, an? §I.OO. Trial bottles free, at all drng stores, Just teoeived ready to wear felt ats Miss Kate Slater. WANTED—Man for outside work. Apply to Roberts’ Furniture store, f Russell’s Chill and Fever Touic, is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every cottle guaranteed. For feale hy all druggists. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. The following valuable building lots, charmingly situated in the resident portion of the city, are for sale on easy terms: 135x180, on Union street, running bank to Reynolds street. This piece of property oan be divided into six lots, 46x90 each, thiee fronting oc Union and throe on Reynclda streets, and is situated Immediately north if the residence of Mr. Olauber. Lot on the east side of Union street, opposite the residence of Mr, John H. McCul lough, 00x180 feet, oan Ire divided in’o fonrjloti 15x90; two fronting on Union aud two on Ellis streets. Lots 180xlS0 feet, cornering on Albany, Albemarle and Amherst streets, can be divided into eight lots, 45x90 feet rseb. Also lots oo Gloucester street, between Al bany and Amherst streets, and lots oo Albany, between Gloucester and F streets; and on Amherst street, be tween Gloucester aud F streets. To anyone wishing desirable building lota, either for their own residence or for rent, oannot fail to be satisfied with these locations. For further Informa tion apply to J. E. dtßionox. SHIPPING REPORT. CorresUd Dtily by Capt. OtU Jobanoeun Part of Brass fck. Sept. 10, 1900. AKBIVXI) 9 h, S3. G.*o. W. Clyde, Chichester, Boston via Porta 10 h, S8 Corado, Avery, N.w* A'jrk. Bohr. James Judge, M de, Matai - zss; vessel consigned to E. 11. M ison AC). ci.Bauko. j/ 35 Geo. W. Clyde, Ctiichajter, 80, ton,-. . v Schr, V,o a lt'ppard, Moody, B>f ftta. ’ ''m-.'.; Scbr. Chariest Wolster, Hinofe’ey, New Yotk. Sdhr. Collin* w witton, R jdiok, Phil -.dalptii. h,ul*ii ' - Br. ship Flur-d*-Lls,l'earce, Ham- e Sybr. Laura M. Loot, Catiimiogs, Bos f on, - ' Scbr. Edoa, Donovan, Ns I'^./ OPERA HOUSE. One Solid Week, Commenc ing Mi Scplili 11 Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. The Woodward- Warren Company Supporting the Eminent Comedian. 11 HI In high class repertolr. fMeiiilSiMig (913 downstairs, 910 ups ! ais } Prices, 10,20,30 c Reserved seats on sale at Butts, Colored people cau Secure the n seats ot Carter s. , ' ' - v Mt Cheap Rates Via Southern Rai way. AftcrSimdiy, Sept. S, -ontt.uru Rahway will Ulsinnunne selling ticket* i.o Havauunh at rate ofAUSOfor the rounit trip, (hat taring the -last Sunday tti is rate mil b until. M ACON. G A.-Kxcursjon. js.6o f„r the ronn.l trip. Tickets on sale morning ot August 29 Until limit August ill. ( Hit AGO, lilL. National Encampment i Grand Army Republic, 2425 for the ronnd till*. Ticket# on siie August 25 St, Una! limit Sept. a. By .loposlttoe ticket, with j„l.,t Spent before Sent. 2. sir! !>n pnvtneitt ofe i.f ;.o cents, an extension of Mm,l lirntt mar lie obtained until Sept IS9. BAVANNAB.GA.—Georgia State Guard Err c inipurent for liitle I racllae. For rifle tenuis In tiulform. rive or more on one ticket, one tare tor the i ound trip. Tickets on -ate Sept, a. with (Inal limit Seut.U. III! IlMONi), V.V.— One fare for the round trip, acconut Annua! Convention National Baptist A—defat tun (colored ~ Tickets on sale sept. 10-is. With final limit .-opt. S3, inclu sive, RICHMOND, V A. —Annual Convention Saver ereign Grand Lodge, fndependent Order dd Fellows, One fare for the round tr ip, t ickets on Bale Sep*. 16-17. final limit Sept, ir, MACON. Ga—Street and Agricultural Fair For Individual*.one fare (or the round trip. For military companies and I rns. bands fit uniform. 30 or moie ou one ticket, IS.wi r„ r the round trip. Tickets on sale Sept. 24-iii final limit Oct. SI. LullsviLl.E. KT.,-Annual convention col ored Oddfellow*. Cue fare for round trio Tickets on aaic Sept. 39-so, and Oekl. final limit Viet Ik ASHEVILLE, N' C,--Annual meeting Miwis- Slppi \ alien Medical Association. One fare for round trip. Tickets ou sale oct, 8-9. final limit Oct. IS. KANSAS CITY, MO...Account of Nation Con ven'.ion of the Christian cbnrch. ttcketswtll In* sold to Kansas City, Oct. *-10. w ith (lnsl limit 001.13, at rate of one far* foi the round trip,pin* ft. SUMMER EXCURSION RATES To All Mountain, Seaside and Lake Resorts Via the Plant System. Tickets on sale June 1 to September 30, with return limit October 31,1900. I’erfe-t passenger service. Pullman sleepers on all trains. Full information glten on ap plication. GEO. W. COATES, D. P. A, Brunswick. Ga. B. W. WRENN, P. T. M-, Savannah, Ga. ( ) QQ Drops CASTOR* AVcgdabk Preparationfor As- I similaiing tiicFootl andßegula - ling the Stomachs andßovsds of Infan xs/Chii.dkln Promotes Digestion,CheerfuJ itess and Rest Contains neilher Opium,Morptune nor>iiucraL notUvrcotic. tuapc if 014 BrSMtVELPITCHER IKmplun. S<xwl' . Mx.Smtut * 1 Son Lr Set* I I mirytrin ftoytr. / Apetfect Remedy for Constipa tion . Sour Stomach, Diarrlioca Worms .Convulsions,Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEf Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. At b months old j j Dnsis - CfNi v Exact copy of wsapper. PLANT SYSTEM .J ...... DKI^RTMJSNT. b'km). down j Run t'p ' ‘ \l. ’ • *.* j* m Time Table j *;„ i;;;;;:;:--.: ■ tfer I 11. ■ J SO. 35 y Fa netagur ftfiacd EifboiiTi Sunday. ; Daily. Daily. - Daily. f>ailv May 27 12:01 am . 7 3CO put. . iv Bn a#wick ir 12 30pm.... 10 ]sc9s#..| 9 i. r > vij).... !oo i*d>. a? Wajrcro** Iv 9 :oPro...> 7 13ac... . .... ft 43 p..., 30 S w... ' l* W aye rose ar '746pa... •ft • • 12 pm... 143 an... at Ttft-on Iv 3 Kp*a... 2 * 12 40 pm... 2 (Hum ?v Tiflton ar ? 3 10 pm 2 00iwr... mm tiOpxn.. 4 Si'aui... ar Albany Iv j 4 46pnj.... 'l2Olau ... ..if ri. II 50 pm... 2 10an... ar Bavanuab Iv 4 00pn.... 2 J5ar0.... . .... . 4 liltun,.. O2# am... ar Charleston lv .... 11 ...... IkSuam... 10 20pm... ar Jacksonville I? 7 46pm fi oOam.*L ' iv. I . *35 ail.. ar rbontatville iv i 6 jnpra.... i 2 00am •••' ‘ 9 00pw. gfOar. ar Tampa lv i 7 SOaui ! 7 05pn • * " v I'nfoßosa * AioaWomkkv 713 an.. | 5 OOpin. ..,:v Brcnswirk si:il 10 15am. OJ3:Yfn... * ottiov.. xr Way cron- ft 'ft 60 am...; ;25 am ... i] ft 2bi> tu . i h io&iii... ai Montgomery Hjll 25 imi. r 4 pm.. .. .. ........ 2 v&a n... ii& sft am., ar B rsninKßatn* Iv s 4Vam 4 ofi i 0 50a . ■ 7V* pin... ur ShmivUlc hi *2 21 am. V O'.)am. ; 12 25pm .. 2SO an... ar Loi *vllie h ol2pm 235 am ..... .v.. 4 05pm ...! 705 am... ar Cincinnati l' 45piu 11 00 pro • •"w ; 7 Hmm .. 720 am... ar B . Lcuis 1. 8 'am. 863 pm.. VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. •*— tl5 am. | TWm bJT Brunt*wick Ar 1120 pm 20 If* am It Wfaw.. i2 10am At Savannah Lv ;>oopin 2 15am 4"Wj in .]ftl3 am Ar < arlet-*n I.v 030 am 11 15 pm | |l 22 am.. ! 7 #ptn. .Ar Richmond Lv ft 48 pm ft 05 am 7lO am.. jH 20 pin Ar Washington Lv 307 i-m 430 nii j .Vi. | f J2 > am ,I 13 am. jAr Bahia ore Lv 1 4ftpm 275 aui' j. i *• am 3 aiu iAr I'blLdelphla Lv •11 Sham 12 20 ain i 115 pm. 65iam ; Ar New York Lv j&55 am 25 pm j IHrect onnvt tnm made at Wavcroas with uirougn Pullman 81c* ping Cars to i Bavannab Charleston, aad all points North; also fo Montgomery, Birminghi u, Naahvftlle* Bt. and all points West, Reeling cnaiTca g Wayeroneand Monty msn via Tbomaavillc. Between Port Tampa. West and Havana. UOIML J RETURNING Lr Port Tampa 20 oo pm Jion. Thurs. Nat, j Lv ITavatia 2 30 pm >lon. Vt ei. and Bat Ar Key Wests 0< pih Tuot KH. Sun. j Ar Key West •> ,i 0 pm Mon. W(hl. and *at Lv Key ft 00 pm Turn Fri. Sunday.. .. }Lv Key W- t 100 p m. Mon. W. <i. n<l 8 t... Ar Havana ft 0.) ain VVtHl.Sat Mou. .. . | \r Port Tatupn 2 Ik) am Tues. Thm.;md Nun W.JLL DENHAM. GKO. W. COATES. R. W. vv KkN\ General Supt Division Pass. Agent Pas. Tratflo Mgr Bavatmah, Ga Brunswick, *a. Savannah .Gi KIDNEY DISEASES are' (he most fatal of all dis eases. Cftl CV’O KIDNEY CURE Is a lULC I 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. •~ W. J. Butts, the Druggtiet CJRE YOURSELF 1 I*l cil for t: natural •,lnflfir.;i?aMon*, irr.i^i" <T.s or -h>rauoqi of ran* otid membrane#. rainleat, and Rot utrm , or p-ot#oaotu. •old By Drsittftt, or sent in pli n >llnn Jr sirrms r>r*tM, r a JM or J bottles. taVi. Olreßlsr sent as rijml GASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / t Signature /IJr - W j\ J(‘ to itr se \\y For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA WSU£ TWr CCNTAUR COMPANY. NCW vonu errv. GEORGIA DETECTIVE A6C'Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGiC, C ra-c= attend and to bu- ctijr confident': 1. Fc qii' • ■ Oodiic tea with secrecy, L J. LEAVY "vT gj r, a Q wS p L. J Leavy 6c Cos Auctiour'ors, Commieeion Mtrehautt* and Gener al Collecting Agent* Consignments Solicited and Prompt Retime Rendered. Special Attention Paid to Collection of Rents Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins.