The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 11, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 fbe Brunswick Times. Established 18*9. AWHUB H. LEAVY - - - - . * Editor XOLAHD A. HfUUIKS, Business Manager orric* j —" ~*r~ ' —5— TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subscribers arc requested to notify tie office' when they fell to get any issue of the Tiwes- CaJL , Attention to tble matter will be appre ciated by the publisher*. The Times-Chll win be Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. *8.00; per week 18 cent. Correspondence on live subjects solicited. Beal name Of writer should ac company same. Subscription#' payable in advent*). Failure to receive paper ehonld be reported to the business office. 'Address all esmmnnicationa to THE TlMjes-CALL, HronswicktOa. LOCAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. It if the duly of every democrat lo vote in the coming election and get every man he can to do the same thing. Those who opposed the nominees as well at those who suppor ed them should stand together and thereby roll up a largo vote. Following are the nominees; Representative In the House ol Rpre •enta ive* W. F. SYMONS. Ordinary, HORACE DART, Clerk of Superior Court, H, F. DU BIGNON. Sheriff, W. H. BKKRiK. Receiver of Tax Returns, . J. E. DUBBEIiLY. Tax Coll actor, H. J. READ. County Treasurer, H. 8. LEE. County Surveyor, E A. PENNIMAN. Cos oner, G. A. H. JENNINGS. Commissioners of Hoads and Hevennes, O. D, OOG J. J. I.QTT, TOBIAS NJiVVMAIO H. \V. ft. B. IVRIGiHKfIH^' Kansas Bonds a sofW dele* tiou to the next congress. Ualveston got all the blow. Report* say the city is almost completely destroy ed. General Joe Wheeler struck a soft thing when he got on the regular army pay roll. New Jersey is the home of the trusts f and anarchist*. One kills tho powerful by assassination, the other the poor by starvation. McKinley's letter of acceptance has been published, but on sccount of Ite great length only the large newspapers could print It. When JRoosete’t speaks to Swedes he is a Swede, when addressing a German audience of course is a German, out in Michigan he was a Dutchman, and we suppose down south he would lea "white negro.’’ EXCURSION TO AMKRICUS. For the above oocas’on the I*l ant Bynum will etjLl round tKjg nokatk> Americas, G*, at rates ofjMßyto* third far*. Tioket* to 30th and Oct.tad. inclusive, limit Oct. Ith. ' * v " - -J# URGING ORGANIZATION. - • h' - ,~~i ■■ •• The national assoQla’lon of demo cratic clubs is making an effort look log to the organ jzat'on of the follow ers of Bryan in evety locality. FoJlow ing le the latest circular letter; Chicago. Ill*, August 10, 1900. To the Democrats elite United States? The democratic party and lie (Bands must iheet.lbe forces of corruption and I'otlmidatkn in politics this year by .thorough 'K democratic cl ub or society should be" orgaaized in every, City, towhj village slid preclcct In the United States. - Democrats and all who are in tym pathy with the principles aeyrrth bj the Kansas City platform are urgently requested to fold democratic clubs, or if none exists, to a,slat in organising them. I This work of uniting the forces of law and liberty Into one great systema tized civic army should be csrlred on simultaneously in every part of the* country and without delay. The friends of government, according to the hitherto unchallenged theory of po litical equality everywhere under our flag, cannot afford to b Isas fcsalcus or lees active thin the advocates of an American colonial empire supported by rifles. No patriotic citizen can ignoris the attacks which are being made upon the foundations of our present irreproach able f*.rm of government. This year every s.'izen should be a 'ltoihteian,. Clffßsand stteietLe sheu and at once communlcite with the Nation al Association of Democratic Club?,No. 137(J Broadway, New York Ci'y, so that the united membership may w„rk aystematically in defence of th% repub lic aithe fatherslt. All democratic comml.teis, iftete a >d lota', are r quested to uid tbe National Assoc'at ion of Democratic Clubs in, thiß work. ADLAI E. STEVENSON,. WILLIAM R. HEARBT, Pres. Nat’l Assa. Dum. Clubs. W, J. brtan, JAMES K. JONES, Chairman Dem. Nat l. Com. Tfco Times-Cali, thinks that the democrats of' G!yna should organ!* a lt is true Bryan wiil get an flltart?heljpiuK majority here but wa might make it larger. POLITICAL DEATH The Memphis Commercial-Appeal publishett-the following: The gentlemen who are going about endeavoring to get up a list of candl dates for an independent ticket are meeting with but little eueouragemont. Bach man who is atked to go on the ticket winks the other eye and hums* The squirrel he Jumped limb to limb And dared the to do like him. The rabbit lie laugh.d and said te himself: “That squirrel went* me to kill myself." W hite, the only colored congres-mun, says he will hot offer for re-c ectlon, but will remove from North Carolina to New York, taking with him a half mill ion negroes. If these receive the same treatment that the average black man has been used to lately they will get out faster tbaa they got in. The republican majority in Vermont was smaller, the democratic majority in Arkansas was larger. Uid somebody say something about the wind and the straws! Cornelius Vanderbilt la politics and Mark Hanna is in,the millionaire's pot k- not now he will be. Half tie. World is it Darknsss u So the cause of their ill health. U they would Kters to treat thstr kldoejs with Foley's Kld *'’■** th* weariness of body and mind, back Bhe aad rheumatic pains would jIJ. Balt*. . THE. BRUNSWICK TIMEVCALL, SEPTEMBER 11, 1900, A LARGE COURT. /•/' ~' r ' Judge Ltmbrigbt Coin* a Jbct ef Business. The opart, abljr presided over by Judge Lstabrlght, opened yesterday, and will probably remain itf seta!on several days. Tbe fact of the matter W that The batnass of this officer has doubled within tbe last few mopth*, and it keeps him bosy nearly the'ec tlre time. It is probable that the court will remain in session tbe rest week,' ji. OCTOBER FIFTEENTH ■ The Date tpr Organ-taihg the Chamber of Commerce. . . . fcf; v ; , V ' •j.'- ■ . ’ "gr Tboae who are at the bead of the Chamber of Commerce movement,; have decided to call tbp organization meMg for October |R. It is tbe desire of tbw gegtlemaa, who have worked so hard, that the first meeting should be a I>ig success, and the faul that a naatber of burtneta man are oil of tbb oitxj caused t hera ao delay tbe organfiation. Bo far, som.Mbing in tte neighborhood of sne hundred and fifty bare signed. T**- ■ *6C 1 1 .y V ICE CHE AM KBSTiyAL. The Bt. Andrew!* Brotherhood of Bt. Jude’s serve ice cream on tbe ehurob lawn tbis evening, between tbe bonra of 7:30 fad 11 o’ciook. Tbe public gen erally is invited to go out and pu ; treniae the which is given in a ■good cause, J ; A JSTEW ENI’ERI’UISK. Within the next few days thera will be made an announcement of anew enterprise for Brunswick which wttj mean a great deal for tbe city. Tbe faott are not yet ready for publication. THE BAND CONCERT. The Marine band gave tbeir regular Monday night concert in Hanover putk last night. Quite a large crowd #a out to hear the awee't music. . - ... There is a hole in the sidewalk in front of the postoffioe whiob, if not fixed shortly, is going to cause a law suit of soms kind. Deafness Oannot Bs Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con* dition of ihe mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this lube gets In -11 tmed, you have a rumbling ssund or imperfeet betring: and when it Is en tirely c osed, deafness is the rerult,and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. 3. CHENEY A Cos , Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Flits are the best. Easy to Take Easy to Operate Because purely vegetable-yet thor outtb, prompt, healthful, satisfactory- Hood's PUIs sgmDots ot success A vacant Chair and a portrait on the wall —strange symbols of success! Yet, la many a iiorae these aee the symbols of the success of the man who did not 1 find time to care for hie health, or neg lected the increasing warnings of disease i which Nature gave stomach fe" weak” and food Is imper- and Tlie stomach is the very center of vi tal power aiM must cures diseases, of cßher^^^ Ci ' ofdL strait; put: upon it by the asruggle for sue taty I derlvot mote eewrflfwvmi Ttile stugimm liver made aepiva by D Tierce's mSt.n I'elleta. “ ■* i vis"W| 1 ill MARgEfS BY TELEOtfAPOft ■<# >"' PRODUCE J|AltKgT New YorlrfSsejiW •I'l-The lesdißC ranged as toltows i the New Yolk Produce Exchange Today : . . vrp* ■ No. ---.-yiieiy filgh. 1 • Low. Close Deeaj*. mi-2 w>?-x'' *B4 Corn, No. S- ’ ' t ®4. • t-* Nliw -4ft i-s ji .. ,;.' : nkw YouK consra,' New tori,-spt. Shows Ihersajge th prices oCooCSoa Mint iii'.nth^ ' For liacb ;■ S T U A K f s -cytoud BCCHU. 1m W. 8. Ltr, of Savamab, spent terdsy in tbe city. To prevent couroroptioa ntttcUyCijre throa ami lung trouble wltb One Minuu t’oagh Cure. W J Butts. * When in need, cal! an ,). W. Watkins. sao* ney on personaFfffope rfy.' : OASTOniA. Bean the _A T* Kind iw Hass ftlisays. gODgiit A nice, twe-story bouse for rent in perfect order—lit N. Amherst street. Apply to Mrs. Colesberry, 121 N. Amerfcerst street. Mr. A. W. Pratt, nf New York, is reglsteref at the Oglettorpe. NOTICE. New milled rice meal, best milk producer and feed for stock on the market. Ben Borehardt & Cos., W holesale Grocers and Pro duce Dealers. You can p!l it cough, coff, cough, kauf. kaff. kough or kaugh, bat the only hamlet* romedy that quickly cunt II iOo* Minute Couch Cur* W J Bun*. MITCfIKU, Sc THOMAS leiverv. boarding and sale Finest turnouts In the city. Tel.f)7. Newcastle St Advertisers lways PPRECIATE Reapijng iCH^ ETURNS ArvJC3 TI — \j*K~r IS TANARUS“! —| nEGULAR If ETURNS JIEPORTED Jho Use These Colnmns. Quantity of Circulation pros Give Both ; i —WE ALSO—m pARANTEEJO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. # DON’T SEND AWAY FOR <i> " ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. "a. . When you can get them at'home for the i same price and besides you [save the cost of freight and drayage. —- OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling and talking the matter ' | over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. Times=Call, * 209, 209 1-2 and 21 I F Street. NOTE. If you haven't time to write your “ad” let us know and what you’ve got to sell and we will write the “ad” for y0u.... That s our business, and we only charge you for the space.