The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 14, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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GOLF TOURNAMENT. J iißv;He, Wi., Sept. 13. —A grand gjif rc.uroarofrot opened today on tl e liuckleton links in this city, under (he eusp'Cfs (T the Siuwusippi Golf Glut. All events were tpen to members of tbe L ni’ed States at and wea’ern gelf association*. Toe entries foreshadow some tightly fcught contests, WARMING UP. Prince’on, N. J., Spt. 13.-Captain J Pel!, of the ’varsity football team, j arrived at headquarters this morning. He will commence at once to look over ! new men, and active prac’ice will be- j gin on the 17*ti. He seems well p’eased | with ibe general outlook, and, with | Trainer R jbinson, ssys that Princeton I will bs near the top of the heap this year, EXPO-l I ION RACES. Paris, France, Sept. 13. —The fourth day of the international racea on the Exposition grounds will be taken up with the running off of tbe half finals and finals in tbe international race*. The American riders, MaoFarlaud, Stevens and Cooper, showed up well in these races. Tbe only other race ol imi>ortance is the fifty kilometer raoe, open, and with pace. The purse is for 7,000 francs, divided into five prize*. RHEUMATISM-CATARRH, ARE BI,OOD DISEASES—CURE FREE. It is thp deep-seated obstinate cases of Catarrh or Rheumatism that B. B. B. (Botanio Blood Palm) doctors, sprays, Itnimeute, medicated air, blood purifier*, havcd failed, B. B. B. drains cu: t! e specific poison in -I*e blood that causes Rheumatism or LatatH* making a perfeot cure. If you have nebea in hares, joints or back, swo.lsn glands,tainted bri uth, noise in tha head, discharges of mu oous, ulceration of the membranes, blood thin, get easily tired, a treat ment with U. jj. B. will stop eyery symptom by making the bloodpure and rioh. Druggists fl. Trial treat-, uient free by addressing BLOOD L\ LM CO., AtlauttfT bra. Describe trouble, and free medical adviee given. Repairs aro being made on the St. Simon public school- WHY HE CURES. Th Greatest Specialist of tli© Time Given Every Case llin Personal Attention. Doctor Moet doctors have n certain number „ ot eto'k remedies which they ate in Hathaway's and cane* Which seem at all etmlUr. H r 4u Ar > aWs is not Dr. Bathawsy*s method, muuuut Every cane with him W ui* *>t caret oil y ' id!ano*cd and the exact position of the diseased con* -yk dltion determined Thus every case is treated eepar . B ately and medicines are id lak. H mlnlHtered which ar V*Mr** *K. fj Fpocially prepared under .7 Lit. Hathaway's personal ' PrVA > 7 superviaion for each case. t/ Notwopeopiearoaffected tjK*•.*•' ny* A by a particular dlflean^intho v llLr ‘ -aiiie manner, comw/onent- I y no two people should be V treated in the parrie w 7 even for pane' complaint. J \ H.;ih..ay U a special i*t in f* the ofhisown—a rynu-m etodnvl out year* ago while in _ p collage and hospital practice and lm* Every l#as© proved and enlarged upon constantly Ctncrdallv during the twenty years since— wpcoi y twenty years of the most extensir® : Treated. practice enjoyed bv any ppeolalietln thiF country. Dr. Hathaway '** great and uniform sac* c!*a la due to this Individual sysfe:a of treatmecL ■r VA i>f*tve Tn *P Jt °f hundreds of requests rrlyfromdoctora it,all partnofthe Treatment orl*f, a--king for the privilege of ufltnffl)r.He•liaway'snicthodof treatment,ho u*lt*-r<-s , it wiser to allow none beside hirnf-..*lf the knowledge of his remedies, as he is too well aware of their, h chief which may le done by the unskillful use of any ■ . __ . ci,i. syUem. nevermind how perfect. BfOOdandSkta Dr. Hathaway’s treatment for Diseases. i Mid calp to t!i : ..•■!<• r <-JW J Varioooele and - Stricture. ■ m mm • m Dr.!! i*ll Kidney t i , Diseases. r. < ‘^ t PP *[■ l-ect K In-/ t- ).le sr. i this blank he will gladly Fond foe to everyone who sends him bis name and address. Maw# Rnnl/ v 1 , i Da t nr * * or L)r. Hath ,way's new new BOOK hook "Marlin#**-, Vigor, Health” has i FREE, exhausted the first edition of j ... . . mOO but for a limited time a cony of viitfl book will by sent free to anyone who sends his ArnitKli.iu. name and address to Dr. Hathaway. I consultation Dr. Hathaway makes no charge FREE. and advice at either his office or by matt. ( J. NEWTON HATHAWAY M. O. J. ___ Dr. Hathaway At Cos.. 25 Bryan Street, Savannah. Gat MENTION THIS PAPER WHEN WRITING. ABOUT “A GOLD MINE.” Guy "Woodward and Company Will Produce It Here Monday Night. There is, in the South, probably no better or more favorably known mem ber of the dramatic profession than Guy "Woodward, end his annual vi*it to Brunswick is regarded as a gala event. He always brings with him a company of exceptional ability, and his perform ances are produced wilh every atten tion - o detail, and this season should prove no exception to the lule ; in fact, it is claimed that he has a stronger and better balanced company than ever be fore. His plays are now all new ones, that bays ntvi r been seen in Brun.-wlck at popular prices, among which is the op ening hill, A Gold Min;. This piece h a m ver bean produced by anyone but Nat Goodwin’s company, with the ex ception of three nights in Atlanta this summer by ihe Grand Opera HdUye Stock-Company. Mr. Woodward duly secured the piice for himself and company after a lengthy correspondence and by contract ing to pay a royalty of Siso for each performance. It a beautiful comedy, and tells of an American In England trylrg to sell a gold.mmo. It is replete with blight diologue and clever situations, and has also a pr, tty love story running through it. Specialties vil'l be introduced... >T th - Kumlty aiateie, character vocal ms, b ok and wingdanc<jr*i; .Clias. W. Mil ton, character artist and humorlsl; Mr. Woodward aniT.ofbete. SeartS are now on sale at B„tV drug store, The worries of a weak anil tck mother are only begun with the birth ot her child, liy day her work is constantly Interrupted and at night her rest Is broken by tbe wilting of Hi peevish, jginy Infant. I)r. Pierce’s Favorite , Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It lightens all th© burdens of maternity, giving to mothers strength and vigor, which they impart to their children. In ovor thirty years or practice Dr. Pierc© and his associate staff of nearly a score of physi cians bavo treated and ctped more than half a million suffering women. Sick women are In vited to consult Ur. Pierce f,y letter free of charge. All correspondence is strictly private. Address Ur. K. V. Pierce, Invalids* Hotel anil Surgical Institute, Buffalo. For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: BUTT THE GENUINE^ SYRUP OfJWS CAL!FORMgpPf?JSyRi)p CO. rOLIC'F, CO l KT. T - Jay n.o'll .’■!* a I to u ■at ikyciJ with iliaoMlerly confiucl: Clara $5 or 20 flay*; Lizzie Upoha#, 1 i < i 00 day-; Alice Hampton. $5 or (JO days; Artim’Flank and, $.7 or UOdnyg; Fletch Shern an, $.7 >r 2o tluvs. W ben you u int a j h usunt pbyic try the new remedy,’s Stomach and I.iverj Tablets. Tey arc ■ ay to take and pleasant In effect. J’rtce - ’. Samples free at I’l-bop’s. drug ; oas Toni a . Bears the ! THE BRUNSWICK TLMES-CALL SEPTEMBER 14. 1900 Cured qf Chronid Dinrrboea After 30 Yean of 4uffferiog. “If suffered for thirty years. diarrhoea and thought 1 John S. Halloway* of French Camp, Mfss. M I had Bpea o much time and money and suffered so much that I had gften up alltlfopea of recov ery . I was so feeble tfrm the effects of the diar rhoea that I could dr> no kind of labor,} mid u6t even traveL, hut by X&tf* per uitted to ftnd a bottle of Chamimr laip's Colic, Cholera aptl an drafter taking sev efat Uottlea I of tbnt;trou We. lam so plckeeJ with me restilt that Iam J 0U that it bo in reach of all who suffer as YfMt* 9 For sale by Bfthoptg d^jjltorc. MITC&B*fcL *;.THOM^B Liverv. boardlrte and sale stable* Finest turnout* In theotiy. Tel. 97. -■ Newcastle Bt. TANARUS *L AP'’ **•_ i jf ii, ii"MB, jTrri.f'' tfr"-i'r~n * • FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. TU* fofbrtifnir valuable building lo’s, cbtrmli\oj i|ui a tad ta. the reeidoi.t portion cf the city, are for sale on easy terms: ■*%* ■,,, >,• *■ 135x180, on L'uioti street, rutinlog 1?/.:. ri of property can be divided into six lots, LMUO efeb, tliiee fronting on Union and thace on Iteyni Ids streets, , * - •%*. and is situated immediately north . f tbe residi-nce of Mr. Glauber. Lot on tbe east aide of Union street, opposite tfce rtMdence pf Mr, John ll.McCul lougb, 90x180 feet, on be divided into fourjlots 46x90; two fronting on Union apd Iwo on Ellis streets. Lots 180x180 fee>, coropritig on Albany, Albemarle aiifi streets, oau be divided into T*gt>tiK!mg. 46x00 feet each. Also lois on Uleuggßter street, between Al har.y etr, ar.d lot- in All.iny, bo’-iJPii Gloucester and F streets; .v d' en Amherst street, be tween Gloucester sud F streeta. To anyone wDbing desirable building lots, either for their own redder ce or for fa l tub' satisfied with locations. For further inferma- Tionappyt-! ; .1. E. urß)cnon. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Xmpotency. Night Emissions, Loss of Mem* orv, all wasting r— - ■ - effects of no! f-abuse or fittc’ andl Indiscretion. A nerve tonic and Pill builder. Brings * ' T ho pink glow to pnlo check an-1 rcFtoroa tlio OU H Tk2V I L' ! ~f liy mail CTS. I box. <1 la.xos f..r -V --$2.60, with our bankable g-aurantee to euro Or refund the money paid. Send for circular end copy of our bankable guarantee boud*. NerataTaWets^= Por!tlvc!y guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Aaricr>celo, L or Hlirunkon Organa, ' Paros in, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous P rostra* j non. Hysteria, Fits, Infinity, Paralysis and the ItHgulu of Exco“ ive Use of Tobacco, Oi>lum or I Liquor. By mall in plain package, SI.OO a box, 6 for $6 OO with our bankable guar antee bond to cure in HO days or rotund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO/ Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILL. For sale by Brown Drug Cos., Brunswick, Ga, INDIGESTION Constipation, Bloating after eating, Heart bum, Nervous Weakness. Impurities in the Blood and every disorder in the Kidneys or liver is set right by' PRICKLY ASH BITTERS • THE SYSTEM RECUIATOR It tightens the eye. steadies the nerves, sweetens the breath, brings'color to the cheek£creates 'appetite.' makes the' body strong and the’ brain active.' SOLO AT DRUG STORES, PRICK, $l.OO. W- J Butts, Social Agents. SUMMER EXCURSION RATES To All Mountain, Seaside and lake Resorts Via ihe Plant System. Tickets on sale Juno 1 to September no. with return limit October 31,11)00. Perfect passenger service. Pullman sleepers on all trains. Full information given on ap piioatiou. qaeo. w. cuatks, and. p. a., jßrmnswiek, Go. 11. W. WitKNSf. P. T. M.,;Bavannab. Ga. A Minister’s Good Work, “I had a severe attack ol bilious colic, got a bottle ol Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Herncdy, two doses and was en tirely cured,” says Key. A. A. Power, of Empo ria, Kan. “My neighbor across tho street was sick for over a week, had two or thi oo bottles o medlcinefrom the doctor, lie used them for three or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. I went over to Bee him the next morning, Me said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had been running off so long tiiat it was alinVt ihe. flrrr'rmnwa beriuin’e Colic, Cholera and DJarrheost Remedy, nud he said, ‘No.’ I went home and brought him my bottle and gave biro one dose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty, min utes if he did not find relief, but he took no more, and was entirely cured. 1 think it the best medicine I have ever tried "flFor sale hy Dr, {ii.sbop’fl drug store, •fuliue Otto, of Macon, spent yester day in the city. -m’fc Cough Remedy a Great Favorite, Tin- u_thlng anil healing qualities of. this remedy, Its pleasant taste ami promst and per manent cures buye made it a greet favorite with Jtcoi le every where. It is especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, roup and whooping cough, as it always affords quick relief, and as It contains up opium or other harmful dreg, It may ho given as confidently to a fiaby as to an adult. For sale by Hisbp,i drug store. Hustling young man can make *6O per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, niark & Cos., 4th it Locus Streets, {Philadel phia,'Pa. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Lurge stjn spot*, astff nomera Ray, caused Uio” extreme heat tills Rummer, and doctor* declare nearly all the prost rations were induced by di orlcrHof the .ruuuucljs Good health follow* good and •- ibin Ko.loM dyspepsia Curo " hat you cat,’ If you havq indigestion or dys p<*pla it will <1 itckly relievo and permanently cure you, W..J, Jiuttf*. Chill and Jj’eyer acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every! bottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. None tquala Jim Latter in cleaning clothes. ASTONISHING PRICES. Here are a few inducements offered^*store'. Black Crepon, worth $\ 25, at 59c yard Silk, worth 75c, at 50c yard Linings, all colors, 7 yards for. 25c Ginghams, worth Bc, at 5 C Gingham Aprons, worth 25c, at io c / Corset CoYmrs, all sizes io c I Children’s Drawers, worth 25c, at 10c Chemise, worth 50e, at.* 39 c Pearl Buttons, worth 10c, at 4 C Mens’ and Boys’ Shirts, worth 49c, at. 25c Other bargains in proportion. We are recognized as the Leading and Cheapest Dry Goods store in the city. MRS. M. ISAAC, 208 and 208 1-2 Newcastle St. —-rTHE eye., The eye is the most sensitive of all the organs of the human system. If defects of vision exist, consult a specialist. Many eyes have been ruined by wearing improperly fitted spectacles. Does the print blur, or do the eyes tire when reading; Do they ache/ Do they water? Are they inflamed? 1 hese symptoms point to defects in the refraction oi muscles of the eyes, and can be perfectly cor rected with glasses prescribed by us. Don’t wait until too late, but call now’ We are specialist. Examination Free. KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician; 215 NewetuMle Street, " IS la§ ' Vatohc i lor Tim© by Wire daily from Washington - rnnßrTTTr'r 1 y , ~i , __ DEALEBS I Coal and jSrick, J** * Lime,'Cement, lilaster, Laths. Phone 18 Bay St. Bloodwoijli &Jone% New Likeiy Stables New BfVggies w ; / Fine £ Prompt attention given all orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St. CHEAP ADVERTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE AdvertUainent, in this column will bo Imtcrt -0(1 at the uniform rate of One Cent a Word for eacli Insertion. No advortlaenient, however smnll, less than 50 com*. Cush la advance. EOR Good size afp, in ox rmilont SflYldition. Apply by 1 tter to *A.R C care Timm,. >j<lPI)K BAES. —Ons lsdiet’ ‘•lierfi’' bi cyT", ko< few. Apply to 210 A at. KOK BENT,-A n7ce7 six 7o", m honso. oo J Htreer. Apply to 412 IS amt.. VVAMi ED—Youoe man to oolim a-.J solicit. Address C. SI. J U, t ofcre this office. KbTer^T BALSAM I ta'itiiV. (he hair, , i luxurittit growth. I u lo Rcaloro Gray Youthful Color. , 'lruff and flair lailina.i * Ratos Via Southern Railway. K - VA. Annual Conveuilm. '.v 'l^- mrelgnariind p.d ß * i„,.. PfFolldWs, One faro for i' . round trip, neket. onaalcßopl. limit Sept. 2s. MACON, (la.—Street ami Agrloultnral Fair. For; faro tor thu round triri. roi u .Utary companies and bra.,, bands in uniform, 20 or more on one ticket, ta.sotur the round trip. Tickets on sale sent. 21 -2S, Una! limit Oct. 21. * ’ I.OUISVI.J.I.E, KY.,-Annual convention col ored Oddfellows. One fare for round trip Tickets on sale Bopt. 20-.10, and Oct. l.ilnii limit Oct. 0. ASHEVILLE, V. C.-- Anmuil meeting Missis sippi Vallop Medical Asaoelatiun. One fare for round irlp. Tickets on sale net. O-li. Ilnal limit uct. if,. KANSAS CITV, MO.--Account of Nation Con vention of the Chrifttian ehnrch, tlckftswill he noM to KanhftH City, Oct. 8-10, with final 1 limit Oct. 23, at rate of one fare for tlio round trip, pi us sl. (1 • t'E N N. —r hi cam au j?a an <t Clattan<)oga National Park Commission* Annual reunion of th.* Society „f th** Vrinv of tiiu Cumbarland, ContSaciato Wteruna South; annual m-ctlnij National Association spam ii War Veter, n. One fare for tho round trip. Ticketa oil gale Octob'ii -aid 9. with final Umtt October 13, loco. LKXINGTon, KY.—Kentucky ll„rse Hreralora* Association, one tare for the round trip. Tickets on sale Sep tern! air :m. with fi ti and limit October 15,1900. ATLANTA. <. \.-Soiithern Interstate Ka:p eor indivitliiHlß, one fare for the round trip plus raj cent* admission to tin; fair *rou’ tls. lor u iliiary companies and brass hands n uniform, twenty or more on one ticket, onu .cent per mile in each direction per capita. C, | ~ A ,L VE B' V> Nv - • !4 'i c> —A;mu:,l Convention a,, ‘ !'.■*Mn£ A MMO| , i tJ AnP‘A~ ( Tr*”‘ l Lod K c a. P. and A. BSKS?r" r 4oof° o, ' tobe '' ' v “" an!U ,i,n “ *' One ß and < one V fhiilb7F <> ' or / <1 ‘ ‘•"Pmewtlng. Ticket* on ■?#* i J.' 1 # SHF* tor Ibo ro,,n 1 trip. P ® r a,ld 3