The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 14, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 The Brunswick limes. V" Istabltihsd 1889. The Bruns||k Call. The Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATE II WOO, . ' Published i eVKKV MOUSING EXCEfT MONDAY. ARTHUR H. LEAVY ..... Editpr BOLAND A. MULLINS, Boldness Manager office } TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subscritjers nre requested to notify the office when they fall fo get any Issue of Hie Times- Call. Attention to this natter will bo appre ciated by the publishers. The Times-Call will be Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. 95.00; per week 15 eanti. Correspondence on live subjects solicited. Beal name of writer should ac eempany lame- Subscriptions payable in advance Failure to receive paper should bo reported to the business office. .Address all communications to THE TIMES-CALL,’ llrunawlck,G a. LOCAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Representative, W. F. SYMONS. Ordinary, BORAGE DART. Clerk of Buperlor Court, JI, F. DU BIGNON. Sheriff, W. H. BKRRIK. Receiver of Tax Returns, J. E. DUBBERLY. Tux Collector, H. J. HEAD. County Treasurer, H. S. LEE. County Surveyor, E A, PENNIMAN. Cos oner, G. A. 11. JENNINGS. Commissioners of Roa<\s and. ftevefTnWr a c. a coo i LOTT. TOBIA^EWJIAN, if. W. a. TOIWI^Mi, Davis ouniilhu^, J. B. WRIGHT. ■' 'lbq Si nl. lat i •ocesa. Anotlitr Btoim is forming, \tfopoift will not strike tbifway. Ihß McKinley seems to still think the money question tlic leading Issue, lm peTiaiism Is worrying lbe major. Tire Texas military author Hies did the proper thine when they shot tweuty-flve negroes for robbing the Ualveston dead. The Oaily News, Atlanta's uew pa per, will begin publ cation about Octo ber Isi. Walter Howard will he man aging editor. Let every man who has the interest of Brunswick and Glynn county at heart, regardless of personal and politcEal feel ing, see that the niovanent for the organization of a Chamber of Commerce is made the greatest success of anything the kind which was ever dreamed of in Brunswick. We had not satd so, but the tollowiog from the Home Tribune i- just what we made up our minds to do “We forgot to say that we would take a wee's o;T some time iu the sweet bye and bye to carefully read President Me • Kialey's letter of acceptance. It wss printed in the same Tsrton di a:<v, smt the two calamities were too much for .” this beats au. The Times-Call Is in receipt of a communication signed '“Brunswick,” which for silliness ranks anything that ever found its way into a newspaper of flee. It is our usual custom to consign communications to the wastebasket when the real tamo of the writer is withheld, but in this instance we haye decided to let the people know that there is among them a man who has about ae much bus iness judgment A* .the Wild . man of the A frlcun forest. This wiiter and economist urges the Times-Call' to endorse bis plan,-ana * • v ‘ that great mmd of his “leads him to be lieve that Brunswick can get along very well with a volunteer fire department,” adding that “we -must make up our minds to the fact that v’e are still a town " Now, we do not know who wrote this foolishness, but we would be delighted to tell hlur that lie is a crank of the criminal sor'; a fool, and the brains in bis head could be pushed through the eye of a needle. Every business man In Brunswick knows that without a good fire department insol"- anco rates would lake a jump and gut so high that the average property ow ner would be unable to insure TVe may be mak ng a mistake by com menting on this anonymous communica tion, but by giving it some publicity the citizens will find out that “all fools are not dead yet.” '1 he great miners’ strike is another agreement against McKinley's “full dinner pail." v . IT Id GRATIFYING. TheTtMEs-OaLi, is indeed very glad to noto the liberal manner in which the people of Brunswick have responded to . .. —r ’ | the appeal of the Galveston sufferers. Should one be commended for doing a duty? We say yes, butt he better done the wore pra'so. . U‘is our duty to assist these people They helped us, and reciprocation Is, ■now in order. ''■_, I’ioture fottd mothers watching over their liittii tfties, praying uod to save them from starvation; death and rum pu all sides, and your little mite way be the source of saving a life. thep, again—remember our ap peal and the toW* vox the people an swered ns when Want wt.s staring us in \r P. -Ulve -twretinng to the storm suffer ers' fund Any small amount will help. THE DRIFT. four years ago torn e gkt more elec toral votes, says the New Y-rk Journal, would have elected Bryan . To he elect ed now he must get that many votes in addition to these he had in 1890 and If he lores any of his former v v tcs he must get ino ugh in addition to make for the loss. In 1896 several a.a’es on eafjhjnude were very evenly divided drift would have sent them ov'errhe line. Everything depends now, here fore, on the direction oi the dlrft, A small majority iu a state is the drift is in the direction of making it se cure. ''*§j| The Vermont election Indicates tha what drift there Is is towards Bryan. The democrats are indisputably stronger In Vermont now than they were four years ago What light does that throw ~ r "pYfii’ii ‘tayr The indications are THE BRUNSWICK TIMEb-CALL, SEPTEMBER 14, 1900. can vote in Vermont has fallen off about 10 per cent as compared with the corre sponding election in 1890 while the democratic vote has increased about 16 per esnt. • v 5; •. Juliana has fifteen electoral vo'es. In 1896 Jie republican verte there was J2J,- 7f)4 and the democrats 305,573. If the republicans lose 10- per cent and .the democrats 16 per cent the-.republi can vote in Indiana thi*.-year will be 201.379;. and the Afetoocratic .354.573, - . -i* ; leaving a o'r 63- 083. ' s <' r ' T - " ’ ' ArsteTilar process would give the dem ocrats Delaware by 447, West Virginia by 13,852, Kentucky by 50,398, Ohio by 80,501, and North Dakota by 28:i Here are sixty-two electoral votes that Bryan did not get in 1896. If he should get them now he could alfor and to lOBe one vote in California and four id Washington, ml he would be elected by 233 electoral votes to 214. THE STUPIDITY OR *EM. : |ss£i Later reports from GHveaton, In stead of showing the first acoount of the lose M have been exagge rated, make th# disaster more appall ing. Bnt no lees appalling is the stu pidity of man. who, 10 the face of costly jessons of nature and the ele ments,ggeks to buiid permanent habi tation in the lea..ever m(Tehee, Lithe mouths of voleanoM and oyer quick-' - f? sands, Among oities whose sites are far from well chosen are New Vicksburg and Charleston, *- I’bilosophf rs would attribute the loee of life and property in Galveston to the inclination of mankind! to follow in every oontlngenoy the line of least resiatence and to lasiefSi. Gonvenieoce and the epediency of thegromenii ae<H4h>ii weawlem an. 4 soieces, chose the site of Osfveeton' and other cities whose destiny science baa already foieeast. But the flood sufferers should cot now be b amed for the error of 'he builders of the city, and (He response to the appeal for aid w.ill be as generous as though the oity bad been firmly established on high rocks instead ofYow aandbede. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. W. S. Lse, of Havaanab, spent yes terday In tbe city. When in need, call on J. W. Watkins. He loans mo ney on personal property. To prevent consumption quickly cure throa nn l luug trouble with One Minute I’ough Cure* W J Butts. LANAI. IN CAFE COD. Boston, Sept. 11.-The Harbor and Land commissioners are holding a meslirg here to approve plans for the new Cape Cod ship osnal. It is be lieved the pises submitted are satis fictry, and now that tbs Ust legisla ture bas smoothed the way by the recent canal biil, the work on the pro jected waterway will begin at once. ‘‘The Prudent Mart Sctteth His House in Order." y r .i ■ Year human tenement sktdtd be given even more careful attention than the house you live in. Set it in order by thoroughly renovating your whole system through blood made pure by taking Hood s Sarsaparilla. 7'he", emery organ will ad promptiy and regularly. JfcO&A SoUafuttiffa A Cross Clerk la a rarity. Ear the most part the young woman behind the counter is smiling and obliging, though her back hurta, tier side pains, or her bead throbs distract- Ingly. The wonder is, not that a clerk is sometime'; irritable-, hftt that she so ritatiyn, when ev- 1 ery nerve is quiv- TvSA NJ ering'and she 1--\V mSS&St hardly knows imw WjK r”s3Wh* to hold ber bead ache _acd- weak ueapf which are the . j remits of irn-g- -^l. eased condition of ~ I'pS gnus, can be en- -—~T —1 tirely effred by the lagj use of Dr. Pierce’s ipJES Favorite Prescrip. Ii time It regulates I If.', I : Bl the functions, I/jlj |HR ens' the U j |! BB system and pnv HHB motes the general 1 Bffia health. t/f the en- ’l* KaR Sick ■Jvomen are All ■ Addmss * Having oed Hr, iPlerce v. Favuiit* Prescrip tion an<l 'Gomsa. MeUfcil rmauverf 'daDTU the. past,*eß Sirs. Mttlc Long, of . ! 'iky --pyeraASa-. I l ’- -l c.u -.tHtufuby recotiijveadf for ell I. male Weak-’ • arss.-3r<l *s*r<U Wtiw of 1 Paw.rits PrwSriprtM' - *hiofr-f a grva ■<. f fJO* bcjvou.i ~-ai dip cwragwl' VKP- J*tor>l|v sssnir'wbal to lie. Your a.cL'fV:M4fcnt hvlpSd m' "' th. Wirtr" pfegliit ■'■'■Pellet* cure dixxintss anA',4j;i "fi&fecSß;. -p, ' “Oeorgt.’tßn{!fr Mbs.. ittlfWt or two before the wedd'log. lireOli, Geflge, my h*rt would break If 1 .UtdhgWtir • i BlS^i^-sav** said George each other too l> rilwHMpWp> llt im Oust <“ir h>va is npt of the my daiileg, and our Uc*e *. Ah, uo, no, tigt angel; And the other dagf;Ke sslrtl “1 say, Gtmrgc*. Low wonkl ytm* Hj>f pork for dinner with Apple mum*? You would? All rtßtiL the*, ana RolSt you forget that feeding Lrrtl*- fhf baby or I*ll scud you baejfcafter it, and miud that yon gmMiolutier waiting.” N, .with g.jelling-off of tb* nwgii i iit>' t ito)ll<‘4ULiUl. Ttptit. Lou, aud 1 wish-you’d Se\v a button op the bark part of those strlp trousers of mine. Yon'll find them hanging over a chair lu pur room. Don't have the pork W-dfy' as last time, and you Watch (be baby’s, cold. That watering of the eyes looks like measles to-wne. Goodby.”—Pearsou’s Magazine Our Flrat I p.lul Males. JFbe first law of <b*figri ; su Bfujoetage wL,lut<i efftjt on June L 1792, witli rutiiS aA-follovr: 1 ~*: ■ , Nat exceeding 30 miles, .cents. Over 30 anil not exceeding 60 mi Mil. 8 rents. Over <SO an* not exceeding 100 miles, Iff c-t-ui 3 - sss & Oyer 100 aud ioLjjFbHjiA;i,JCs# Over 150 and miles, 15 cents. Over 200 ■■ ug *SO miles. 17 cents. ’ Over 250 and exoeAding 850 miles. 20 cents. 4 Over 350 and not exceeding AS* miles, 22 cents. Over 450 miles, 25 cents. Tt would seem that poetm&ston ot that day must have 'teen greatly per plexerl In stljustlng the rates on each lotti'r under such a as the above. The weight litfiMßrns one ounce (single!, but a single was a single Bhts't. two sheets doubly three sheets triple, four sheets a quad ruple letter, even If the whole four did not exceed an ounce. A Land Whistle. A ctergyniau lu Scotland desired his hearers never to call one another "Uurs,” but when any one said “the thing that was not” ftiey ought to whistle. One Sunday he preached a sermon on the parable of the loaves and fishes, and being at a loss to explain It said the loaves were not like those nowa days—they were as big as some of the bills of Scotland. lie had scarcely pronounced these words when be heard a loud whistle. “Wha's that ca's me a liar?” “It Is I. Willy Macdonald, (lie baker.” "Well, Willy, what objection ba’ ye to what 1 ha' told you?” “None, sir, only I want to know what sort of oveus they had to bake those loaves In?” Duly Referred.' Ilowson—Young Mr. Dudley was In today to ask for our daughter's hand In marriage. Mrs. Hewson—What did you say? Ilewson—l told him you were la charge of the finances of the family.— Philadelphia North American. Advertisers lways PPRECIATE REAPIJNG iCH ETURNS AND TI —I AT” IS T! —I k~Z Regular eturns EPORTED By Advertisers Who Dse These Columns. 5 ■.A’Vv:”' " gBPr ;*C . Juantitj ir£ Jui’ltj of Circulation jives Qaantitj and SJuality to Advertisers And We Give Both ALSO—. GUARANTEE TQ.G IV EM TISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON'T SEND AWAY ROR # J* ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS ETC., When you can get*'home for the J* same price and besides you [save the cost " # of freight and drayage. -i'' OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention- W e don’t mind calling and talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. iSmes=Call, 209, a:id 211 F Street. NOSE. \ If you haven’t time to write let us know and what you’ve got to jell and we will wrnb the “ad’’ for you. That’s our business,and we only charge you for the space.