The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 15, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 The Brunswick Times. Established 1889. (The Bgwick Call. Tbe Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOUPATKI) 15)00, Published F.VJCItY MORNING F.XCKI T MONDAY. AXTHUB H. LEAVY - - - - - Editor SOLANS A. MULLINS, Business Manager office } 458jsaraa , ?affi , “ m ‘ TO SUBSCRIBERS; Subscribers are requested to notify tho office when they fail to get any issue of Die Times- Call. Attention to tbls matter will be appre ciated by the publishers. The Timea-Call will be’ Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. 55.00; per week IS cents. Correspondence on live subjects solicited. Beal name of writer shonld ac company same. Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper should be reported to the business office. Address all tommnnications to THK TIMES-CALL, Urunawick, Ga, LOCAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Representative, W. F. SYMONS. Ordinary, HORACE DART. Clerk of Superior Court, H, F. DU BIG NON, Sheriff, W. H. BKRRFE. Receiver of'fax Returns, J. E. DUBBERLY. Tex Collector, U. J. READ. County Treasurer, H. 6, LEE. ' County Surveyor, E A, PENNIMAN. Coioner, U. A. H. JENNINGS. of Roads and Revennea, IspA. coo BTfe^MQND, W. iSBfNSEND, davisP*Lrly, J. B. WlUgjqft. .lift ns >* -iKval niw ,TByi rate to be to .ill.! Ic.’tilMgf., % has ties Hit average ncwspapef^||^^H Tho newapapers of Quorgln liuve about agreed to the fact that it is 100 soon to talk 19t3 politics. The Washington Post says that the relations between the whites and the blacks in New York cont'nue to be of the hair trigger variety. The New Orleans Picayune thinks that it is a fact of mote or less interest that while New England cotton milte are advertising for operatives in the south they ate not advertising tor any colored ones. Some of the recent experiences of the British rn the Transvaal are clearly explained hy a letter from Gen. DeWet, which has just been published. He says: *'My farm has been destroyed, my house burned and my property looted. My sons have been killed in battle and my wife has died of a broken heart, but I shall not surrender. 1 shall resist to the end. The war shall not cease.” Pity that he has not 50,000 good men to bck | him. THE COAL STRIKE. It is only a question cf hours, perhaps, before the greatest strike in the history of the anthracite coal regions will be general. Not in the history of industrial dis-g turbances in this country have employes displayed more coolness, moderateness and higher arose of justice. The miners have exhausted every effort to induce the operators to meet them in friendly conference for regulation of a fair day's wages for a fair day’s work. But all overtures of the men have, been rejected by the operators. The demand* of the men in stances merely ask the enforcement' of the statutes, They ask that the company stores be abolished. "According to the laws'of Pennsylvania company stores are ille gal, 3 They ask that all laborers shall be paid once in two weeks. This is also a law in the Keystone state, They asa that a miner’s ton be 9210 pounds, and no more. This is the weight of the ton as fixed by statute. They ask that powder be furnished them at an houest price. The mine owners conduct company stores, but they give tho docked horse a now name t by calling them supply stores. These ‘■supply” stores charge the miners 25 per cent more than out side stores. The mine owners pay the men month ly, the excuse being it saves bookkeep ing. The cars now in use hold 8400 pounds and Imust be heaped form four to six inches above the edges. This they oali a ton, and par for as a ton. The anthracite coal trust pays 90 cents a keg for powder and forces the miners to pay |2 75 a keg. * In view of the above there cau be no doubt as to the aide upon which public sympathy is enlisted. It is with the men, and will remain with them to the end. .Galveston Is a southern town in the thiocs of an awful agony. Thousands are homeless and destitute. The entire population ts worn out, "heart sore and discouraged. Their loved ones and their property havo been swept away. They need help and comfort. Can any south- Sern city or town ssy them nay? B MAY 60 TO ALABAMA. STU.- Alabama legislature at Its a ptoaebiug sessiun will coltsMler a’ busl uess pSoposllioi, Jfoin the people of Hensacola, Fla,, aiiS siirvouniling viciu* it) for tho annexation of the west end ot Florida to Alabama. The proposed annexation includes the counties ot Jackson, Calhoun, Escam bia, Washington and Holuiee, which properly is taxable at $10,000,000. W. C. O'Neal, a prominent oltixen of west Florida, In an inleryltw lu Huntsville, said; •Tt\seems (o me that, to view this proposition from a plain business etand poinf, it wofcld be a great thing for Alabama to acquire th is excellent terri tory. It would mean a taxable valua tion increase of $10,000,000, and, say that the present tax rate of'Alkbama would prevail, this wouldlu orcasc of revenue annually offtfO.OOO, which would pay t*e interest on slo,** OOO.COO per cent bonds. There Is no quedt-on but that tbe west end of Klor i*a will continue to enhance in value. Pensacola is one of the best seaport towns on the *uU and is sn sctlve and THE BRUXSWICK TIMEvCALL, SEPTEMBER 15, 1900. energetic city. Geographically the west end of Florida rightfully belongs toJU abama, and I believe if your legislature will take your proposition to the people that the annexation scheme is a cer tainty.” THE REAL ISSUE. The New York Evening Post is of the opltiion that, despite assertions to the contrary, the president shows ta hi; let • ,/ - ter of acceptance that he, too. considers , * imperialism the paramount issue of the campaign. Referring to the fact that president McKinley devotes to this sub ject three quarters of bis long and la bored document, the Post pointedly re marks: "He is too shrewd a politician to write six and a half columns about an issue if It were tealiy, as his leading supporters have gone up and down the land asserting, non-existent. Here, then, is one result of Bryan’s bold and eloquent speech at Indianapolis. He has stung McKinley into a reply—that is, H has drawn him out of his entrench ments to give battle on like ground where his opponent prgfers to fight. Whatever strategic advantage iter with the candidate who makes and lattes the great issue la tacitly accorded by the president in this campaign to his antag onist. Mr. McKinley begins his fight with an apology which will dismay his most ardent follower, by its enormous length. And still the relief fund grows. HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Hollars Re ward for any ease of Catarrh that oan not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A Cos., Props., Tole do, O. We, the underelgoed, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfeotly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to oarry ont any obligations made by their firm. West A Trim, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.; Welding, Kiunan & Mar vin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is takaji inter-* rally, acting direotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price7so. par bottls. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. WANTED. Artesiau wells to drive at $260 each Itise and capacity guarantaed will also guarantee to complete wells in 15 days. Call on or address A. H. Baker, 205 Gloucester street. If you eat without appetite, you need Prickly Ash Bitters, It promptly removes impurities that clog and im pede the action of the digestive organs, orestes good appetite and digestion, strength of body and activity of brain W. J, Butts. A GOOD STATEMENT. Noticed is directed to the excellent statement of the National Bank of Brunswick elsewhere in this issue, and the showing made by tnls excellent In stitution should be a source oi great the officers and slock holders. The volume of business has now near ly reached the half million dol'ar mark —tbe largest ever done by any Brunswick bank. Headache . sour stomach, constipe yJL-Mun and all Uver ills are caret! V Hobd p s PUSs The non-irrltatlne cathartic, r-r 25 cents of all druggists or by mai. v. C.X. Hood A Cos., Lowell. .Mass. one Man saved From a wreck will attract the world’s attention to the life-eaver. Yet let the life-saving be continued every day, and very soon it attract* no public attention. If the scene of the saving of one life by that life-saving remedy, Dr. Pierce’s Sr'l caP G<Gd e n Ipf'’ 1 and almost certain u|jja .jjgjj -Only Ini lnctor wEmggflUß&pgjgb&jrW kntiS&Mwyt think L would b io ray eravv to-day," write* Mr Mows Mum. of Rfiliard, rim* Cos. Wyoming. had oltbma so bad I could not sleep and was compelled to gtre up work tl affected my lump: so that ! coughed all the tune, loth day and night. My triands all thought I h.d, coo •mnption My wife insisted oh my try-ip g ' Golden Medlral Diaeorery ‘ I have taken foar battle* and am now a well man, weighing >Sj pounds—thank* to Dr Herer." afhe People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser lu paper covert, is sent free on receipt of 2 ■ eoe-cent stamps to pay Che cost of mailing only. Address Cr. i. V. Cheap Rates Vfa Southern Railway. KKUI MOl'TDf 'V A.-Annual Cunrentior. Bt.ver firf'iKn i.rnbd Lggge Independent Order ' dJ rollons, On* fare for t i,e ,t.und tup. Tie Lew Oil ,-:rfo Bnpt.iFW, final limit ftrpt.Si MACOSf, *. -Street amt Agricultural Fair. {, io4tTl(ioal,piie fare for the round trip, tor military companies nod t>ra,4 bands in oMfornn*. X nr more on on* ticket. *a.Sii fm the round trip. Tickets on tale Kept. 21-28. BnaUufcifOn. 21. convention cot-. orwf (ktafeltoira. one fare for round trio **t?*m- •, and Oct. 1, link Iluut Oct u. Annual meet is* Hteis- VSHi ,A**>i*tkl. One fare igg*- trtp. Tickets on safe OBt, -t). ttoai Kit?iMAS CtTr.WO.-Aoconnt at Nation C'* venttnn of tfeaChriatian church, ttaketewaj lan.o!<ttoTCania CUT, Oct. S-10, wiili llnal limi t dot. as, at raw of one fare for the round trip, pin* |4. OHATTANOCKSA. TlSlflf.—CkioainauKA and Chattanooga National I'arlt CommWsfon. Aunnal reunion of the Society nf the Vrmr •>f the Cumberland, Confederate Veteran. h.'Utli: aknuai ling Jiatlonal Association ‘‘paro-h War Veterans. One fare for the round trip. Ticket*onaalc nctobeu Bantl with final limil October 12, touo. LftVINOJXiS, KY.—Kantuoky Horae Breeders' Aseociatlpn, JDne tare for the round Hip Tirlteta on sale September ao, Ith dual limit October 15,1900. ATLANTA. 04,-Southern Interstate fair 1 or Individual*, one fare for the round trip. ?lU* Mi cent* aditiiaaion to the fuir ground*. or irilitarj iompaniee and bras* bands io uniform, twenty or more on one ticket, oae cent per mile iu each rttreetlon per capita CIIARI.b.KYO\, S C. —Annual Coavcatluu League of Amertcah Mmikltltitos, One fare far the round trip ptu* li.iVi, Tickets nn -ale Pci smher 9 ami li.uul: lie a! Uicit Oc ,-ember 24,1 W). AMEIUi.TfS.GA, A. P. anil A. Maouna an I - One itafi one-third faie for the q ''"■trip Tirketa on ea.e fGptcjnirarao • kviltt final limit October 7, ISDihYHM LI MBKB C-i'-jii- l i.'ampmeeMntf. One and iMHatrd lares fur the ronn I trio. Ticket* aHXbJc wtgfifinher Si amt ;jr>, with final hint), iK,;,Jin, IsiOO, CHEAP ADVERTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE ' . eriiaenu-:.- . i: the an,!'.,rui rat* of 0.-.- each lnaertton. No mtreriiacmSHfcpwevcf email, loss than 50cents, i fieh in ailvalte, f'OR SALE.—Good sixe safe, in ex oellent conditioD. Apply by letter to “A. B. O J’ossg Times, FOR SALK.—One ladies’ ,v ltero” bi cycle, good as rew. Apply to 210 A st. FOR RENT.—A nice, six room house, on J street. Apply to 412 B street. WANTED—Young man to collect and solicit. Address C. M.’ D., o*r this office. Bloodworth & Jones New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attentiou given all orders. Prayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St. Advertisers lways PPRECIATE Reaping ich ETURNS ArvlC=> “Tl —IyX”T IS “T! —I Regular ETURNS eported By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. Circulation gifis Jaaniitj (Juality to Advertisers And We Give Both ALSO——. GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. ... DON’T SEND AWAY FOR envelopes’ letter heads, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC* When you can get them atjjhome for the same price and besides you [save the cost of freight and dray age. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention \N e don’t mind calling and talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, Hot yours. ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL Nnmes=Call, l-’J and 211 F Street VWVWIWGWVAVI' i-W#gva.V/ ’ ’ VWVIAAAWAW/VIAWsVCV' ]srqTß. If you haven’t time to wnmvour “ad” let us know and what you’ve got to sell and we write the “ad” for you.’ That’s our business,and we only ewirge you for the space.