The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 16, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 A BIG EXCURSION. Southern Pine Company’s Em ployes Gome Down. There in All, and They Had a Iloyal Time. £ be Southern Pine Company,*) an nual excursion, from all point* where they have mills, oatne in yesterday, and they certainly seemed to enjoy their stay more iktp'any other excur •ioniate that have visited Brunswick during the summer. The excursion train arrived here about ten o’clock, bringing in a mixed crowd that passed the thousand mark. To use exact figures, 1,006 cam® In on the train. The crowd was headed by Mr. J. J. McDonough. The care were pulled by the oompary’s own engines, and on the first Mr. McDonough himself acted ae engineer. Asa whole, the orowd seemed to greatly enjoy tboir stay In Brunswick most thoroughly, and when tbeexour eiou train left yesterday afternoon at f> o’clock, it carried many who will re member their visit to Brunswiok as one of the events of their lives. A LIFE AND DEATH EIGHT. Mr W. A. Hines, of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraculous escape from death, says: “Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble, wbich ended in Consumption. 1 bad frequent hemorrhages, and ooughed night and day. Al) my doc • tore said I must soon die. Then I be to use Dr, New Discovery for Ooneumptipn. which oompletely cured me 00t 1,8 *”HhoUt it t r! 1 | it ofl %} rrooft 1 *nds tlon, and sll esy it nevTr fails to cure Throat, Chest a :! troubles.” sire Trial bottiee free, at al^RHßpee, BRANTLEY’S Hr L Hi Male The < ni in * ti-i iglit o r gp.-akingV^^K^ni* dutriot. Ilis S[q>ointmfvK|Hia tqL low*: \ WriglvUviU*. W*dn*djf, Ber 19. Btxlsy, Friday, Sfptruiber 21, Lulaton, Saturday, S.-*ptrmbcr vi. Dabliu, Thursday, September 20. Mr. Brantley will attend the dosing of a school at Oraugereville. He will also speak at that place. Dive you it sense of lulinessßin tle region of your vUiuMCb attc*r eatingf If so you will be lieneitteri by using Cbaml'erluinV Stomach ami Liver Tablets, They Also cun* be 1 filing and tour • ton.rveli. They regulate the bowels too. Price ‘2sc. 8 U 1 by blchop’s Drug Store. LOST—One Franklin fountain pen, with gold baud. Finder pleas* return to \V, H. DeVoe. Pyny-Pectoral A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Very valuable Remedy in ult affection* of tho THROAT or LUNGS L..rge Bottles. 250. Davis ,fc iAWBEN't C Cfv, LlmiteJ. l'rjpk of IVrry Pvt* P n-R Her. S"OS aval COME Txalo wal. Will Probably Unite Western Storm Moving Toward the Lakes. The storm reported Thursday near Mobile made but slight progress in any direction ye.terday, but what change it did make brought it nea-er to Montgomery, from where it was re ported io a northwesterly direction last night. Heavy rains have talien in all of the area under the inllnonce of the storm disturbance, The rainfall in Mont gomery y ester Jay was 2.06 Inches, while in Atlanta up to 3 o’clOSk last night 1.06 inches bad fallen, and it was still falling. At the same there was reported a brisk wind in At. ant, the velocity being about 16 miles an hour. Theforecust for today is fair with fresh.and possibly brlek east winds shifting to south. GLORIOUS NEWS Comeg from Dr. D. B, Cargile, of Washita, J. T. He writes: “Four bottles of Eleotric liitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the beat dootors could 'give no belptmit her cure is complete and her health is excellent,” This shows what thousands' have proved—that Eleotric Bitters Is the hist bleoit purifier known. It’a the supreme remedy for actcema, tetter, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels; expels poison, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only BOots. Mold by all druggists. SCHOOL NOTICE. Mi*se*;(Uie’g select private school will open Oot. 1 at their reeideooe,' 708 E (treet. ' • . Thorough instruction is given in primary, intermediate and collegiate department" This institution of learning is of seven years’ standing, \ and the teachers are progressive, em- ploying all the new anjS ih^roved tuetheds of instruction. , ' . —; 7 - as an ioteriua! remedy, has no equrl in ease* ytf eolio, summer complaint, dyapep/ia, dysentery, and rheumatism, A is the best liniment in the worlii. It* action is like magic when to bad sores, burns, loaWyff and sprai|j*. ror the sick bead icjiie and tootbaeh:', don’t fall to try It. A void JTbere ts but ob* V**tn-K')!er, purrs Davis’. Prior ;15c. and Bfte.tJara H A Hl’KltrUlsKl • GOLD MEDAL Pari*, Aug. 25—(Spvci&l dispatch ) Anurioan whiskies received the ofli oia! approval of tlie exposition today, when gold medal ws* awarded to Beroheim Bro*., Louisville, Ky., on their i. W. Harper, whiskey. Sold in Brunswick, Ga., by T. Newman, Half the World is in Harkntra us to lhe const' of their ill health. It they woujS start to treat their kidney* with Voiry's Kid ney Cur, , ilia weariness ef body and mind.hack ache, headache and rheumatic pains would di*r>i<ear. tv. j. mrtu Stops the Cough and works off ths Cold. l uaauvc lli- ino Quinine Tablets cnr scold in one day. Ko Cur*. No Pay. Pric ' cunts. Russell’s Chill and F*efor Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every' bottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. * THE BRUNSWICK (tiMEB CAIX, SEPTEMBER 15, 1900. The Quakers Are Honest People. t The Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have nof strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. it is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by the moat delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Nerves soon suocumb to its wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend It. Prioefl.oo. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all of Ills quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, ail pain can be relieved by it. Price 25c and 60c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp sad complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, ecaema and eruptions of the skin. Price 10c a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. PolhilTs Dim; Store MRS, ORLEAN WHITE HOPPER Mupc Teacher, Albemarle and itdy-' 1 nolds Streets, Brunswick, Ga. Former pupil of Carl Jt'acltcu, Bos ton; Harry Roe Shelly, New Yofir"-pity: Prof, Alex Gibson,- New Haven, Conn. Also holding certificate*'from Conserv atories in Gonnccriicut and Ohio: hav ing formerly taught in same. Interpre tative Technic. Terms reasonable and made known application. City re ereuccs given. OFF FOR THE EAST. San Francisco, Sept. l£>. —The second battalion of the Eighth infantry .will sail tomorrow for the east on the trans port Thomas . The battalion consists of companies E, F, G and H. 512 enlisted men. ' f Tbs Romsdy for Stomach and Bowsl Troubltt “I havc'been in the drug business for twenty years,jand have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list t have never found anything to equal Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltcmeey for all stomach and bowel troubles.” says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family, and 1 hare recom mended and sold hundreds of it to my customers to their entire'satisfaction. It •fiords a quick and sure [cure in a pleas ant lorm. No family should be without it, I keep it iu my house at all times." For aalehy Dr. Bishop’s drjig store, A LIVELY CHASE Officer Goins had quite a lively chase last night after Arthur Benton, colored. Benton had a fight in the Acre, and the officer took after him. The negro proved decidedly the fastest runner, and it took several to catch him. He got as fur as G street before h* was caught. DOES IT PA V TO BUY CHAEP A cheap remedy for coughs, and S coids is *ll right, but you want some thing that wIJ believe am! cure the nMI severe dangerous results n throat and lucg trouble, tha dot .Go to a wsrim r and more regula climate? Yes, if possible; if not po slble for you; then in either case tak the only remedy that has been intro tuced in all clvillved countries with success In sore throat and lung troubles Boecbec’s German Syrup. It not only stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ .disease, but allays inflamation and givtes expectoration, gives a good night’* rest and cures the patient l Try one qottle Recommended many I years by all druggists in the world Sample bottles at W. J. Butt* and Brown Drang Cos. BOBUS OTOD MUSIC. Has Been Arranged for the Presbyterian Church Tonight. A special program of music has been arranged for tonight at the Presbyterian church. It is as follows: Prelude—"OKing of Kings,” Wagner —Organ and violins. Voluntary—‘Gloria,” in B flat, Far mer—Choir. Offertory—Organ and violins. Anthem, Schillin-By choir. Poetlude—“War March of the Priests,” Mendelssohn—Organ and violins. Choir— Mra. Byar, organist; Mr. Wil son and Prof. Peal, violinists; MBs Lu etic Butte ami Miss Green, sopranos; Mrs. Stacy, aito; C. C. tleming, tenor; L. yon Weller, bass. The worries of s we*k soil nick mother are only begun with the, birth of her child. By •lay her wprk t constantly Interrupted and t night her rest Is broken by the .wailing oi th peevish, pnny infant Or. Pierce s Favorite Prescription makes weak wtifnen strong and sick Women well. It lighten# alt the tmrdena of iiiagernitf, giving to mother* ati ength ami rtgor,m they impart to their chi!dice. 8> T*r tluyty yean of practice Or. Pierce and bte atsooiate Staff of nearly a score of physi cians hsvc treated and cured more than half a inilHeasuiferiug wo urea. Sick women life hi - WU*i lo’romult Ur. Pierce- by fttter free of ohargi. Ail correspondence is strietly private. KSdresi! Ur. &. V. Pierce, Invalid*’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo. OPERA HOUSE. One,Solid Week, ConimeiK> mg Ml MiKf 17 Matlaeet-Wedneaday and Saturday The Woodward- Warren Company Supposing the Eminent Comedian 1.1 nil. In high class repvrtoir, MiAwirMaiibi (flo downstair*, fill uptdalrs.) Prices, 10,20,30 c Reserved seats on sale at Butts, Colored people can secure their seflffif Carter's. OEVARIsJ'^AOAsT Groceries. Country Produce —Vegetables etc, Also Confectionery. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK. GA KIDNEY DISEASES are r fhe most fatal of all dis eases. [fll EY’Q kidney CURE Is a lULL I O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and J 1.00. O W. J. Butt*, the Drugg!i*t @CURE YOURSELF 1 l ” Piffi* for w:,natural difcharfr**ft,inti mu tuition*, iiritatioun or utc< v tations t-f rn uc < u membrane*. Paint***, aud not aitrin* . center pcwonooa. Sold by Drn W UU, or aont in plain wrapt** t/ prepaid, fat iI.OO, or.J bottle*. |d.75. Circular as*t ou ro^uuat CASTOR. _ *. . The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature -and has been made under his per /jFL sonal supervision since its infamy. L/uar/A •cccc+U'lt Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health off Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroy* Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teetlxing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—Tlie Mother’s Frioud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ▼Hg ccwnuw COMPANY, TV MU PI AAV STftCCT, NEW VO** cm. PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. kiAi7isowji “ “ “ “ 1 SkaivFp . I >o. *t i*o;ai. Time i&bi© ; no. *. i j',’7.!7 Pasaengwr if**— NOT 35 t PAAtengor J Mixed .... v _ ~ Daily. Diiilyr* D*ilf. Daily. 7 SoOpiu.. lv Brunswick *r- ill KOpm.... $OO pm... ar Waycrove lv Tlbu #4l 10 HO pm... Waycroes ar 7 46pan... 04&uu.... 4 *l2* fc>pm... J ar Tilton ly 0 liprn.... S 15am....... 4.,vv.. 4041m.,', iOO am lv Yffttpn at fc iom . a OO . ....... 2 )©pui. 400 am... ar Albany ly lieiMß...; ... ... ■ 12 20 pro... 12 JOftm. . ar Savannah lv 500pm....i ai&am.... .<4 4lk pro.. 62* am... ar Charleston * lv 111.5 pm.*. IS O' 1 am... 10 ar Jacksonville lv T lspn. 5 00am % 1* pm .. —.... - IP 50an... li&oatn... ar fhoroaavine lv 810pra.... 255aa>....; lO 00pm. .. 8 eoam.. ar Tampa lv 7 30am 7 OSpir.iw.j •:::! j 1 i:::" ;' ** VIA W'AYCROSS A MONTGOMERY. ............ j 7 15 am...) 3 OOprr . lv Bmnawiok. arill 8u am... Jo ir> am. j .... ... 0 is am..| 8 t*o pin... ar Waycrear lvjycoam.. 7 liam..| fft2B p m blO am... ax Montgomery D {ll ?& ain.. 745 pm ‘4sa ro. .it 50 am... ar lvjB4?am. 405 pm... ‘ 6 60am ... \ 7 Ift pw.. nr Na*oviUe h 2 21am. 9 00m , ....f1i Jipm ...! 230 am... jar LouDvtlle lv! 032 pm.. 2 5 am.. ...] 4 06pm 705 im... iar .Clncißnati lv 545 pm. 11 00pm ~| 4*. *.V .... 1 7 10pm ♦... jT 20 am... jar St. Loi i\ S2* a in. fpm.,.j : VIA SAVANNAH &ND CHARLESTON. 7is am.)T OOym. l} Lv Brunswick Ar 11 SO pm 410 ifi■ ***** -,V.. 11 sft am. 12 10am Ar 4unali J.v ft” pm liO.m .13 am. Ar l.v • *$ ‘ij® !8 22 am. *725 pm Ar liicbraond i* ;f ** P ttl .i 755 Jg ' i7 10 am-. jll 20 pin Ar W **h mgton lv 407 pm 1 4 Jg iB2o am jlOB am . Ar Baltimoic Lv 146pmJ * £ jm * 10 8& am S 5 am.. !Ar Philadelphia Lv tllB am . j . j 1 IS pci n ssam jAt New York 1-v ;h56 am vak*2spui ••• • | Direct connection made at Way cross with thronrn Pullman Sleeping Catvif 01 1 Cbarletoß, and all peuntu North; also for Montgomery, lliriningbx r., NaetiVUiOy -<o.i*a ami all pi*!ntfi West, Ueoling chanrea s between W&yorOn and Montgomery viaTbfnnasyille. Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana. trOINO, | HKTrRNtSU Lv Port Temp* ii 00 pm >1 .>n. Thur. -il jLv liavsna 2 30 pm Mou. Wed itnd hut. Ar Key W* si 30 ■ i'in TFti-Son !Ar Key \Vet i-dd pin Mou. Wwl. and Sat.... ... I.v Ivey iVesV' l 00 pm ! uri i'l l Sunday. : I K.-y \t ■' I.■ 0> t in. Mon. Wed. .in 1 S.t Ar Havana s 00 sin Wed, S:.t Mon Ar Port Twnpa 2 ;c an, r-w- ihor.and Min.. I'KKEAM. <4Kd. W, COAXES. H. W WREXN General Dlvßion Pu.- Agen; I'M*. Trsine JHvr Sav^nYiah. tia Brunswick. 'i:t. wavjjmah t>6 OPEN AGAIN. JTno V©ruM wines, Liquor, Etc. Is now ready for business, We will Mil you goods 10 pep cent less tnan original cost. I . 506 Monk Street.