The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 16, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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OPENING OF THE GRAND, *iasai of 1908-1901 will be open ed alh'be Gi&ad tomorrow night, when 1 jolly Guy Woodward will inaugurate a week’s engagement. He brings with him this season the s'rongest dramatic or ganization Which he has ever had the pleasure of bringing to Brunswick They will appear in a repe.toire absolutely new, at popular prices, among which we mention Nat Gcodwln’s “A Gold Mine,”a heau;iful English comedy, “Mr Young from Utah,’’ a farce comedy, ‘-not a serious line in the piece, nothing Hat laugh; 4< A 'Tlckot ’> Leave Man,” which, it wii; be remembered, His in the repertoire of the late Win. .1. Hlorence, as it is one of the bed of all English me’odramas. yfl r Woodward's company this season with the exhep: ion of Mr. Ckas. Middleton, is entirely new to the HR ms-';. A public. Anion it these ot this we might mention Mr. Edward Houghton, leading man and stage man 1 - ager. Mr. Eaughton ii an actor of rare ability, and ban tor years been associa ted With some of our best known stars; Mr. Keenan Buel, Mr. Guy Hitrcr, Mr. Our Greatest Specialist * For 20 year* Dr. .T Newton Hath away has so successfully ‘rested chronic diseases that tie i- tekn -ledged today to stand at the head if his ; rofession in this line. Hi exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele ana Stricture without the aid of anile or cautery cures in (si per cent, of all cases. In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, ramiysis. blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and disease? Pecul iar to women, he is equa iy .-cecessjuT ' s>* U H < awav's j>r ictice i more *bao | Sotibie ’hat of any o ner -perialist. j fa* pronounced hope vs? by other . fj.i.v..!cins. readily yield to hi treat-! fmen. v’rite him niay fully about] j pour case He makes no charce for! cone., ation or advice, either at his of-1 free or by mail. NF A ros HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 bryaD Street. Savannah, Os M'. E. Hurueit, ol IlßtlsLuis , ! wss amoog the visitors to De cty yester day. Ki-omme?, Wa., June is. IMO.— Iji . J. H.’Mo- XjCi n ■ Btreuytocirig C ordial and Blood Pander 1* the bestined cine of US klad made. J urvl It and kuow it to be good. c. P. tel. Forvale by W. J. Butt.-, the drugsh^ Ki-ua Ki-na. the Tateles quinijwTonlc, eqres chills ud lever- it. a bottle, m CASTORIA For Infants and ChUlLren. Tbs Kind You Have Always Bought George Simms, Miss Bertha Houghton, Miss Marie Dale, Miss Rita Shanly, and the famous Rumley sisters, character vocalists, trick and wing dancers. An other prominent feature with the com pany is the engagement of Mr. Chas. AV. Milton, rag-time singer and dancer, whose amusing specialties are received with encore after encore at every per formance. “A Gold Mine” will be ibe opening bill, and everyone that enjoys a first class performance should not fail to he there Monday night, I’rices 10, 20 and 30 cents. Tickets ard on sale at Butts’ drug store. The very interesting “curtain talks” that Gay Woodward gives to the audit tence are well worth the price of admta sion. Theater-goers have been waiting-fa tlentiy for the opera house to open, and I when that da’e was announced it dened many hearts. : Tuesday night the benefit for ths Gal veston sufferers will take place. the Maffhe band will furnish music tor the. occasion. Chamberlain's Cough R'medy a Great Favorite. The toothing an-t healing qualities of. this remedy, its pha-tnt -a-to f.u-1 pruiiUil and per manent cures have made it u great fiAbHte j with pconleev.rvwhere. It espeetally prized , by mothers of Small children ini' ooid'-n e-roup and whoopingcough,a* it always afford? igstek ! roltef, and as it contains O' oplmn nr other harmful dreg, ft may be given as confidently to a baby as to un adult, for s.iio by Biebopj ,dt ug store. Russell’* Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Beet on the market every bottle guaranteed, For sale by all druggist*. i AgooJ many consumptives would be cuted . and the worst cases comforted and relieve cl by j oilrig Foley’s Houey and Tar. Suggest it to j iHoso afflicted. You should do this ae.a friend j W. J, Butts. Money loaned on personal I property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Watkins. Mr. J . J. McDonough, the saw mill man, was in the city yesterday with his sonutl excursion. Poisonous toadstools resembling mushroom, have caused frequent deaths this year. Besure to use only the genuine. Observe the same care when you.ask for Hazt IkSalve They are poisonous counterfeits. DeWltt’s Is the only original Witc-b Hazel Salve. It is safe and certain cure for piles and all skin dilcates W J Butte. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. SEPTEMBER 16, 19001 SEPTEMBER CONDITION AN INTERESTING COJIFARJSOS OF CROP CON DITIOJVA YOU THE MONTH. - W:* ' i - OFFICIAL STATEMENT r- • '-•> i? ; It Shorn the Comparative CoAftlMoo, Aoroiigc, Etc., of Th Is Ytort Crap as Against Former Years. / —,— . -* •,>>• t ATi-tvr*, Ga. t Sepk , 1906. From the reports received from raoe. of the counties of Georgia, returnable ai this offleo ou Sept, a, 1900. shows th< eoiKiitiou of the various crops as follows August Crop Report Made on Sept. 5, 1900. W list is the condition and prospect ot 1. COTTON —Compared to au avoraseti - .....,.. . , H . 'OT-par c! 2. CXiflX—Of>nu>Htxwi fco an av* .*rane ...........v.. 78 put and 8. IMCK--t*oiniK4Pod to Hix apr 8 IT. Ait—Co in psri'd to an SPfcgJj ... rwfcs#w*iKii *** to an average •<.£>.>,.*•... 8* ihm-u( 15. TOBACCO to aj) average, .jSa..;.- §0 per ct T. COW PEAS—Gotti pared au average.*.. SgmfSmr f S. GHO'CND PM AS ■— ciomj>*® i ' i o an average iY'dUßVrj' . suHEUDKu corn sofsaEPr* ttirage Arope asueralij’...... vm c: to. svum}i!mfm~~Co.up'l ■ AaAn'-aeeridWfSvEi..i:, Ml per m 11. Clanditlair M Mvg&toek ma .Tprf. 99 per**- pa red a V> per i A JfX ia have ulTect T jyyrayraJy*- fejejliff fts In June, PiW ' It that onr jjoptwiflMijMfn jfnj* ®h* ! edOoii fe bi Mn th Jj&olttoh .jpoii' ."slkjWjjfie' Ime in Aiigosf Tbfom 8 to Id 8 points ia l'!'fitter' -8 iu T'.'iiia, 7iu T lll reports* tint condition iu different f tato on , f Sept. U 190 Q, at Georgian Nortli Caro fhia, 04; South CaroJina, 80: Louisiana, 70; Tc7ta, '77; Arkansas, 88) Tenaeuee, Oil. Missoiid, MS Oklahoma, 18; Indian Territory, 13; Florida, y,. Average of Alt Mfaatea. .On'.Ssjß. 1, IB9A, tiieJp>vS&imailt gave out the f.iltdwlCm iejyort of thv* fvitton-oibp: A. *f’', -j ■* ' North Hgtith dkolius, W; Georgia. ft; Florida, ft\ Alabatm, *;: Mississippi,- 74; tjiulslana, 74; Tmp •as. fiff Arlctunsoa. M; Teuuessw. 76. •i**' Averago of states, 71.8; * If those figures show anything, Is jeotots to a smaller crop than 1829 by hu drod thousand halos. Honoe, <vc believe that 12 cent ootton is not at all improbable.—Georgia Agrianltaral lio|iai-Unetit,. . , 7 ■ fi. .4 —-;■■■* —~ The by a ejiureb sot-let to Kansaswiilii-)i\ii^Mßiihl , l>ir) p s contained aiuf-i..- tSis'bwcesyit.Mflphf He Witt's Wiicb Hazel .-iaiVc.-tbS WBilkhn cure for piles, in jur. - -,kl skin dlkeares, ' kites took care to<it'tl>e'oHKhi§|jMjH|||, witch Hazel SalvC. kno'wlng uj"7vouterfeits are Worthless. W..!. )i£e Mr. *. C. Townsend, of' fllneeville, was ti visiter to the city ye terdsy. When you win} 4 plousanlphysic try the new reuK-dy, 1 hantbrrlaju's Bloinfeb and Livei Tablets. Taey are easy to fake and peasant In effect. I‘i-loe SSc. ample, frto at Bishop's drug .fore. i CASTORIA. Bears the Kind You Have Always El^.l ■nr For use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. I*o you read what people say afout Hood’s Sarsapadlla" It I curing all forms ofdi%cat-e caused or promoted by impure blood. To prevent conhumption quickly cme throa and lung trouble with One Minute Cough Cure. WJ Butts. For Bladder Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. Ulcers, open or obstinate sores, scalds and piles quickly cured by Banner Salve, the most healing medicine in the world. W. J. Butts. DeWitt’s Little Early ttiaers arc prompt,pa> atable, pieaaaui. powerful, purifying little puls W.J. Butts FEMALE HEId’WANTED. es to work at hune.- $8 per Week; no eanvasalng; work sent prepa d;' send -tamped addressed envelope for sample and particulars. R. W. Hutton & C 0.., Dept. A, Philadelphia,|P a . Benefit for the Galveston flood sufferers at the opera house Tuesday, Setember 18 ■'V ' -- - For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: x When in need, call on J. W. Watkins. He loans ino J ney on personal property. TOUR FACE j 1% VOUlt FDimfNK. Throw awayCosimiUCS. American women tnro.’ff ] . - no ventv-ll\e million; apil'aia annually for ‘ ■ vvv.-, ■'■'43rs ••liii,to®lona,,otc M liio- are made an %Mroy Uieskiti. To noma % J&&t\iral, Hob Complexion! Kt original ct>fet(/Wi permanently rc |>lnploB, freckle*, Waclclunuls, ana all imperfections. •iS^®^SC^‘* rKlleBB 08wlt8 Kuarantecil. Price fH.OO by mai pv oa 9^HBW>SO . CO,, No West 11th St X, Y Brown Drug Cos,, Sole Agts Brunswick, Ga. ELI ZISSIMATO.. Newcastle St. iiirt:..;' :.:. hi Cigars andjtobacco Ici -Cm Frssi SrorJa?, Milk Shake Soda Water Etc,, All Kinds offGandy. BloodwortEi&Jones New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses A Prompt given all orders; V : Dray age a spec ialty. Phone 34-3. E St. A Pointer to Housewives ! Dried .Smokeless Iluaclus* Herring aßd a'quickly fried egg make a most acceptable ‘•hot W.tUt-r” breakfast ' pleasing to cook, pleasim/ 'o appetite..- J have the Herring, the -cal “Kaizen Jammci” kind, with Vue •■Viyetl-in-tbe-v- ol fiayormg. the kind which wakes up the jaded appetite. It is absolutely bonsle* ahd it) thin strips about 5 inches lonjr and half inch wide. A jar will make a meal. Packed in glass jars. Try a jar now— just the season for them. THOS. KEANY, FANCY GROCER. Phone 11, 312 Newcastle Street. BUMMER EXCURSION RATE! To AH Mountain, Statute and Lake Retort! Via the Plant System. Tickets on aale June 1 to September 80, wlw return limit October 81, ltKX>. Perfert paHiengeraervice. Pullman alcepor. on all traina. FnU information given on ap plication. ORO. W. COATKB, D, P. A„ Brun.wick, Oa. B. W. WBKNN, P. T. M.JSavanoah, Oa. $47.50 Willi buy a Model 59 Columbia Chainless Bicycle. ... $37-50 r ; Will buy a Model 51 Ladies Chainless Bicycle. $25-50 Will buy a Ladies Cushion Frame Bicycle. This is something nice Try one—buy one! >c $l5 OO tO $20.00 < -- ...A; V-:. .' H • Will buy a good Ladies’ or Gents’ Bicycle, at the DOWNING OO FINE FURNITURE. Pages of talk on our furniture stock would give but half an idea of the beauty and econo my found here * Why not Visit the Store and let the goods do their own talking and the prices their own saying? More than an entire train load of suits and odd pieces have been placed on these floors since last you were here. See about it CARPET THAT KOOM. No better time than now. Never were the rices on high grade carpets so low as at present Ne\>r have the patterns ceen so beautiful, the quality so excellent or the price so attractive. ''Buy new car pets now and make your home more attractive. ktfch new season riuds ti is department in better condition to fill your want^ t I fie principal &J£jgn carpet and rug centres have lepresentatjdß We are quoting lower Prices Tlmx* EyJ X. M, # r ' t f Ti,, ,ii ■ iriiture A clearance sa o to m ke room foi negoods. h H-' 1 Hoi-id lee Cream ir-ez-rj worth $J .50 at si.9B 8^ Prices Below the Market. #3§l|§ C. McSARVEY. - S.*LL, „'3 ■!■= . A'—■: w. J. N. BRADT. - BOWEN & BRADT, jCK rvl EZD SI I 111 I 1 CT’TO es, Of Stone. Brick and Frame Building s Manufacturers of Cement, TUe andlArtlflcial Stone. 5