The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 16, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SOCIETY NEWS. I PLEDGE TO TUBE BOUE V EH. 'WuIUr Alien Kiev.) When ovening star* arv merrily twinkling, And nil the world line gone to if - 1. Beside the breaking waves I wander With her, the maiden I love beet. While billows roll and vow. we’re plighting. Ho hamlln hand neutli starry skies, In allem glory l told thy story And pledged ft love that never (lire, 41 When yonder stars shull eenae to twinkle,” Caine low her tender tone, ‘ v “When ocean’* waves no more are breaking—u Her eye* wifi love’s deep paasion shone— • “Till then my vows will live nnbroken. I pledge forever my love ter you; Till ) on ler stars Bhnll rease to twinkle, r pledge forever I will be true.” ‘ I pledge to the forever, That I will love thee ever! My heart shall ever be thine While evening stars shall shine. Ah, deatn ajmie can sever This pledge I make forever— While evening stars ahull shine My heart Is wholly thine. JJSJ Mrs, J. R. B. Dan forth la quite ili at bar borne on Grant street, much to tbe regret of her mmy friends., Mrs. Harry Miller and little son, Horaoe, left last night for Baltimore, where they will spend some time. Mrs. C. K. Cargyle, Mrs. L. A. Fleming and Miss Clfford Cargyle, leave shortly for Maoon, where they will spsrd the winter visiting friends. A bright little ton is the gue.’t of Mr. and M/s. H. C. Dozier at tbeir leaves this morn. M 9Sf-t where be will enter has been spending '■ —pR with her .inter, Mrs. J. L. ----- turn to the ‘ ■*- v - - _ FOt K V „„SDFFEEEIW! One=half of all our sales made to= day, September 16th, both for drugs and at soda fount will be donated to the Texas Sufferers. r ■ ///////////// BROWN DIRUG CO. latter part of this qoctb . Tbe friends of Mr. and Mrs. A H, Heavy will regret to learn tbai, their little eon Jos continues quite ill at their borne on Howe, street. Mott of the Brunswick school girls who have been spending their vacation out of the city wil! home within the next week. Judge A. 3. Crovatt entertained a \ • pleasant party of Atlanta and Sawn nah gentlemen yesterday. Quite a number of ibeir friends In this city will attend tbe wedding of Mr. Robert Clayton Corbin and Mist Daisy May Jeter, which occurs In Ms con, October 201 b. EXCURSION TO AMERICUS. For ihe above occas'onj the’Plant System’wlli; sell round trip lieketeto Amerlcus, Ga., at rates of one and one third fare. Tloketa to he sold Sept. 30th and'Oet. 2nd, ’inclusive, wltlffioal I limit Oat. 7th. NEW YORK I'septembcrl STATE APPLES, e drjr Nice California Pears, Yellow Cling Peaches, Golden Drop Plums, And other Fruits, Arrive today. Also first New York Grapes of the season will arrive on Thursday morning. Send orders in early. m of sweets TtfOS. LLOYD. Next door to Fleming & Wall's. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. SEPTEMBER 16, 1900. WAYOBOSS CONFERENCE. Inteiessing Addresses Made and Elec tion of Delegates, fcj“ ver*. 1 am ter* of importance were disposed of at the conference of the Waycroes district conference of the Wayoroea district, bdl in Jetup last we?k, Rev M. Whiting presided. "Delegate* to the ensuing annual con ference were elected, the election re sulting aa follawa : Rev. M. |C. Aut tin, Waresboro; V. L. Stanton, Way crose; J. W. C. Trawell, Jesup; J. W. Chasten, Brunewtok, .1. M, Knight, of Scriven. and Dr, D. IX Atkinson, at Brunswick, were chosen a* alternates. Rev. J. B. Game, of BruaeWlckj preached an initiative and impress ive sermon from the text, “If a mso die, shall he 1 ve again?” R*v, C. G. Earnest,one of tbe'young preachers, filled the pulpit in the af ternoon, and Rev. J. ml Gear*at night. < *.> Moody Biotb, a young mac of Ho merviHe, wae before the conference for license to preaoh. Having stood an approved examination before a com mittee, tbe license was duly grantsd Cured *f Obronio Diarrhoea After 30 Years of Suffering. “If suffered for thirty yesrs with diarrhoea and thought I was put being enred," eajts John Scalloway, of Freneh Camp, Miss. “J had spoil so much time and money and suffered so muoh that I had given up all>>peof recov ery. I wa* so faehle from tho efloels of tbe diar rhoea that I could de no kind of labors mid uol even travel, but by aeoldeut I was per flitted to find a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltemedy, and after taking sev eral buttles I am entirely cAred of that trou ble. lam so pleased with the result that I am anxious UjjDit be in reach of all who suffer as I have,” For sale by Blsbop'e drug etore. Mr. E D. Graham, of McHie, was in the city yesterday. N Relief for Twenty Years. "t had bronchia* for twenty years,” said Mrs Minors* pmith of Danville, 111, “and at times have been bedfast. I never got relief until had taken holey's Honcy-and Tar. It Is peas ant and givesigulok relief, and Is a suaA'Ynre for throat ana lug# diseases.” Take nothing lse. IV. 8. Units.‘ . “ft— STOVES repaired. Rice, the stove doctor, repairs al kinds or cook stoves and ranees, buy nd sells second baud stoves, 414 Ba street. THE BALL HAKE. Plant System Shops Met Defeat in „ Yesterday’s Game. Th? Piart System b=li team were defeated, by the new club recently organized, out at the fairgrounds yes terday afternoon, by a score of 7 to 2. Onaeoountof the inclement weather, there wae a very small crowd present, but they saw a real good game, it looked as though the shops were going to meet a shut-out up to the last in ning, when they succeeded in making two rune. How Bright’s Diteass Start*. I tmHgestlon,biliousness-,bibod poisoned with Wca and uric acid/Ophicb should have been excreted by the kfmpifsl, rheumatic pains in nerves and Jottte, chasing Irritation of the kid ney*. then palua over the small ot the back, mark sure approach of Bright’s disease. Do jiot jelay iu taking Foley’s Kidney .Cure, for It makMuilie kidney* right., Take no substitute. W. J. Butts.’ Mr. J. D. Gofartb, of Atlanta, is a guest al the Oglethorpe? IS." • ■ Large Sun sprits, Mkrctuoioer* sy, ea#sed tlie extreme lieat this suujniar, and (tailors declare pearly all tbe prosrdfßSns were rndoeed by dls dvSem >d the f t',mach, Good health follows goCd dlgestloa Kodol Dyspepsia tiure dfgaste what you aat. If you have indigestion or dys pepsia it will quickly relieve and'permanently cure fun. W. J. Butts. Mr, W. H. Solomon spent yesteMay in tbe city from Savannah. ”f had a tunning sore on ftiy leg ‘for seven years ” writes Mrs. James Forest ot Chnppowa Falls, Wubi “and spent hundred* of dollars In trying togel It healed. TWo boxes of Banner Balvt- entirely eurad it.” W. J. Dints. " ’ *•’ ;-,i - t Hustling yonng]man can filake ;_*€ per month and expenses, ‘Permanent position. Expensive'- nnoecessary. Wrßetftilok for parfiouhirs, Clark 4 Cos., 4th ;&r.idten{Btreet. iPhiladeU pbit.Pa. v; KusselTs Chill and Fever Tonic to be the Best oh '%he market, cvoFy tfottld guaranteed For saleby aTh druggists. TO COKE Jl COLO IS ONE PA? Take L*\av#l4 Bromo Qdinine Tablet*. vUI and routed ivfund tke moa/ j if it fails to amc. E. tv.'* •iKnaiur" it on each b >*. Me. O JS%. o sn I . Bear* tho Voc Havo Always Bsu^it e '“r % Satisfaction is unusual with “ Five-Cent cigar smokers,” but it has been the every day experience of hundreds of thou sands of men who have smoked Old Virginia Cheroots during the last thirty years, because they are just as good now—in fact, better than when they were first made. Three hundred million Old Virginis Cheroots smoked this year. Ask jour own desler. Price, 3 for 5 cents. e ANOTHER LOT OF^ ’ -y ~ w ; ....Bargains! V~"' rn -- -Tr-r-r I I nnr n m Lined Underskirts 25c up'. Lace GuYffttns worth $1.25 at 79c per pair. Lace Wllow Shams worth 79c at 49c per pair. ’ Table Oil Cloths worth 30c at 15c. - -"t, Bureau Scarfs, Center Pieces and Table Linen Greatly Reduced. _ All the latest styles in Millinery just received. Every Hat • FSf sonally Selected while in New York. You will be convinced by 1; examing our stock that we carry the finest city. MRS. M. ISAAC, M The Largest Dry Goods Store, A 208 and 208 1-2 Newcastle Coney & Parkey# DEALERS IX • Coal and Wood, Brick, Plaster,|Hair,|Siiingles and Laths. Phone 18- 525 Bay St. A WISE PROVISION- -Never be without ’ some of our Wines and Whisky in the house. It is the best for health and The doctor piiscribes it and friends approve it. Pure, rich, mellow. F=f. V- DOUGL-AS, 200 Biur Street. When Gonvalescm K 151 r Uw any of my brand* of WINES AM) J H - . i ! LIQt'OUS and nature will be greatly fSb ~ \ \ ,>■ ...5. fttaUfed in the w ork of recuperation. "*' * "'**• My good* are of excellent quality, and v i bare been t>otfleJ and matured under IR||SSL *" * our imatrliate supervision, Each i.nd ha-1* eel*’c ted becanae of aome BtßmS&jM** i • . •pecial merit. Find out which #uit§, i * l I’KIcES TO SUIT. pf' 4 T. NEWMAN, .jp