The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 18, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 28. iiin kUHtI ■One Hnnerefl ant Fifty TboisaM Goal Miners Qiit Wirt ' mm in in it Trainmen Absolutely Refuse to Handle Non*-Union Coal.>—The Situation is Regarded as Serious. Hazel'On. Pa., Sept. 17.—The miner* the Pennsy Ivanla anthra cite region went out on a strike in a body this morning. It is estimated that over 160,000 men have laid down tbeir tools. The strike was ordered by President Mitchell and Secretary Wil aon, of tba United Minn Workers of .America. Tba document wbioh called the Miners from their work was the offi cial endorsement of the request of the anthracite diicts to strike. It wss considered by the national board at Reir meeting two weeks ago, They left all power to indorse the request in ■gTlTcds-of tbe sbeye named offloers. Be action was withheld until the last Hmoent, tfi hope that tome concessions imight come from the operators, but ■one came, Tbe total number of in ■de and outside bands employed in the anthracite region is 142,420, of whom 91,871 are inside, and 61,249 out side employes. All of the United M'oe Workers have obeyed tbe order, and a great many of the outside men have also quit. In tbeir and maud* tbe miners ask tbe correction of many evils, tbe more important Of which are the following: Abolition of tl.e company store*; reduction in the price of powder to $1.50 & key ; abolition of company dco- U>r.; send monthly Day ment of wvges; ab I rion of the sliding real*; wages pain in t-ash; 2,240 pounds to the ton; lu sdvanos of 20 per cent, in *agc ► less than $1.50 and not exceeding $1.75 a dsyt that all classes of dry labor Ijv recsivu g $1.50 and not exceeding $1.75 sbßll receive 15 per cent, over present wages; that all day labor now receiving $1.75 shall be per oent.; that no miner shall have at any time mors than one breast, gang, or other class of work, and shall get only bis legal share of cars. Bos ness men throughout tbe coal sections deplore tbe action acd fear that it will greatly bun thj* if tbe atnke continue for of time. W Tbe coal basins extend oyer an area of about 470 square mites and are dis tributed through several counties The average production from the en tire distriot Is 75,500,000 tons a year. The closing of tbs mines is expected to reduoe tbe regular ooal production about 75 cent The lost In wages in this strike will amount to about $3,00,000 a mouth- Tbe railroads and Coal operators will suffer to tbe ext eat of about $7,000,000 a month. It is understood tb%t the men are prepared fof h loog strike. The ossh balance in tbe treasury of tbs organization amounts to about 11,000,000 The strike leaders hare especially cautioned against quarrels and viola tions of tbe peace and it is thought that there will be a repitition of the tragedy which occurred in the same district three years ago, when twenty one miners were killed and over fifty wounded. Tbe Strike Spread!^. -Scranton, Feojf-, Sep|>f| ¥'. road men madaThoir drat move in We big ooal strike this morning, whejn they rtf need to 'ake out run” on the Delaware and £•*<§£- want Western coal tiaoiA whloh tup ply esven breakers and diataoni) wa{fi ery with coal, lUilro&d mqn, from switoblneu up, declare afit handle a single oar of non-unioaHjoal. Some Mines > Wilkeabarre, Sspt. 17.—Tbe largos! producers are still oonductlog opSr’- : tio%p. The Philadelphia, Valley and Reading and tbo Lehigh Coal and Navigatihn companies are Ifilf *ork. log. Tbe Lehigh Valley it tied up in this distriot, bat most of Its mines >.Mr* . in HttpUon diirricS are working. .Mac HMta Sebn&llriU not go oot generaliy r and about 10' pet oant are working today. Tbe Wyoming region is practically tied np to its wbols extent, only one,, colliery making full time aod th* one in a remote region. Mot a thous and out of tbe 52,000 are working in the Wyoming region. Some effort was made iu Pittston by the Pennsylvania compamy t(j mfc. bat it W failure. CARNIVAL AND B?Sit&fc&T FAIR Looisville, Ky., Sspt. 18.—Tbe Elk*, osrnivsl and street fair began its twelve day prcgrbEs today, and, as al ways, is snccesslol from tbe start Many well-known names are on tbe lift of crmtnit’e. s. The fair proper is oo Floyd street, from Urosdwaj to Breckinridge. Oo tbe big lot are tte Mnlwayard 'be free show grounds. Mr. Frank Fefcr is chairman of the executive oommittee this year. DRUOGIsri MEET. Chicago, Sept, 17.-The National Wholesale Druggists’ Association op cncd ns ennnal meeting in this city today. It will continue in session un til Saturday, There is a large attend ant:* and a great deal of important bnsineseis to be trac.ucied. WILL SPEAK IN DOUGLAS. We are pleased to state that Hon. W. G. Brantley will address tbe pet' pie of Coffee county, at tbe court bouse in Douglas on the first Mor-lry in October. Mr. Brantley is well known here, and th? announcement that he will be here is sufficient.— Diuglas Breste. BRUNSWICK. GA;, TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1900. iSL Presisnt Kroger on He . fay lelerope. : HE 11 NOT BE MllTi The Ex-President Will Regarded As 'mm 17.—1 t ex-Presldent jEKjger domes to Europe on tbe Ger- Jdertog, calling at Mes sina, Jsple*. the authorities have bey iristrajlfidd to ns a private pf'rsopagje; No will be takUiPof hTs i||rivai, and he entirely un vested. .; f1 f shW TO .MEET l * :-.£ f . - >.••"<'*. iiturpsdij Division Will Discuss Tbe * qt Ntseoo Trip.' Naval militia will, Ikht. discos* fai r Wfjght, comma Oder of snxiau* for bis t nlthalkitic oyer it. But one thing itknds Ijfi the Way—the matter of uni f jrmi- and.tbis difficulty is hoped to e new mustering. suMtp Recently or dered by Torpedo division. Q September-4l7o|i,Macon will turn over everytbingTafTthe military boys. Savanna L’s naval militia are going, and on Saturday last secured ieav* from aotiog Oenerel Byrd m&kq thewtp. TJs Second Georgia regiment will %P ikere in force, as W’la'so rale vet erans, under i-|i%iimßw Governor Sandler, wbo will occupy*? lent with bis old brigade in catup. , K'lalynjjc. W. Darning, of Tirpedo division i* in reos pt of a lei’er from Mayor Bridge* Smith, of Macon, in wb ob be ‘‘-aye that Torpedo division oar, the keys lo the city, and ail fun they want, Mayor Smith is a personal friend of B-ieign Darning, and bis letter is enthusiastically cor dial in its invitation td the Torpedo boys. The Macon Lodge of E ks want, ihe Torpedo corps to participate in their niarnmo’b fireworks display of h" battle of Santiago, and promise tb-’nj a glorious time if they will come. BOATS LOiT. Rome, 8c t IT —Fire Ipa'a of tie o Ital'ao expedition, which alerted for Nan&sai'euu with provisiona and muni* tions of war, were sunk in Peibo river. Everything is a total lose. I’RfN'tfC KILLED. Dresden, Sept. IT.— Prinoe Albert, of Saxon), was killed la a oarringe ac -oident near lhn city tbU morning. 10 0 1 -T ’ - •v"’ 4 ■ 5--Tv.. Umlin Ciintii Will i/ start Way. V. . HI i IK 11 “ Will Get it With a Little if. HttTd'tWorK. #v v A mooting of the demooratlc execu tive committee U called at the city halt Idr today at 12 o’clock at the court house. Will be an pne,'Jte the organization of the comsutv the l*-te bo effected, and step# taken to i...■• -■ , get (>ut a ttflf yole at the state and county election, which Is ip be held on tbethlrd of nixt month. Every mem ber of the oommittee is j*R-ntly re- ed tobe present promptly at it o’clcck. The toflowing compose the committee,: Twenty Sixth dt*Wct-i, K. Wenz, J. F. La*er|, F- ]S, C. Cal iiouii, J. E. du Bigjuon, H. S. McCrary, R. 11. EverCtt, -J, T. Dent. Twenty fifth district—Heyward Dud ley, W. 0. Taylor. Twenty seventh district—G, W. Ratal if, Joseph Willies. Ore Thousand tour liuhdred k anA ttitety ninth dUtrlct—Joseph Howe, J.. A,Ward. •' One thousand throe hundred and fifty BixtVsijAftr.ot—Willisra Crofton. GOOD SERVICE SUNDAY. Tlje Sunday evening service at the Presbyterian church was mad^doubly attractive by a good sermon from the Rev. W. E. Hollingsworth, and good mtisic bgjjhe choir. The vooaliats in the chpFrvwere Mrs. Palmer Staoyv Mice Lucille Butts, Miss Dollie Green, Mr. Von WelieV and Mr. Charles Fleming. Mrs: Bays, preaided at the $ organ, and was satiated by Prof, Deal and Mr, Tbase ac complished rsnderetj'some delightful njßwtiera, md etilian&d the good choir singing vegy much. Rev. fiollingsworlh preached at his best, and the earnestness of this young di vine made an impression on tbe lsrge number whu heard him. CABLE FROM CHAFFEE. Wasnloeton, Beptsyl7. —Chaffee ca that tbe Russian raifway to Manchura should be repaired, and needs fifty storm, flags, and fire thousand more small ffsgi later, required for Chinese houses to show American protection. SMALLPOX DELAYS SCBOOL. New Bedfnrd?fttti , Bspt. H.-g The public aoboola opened today, after beV Lug kept closed two weeks later than usual at this season, in order to pre vent tbs spread of smallpox, which bus been prevalent in tbe oity. / BANKER CLEWS’ LETTER. Seems to Bo Afraid of the Democratic Succors. . - - New York, SJqpt. ID —The s .ock mar *V\< *" -* *-a V- •'• \ 4 kst bas been singularly Indifferent to news of‘all sorts', favorable Or ur.fuv oiable, end transactions have on aq exceedingly limited s ale.. ■■ , . vr* At the marnent ti e Cttli.eSo situation \.r~ ■ . * „ ■ . has noeffect whatever, although de elopmente io that quarter have been m„ore assurtng. The ~New England i‘' - 5 oltjjy.ious and the awful disaster In Texas had equally small influence. In short, prices showed a remarkably firm undertone, but no one is likely to buy stocks for the rise with any free dom until the outcome of the election is more certain than now appears. Business men realize that sound jnoney is again the chief issue, and that Imperialism, twits, etc., are all of importance until this su preme question is permaneotly settled. ,Il the faoe'of such a struggle, and re rnembsring the feverish suspense of 1896. when the battlo first began, It is not surprising that valu s refuse to re spond to’the inauy favorab’e influences ou'side of politics. There is still the possibility of a de cline in the sound money vote, oeoause the peril how seems raorC remote and many who were, influenced to vote in 1896 solely on that issue will imagine it safe to Ignore that issue now. Ffom'tfiiseatfße and Indifference, al so, ‘.hers is decided danger of a gain In the free silver ranks; and, as the country knows what to expect in such an event, prupence dictates a waiting pollcv until the results can be antici pated with some degree of safety. . ./ r - ■ ABOUT TORPEDO DIVISION. Macon Tetr*tfi .J|y : Mnoonitea Want Them to Come, * f in ad extended article on the Maqon street fair, the Telegraph in its issue of yesterday says: “It is probable that the Torpedo di vision of the Nava! reserves from J Brunswick will come up, bringing ptir ts-oard cutter with' which they beawtbe crew from,,the regular naxJl some three years ego sound. Tlnwa marineaare in grotesque sailor-like uh./orwsWnnd should they flfiwv r * come, which is very likely, they will place the cutter on a decorated Host and take part in the floral parade. Such is their rrqnest. It is probable that they will dip their cutter in the Ocmulgeo river, and let the people view the novel scene from Spring -street-fridge and the river front. IN GAY PARIS. The following postal caid was receiv ed hore yesterday: Expoal'lon Universe-lie, Somncl do a'T'our Eiffel, Paris, 4 Septembers, 1900. L C. Bodet, Brunswick,Ga, U. S. A.: are you? I am at very top of tow er. Can’t say Pin enjoying ;it, but It u great. WBb you were with me. Sin cerely, Hahuy F. Durwoodt, NEAT SUM.' Quite a neatxum wr -aised by the Brown Diug Cos. for tbe Texas sufferers Bunday. This firm gave half of their oasis receipts to the sufferers PRICE FIVE CENTS. "pi Tie Met of Deal Is Nov Estimated at 4,078. FEAR OF DROUGHT OVER Telegraph Communication Has Been Opened and the Peo ple Are Rapidly Returning. Galveston. Sept. 17.—The danger of drought has passed. Somo street* are lighted at night, and many streets have have cleared or wrtekage. Telegraphic commdnioition with the outside world ha* been re-established. Railroad offi cials believe that they will be able to es tablish railroad communication by Thursday. The track of the Santa Fe railroad was completed to Virginia Point last night. The state health officer left here yesterday to make his report to the governor at Austin, and he estimates the mortality caused by the-hurricane at 4,078. 'T*'' , BADLY DAMAGED. A Schooner in Bad Con dltldVr^ The ecbfgpfif. J; Morse reached lu tow of - lhe tug lie. M nL“ ratller a ! ’ aii condi tion, at sea. Her rudderfflffißMjMy forecastle washed nvcrh#*,-; , \£>nt part of her deck lod.lmtMil- were not COMING. bureau report from WaswWgtan says: '■Decidedly colder weather obtain* over the northwest portion of the country, heavy fres's being retorted from the Upper Valleys, over which an area of high pressure obtains. The lowest temperatun s r-ported were: Bismarck, 36; Huron, 82. The advance edge of the cold wave is being felt in the Lower Mississippi and Ohio Valleys. Tbe barometer is Northeast Allantio and Northeast Slops section . Rain ba fallen irregularly from tbe South Atlantic to tbe East Lakes. Tbe greatest amount wasl.ol at Msrqce WOODWARD WILL PLAY. Jolly Gny Woodward, who Is aa good a ball player as he is a comedian, will play first base tor the Brunswick team in the game out at the fair grounds this afternoon. BUBONIC Pi.AGUE: Glasgow, Sspf. 17. —Five now oases of buboolo plague were discovered here today.