The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 18, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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THE AUGUSTA REUNION Brigadier General Wiley Is sues a (Ocular. November 14 is the Day, aud Wants All Georgia Vets to Remember. > Brig Gen. Charles M. Wiley ot the Ctnfedcra'ts Veteran,’ Assocl.t oa ot Georgia has is.-ued the tallowing cir cular letter to tbe various officers of his command: To the Commanders aui Comrades of Camps Compoiiug the Eastern Bri cade Georgia Division United Con federate Vetera—-. The second reunion of the Georgia ' Division United Confederate Veterans will be held tn the eity of on the 14 h, 15 b and 10th of November next. You should st once bc*tn to make preparations to attend and endeavor to have jour camp present wi’b full ranks. The Augusta camps are a part of the Eastern briade and we should therefore have a much larger atteui aht-e than any of the brigades in the Geo.gia division. Have your newspapers publi-h the time end place of our next, meeting and urge all veterans, Sons of Veterans and Daughters of. Confederates t> come to the beautiful and patriotic city of Aug ts' on the 14th ot November next. You can rest aStured that alt will re ceive a hearty welcome from the Veter ans and citizens of Richmond county. Li hope the list of officers, number of ■gtabers who have end the names of Bur delegates and alternates wil t be Horded to Gen I C, A. Kran-. aeeord- the orders mailed you fiom and i&Mp itijftsiquartcr* a* A:lanta, date of 1000. Hve tbe pleasure to inform yuu ■IW-apt. J, L. Fleming of Augusta Jkindly consented to act as ad jut for tbe Eastern brigade,! *and any information desired can be had by addressing him and be will rc | fer the same to the proper ccmmiltio <£ni ao notify you. With tha hope and strong belief that our second reunion will be pleasant and a successful one in every pirUcuiar. Your coini ade, C. M. Wiley, Brigadier.Gonerai Eas'ero Brigade. $ “DELAYS ARE DA3SGFIIOUS.” A. email pimple on your face may seem of lit 11* consequence, but it shows your blood 13 Im pure. tut* impure blood is what causes moat of tbe di*6 ise# from which people ,-uffer. Ho tter heed Cpe warning given by the pimple and pu rify the Moot! at once by tAkfn r Mood'a S-irsu- Fjariiia. Tb!* medicine cures ail diiews due j3%%4 blood, includingserofulr and gilt iheam *~z. * Tae nonirritiitlngcatbartlc—ltoo 1 s Pul*. STRIKING AGAIN. ' A J wtr tat dir St clay’s paper, .be striking sprit a fur the clock, < a. as broken and itnt to tbe Itotory, ar rived yesterday and Mr, K. cnon Mutt, keeper cl the city clock, now has it striking again, m<cb to tbe benefit of the general public. Agoud many c< num|.tivc* would be cr •e.l and the worst cases comforted and relief* l>y V'lttg F.lry- Honey and Tar. SuggesjM lo tbose afflicted. Yooebould do thig YV.J. Butts. J I Hustling your*imn can make . I&O per month and expenses. Bermans' position. Experieres unnecessary. (Write quick lor particulars, C'ark A I Cos., 4th 1 4. Locus,Streets. ,Pbiladel pbia,Pa. Every woman in the country ought to know about Moifcer’s friend Those who do know about it wonder how they ever got along without it. It lius robbed child birth of its terrors for many a young wife. It has preserved her girlish figure and saved her much -suffering. It is an external lini ment and carries with it therefore, absolutely no danger of upsetting the system as drugs taken intern ally are apt to do. It is to be rubbed into the abdomen to soften and strengthen the muscles which are to bear the strain. This means much less pain. It also prevents morning sickness and all of the other discomforts of pregnancy. A druggist of Macon, Ga., says: "I have sold a large quuntity of Mother’s Friend and have never known an instance where it has failed to produce the good results claimed for it.” A prominent lady of Uam berton. Ark., write': “With my fust six children 1 was in labor from 24 to 30 hours. After using Mother’s Friend, my seventh was born in 4 hours.” Get Mol tier’* Friend at tho drug Mime, SI.OO p.*r bottle*. THE BRADf lO 0 REGULATOR CO. A!LAMA, GA. Writ* for our “BEFORE BABY R . IS BOB*." B OFFERED BIS SERVICES. Postmaster Mcßrown has wited the postmaster at Galveston hiß services. The mail matter to the Ulfated city must be something tremendous now, and as experienced men are hard to get, Mr. Brown kindly made the offer. A Minister’s Good Work, “I had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhcea Remedy, doses and was en tirely cured,” says Rev. A. A. I’ower.of Empo ria* Kan. u My neighbor across the sheet was sick for over a week, had two or three bottles o medicine from the doctor. Ho used them for three or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for sonic dayfl and gave him no relief, so discharged him. I went over to ace him the next morning, He said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had been running off so long that it was almost bloody flux. J Asked him If he had tried Cham* berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and he said, ‘No.’ I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty min utes if he did not find relief, but he took no more, aud was feiiliteiy cured, I think it the best medicine l have ever tried.*’£For sale by Dr. Bi.- drug store. MANY FRIENDS HEBE. Clever Guy Woodward, of the Wood ward-Warren Cos , is a general favorite here, and since the arrival of his com j paoy he has b en busy shaking hv.d -' with his many friends in this city. —.—, : A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT. j Mr. V 7. A. Hicer, of Manchester, ■ la,, writing of his almost miraculou- I ei.capa from death, says: ••Exposure after measles induced serious lung 1 trouble, w bicb ended in Corisumption. I had frequent hemorrhages, and coughed night nod dsy. All m> doc tors sad I muet soon dir. Then I Ik~ g?n to u-e Dr King’s New D.scoeery i Jap C orumption, which eimpletely cured me I would not be without it even it it cost 15.00 a bottl, Hun dreds have used it on my recr.mmendr.- tinn, ard ell eay it never falls to cure ! Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." Regular size 50cts. and fl.oo, Trial bottles free, at all drug stores, Mr. Frank D. Aiken has returned j from a via• t to Asheville, X. C, | Large nn spots, astronomers aay, caused the j rxtr >*. at tfiis summer, and (locmr* declare ! i ! l.e pi j-.trstic.ns w ere inimccd by dis order;* of the stomach, Good health follows good dig- ilon Kodol 1>) *|>ep*la < are digests what yon eat. If you have indigestion or dys pepsia it will quickly relieve and permanently cure you. W. J. Butts. THE BRUNSWICK TTMES-CALL SEPTEMBER 18, 1900 POLICE COURT. Quite a Number of Cases Before The Mayor, Mayor Atkinson bad another Urge police court yesterday morning, try ing eight oases, as follows: Lucy Cody, disorderly conduct. Guilty. Fine of $lO or thirty days od the streets. Biil Base, drunk and disorderly. Guilty. Fine $lO or thirty days. John Forseman, fighting, Not guil ty. Dismissed. Albert Ward, disorderly conduct. Guilty. Fine of $2, thirty days or a good wbippiOg. Arthur Benton, fighting. Guilty, Fine $8 or thirty days. Mattie Williams, disorderly oenduot. Guilty. Fine $8 or thirty days. William Stephens, drunk and disor derly. Guilty, Fine of $lO or twenty days. ■ lag* Henry Washmae, diiorderly oon dact. Guilty. Fine of $S or thirty day*. No R B lief for Twenty Years. “I had hronchltls for twenty years,” said Mrs Minerva Smith of Danville, ill., -and at times have been bedfast. I never goj relief until had taken Foley’* Honey and Tar. It la pleas ant and gives quick relief, and la a sure cure for throat and lung diaoasea.” Take nothing law. \V. S. Butts, Benefit tonight at opera house for the Galveston flood sufferers EXCURSION TO AMERICUS. For the above occasion} the Plant System’wlli; sell icrnod trip vicketsto Americas, Ga., at raves of one and one third fare. TicSete to be told Sept. 30lb and'Oct. 2nd, •inclusive, with final limit Oct. Ith. A DISTINGUISHED PARTY, Judge Alfred J. Crovett, one of our popular attorneys,bad tbe pleas ure of entertainig a distinguished party of Sivannabfc'ns for several days lust week. In tbe lion Walter G. Charlton, L f . Col. Thomas 8, Wylly, Jr., Msjj/ 4- Ferris Cann, and Mr . John Suliiiran Sobl-y. Judge Crovatt’s is one of the most pap ular in the State, and be has en'er tamed many pleasant parties, but none more than the named gen tie men. Contaigih i?s Blood Poison There is nopoiaon so highly contagions, so deceptive and so destructive. Don’t be I too sure you are cured because all external j signs of the disease have disappeared, and j tiie doctor says you are well. Many per sous have been dosed with Mercury and I'otash for months or years, and pro nounced cured —to realize when too late that the disease was only covered up— Uko Bogota Uko. SS out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to tlietn have been infected by this loath some disease, for no other poison is so surely transmitted from parent to child os this. Often % bad case of Rheumatism, Catarrh. Scroful3 or severe skin disease, an old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can be traced to blood poison cou- KriJ Tho Sin of tho Parent. life, for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, unless properly treated and driven out in the beginning. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this peculiar virus, tho only remedy known that e;n over come it and drive it out of the blood, and it does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. Sarr,-. erwz cures Contagious Blood IJHw Poison in oily and all stages; contain* no mineral to break down your constitution ; it is purely vegetable and the on’v hl<>od puri fier known that cleanse* the blood and at the same time builds up the general : health. . Our little book on contagious blood poison is tine mo6t complete and instruc tive ever issued; it not only tells nil about this disease, but also how to cure vourself at home, it is free and should be in the hands of everyone seeking o cure. Send for it. | THE SWlff -PECIF’C CO.. ATLANTA, BA. BENEFIT PERFORMANCE. Weed wtrd -Warren Company to Ont Tonight. Minag-r W, 111 anti tb’e Woodward- Warren compm, will give a substan tial part'd the gross receipts taken in at to night 'e performance to the Gal veston Hood victims. A large crowd should attend, for in addition to an evening’s enj lymenl they can oontriD nte their mite towards he ping the un happy oner whom the elements ren dered in need of tie necessaries of life. The Great Diam mu Mystery will be presented for the occasion. The Marine band have Oontiibuted their services and will render music before and during the performsnee. Hew BrigkVa Siaeai* Starts- Indigestion, biliousness, Wood poisoned with urea and uric acid (which should have been excreted by the kidisejrs), rheumatic pains in nerve* and joints, causing irritation of the kid neys, then pains ovet the small of the hack, mark sure Bright’s dilute. Do not delay in taking Foley’a Kidney Cure, for it makes tbe kidneys riaht. Take no substitute. W. 4. Butts.; Mr. C. D. Mitchell, of Chattanooga, was among the visitors to the oily yesterday. September is Malaria’s Own Month. Malaria is bad enough', its are womb; Dengue, Hemorrhagic, Typhoid Fevers Cured ITj —■> JGHUS CRIIL AND FEVER TOE FROM A FORMER SOLDIER. “Soldiers comprehend the horrors of a Fever Stricken Camp miles away from the hose of supplies, rn such nlaoes Johnson's Chill and Fovnr Tonic came in. You needed no Quinine or Calomel; use Johnson's Tonic, and you would pull through.”—Chas, K. Hopes, Everett City, Ua. USE NO OTHER. IT KEEPSIYOU WELL A, B. GIRARpfcAU, Sole Manufacturer, ' Savannah, Oa. Real Estate for Sale. We have lot number 170 on A Greet nine lots on Wolf Street, for sale cheap B H. Daniels & Cos. 810 Nowcast? hi.' ■.uj.'-'j — 1 —i i-anga ibj.,l a=”L.’S— ._sa NOTICE. New milled rice meal, best milk pruduper and feed for xfock on life market. Ben Borchardt & Cos., Wholesale Grocers and Pro duce Dealers. W. R. SMITH’S COtLEGF, ItTINGTON, KY„ Is where after in rUing frn/n Jr*s to Jot* for vc ben cditc4td for po*itlon a* Itookßfeefer*, -S r'" op raphe r. Telega raphers, and now reeeife from stjuNql li.soo salary per year. Kent uck>f Ini varsity Diplffma awarded hi* graduate*. IH^Cal! ejjf’Tctef^ed 1 Jflcuaa at two World** Enpo*| t lonVfrflt) refcig to ccaaful graduates. thi* chrTprft And moat Influential CoJlege. Cuyvhl* out for reference Rand oartk* ulars addreg* enfv W. R. -Smith. Lvarfftwi. Ky. s■'oo B*w -A We will pv the utiove reward fur any e*o of Liver GomptalnL T)y*isepMii.,Httk Iteadseiie, fniliic t.tio,i. coiif-Onati'in or CosUvencss wo euro wilt. Livtirah.,- the Up-to-Bcte l.ltt ■ Liver mils, when the direr i >nr ftro •t. icily comyll’.! skli. Tbey arc )'vr. ly vm tobl-an.l never fail tn rive nittiafactuin ; c boxescentuin 100 pills, i(lo boxes remain 4<J pill , Cc lioxesccntiiiu ICpliiv Bcwarci./sut.- stlt.itcs an't mibatiois. Hn.Jfliy nrill. Btampß taken. AKIi VITA MKJDKfAI. UU ., can-. t'Un lon amt I tk*on tits .Cbicnfo, til For rnlcby Brow" 1), ttCo. BruksWick, Ok CURE YOURSPi.-' £*JW nvM ® .iTtntwr*€ 1 • . * -■ J 1 i.o* If •ttir.iarr. of WWCt tn^Dibi. f'IWtAQUi f/vtalurtoo. rkitt }< *v. tin'! not ' *O -E EyiUff CHOflftHiCg. i° ato r •• ,s * HHS! * fh ? * l i**-irr?* *v r. <4 a Jirorfcbt in vrrnppe. I CHrvular (Writ u itn BTOVJSS REPAIRED. Rice, tbe stove doctor, repairs el i kinds or cock stoves arul ranges, buy j nd sell# second hand stoves, 414 Bsy street. has been sounded to all I kind —success unparalleled in "7 yi (fl®®® 4 *! history of light beverages has every g -v where marked the introduction of ’ \J&*h fm It stands pre-eminent as the finest tj i\B bottled beer brewed in America, If ■'”* j ill and leads all others in annual JLr j ji* exportations to foreign countries, Brunswick Wholesale Wine and Liquor BF'vSf SjjlM-' -t':-' EYE.,— The eye is the most sensitive of all the organs of the human system. If defects of vision exist, consult a specialist. Many eyes have been ruined by wearing improperly fitted spectacles. Does the print blur, or do the eyes tire when reading'. Do they ache? Do they water? Are they inflamed? i These symptoms point to defects in the refraction i or muscles of the eyes, and can be perfectly cor rected with glasses prescribed by us. Don’t wait until too late, but call now' We are specialist. Examination Free. KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician; 215 Newcastle Street, I Inspector of Watches for Southern Railway. Time by Wire daily from Washington WASHINGTON SEMINARY Maoon aud Baltimore Woman’s College. Primary, Acaden^^*- u ®J c ’ j“ r * Elocution and Business oourses. Small classes. ludivjjj^B' or "' building. Home life. Pupils enter Yssear, Wellesley on certificates. Nex' session tiegina September Oth. . °.* u 4 (1 tress Mrs. W. T handler. Principal,Llewllyn 1 r,nc, P & R-I ; PA; p a flpw Prescription. for mankind ft* lor Ir* amta, ♦ Dmyjfltt*. Crooert, Krttanmt*, ■jlaiwa. lfaws-Standa, General StofM aoal Barber* tfwp* baib pain, indue* leef, nil prola t life. y*s' s *• f** T* •rfpu and r* -w*nilnil feeati- K !r LAOIFS. SKCP.TER COLLEGE, GLORUIA. .d 4- * ♦■enutiful Ollnjute dflipl.lf.) nnd lnvljorititf g. If cult It record 4 ' iinii;iilet*a .torafrrf*.'m/ul si|ii*rvili>n. Vfrttnf fltlk rccuited All , „ A * i with Hu fv nUy'ri the m.lieyn Ifutldlim* a..rfth |i ro,WK I u ,1,.„m..i i I '**V . I ’ •Krtallmt* wall afnioiiifijii a>o -<t<*ii<# p . .<* KyrniiMiau, •to. Vuctiily iri;<*, . I A * * <d *•<• *nd i. 4'niirM '• extasuglvc .vio ■K M rVixBRX * 4*C. JL ' •• • *’M •• nrri. iliUlt |.'.Hlrig uin/(rm s . A larf. Kiulov. . ■ its-• t.erik'iring *4**nUa>* fcIHK/dcmte crH4. Tb**.iu*lr I L 5 f VI4 , ‘ini". fAr of Mhrr*W,,*u. dfNr v lrj yoanr Ik.!.** Arlmi.l • itl-t ** * 1 * ni.ij coliu < iwri jMu*ls-Kwrullk 111 • iti A'li ;ltn, muklcal I -.ElESrri-th 4 -*' ifj -uitt a PRizt* piano ((lift i a Rem roi 'frleii'' of ( ' ' k ‘t V*. *A .I'' *" ‘ * '* fll ''' w • * >' 1,1 i ITt o-fliout*nntl• fnr N. 1* JliK ti-V.)'.et. r*\ r **“ iNtlk |.rliikfi* |h- gr.ifid. et tituki ! nil- *trr ffcrod N 'W, V*' . "TL .. In ttvy • 1 tldi Wi'irlfl Utiring tin-J,h t. rm nt. j <ts vn. hlled Voting |VHf htl.f "Oold do sasill U< 'LnlMr *n.t‘y *,.|di.'nGoi, f* f i.du.L idihi N. ;,h ntl.or. fl- --- - - wi .•Ment Ht.iUMuu r.n *ta' . i Kl, Will hr „■ !, ft.-v, ix.ktpald. 3