The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 18, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 rhe Brnnswick Times. EatablUb*d 18(9. The Brunswick Call KjOO. The Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED WOO, Published ; JCVKRY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY. ABTHI7B H. LItAVY - - - - - Editor BOLAND A. Htn.-I.INB. Business Manager orncE } TO 8UBSGBIBBK8: Subscribers era requested to notify the cilice when they fall to get any tune of the Times- Call. Attention to this matter will be appre ciated by the publisher!. the Times-Call will be* Delivered by earrier or mail, per yoar. 56.00; per week 16 cents. Correspondence on live subjects solicited. Beal name of writer should ac company same. Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper should be reported to the basinets office. .Address all ormmnnications to THE TIMES-CALL, Brunswick, Oa. LOCAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Representative,* W. F. SYMONS. Ordinary, HORACE DART. Clerk of Superior Court, H, F. DU BIONON, Sheriff, W. U. BKRRIE. Receiver of Tux Relume, J, E. DUBBERI/Y. Tax Collector* H. J. READ. County Treasurer, H. S. LEE. County Suryeyor, E A, PENNIMAN. oner. G. A. JENNINGS. Oonituit>MotJ®|^ oa j B an j Ret ounce J. 0\ if ik jt. ffnStM-WL Wi a.’® D A Y4iJp|M>B|nJk ■r, a. wio6- ' * ONE ' “To illustritojl w v di.-tingui-hcd <ptrf j^HP lon to. 1 i thi loxetMt of* ness in behalf >f tnomo *lc#fl|^HP^ 08t Gnu o’’our bo’nvod has made wrbal attack on Engfotton*# Ui9 - ory of the V Ited States, and is quoted as saying it is unfit for ulO in Southern schools. Governor Cnnd ler’s attack is based upon a few min utes reading of the book in quealion and not upon a careful review of it as one would suppose ehou'd ha the ca c where criticism is to be forthcoming. We have noticed the attitude of hlstor fins and book reviewers in regard to the goverro.’s critloam, and they are universal in the belief that he acted hastily in giving out the adverse remarks attributed to htm. Now as to the facts In the caso: Eggleston’s History of the United Ssates lea Southerner's bo ,k and by a Virgin’an author. It is Issued to Southern schools unlor the direction of Maj, J. Van Holt Nash, of of the most gallant officers of the'Con federacy. Such an "old Keb," and wu ase the reverence due the words, wss Major Nash, that be participated in the last charge ol the Confederate army and as adjutant general on General W. H. F. Lee’s br gade, captured csnnrn and took prisoners whil i Gecert’.s Grant and Lee were signing ti e articles of surrender. In bis r-gular weekly letter lo the Savannah Moroing News we Bud that a veteran writer of war ar ticles, Major Sidney Herbert, discuss ing the History as follows; “Govor-jor Con ler is rather hasty and rash in hie attack-upon Eggleston’s H's-oryof the United S ates. Rev- Dr. Edward EggKson la, I think, a Virginian, and hla brother George served as gallant cavalryman in the Confederate army, and after the sur fender published a very interesting book on bia war experiences. “It would seem that the G, A. R. in fluence which Governor Candler ccn demnawould hardly reach this Vir ginia family in sufficient force to warp Rev. Dr. Eggleston’s mind Into doing marked injustice to bis native state and her illustrious Confederate dead.” k ■■’*■■■' The phrenologist of tbe campaign has been heard* from. He pronounces Me-. Kinley “substantial,” Bryan “emotions al,” Roo-oyeU “dynamatic,” and Steven son “conservative." THE 6REAT COAL STRIKE The miners of the anthracite coal re gion* will have and shou'd have the sympathy of the public, which means, in accord with the strength of the emo tion aroused, bread and potatoes in some instances, and in others mare passive endorsement. There are few combinations that act more directly Upon the people than does the great tru-t that owns and operates the numerous anthracite mines in Penn sylvanla. All must submit when the anthracite kiuga arbitrarily raise prices. There was a timo when difficulties in the coal regions were left by the general .public to be settled by those immedi ately involved therein. It is different now, and every intelligent tnan who buys coal knows that his purse Is con cerned in the fight. r The trust U so wholly whole felng” that every intelligent person bc leves that bitter wages for the miners means higher prices for coal to the con sume;*; aind that losses to the trust will ap by the same process. There for the consumer. the .party who finally pays the fiddler is doing little of the kicking. It is possible ttts. Jjof-tha is to a great extent willing to .concede #isu that trusta lave their advantages, Tnasmuch as, in these days of trusts, there is cmplpymcin'for the vast major ity of men ivmTreally want to work. But what galls the consumer Is that the tremendous advantages of trust op eration gu wholly to the trust. The mau with the hoe, hammir or pick has to be satisfied with no pait of the increased prosperity save the ha: e fact that ho has a chance to work. In f other words, only n inconsiderable part of the dividends squeezed out qf tha consumer by trust goes to ward helping the people—the miners, for instance —and making them "lqtcer and marc reliable patrons of the grocer, clothier and furniture dealer. It is largely a matter of the consumer wholly for the benefit of hold ers of trust certificates, very many of them foreigners. Thla anthracite tronble seems one based rather bn a desire to better men’s conditions than to raise wages . The main issues aro that a mined ton shall constat of 3400 pounds, but no more, and that pay days shall be weekly Instead of monthly, the latter being an THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 18, 1900. attack npoa those notorious and infa mous institutions known ns company stores, concerns which some states have sensibly abolished by statue. The first mentioned issue alms at fairness. The second is with the object of enabling tbe miner to get 100 cents worth .of bread, clothos and shelter for each dollar of His earnings. In their struggle for betterment of conditions fbe miners will be accorded publlfc-sympathy to perhaps a greater extent than if the fight were merely for a higher price per ton mined. The IOW* bery and cold-blooded extortion engaged in at the “company stores” are a dis grace to Pennsylvania, and should hare long ago been made impossible in the interest of humanity at large, of which the helpless consumer iB a part. f ' ■ - ' ' ■ : The TnfS-C*u, has often wondersd why Giynn county Citizen i interested in cattle raising and dairying did not be ' come members of the Georgia Dirirjf men’s association. T|ere is no 4pi*bi but that a great doll benefit wonld re sult from a membership in such an or ganization. Kite where in theTmrs- Cam. will be found a communication, from Secretary Duggan wh'th we hop? will be the means of a large GHynndoufi ty membership. After being snubbed by the nsgro Baptist convention in Richmond, Lil lian Clayton Jewett has returned to her homo. THE BEST. The Brunswick Timks-Cai.l is much improved sinoe its consolidation, and is the best dally paper Brunswick has ever had.—Rome Tribune. HOW’S THIS? W’e effer One Hundred Dollars Ill ward for any case of Ontarrb that can not be cured by Hal.’e Catarrh Cure. F. J. CfiOTEY A Cos., Props.,T.d do, O, V , We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the laat.lii years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to oarry out any obligations made fv by tbeir firm. West & Tvusx, wholesale druggists, ToUilo, O.; Wilding, Kmatn & Msr vin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Halt’s Catarrh Cure Jgtaken inter na'ly, aoting direotlj'l^on,the blood and muoous surfaces of tbe system, kftice 76c. per bottta. Hold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Iltil’e Family Fills are the best. Mr. Th. F.Wtnter has returned from a trip up (he Southern. Kisseminee, c;a.. June 18. is#?.—l>r. J. ll.’Mc- I.can's Strentrteuing Cordial and Blood Purifier la the best medicine of Its kind made. I have need it and know It to be good. C. P. McDan iel. For sale by W. J. Butts, the druggist. Kl-na lil-na, the Tasteless Quinine Tonic, cqrea chills and fever—Mo a bottle. The colored band had a big minslrol list night. Tin* emergency bags actft by a church soctet to Kanaan tohltera in the Philippine* contained among the uccMaitieaa box of I>Witt’s Witch lUtel Salve, the well known cure for plloa, in juries and skin dfmascs. nhe ladles took care to obtain the original KeWitt’s Witch Huel Salve, knowing that aU vhe counterfeits arc worthless. W.J. llutts. > The Mallory steamer arrived yesterday morning. *"*\ Hood’s PlSl* Ho not trripie nor irritate the alimen tary canul. They not gently yet promptly, cleanse effectually amt &iv Sold by all dru**lu. 26 cut*. i'l Business t| || PropesitioiL Ml full A successful busi- IJv '%■.- ness career cannot be achieved without sound health. The business man should guard his health as be guards his capital; for health, la part of hi* capital and the impairment of that capital affects every hMginasa interest. A sedentary occupa tion and quick lunches, soon show their effect# in a sluggish liver. The use of Dr. Pierce's Grddeft Medical Discovery will v liver trouble as well as in •iige-itton and other diseases of the or gan* of digestion and nutrition. The "fpeover/* strengthens the body by sujSpiytnK Nature with strength mak ing rrmterials. It coo Hurts no whisky, alcohol or otAterAnto-ocant. "After three vestspf tußVtjuztwftlt.ttver troa- M* and laaleria." wrien Mr iiuwv.rd Jacob*. of Marengo, Cfsw (ord Cfe , India**, -1 jm p all hops* of err- getting ston' again. and the.last raanct was to trv yder medicine. 1 had tried til the liorr— Sectors unfit rrecived hot fttrle re ir t After -Akruu Mjhee, Lotties .0* -Dr, Pierce's wolden Medical rial of his ’Pleflasm Pellets’ 1 .m stout and hearty. It is lue entirely toymir wornttefn! medicines.- r* Dr. Pierce’s Pleatutut Pellets assist, tho scboii of "Golden Medical Discovery." Cheap Rates Via Southern Railway. ;•/ • - x >, C ■ "* - JUCifMQKP, V A.—Annual Convention Bover eruijpa t*rnd Lodgy*. Independent Order • eftf Fellows, One fa re for the roand trip. Ticket 5 ou J 5-17, floel iimit to. and Agrioulturtl Fair. t or tndividti.ila.oiu; litre for the round trip. For military eoinpume and brum* bnndji in tinlform, 20 or -mor* off bee ticket, sB.B# tor the round inp. Ticket#. eftj wHe Sept. 24-28. final limit Oct, 21. ,> LOUISVILLE, Kt.,-- Annual* convention col ored Oddlglkrwa. On* fare for round trio, *** *" Oot 1. dual ASIiEVir,LE,N C.-ABBi/s) Mlsets *tp|dV*l'p Me.ijaG dßjii’Stios. one faro fur roand trip, TSSkwflg** b#U‘ Oct. S-J, Hal titan Oct. USA , t i s KANSAS ciT V, ’Mt). -- A csou n 1 .if Nat ton C-Vn veniftio ol the Christian vtmfcbrtlilfetswlH he sow ter Kansu. OitjvOet. S-10, ivilli final liinlt Oot. J3, at Spit ofon (are fur the round triii, plum. - ' OfIATTANOtiOA. TiiSNi-i nod Chatmaonja NaMvinif PmS Cumnjtssion. Annual feantbo of th Sooisi* or - tbe Army of ihe ’ Odmbwland, CtinfetMate Veterans Suniji; ajenaai gi-et!h. National Association ’-jidhsMi |V:ir VcWt nnl. One fare for (ho Hoie BreetWe’ ■ MsffciAtlmfr-on9 lAr tor the round trip. Twkotg oi* aal© Sk-.ptumUir :>, with final limit Oolutierlfi, YMfi, ATLANTA, i• A.--Southern Interstate Fair* For individjiflsi on* fare tor the round trip, plus WI cent* Sif-aiSsJon tn the fair grounds, For n iHtary coKpanta* and brass bands (n uniform, twentv or more none ticket, one cent per mile la each dire lon per capita. CHAKI.KBT6N,’>* C-—Anna#! Conve'nitea League ot Awe.te.’h Mwanualitlea. <ine fare for the ro in.l nip plu, t ... Tickets on sale December 9 a 11, with final limit De c*untier 2t, lsoo. , • *h, j AMBKtCUMiA.-WKnd E.kl*o A. F. and A. Masons aad Vnatßary. One and ene-thlrd fares for 4RMnsrmilnl trip. Ticket, on sals *.with final Huilt LCMllßjfctdCs Ca--Colored CampmeetinK. One Jiid one-third fares for th* romn trip.!*’’aptembeb S7 atnd ao, with final iinilttVtSaer l, 1900, CHEAP ADVERTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisements in this column will be insert ed at the uniform rate <lf One Cent a Word for each Insertion. No sdvei tisemsnt, liowcvor small, less than 50corns. Cash in advance, FOR SALE.—Good rite safe, in ex oellent condition. Apply by 1 tter to “A. B, Ocare Times. • FOK SALE.—One ladies’ “Hero’' bi cjcle, good as new. Apply to 201 A st. FOK HENT.—A nice, six room house, on J street. Apply to 412 B street. WANTED—Young man to collect and solicit. Address C. M. D, oare this office. FOR^RENT.— Cargjle residence, corner Qloncester and Carpenter sts. Possession Ootober Ist, 1900. LOST.—A white and llyer colored pointer, bitch, 3 months old. Liberal reward. A. L. Gale. WANTED—Office bry, none but one Willing to work need app’y. Brobeton, Fendig & Cos. Advertisers lways PPRECIATE Reaping iCH ETURNS AD-JCD THAT IS -T-l— i Regular ETURNS EPORTED By Advertisers Who Use These Colomns. jaaility aid (juailty of Circulation gives Jaaaiilj and Quality to Advertisers And We Give Both also—. GUARANTEE TdGIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK, J DON’T SEND AWAY FOR -;i> J ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS,. M BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETG..H When you can get them at'home same price and besides you 'save the of freight and.drayagc. I;, sm OUR PHONE IS 31,' and a message will receive prompt attention. W e don’t mind calling and talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. " . ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. M* Times=Call, 209, 209 1-2 and 211 F Street. NOTE. If you haven’t time to write your “ad” let us know and what you’ve got to sell and we will write the “ad” for you* That’s our business, and we onlmdiarge you for the space* .