The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 18, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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BASS BALL TODAY. I’laat System ana Hirscb’a Team to Cross Bats. Avery interesting game ot base bail is promised cut at the tair grounds this afternoon, between the Plant Sys tem's crack team and Mr. Henry H rich's club. The two clubs have pTayed several g'.ntes this season, and there is much rivalry between them. The last game was interesting, a tie being the flotl result. Following is the line-up for the gams today : hiksch'b club. shop's club. Qirsoh c McCullough Mallard v. .p Warker Wood ward.... Ist base .Holmes Tankersley.. ,2od base Flanders Smith 3rd base Mclntyre Nightengale a. s Peters Creamer 1. f Gi*' on Coleman o f MoCulloug Bertie v-r, f . QUESTIONS ANWERED. Yee, August Flower still has tbe largest sale|of any medicine In the civ ilized world. Your mothers andgrand mothers never thought ot using any thing else for Indigestion cr bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of apendlcitis, nervous prostration, head failure, etc. They ■ieed August Flower to clean out the lystem and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of the liver, atlmulate the action of the ner i roue and organic system, and that Is ail they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other aches. You uly need a few doses ot Green's au ist Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied there Is. nothing serious the k a tier wilh you Sample bottles at Butte drugstore or Brown Drug C fetoald be In every household meiJe -joiac chest. It affords certain relief Vheap BATES PLANT SYSTEM. m• I Account of Iho annual meeting of fcthe National Association of Spanish ■ War VeUrns at Cbcttanooga, Turin., II, the Plant System will sell from Brunswick to Chattanooga return at one fare Tor round trip. on sale Oct. 8 and 9, final limit ■Oct. 13, jh Account of the Kentucky].TrottiDg Horse Breeders’ Association, Lexing ton, Ky,, Oct, 2 to 3, the Plant System will sell tickets from Brunswick to Lexington and return at one fare for the round trip. Tickets on dale Sspt. 30 to Oct. 1, limited until Oct, 15. For DiabetesTise STUARTS GIN and BUCHU: OAS T O TV. X A. • Bears the The Kind You Have Always BougM ei Z“" (Z&tfZzg* For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: When in need, call on J. W. Watkins. He loans mo qay on personal property. WANTED. Artesian weila to drive at $250 each Rise and capacity ; guaranteed will also guarantee to complete wells in 15 days, Call on or address A. H. Baker, -205 Gloucester street. castofUa For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bear* the Signature of (rM&Zl■GcZSkty SHOULD BE STOPPED. As tbe theatric-.} season has jast be gun now, there is one thing thit should be stoppsd. At every show just about the middle of the last act* the negroes up in the gallery begin tq go out, and they make so much noise that it is impossible for the audienoe to understand anything that is said on the stage. The people were an noyed with this nuisance all of last year, and it certainly should be stop ped. To prevent consumption quickly cure throe emt lung trouble with One Minute Cough Cure. W J Butte. AT TH E OGLE THORPE. John J. Speer, Hickory, N* C., Ches ter Scott, Richmond, Va.; Nat N. Solo mon, Savannah; C. D. Mitchell, Chattanooga; A. L. Holmes, Savan nah; John Counoley, Boston; L, 8. Hill, New Troy, Fla ; H. W. Wallace, Savannah. Do you read what pcopio say atiout Hood’s Sarsaparilla? It It curing all terms of disease caused or promoted by Impure blood. 3 ; '.; *■ SPOKE AT WRIGHTSVXLLR. Wrightsville, Ga., Sept. 17. —(Special!) —Congressman W. G, Bran’ley address, ed the people of this cotmty here today. He spoke for about an hour to one of the largest crowds that has ever gather ed at this little place. t' or obstinate tores,isoalds and piles quickly cured by Banner Salve, the most healing-medicine in the world. W. J. Butts. A BIG SHOOT. Those who are to take the lead in tbe gala week and race meet will also endeavor to have a big gun elub shoot. It is said that teams from all parts of Georgia will ooms here and tt would prove a drawing card. For Bladder Troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. A nice, two-story bouse for rent— in perfect order—lll N- Ambrrst street. Apply to Mrs, Colesberry, 121, N. Amerherst street, STRIKING AGAIN, As was etaDd in Sunday’s paper, the striking spring for the clock, which was broken and ernt to the factory, ar rived yesterday and Mr, Kennon Moti, ketp' r of the city clock, now bks It striding again, mcob to the benefit of the general nubile. Mrs- 1 Plnkham's Advice and Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound have restored health and happiness to soores of women. This la not a mere advertising claim > but a positive faot• The reason Mrs. Pink ham Is so qualified to ad vise women Is because for 20 years she has boon treating and studying woman’s Ills. Her ad dress la Lynn, Mass. If you are 111, write to her tor help, as thousand* of women are doing, | Lydia E. HnkW. VagttabU CompowTj relieves painful periods end regulates menstru ation. tt cures baokaohe. kidney troubles and all uterine disorders. Read the letters from women appearing regu larly In this paper. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CAIL SEPTEMBER 18 1900 - - . - 1 A ChlMgc street Car Kplsode. Passengers on on.east bound Archer •venue car were thrown Into a panic -one bight by the prospect of • holdup. At the sight of a wild eyed mam jerk ing the hell rope and flourishing a huge revolver timid women sought shelter behind brave men. •' Quiet was restored when the' real cause of the disturbance was learned. Car 1811 bad been about to cross the switch tracks at Ashland avenue when the conductor asked the man far his fare. He took a35 bill and- was about to make change when be saw the warning lights ahead. "Walt a moment,” he said and dart ed ahead with hU lantern. , “Stop the cart” roared the excitable passenger, who raw the conductor and his 35 disappearing down the track. “He's got my money r The would be "holdup" man had reached the front door when the car Sashed past the conductor, whe was waiting for the rear platform. Tbe passenger 'tried to Jump from the car. but found tt Impossible.because of tbe Archer avenue bridge structure. Then be made a mad dash for tbe re)l; door, where the conductor met btm ktfth a polite “Don’t forget your qhauga. tr.” —Chicago Record. Xlcknnanees <t iirttlh (lefftraeMt*. The greumllor guards wgre nicknam ed ‘*riie Coalhieiivers” Because they were at one-time allowed to work in! plain clothes at odd Jobs for priva’te employers. The Pevesthi foot were "The Elegant Extracts” because at one time all thoir oUlcers "had been chosen from* other corps.” The Forty-sixth owed their name of “The Lacedemonians” to their colonel’s stinting speech on tbo, ancient Spartans!' Like many other regiments, "The Gallant Fiftieth" re ceived several nickname*—'“The Btittd Half Hundred,” from their ophthalmic troubles In Egypt, and “The Dirty Half Hundred” becatise In their penin sular fights they wiped themselves with their black facings. ‘ The Ohe' Hun dredth regiment are "The Old Hun dred” and "The Centipedes.” The Twenty-eighth were called “The Fore and Afts” because, standing back to back, they repelled a front and Ivor attack before Alexandria in 1801. The Cheshire regiment has been christened “The Lightning Conductors” because “in the Irish maneuvers of 1899 several men were struck by lightning during a night march.”—London News. tike King-bill*. The Mughal does' act. disdain an In sect diet Beetles, grasshoppers, lo custs arid termites are all readily de voured, as wen os ticks and bots pick ed from the hides of cattle. I have ■om'etlincs amused thyself by watching the bold yet cautious and gentle man ner la which one of these, ravens will approach a reclining ox and, after a preliminary course of soothing caress es, accompanied by a soft “cawing" note, Insert hVs head Into the ear and dexterously - These hh'jlAJdway^seem to lidVc a good un derstand lug with the oldeF SHCT more' experienced oxen, whojflßl. at a hint from one of them, lie tftfttn and place themselves In the most favorable posi tion for the extraction of their para sites.—Stark's Birds of South Africa. The nevt Age For Men to Starry. Edward Dok, Writing in The Ladles’ Home JonrSal on “A Boy For a Hus band,” contends that “no young man under 25 year* of ago Is In any sense competent to talco unto himself a wife. Before that age ho is simply a boy who has absolutely nothing which ho can offer to A r 1 n#i safe fundatlon for life happiness. ts unformed In his character, ideas, ab solutely ih?lirst essentials qf wliat ; consideration or .love for a woman means. He doesn’t know him self, let alone knowing a woman. lie' Is full of fancies, ami tt Is his boyish nature to flit from one fancy to an other. “He Ib Incapable of the affection up on which love Is based, because ho lias not lived long enough to know what the feeling or even the word means. Ho Is full of theories, each ono of which, when he comes to put It Into practice, will fall. Ho Is a boy pure and simple, passing through that try-' lug period through which every boy must pass before be becomes a man. But that period Is not the marrying time. Tor ns bis opinions of life are, to change, so nre bis fancies of the! girl he esteems as the only girl In the world to make him happy. The man of 30 rarely weds the girl whom be fancied when be was 20.” . A Freak of 7.<ljrtif nlnjjft. Lightning performed a strange feat near Osceola, Pa., during the recent thunderstorm, says the Oil City Der rick. Three fine cows belonging to a farmer had been turned out to pasture In a Add on which the new grass Is al ready quite high, and when the Shower carao on they gathered together In one corner under some trees. There Is a wire fence running close by the spot where they were standing, and a tvolt of lightning was attracted to It and ran along the slender wires until the cows were reached, when It glanced off. striking the animals and killing all three Instantly. When yon want a pleasant phytic try the new remedy, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Taey are easy to take and pleasant in effect. I’rlce *se. Sample* free al Itishop'a drug store. times-call JOB OFFICE. Those who v&at ihe best work, at the lowest figure?, should bring it to this office. Oa Urge dodgers, our prices and work will make you a con etant customer, if you will give us the first job. Ring up 31, and a solicitor will calf. ■ 7ho Brunswick Clacting -and Frees ing Company is the only place la town to have your clo lira properly cleanejj, and pressed. Jim Carter is the man ager ot this reliable establishment. MEXICAN MIXTURE Fur Men. For Nervousness, Back-Ache, Despondency lnsomanla, Sexual luipoteney, and all diseases resulting from Early Errors and Later Excesses Over-Work and Worry, which it neglected, com pletely undermine the system, often resulting In INSANITY and DEATH. If you have ally of the above symptoms MEXICAN MIAjCUKK WILL CURE YOU rrhaita so EqoAL. Develops Youtwjd'Btrength and Vigor to ever part of the body* AVOid quack doctors. Refuse substitutes. GeYtifBXICAN MIXTURE. .Ip-* mediate effects. Permanent results. Recent qflscovery. I’beaomenal sucoess. Xtu ndreds testimonials. Warper box. Sfor 15.00. Posi tive guarantee with every |s,oo order to refund the money If cure is not effected. It Is not a stimulant, but a rebullder. Try it and be con- Send stamp fer pamphlt.d A edetsa Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agts ■ Brunswick, Georgia. “ELI ZISSIJfATO, 302* Newcastle St. Mi::,. :.:. Mk (A CIG ARS ANUgTOBACCO lea /Cream Fresh Imv Jar, Milk Shake Sods Water Etc,, All Kinds ofjOandy. Bloodworth & Jones New Livery Stables New Buggies , Fine Horses Prompt attention given all orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St. A Winter to Housewives ! Dried Smokeless Boneless Herring and ajquickly fried egg make a most acceptable “hot weather’’ breakfast pleasing to cook, pleasing to appetite. 1 have the Herring, tlic real “Katzen Jamniet” kind, with true dyed-in-the-wool flavoring, the kind which wakes up the jaded appetite. It is absolutely boneless and in thin strips about 5 inches long and half inch wide, A jar will make a meat. Packed In glass jars. Try a jar now—jnst the season for them. THOS, KEANY, FANCY;GRiOOfcR. Phone 11, 812 Newcastle Street. SUMMER EXCURSION BATES V TO All Mountain, Seatide and Lake Resorts Via the Plant System. Tickets on sale June 1 to September SO, with return limit October 31,1H00. Perfeot passenger service. Pullman slcepen on all trains. Full information given on ap plication. GBO. W. COATKB, 0. P. A., Ilrunswlck, Ca. H. W. WttBNN.P. T. M.,{Savannah, oa. $47.50 Willi buy a Model 59 Columbia Chainless Bicycle. $37-50 Will buy a Model 51 Ladies Chainless Bicycle. $25-50 •-. " ■ Will buy a Ladies Cushion FramePi>icycle. This is something nice. Try one —buy one! sls oo to $20.00 W ill buy a good Ladies’ or Gents’ Bicycle, at the DOWNING OO FINE FURNITURE. Pages of talk on our furniture stock would give but half an idea of the beauty and econo my found here • Why not Visit the Store and let the goods do their own talking and the prices their own saying? More than an entire train load of suits and odd pieces have been placed on these floors since last you were here. See about it CARPET THAT ROOM. No better time than now. Never were the prices on high grade carpets so low as at present. have the patterns ceen so beautiful, the excellent or the price so attractive. pets qow and make your home more atjlactiVe - % i , SOn fiuds this departing in better condition to fill your wants. The pry. carpet and rug centres have repre c (| 1 ner&“~. We are quoting- -**'*“" < jm ( Lower B-youwm b * a V. r. ( . cue forenoon of goid ~ answer thecoinplaint of rinTl AllfcliJlT* I sila Markham, in the above ir libel for divoredr. I mb irfonouble Joseph \V. Ilenuct, L I jf j 4% ■ ■ ) j^iXu^ ujy ° n > n ft A. O. TOWNSEND, it i* VaR ( tlie Superior Court, Ulynn , r ■ JmgffiF v j , yllo ILlbel for divorce; it .jthi' , —iuu v Superior’ court of no •SMSEm jVf! A J county, May tore, VlbOO, a _ . 81 rfa. PyL I order to perfect, service, I ■ I til Qr jflpMKa^Furnlttire A clearance sa'e to make room foi' new goods. I Parlor ;• uit, 5 pieces, worth S4O, now $29. . . 1 Oak Refrigerator, worth S2O, now sls. 1 Oak Bed Room Suite, 3 pieces, worth $25, now $lB f/fEi-dn Bed Lounges, worth $lO, now sl2. . Centre Tables 50 cents to SG. Ice Cream Frrezers worth $2.50 at $1.98. IfF fff A large assortment of Sideboards, Cupboards BIT Iw. Prices Below the Market. Ip c. mm. P^; Ii 5 W. H. BOWEN. J. N. BRADT* w BOWEN & BRADT, CONTRACTORS > AND BUIL.DERS Of Stone. Brick and Frame Buildings • i Mary of (lenient, Til Stone. 5