The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 18, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SOCIETY NEWS. THE LAST CHARGE. Vrompettt, blow on terrific and thunderous, ,'i- Blow till tbe bogle ootring* the wild galea; t'Pere not the wounded that writhe ami wither under ua, lrown In our eara all the piercing death wall*. . " hteady.diagt one! Get together jour force*; Atm at the breast tor that makes the best target- SBHow, let us fly like a whirlwind of heroes— Bide like jrour charge! “Trumpeter, sound me a dread note and dan gerous; Blow to the end of thy desperate breath! Blow till the end of it, clinging and danger ous, Call back the squadrons that rode to tboir death. Close op, dragoons! and ride forwa :d the guidon. Trumpeter, blow once more, loud and large! Thla it not earth hut dead men that we ride on—, I They were your brothers once I Cavalry charge! '■'Trumpeter, sound a note, tender and tremu lous. Wall for those lost to us,web for our dead 1 Cry loud for vcngeancel oh, let yodr note emulous, Bival the roar of the souls that have fled l Beady, dragoons! Vo arc fifty that follow; Burst as a riyer hursts over Us marge! Who first can fling his horse into their hollow, On, up and over them! Cavalry, charge! --McClure's Magatioo. Mrs. J. J, Conoley and Misses Ethel and Ki/.zie left Sunday night for Staun ton. * Miss Hattie Peak#* of Savannah is H. Hunter. >• .-> .• ■ mmou last Saturday : of Capt ami Mri.| JKk < r is matter of wife ' . • .■ fvmMflill MissfltaßotUK Time u> Savannah*! ■ SS|j, : pleasant vlfltMP'j , sa||la^ B _ M at .Nt. I', Viu JQtem, entertamicl ijuitc jWML 'S’> ' frluttls tertrnlnv tfternooo^®K*' ride to Sulphur Springe, roost delightful repast was a t their home on Dartmouth street. Mrs. llanna, who hu been spending sente time with lu-r daughter, Mrs. John C. Smith, leaves this week for her homo m Rutledge, accompanied Mis. Smith and children. Mis. Moses Hlrsch, who is visi ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoffman, leaves shortly for Dallas, Texas, where Mr, Hirseb has gone into business and which will be their future home. A letter was r.cdved this week by Ilcy. Fitthu Luckia from Bishop Keily sshing for pecuniary aid for the Galves ton sufferers in response to a letter ro omed by him from the bishop in Gal veston asking for ass stance. The pro ceeds of the collection taken up in the Catholic church u x; Finlay will bode- Toted to the cause. Miss l>ulsy Scsnett of Fancy Bttff Is visiting Miss Dollv ! ison. Mrs. Oliver Trimble returned Friday from Sharon, where she went to place Master Gyrua Shelton in school. Mr. L. C. Boyd of Atlanta spent Sun day in the city, returning Sunday night with bis little daughter, Katharine, who has been here several months with htr grand mother, Mrs. Dart. Mrs. John G- Green continues quite 111 to the regret ot her many friends. Little Mibs Hattie Mock has returned front a pleasant visit to relatives at Ly ons, Ga. ' j Manager Wolffe and the management of the Wood ward-Warren Cos. have de cided to give a substantial part of Tuesday night’s pro ceeds to the Galveston flood sufferers, and no doubt the public | will turn out en masse and thus help swell Brunswick’s contribution to to the unhappy residents of the island city. ALWAYS BUSY. The Timbs-Calx. fob efllcs is always busy these days. The fact of tbe simply this: the people have found out that It does the best work and at lower figures than any job office in Brunswick. Remember there Is no job too large for our Job office. Russell's Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market every bottle guaranteed, For sale by all druggists. The progressive nations of the world are the great food consuming nations. Good food well ■ou cannot digest ytpepsia Cure. It led not diet your estants combined id reeonstructivea of fooda in abot !l do this. It In !atomocli troubles .t at opera >e Galveston W ill 11. l I t u> D * :i "’ • I-| —- zW* the cenulne^ STRUP OF FIGS MAKPFijJfPtKED by,,, CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. >_ vm >. *: TH E NAME. Mr. L. J. I.eavy spent Suudayjin Waycross. I wu c-au spoil it cough, c ir.caugli, kauf.ksir. ! tough or kmujMom the only barmles.- remedy , that quietly paasa-ft bun Minute Cough Cure W .1 Butts, NEARLY REABY. The handsome new host now: in course of Messrs, W. M. Tnpper dj Of?. wiL soon ready for ®!d steamboat men ray ft lv try. j ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND ’PairvKrtler There Is no kind of wotn or ache. Internal or exter nal, that Pain-Killer will not relieve. , LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS XND SUB-' STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE 1 BEARS THE NAME. ' PERRY DAVIS A SON. ! THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 18, 1900. THE SUBSCRIPTION LIST It continues to Grow and Has Now Passed 1600. The Galveston subscription fund con tinuee to grow in Brunswick, and the grand total has now reached $852 82. Mayor Atk'njon asked the Times- Cali, to announce that the subset iption list will clqte on Wednesday at 12 o’clock and positively no subscriptions will be received after that time. Any one else who Intends to contribute to the fund are urgently requested to do 'lp before that time. Following is tbe list of those who have subscribed since the last report; From T. Newman aad Julias May, comm ttee: Julius May.. 5 00 T. Newman 5 0(i R. V. Douglass iDOO Mrs. J.W. Watkins, 1 00 M. and A; Marks 1 00 Jack Shepard ......... .......... 5 00 L. Beach _ 2 00 Q. B. Lyons l I 00 D.C. tharin : 50 L. A. Miller ...... ........ 1 00 Cash’ u 25 Ed Pfeifer 2 00 Orrsini Bros , 1 00 T. J. Foley ~. 50 Capt. Johanneson..,.., 1 00 J,.Mansour 50 11. A, Wa1Lr......./. 1 00 Harry Tattnall 1 00 Cash 1 00 A. Manaou' 25 Cltas. Gibson 100 Lao & Carreras . 3 00 B. P. Coleman 1 00 Peter Higdon 1 go Gilbert J,Williams 50 Moses Daniels I 00 Leo Kaufman .... 1 00 H. Selin....- 1 00 Mote Sawyer I fo tr ” $l5 50 From N. Emanuel, committee supple ment report: J. 8. Morris 5 00 Fred Wilder 1 00 G. O Wilder 1 00 |S & s * - 00 From" Fleming & Waff: Ca5h...... w. ' 5o Aiex Peters 1 00 Cash fiZ.. -r-rv.ns-- 100 P- H. Deveaux •“ Willie Bailer.. 50 f i 00 Preytonsli acknowledged *595 32 Worn Messrs. Newman Sr May 45 50 Front N. Emanuel 7 00 Fleming & Waff 5 00 Grand total *ts2 82 Our Greatest Specialist For 20 years Dr. J Newton Hath away has so successfully 'rcated chronic diseases that he is acknowledged today to stand at the head of his {rofession in this line. exclusive rrethod of ireatiiient.for Varicocele auu Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in.SO per cant, of ad case*. In Jho treathtent of lds of fetal forces wPrvotta kidney and uriuary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he ip equally successful- Dr. Hathaway's prartice is more thau vjpuble that of-Any other specialist, rases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about yonr case He makes uo charge for consul ration or advtafc, either at his of fice or by mail. 'JfifP* NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. s 35 Bt.vat Street. (Savannah, G FEMALE HELP WANTED, Ladies to work at home. * per week no canvassing; work sent prepa and; semi. Gamped atldnsscd envelope lor sample and particulars. H. W. liuttou & Cos., Dept. X, Phiiadclphia^Pa. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. The following la a list of letters re maining in tbe poatoffice at Bruns wick, Ga., unclaimed, for tbe week ending September 15fh, 1900. B—Johnnie Bailey, J, B. Bailey, Mias Becky Bacon, Mrs, Fib Biatwire, Miss Male Burn*, Ribert Brown. C—Miss Bells Collins, Mrs. Betsey Cuspard, - E—Mrs. Martha Eidis. F—Monroe Felder, W. B. Flagg. G—Mrs. Esteil Gordon, Rocbard Gordon, Mrs. Katie Givens, Mtss Eva Goddy, C. W. Garrett, Miss Cornelia Griffin. H—Grover Hightower, Grant Har gret. J—Charlie James, E. D. Jones, L--Willte Lowe. J. J. Leonard, Dick Lowe. H. H-. Monroe, Miss Eliza Mur ray, Gallfe MicheU, Lee'Manor, Ellas McFarland. P—Thomas Pool. B—Mrs, Lillie Steward, E. Sampaoo, John Spence, Alfred Straw. T—Charlie Talmage, Mrs. Fannie Thomas.. V—John Yaroam. W—George W. Westoott, Thomas .JFu*e), W. W. Weatbsrspoon, C. W. Welder, jr. Rale* and regulations of the office, as weH as po-tage rates, are made by tbe Department, nojfc by me, and it is my sworn duty to comply with and administer sau*. Letter carriers are under strict rule?, from which they ctnnot deviate, under penalty ot removal. If you have any complaints about th?m, report same for investigation, to your humble ser vant. . F. Me. C. Brown, P. M. r 1— ’"lf, Cured of Chtonic Diarrhoea After 80 Teat* Of Suflfcriog. “If suffered for thirty rear, with diarrhoea and thought l was past being cured,” says John S, Hatlowaje of Canp, Mias. “I hadepen *o ittrtftaoftey and suffortd niuch that i had. givto p aUSuopes of recov ery. I tax" so ff*“ Me from thgVdTecis of the diar rhoea that I coulfgte no kind of labors mid not cwu t ravel, but UjUcident I was per nittedfto find a battle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aDd Diarrhea Remedy, and after taking sev eral hollies 1 am entirely cArpd of that trou ble. iam so pleased with pie result that) am anxious that it bo in roach of nil who suffer as I hate.” For sale by Bishop's drug store. Mr. A. L. Holmes, of Savßiinab, spent yesterday In the city. “t had a rennlng sore on my leg for seven years” uriles Mrs. .liun^Forost ‘of Cheppcwa Falls, W is., “and -pent hatred, ol dollars in trying to got H V'bfcd- '!'*fe>* Vt Banner Salve entirely surt*dt.'Mjllfj. lintts. Mr. John 4,'JSit Tif^llostoP, t reg iateridat ttfe Okie borp>. Chimb*riant's (faugh R"taedy a Great ■'•wrortt*. The soothing tin* healing ijuafltle- of this remedy, its pleasant tests and promut and per manent euros have made it a vreat favorite with pro; lseVarywhere. It is espeeiaify prized by mottierroT small chitdieu for colds, croup and wh viping cough, a, it always affords qmek relief. ..lid aait oontalns no oplnm or other harmful dr,, g, It may be given as contidently to s baby as to an adult. For sale by Bishops diug store. Mr. L. B, Uni, of Now Troy, Fta., wss a visitor to .be oily yesterdjy Bussell's Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every cottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. Mr. H, W. Wallace, of Stvsnnah, is tt the OgNthorp. TO CORE A COLD IS ONE DAY Take Laxxtl* Piuro Qninme Tablet*. All duixglsu l-ofouJ ihe money if it fails to euro. E. W. orove’a sicnaiui-o Is on i> oh box. Sic. OASTOHIA. Boars the Benefit performance at the opera house tonight for the Galveston Hood sufferers. An Expensive “Tip” is the one which you cut off and throw away every time that you smoke a Five Cent cigar. There is nearly as much labor in making this end as all the rest of the cigar, and yet every man who buys a cigar cuts it off ana throws it away. You get all you pay for when you smoke Old Virginia Cheroots Three Hundred million Old Virginia CHcroots smoked this * year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. - 1 ANOTHER LOT OF^ ....Bargains I • Ladies’ Silk Lined Underskirts 25c up'. Lace Curtains worth 5i.25 at 79c per pair. Lace Villow Shams worth 79c at 49c per pair. -.Table Oil Cloths worth 30c at 15c. Bureau Scarfs, Center Pieces and Table Linen Greatly Reduced. All the latest stylos in Millinery just received. Every Hat Personally Selected while in Neir^ork. will be convinced by examiug our stock that we carry the finest in the city. MRS. M. ISAACJy '! The Largest Dry Goods Store, 208 and 208 1-2 Newcastle St. Coney & Parkeii DEALERS IN ™ Coal and Wood, Brick j 'V-i Lime, Cement, Plaster, Ilair, Shingles and Laths. Phans 18- * 525 Bay St. LOOK THE WORLD OVER -AND YOT CANT BEAT CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky. $l.OO PER QUART; 4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY A TRUST- J. Tragor & Cos., Independent Distillers, Sold Braunswick by FR- V. DOUGL.AS, 206 Bav Street ion Eiffel # W 1 C.c any or my brsojs ot WISE- ASK Astf \ f ' J LIQUOR* and nature will le great:/ H •ML-ted .n the \s rk o' rccupera'ion. ij -v. | t JL ’'■*> Mygoodsaro of excellent quality, and W*& havo been bottled and matured under gnSjsSMk ! f W . our immediate aupervision. Each M brood hag been s i. ,*:ed because of tome special mcr.u Fin.i out which mu. I +L | A : * PUICEB TOsriT.j f I I 1