The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 18, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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:3Psft *gM Ms •■ i h UN ^ 5 ' ifßNfe Ay a ySS| i^JMW V - SyriipFics Aclrf/easant/y andffomfit/y. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. Presents in the most acceptable form the i.ixatiee principles of plants hnoH’/t to act most beneficially. TO GET ITS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE . KY. NtW YORK. N.Y. For safe by druggists - price 50* per bottfo _ v You don’t need the doctor for every little trouble, but you do need In the house a trusty remedy for times of danger. Thousands are saved by having at hand DR. J. H. (MEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM a certain cure for disorders of the Liver, Kidneys and Blad der. Use It at once for lame back, furred tongue, lost ap petite and changes in urine or bowels. i Si a bottle, at drugphta, th or. j. h. mclean medicine co., n. LOW*. MO. „ FOR SALE BY MWVVV JSUTTB, Tbs Druggist,* Wall Paper AT .THE PAINT STORE, 502 Monk St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. 8. WHAT IS BECOMING Can be found in mi* fpsplay Trimmed hats. or quickly developed in our work rooms from the large and beautiful assortment of Millinery Goods in our stock. M Milliners of artistic tm'- <•- and deft fingers produce hats Kich equal in style and attractiver many of the high priced imported mofels. Our prices are not the least pleasing part of our offerings. MISS KATE SLATER. 501 GLOUCESTER ST., PLANT SYSTEM. CHANGES. It s Understood the Ditt iins Will Be Re-orgai.iz,.d. It is under, to„d that the Plant Sys - | tern will shortly reorganize the divis ions of its lines. arc s x divis ions now, and .t was ttattd jcs.crd v that the number will te r duced to four, TLeS.v tinab News ytsteiday' fetid: “A rearrangement of the divisions of the Plant St stem is to be made very shortly. The circular indicating ju.t what these changes will be has Jnot jet beeu issued, but is expected to make he appearance very shortly. It is be lieved that it will provide for a com plete rearrangement, dividing tbej system under a different plan from that under which it Is now operated . GLORIOUS NEWS - Comes from Dr. D. B, Cargile, of W C - ( ta, I. T. ils writes: “Pour bottles of Eieotno Bitters has cured Mrs, Brewer of strofals, which hsd caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sotsj would break out on her he&dand face, bud the best dootors could ;give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent.” Tbis shows what thousands have proved—that Eleotrto Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It’s the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels; expels poisen, helps digestion, builds uptbe strength. Only BOets. Sold by all druggists. SCHOOL NOTICE. Misses Gale’s select private school wi!l open Oct. 1 at their residence, 7CB E street. Thorough instruction is given in primary, intermediate and collegiate departments. This institution of lesreing is of seven years’ standiog, and the teachers are progressive, em ploying sit tho new and improved methods of instruction. Russell’s Chill and Feyer Tonic is acknowledged to be the Rest on the market, every’ bottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. FOR SALE ON EAST TERMS. The following valuable building loti, charmingly situated in the resident portion of !be city, are for sale on easy terms : 135x180, on Union street, running back to Reynolds street. This piece Of property can be divided into six lots, 45r90 each, thiee fronting on Union and three on Reynolds streets, and is situated Immediately north of the residence of Mr. Glauber. Lot on the east side of Union street, opposite the residenoe of Mr. John H. McCul lough, 90x180 feet, can be divided into four'lots 45x90; two fronting on Uuion and two on Ellia streets. Lots 180x180 feet, cornering on Albany, Albimirle end Amherst streets,eosn be divided into eight lots, 45x90 feet each. Also lots on Gloucester street, bstween Al baoy and Amherst streets, aod lots on Albany, between Gloucester and F streets; and on Amherst street, be tween Gloucester aud F streets. To anyone wishing desirable building lots, either for their own residence or for rent, cannot fail to be satisfied with these locations. For further Informa tion apply to J. E. dcßioxok. xriE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 18, 19U). SHERIFF SALES, GEORGIA-, Glyin County. Will bo sold before tho court-house door iu said count/, on the flr&t Tuesday in October, Up), w thin tho legal heiu-s of sale, to tne highest bitiiei for eaeti. certain property of whtch the fcllowtfag is a full and complete <l e scription, towlt: That certain undivided one eighth interest of, ih.and to that certain lot or tract hi’land lying ami being in the City of Bruusvri k, county of Glynn and State of Geor gia, and known and designated m tire plun of said town and city ta the eastern one-naif of Town Coirnnons lot number one-hundred and f.rty-3 x(Js6),sutd lot oue hundred and fifty six being lßounded as follow?, towit: On the north by u street, on the east by Albany street, op the south by lot number one hundred .and fifty eeven (h>7), and on the west by Wolf street. Also, a certain undivided one half of, in and to that certain tract, lot or parcel of land situ ated in tho State of Georgia, county of Glynn, and City of Brunswick, and in that portion of the City of Brunswick known as Town Com mons amt described as follows, towit; Ttu western one half of Town Commons lot num ber one hundred and fifty-six (15(5) and ii provuim nts thereon west of Coohrao-ayunue. Algo, a certain undivided one-half intoresfcof, in ami to that portion of ihat.certain tract It t, or parcel of land in the State <f Georgi* aud county of Glynn, and in the City of Bruns wick th'-reln, aud k town and designated linoii i ho Town Commune inai> of said city a* thatcer taiu northwestern comer section of Town Com mons lot number one hundred and thirty (180) between A inhere and Albany streets, being rec tangular in shap-, having onds thirty (33) feet and sides ninety i0) f el, which is more min utely hounded as lollows, towit: (. n the dori h by Town Common lot number one hundred and I twenty nine (MjO) ninety feet, on the east bv | Amherst street thirty feet, on tho south by the portion of said lot number one hun dred ami thirty ninety f j et, and on tho west by the eastern portion of said lotnumbcr one hup died and thirty ihirty foot t Said property levied on as the property of R. T. Hitjh to satisfy an executiou JiFtmed from thm City Court of .Brunswick In ana for said caimty ip favqr oMynglish- .viporicaiv Loan aud Trust Company agaifist <Yaid R, T. Hitch; said prop erty tming lu pOnucshLoh of H. T. Hitch. Levy made aud returned to m© by It. 8. Py les, depu ty Tin a September 6, BXD. Also at the same time and place thp following doMM'ibed property Uiwiti That certain lot tract or Parcel of land tdiu aSblyieg and b.cißffin tho'" city of Brunswick,, cduaty of Glynn and stale of Georgia known and described on Summons map of said city as DixvfHoibt Xo. Least of Gordon and south of Prince streeu. Levied on as property of estate E. C. P. Dart, under ami by virtue of an aw* cution issued by H. J. Head, tax coilectorTfo* state and county tuxes due for the year- IStX? amount of tax SI,BB with interest and all Levy made and returned to me by H. S, Pyle*, dejrnty sheriff. Also nt the smut* time and place, iho following described property to-wit: certain lot, tract or pm cei of land lying situate aud being in the city of Brunswick, Cos. Ga.,kuown and described on Baldwin’s map made in the year 1S:17. of said city as the West ern one fourth ol Old Town lot No 411. Levied on as the property of Lucy Drayton,.under and by virtue of an execution issued fay H. 3. Head, tax collector for state and county taxes due for the year 18M, amount of tax. $&8l with interest ami nil costs. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also me time and place, the following pronerty, to-wit: That certain lot, tutotur parcel of land lying situ nte and being lu tho city of Brunswick, county of Glynn, Htfate of Georgia, and known and. on Baldwin's map of said city, made m the year 1887 as Old Town lo| Xp. 470. Levied on as tho pi'op ert.y oil*', m. Dart and children under and by vtitucofan exedmiou isKtunl by 11. J. Head,tax collector, for atutc aud county taxes due for the year 1805*, amount hf tax, wftli interest ami all costs, r.evy made and te turned to mo by It, B. Pyles, deputy sheriff, Also at the same time and place, ih* follow leg described property to-wit: all that certuFa lot or of laud situate arid Tying in the city /-Brunswick, in ihe Evansville addition thereto and known as LVhbsville loi : No. 41. Levied rm as ♦the prop erty of R. H. ALton, uutlor itnd by vlrtiie of an cxcoutbmiHsued tarty. J. Heed, tax collector, for state tAxes dHCfot' tbeypar 1599 amount of T,gx #]f.7.>,vriurtnt(irbst and a'l costs fvSwy madoaiKi w me by K. S t ]'yles, deputy oh%is. , ■- .fit Also nt tty*' t!m® and place, the following nrouoity towit: Alltbat bt or tv4ot or l-aVeeFonnnd situaio, fvlng and l-elnpf tn the city ttft: of Glynn,gtntehrGoorfi'iajrKnown a* "he north- VfP*i oue-fourU> of lot No 109, Lev ied on as the propuirty df W. A. Jofctr under and by virtue of an execution issued by 11. J. ftead. lux collector, for state and conuty luxe.-! duo for the Amount of tux fSS with intercut aud al; ts. Levy made aud reiutned to me by R. Pyloe,deputy shcrilL Also at the same time and place, the following described propm ty towit: Tho lease bold interost in and to the sou (he. ant one half of IWb Commons lot No. 181 between Ktone w.tfi spa Cochran avenues. Levied on us tho property of James and Hattie Bender under and by virtue of aneNecutlon issued by H. j. Bead, tax collector, for , titu and county taxes due fc v the year 1 9s, a mount of tu x #5.{50 with interest and All costs, Levy made and returned to .me by R.jS, PyJes, deputy sherilT. Also at tim samo time aud place one Xcerlors , twr nting press, chases *n<l rollers. DviW.i and sold fl , the pi-operty of L. /*.. Jxiftvy ecutioa issueand fuvor of A. and against C. A. Leavy, jaT hj uli K . Hopkinaand, H. H. JJarvcv - r-fty .■ reptovy bond for %T¥ principal,#7.2. r * ad W&o co.-t. Also t the sune time anil place the following dec ri cd property towit: All Hut* tm, or n-.iri or I .It reel of iitnd situate, lying imp bcitu.' m the oiiy of Brunswick, roomy of Glynn and state i*Georgia, In Hie New Town of said eitv, being the north art I one-lialf of lot No I,evleu on a. the property of Elvira Moore under and In virtue* an execution is hoc I by H, .1, It. „and, tax collector, for slate ami county taxes due for the year isms. Amount of tax X 5.75 with interest ,nd ail costs. Livy! made anti returned to me by It. S, Pyles Uenii. 1 ty sheriff. 1,1 , AlscM- at tho same time ami place ' to the highest aud best bidder, the following described real cstain and proveiueuts thereon towit: The undivided one-sixth Interest of V. Dart in audio that certain tract, lot or parcel of land in saHt city of Brunswick and known on Baldwins mail of said city made in miff asO a Town lot No 17H said lot being bounded on the north i.y F street, .n the cast liy Udinu street, anil on' the west by Iloynoldt street. l.eiio.l on ns the I property of safil dcfeiwlant, 17.1ai t, to satisfy! an exception onto! the Hup-rior cour t of suit | Principal f:. r d.:ci, lieafilet Interest and I cost. Written notice of levy given defendant i as required l.v law. Levy made aud returned ! to mu by K. S, Pyles, deputy sheriff. f W.H. BKKKIE, I Sheriff Glynn County, Ga. Also at the same time and place dial cer tain other 111 1-act or parcel of land In tlie Town Commons of Brunswidk, Georgia, and known as the western one bnlf of Town Commons lot No. 71; said western half of said lot containing 75x100 feet facing on Jonson street insnJd city. Levied on as the nroporty of I). D. i ameron to satisfy that certain mortgage 11. fa. In favor of George Johnson for principal titm. O, besides interests anil costs. Written notice of levy given defend. int us required by law. levy made and returned to me bv R. S.Pvles. depu ty sheriff. W. 11. BEKRIE, Sheriff Glynn County,Ga. SHERIFF'S SALES. Will bo sold before the court bouse door In the city of Brunswick, Glynn countv. Georgia, dining the legal hours of sale on the first Tues day in October, next, that certain lot or tract ot land situate, lying anil being In the 27 dis trict. G. M., Glynn county, Georgia, and known as a part of Cornel’s Island, containing 45 acres more or less, bounded north hy Blythehaek river and Fancy Bluff creek, south by part of said island, laid out in city lots, cast by Blythe- p. l by said city lots and Fan- C'tok. Levied on aud sold as the rv\nnLn V 1 Is ® ut h Bruuswick Railway 1 1 nd by virtue if a tax fl. pri A Wright, eoinptrollor-gon i!l f *vonf Glynn county Tor 1* „'■ v l ' aXosi u e r 1399, and against said rail w.y company. This September . 190-b W. H. BEUHJE.Sheriff. . • V I t BLIC >ALE. , " >1 Glynn County. f ’Vt 1 ‘ • ' rr ue bf a power of sale con- A n ' ■ c’Hain dee.i to secure debt fron> Ks'-f u. ho Amoricau Building Load - n . e T a i!1 K8 Association,of Memphis, i f?— y *i c 1 ;I, ‘ ' is recorded in BookL. L..101-1"V 1 "V rc, ' ol '' ljS oi said county, reference to " , l a "“ 11,1 record of same is had for Helen G. Rico , having Ilian<i!X months defaulted in paying hi n*rest which she in her paid if.M? cure <v ‘ l übligated horse it ro pay,) tbtirc will be foI i bolero the door of Uko>eoui:t nousto, m Brunswick, Georgia, between the leg f.Lin°. ur f 1 0f , s - io ' on Fhc Urat Tuesday ui Gctober ' 10 highest and befit bidder for cash, the * >ls °£ the improvements thurfcfMDdescribed on ami in the mat) and plan oi tbocityof BruuswJek made by George K. So, nil”' as New Town lots Numbers lktr-y, iggg, 4 bts(>. To bo bold as the property of SH'tiiiehn G. Rice for the purpose ot paying the indebtedness .o<uuc(i> l'v said deed; pxittei pnl being, besides interest,-duva, etc. Bui chaser pays for tales. This August :ilat. 1909. , HELEN G HICK, By American Building Loan and Tontine Sav ings Association,, of Mcinphis/ Tebru, At tortmy In Fact. IK W. KKAUSS, ; Attorney for said A^eiution. ADMIN IST SALK V EOBG l A—(Bynn County. >By virtue of an order.of the co wrt,of Ordinary Of said couuty, will be so dat puf'Uo outcry on the fl rat Tuesday in Octoljer, HK):V, before* the court house door in. said county, betwoon the usual hours of sole, all that certain lot, tract brpamdot laiwllying and being in said state liurl county and m the city of Brunswick, and being described according to the survey and plan of said city made by George R. Baldwin, civil ongjnoer,ltt 1837, ab follow*, towit: 82 t-2 leet by 45 feet ofl** e eastern !-l of Old Town Jot number_& hUving tlio following courses, diistauOL's aßd^a^axtiremeuts: Oomm.iidiog at n point on tbo wOßteru l>no of C rhran aven ue £•> feet BQUth of tlie southern line ol London Street, aud rumiing thence touih alone tlie western line of Cochran avenue tK t-2 feet: thence running westerly nt right aiutlPß dr. feet thencemiming northe.U at fight angles 52 1-2 feet, and thence easterly at right angles If. feet to the point of begriming. Sahnana liclouginc lo tho ustiito of Amnu(ln Hughs, deceased. .Terms This tho 7th day of September, 4 , J.H.KNIHB, Administrator. Estate AmaudaHughs. I’irßl.iC SALK. Georgia- Glynn County. Under and by virtue of a power t:' Umedin that certain deed to fcc ro deed from Alfrod F. Turner to tho American Build ing Loan and Tontine bayijigs AHwleiation of Memphis Tennessee, whiolTOeed is recorded in Book N. N., folio, 274 -dho records of said county, roferonce to * deed and record of Hamo is had for all pur k (thenald Alfic/' T. lurnov having for “an sis months J - faulted in pnyin K the du§* and iutorest whifeli he m his said deed to Becuro debt obligated himself to pay.) there will be sold before the door of the court house in Brunswick, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on the tlrst Tuesday in October, 1900, to the highest and best bidder foreosh: That certain lot of land in Bninswiek,Georgia, and in Mint part of said city of Brunswick known as Town Commons; and being the Western one-half of Town Com mons hot Number 140, (and improvements) . a 111 or lots located between Wolf and Albany- streets, in said city. To be sold as the property of said A F.Turn er (orthe purpose of laying tho inch bto iness secured ny fiani deed, principal l ohig besides interna, duos, flues, etc. I’archaser pays for titles, This August. 81t, 1900. , Aid UK I F. TURNER, By American Building Loan and Tontine Savings Association of Memphis, Tenneß see, Attorney in Fact* D. W. KL UJHrf, Attorney for said CITATION. GeorgiaClynn County. To all whom it may concern: Ucnrr G. Cur tis having m proper form applied to n e for peruiancnt leticrs of administration on the es tato of .Samuel Curtis, late of said county, tnis is to cite all and siugular, the creditors and next of kin of Samuel Curtis to be and apt oar at my office within the time at'owed by law and show cause, if any they can, why perma nent administration should not bo granted to Henry G. Curtl on estate of Samuel Curtis. Witness my hand and ottleinl eignature thin Ith day of September, 1900. HORACE DA RT,, Ordinary Giyhn County, tin. CITATION. GKGRf, f.' / k CotTNTV. Not! reby given that the under.signed has a; i p> tho of ordinary of sai<l county ij. .cav Jtoseil land belonging to tho @id <‘L Minehan for the paymemt cf apnlibation will be heard nt the rof the i-fiurt of ordinary for said puld on the first Monday in Oeto- B EBJCNDO T’ORH A 8, ■ator upon the Estate of Bridget GEOfHHA—dlynn Comity. * Whereas, Ella .1. Jennings, administratrix of George w. Calvin estate, represents to the conn n her petition, duly (lied and entered oB record, that she has fully administered George \\ . CulviiiV estate. Tide Is, therefore, to cite all persons coni.'i meil, kindred and creditors, .to ahow cause, if any they can, why said nii , mimstnitrlx should not be discharged from • administration, and- reive letters of dismis sion an the lie t Monday in December, moo. Horace Daht, Ordinary. C. __ ADMfXISXUATOU’B NOTH K. | GEORGIA-GlymPCounty. Noliee is hereby given In all creditors of the estate of John Mahoney, late of Hillsbor ough county, Florida, deceased. and formerly of Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, to ren der nu account of their demands tome within the time proscribed by law, properly made out. And all persons iielehted tosald deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the uu erslxucd. This August 21, nsju. WILLIAM MAHONEY. Administrator of John Mahoney. ! “‘"i STATE f)F i.EOfiGfA—Glynn County, r Ihe sudoral Transport arid | In Equity in the Jiirturauce (’o. et. al. f Superior Court of l of Haiti county The Atlantic Cottoa Cos., • Suit to on force et. al. j | payments to capl sc ) tal stock. The defendants, J. U. Krnat, Carlo Ernst, C. Schumacher * Cos., a copartnership A. Nordcu & Co.,copartnership, H. W. o. Edge. William 0,/Allison and .1.8. Tbomft.*,ar<* hereby not!find aad required to be and appear in person or bv •Uoracy mc the next December, lwoo, trim of the Superior Court of said county, to bo he'd In the court house of sap) county, at Brunswick, rut the lirst.Aloodikr in December, next, and by iO o'clock, a. m. f onuMLn day, then and there to answer the ptaintilWlu this act in 4pf;u>lt thereof the Court will proceed ah to juntlco may appertain Witness the ffon Jo*. W. Ben net. Judge of said Court. This 27tli day of July, 1900. 11. l<\ P;IIfGNON, Clerk Superior Court, Glynn Cos., Ga. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. On account of the death of Samuel Curlis,the firm of Curtis, Carrera* & Cos., by mutual coo sent has been dissolved. I!. CARRERAS, HENRY G.CUHTI&. PROCLAMATION.—State of Georgia. Ex ecutive Office, Atlanta.—Submitting constitu tional amendment retarding pensions for the w idows of confederate soldier* to a vote of the peopre a Ithe next general election. Whereas, the geueral assembly of 1899 passed by u constitutional majority the* following aid towit: ‘•An act to amend sect'on 1. article 7, para graph 1, of the coi.'ilHution of Georgia, so a to extend the proviaiou* of said section, article and Paragi aph to tho widows of confedcraie soldiers, who, by reason of ago aud poverty, or infirmity and pover.y, or blindness and pover ty, are unable to provide a living for them selves, aud for oilier purposes.” sec. l. JJe it enacted by tho general assem bly of Georgia, ;rad it is acre by enucMniv au thority of tne Mime, that section 1, , paragrat>h 1, of fctio constitution of GodF^,: be and the same is heroity amended by after tho word‘‘service” iu the I:sth line, the following wands: “or who, by. reason of age and poverty, or infirmity, and poverty or blind ness and poverty, are unable to earn a liv ; - / for the nisei ve so that said sect on when so amended, will read as follows, towit j “To sup ply tho soldiers who lost a limb, or liinbß in the military servico of the confederate states, with substantial artificial limb* during life; and to make suitable provisions for snen coaledemt.o. soldiers as may have been otherwise disabled or permanently injured in such service; or*who mtiy, by reason of age and poverty.or infirmity itud poverty, or Dlindness and poverty, art un able to-provide aliVlng for themselves, anil for tho widow Aof con federate soldier’s as mav havodivd in the service of the confederate states, or since, from wounds received therein, or disease contracted in the service, or who Ivy ftß i e ,, ftn<i Poverty, or infirmity and poverty], or Hinanesa and poverty, are un*k e f£.£ r +i vl< * e R f P r iLomselves; provided that the act shall only,apply to such WidONy’saa Were married at tho time of such service, and hgve remained* unmamed since the death of Such soldier husdand.” • Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, that, if this amendment shall be agreed? ,io i>y two-thinls of the general assembly, of each house, the twmio shall be entered on tneir journals with the yea* and nays taken thereon, and the governor shal cause tho amendment to be published in one or more of tho newspapers in each congressional district for two mouths immediately picccding the next general election, and the same shall be submitted to. the people at the next general election, and the voters thereat shall have writ ten or pi luted on their tickets, “For ratlttca tion or section 1, artiele 7, imragrapli l. of the constitution of this state,” or “Against ratifica tion of section 1, article 7, paragraph 1, of the constitution of this state,” as they mav choose; and if a majority of the elector* qualified to ! m ;\ libo . r 8 J he noxt general asseiqlily, voting, slmil vote in favor of ratification, then saici a mend meut shall lieconie a part of raid nr ticlo 7, Beellou 1, paragraph I, or tho constitu tion of tills Biale, and the governor shall make proclamation thereof. tvPe C nibor r 2r i l;.,. COUfl, * Uug law '- Approved Allcn ®*Can4luff, governor h a.f 1 *! 11 H i la^ e * ‘ ° m >' proclamation heieby declaring that the foiegomg proiiosed aiueruiment of tlie constitution is hereby sub mitted, for ratification or rejection, to the voters of thia*taie, at tho general election to bo held on Wednesday, October :t, 1900, a* provided in said act. ALX.KN J). CANDLER, lly tho Governor, Governor. J. W. W ARREN, Secretary Executive Department. Service By Publication. ST AT K. OF GEORGIA—County of Glynn. John linger., 1 lu Glynn Superior Court, May _ . '?• } Term, moo. Siißio Rogers. ) I.tBKJj Foil DIVORCE, in the Defendant,Susie Rogers: '' "U are hereby commanded to bo niirt appear m the December Term, next, of Glynn Superior Court, to lie holcKM at the court house lu Brunswick, Glynn County, Goorgiu. on the ili st Monday in December, WOO, and by Ton (10) O’clock of the foronoon of said date, then and thoro to answer the complaint of the plain nil in the above stated case in his Line! for Divorco# Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennett, Judge of tho Sup- rior Court of Glynn County, this tho loth day of J uly, lsioo. , „ 11. F. duBIGNON, Clerk Suporior Court, G lynn c ounty, Ga. SERVICE By PUBLICATION; State of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs, Ella Markham Libel for divorce; in the Superior court of Glynn TS - county. May term, WOO, trvi i. ~ , , Order to perfect service Mart.n it. Mai kliani granted at said term. To the Defendant, Martin B. Markham, i ou are hereby required, in person or by at torney, to lie and appear, at the December lerrn, IDOO, of Glynn Superior court, to be hold eu in and'for said county, at the court hpiisedn Brunswick, Glynn eountv, Gcoi gin, -e first Monday lu December, I'.JOO, and f" . and lie ilioro by ten (10) o’clock, of the bn/ of said day, then and ihero to answer Ills' -—"niiiL of the plaintiff Mrs. 1511a MiirkßanT,--. ..we above stated ease, in her libel for dtvjycdV ‘ ,Witness the Honoiablo Joseph \V. Rennet, Judite of the Kuperlor eburtof Glynn emu;tv. this the 21th day of August, Won. A. o. TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Coup!. GDnn county, Georgia, ERNEST DAKT, Attorney for plaintiff, - - ££ SERVICE DY PU BTJCATION, Htafce of (jcorgltt—County of Glynn. / Mrs. Kiina Wylie Libel for divorce; Superior court of >m vs. J county, May term/?l! too, v order to perfect service, Jamei wyifo. granted at said term. To llioiDefendant, James Wylie. You are b in person or bra* tornoy, t*.bo appear at tho Decerni* term, (.tlfmvMi, to be b 4 ! :n # yn,llU ? $ tho court iiT i HrurtSwfek, Glynq county, the first MondavJLp DocAnber, 11)00, -will be there by tjMt Ho* o’clock of Jh ; * foMiocn of said day* there to answecon# plaint of Mrs. Edna Wyne, in the 3 re in her libel for aiaorce. ilt*©** the Honorable Joseph W. Benmt, tr'of the fluperlfyifccohrt of Glynn county, this the 2itb day of Align**., 1900. A. O. TOWNSEND Deputy CJr*rlt of the Superior Court, Givtu County, Georgia. ERNEST DART, Attornev for Plaintiff. service ny publication. .state of Georgia—County of Glynrt. Mr., Lizzie Long Libel fur divorce; In till Superior court of Glynn v . county. Slay term, moo. , T Order to porfoct service, Inomab A. Long, granted ar, said term. To the Defendant, Thomas A. Long. I ~u are hereby required, iu person nr l,y at ;2i ne V.i2 1* .nodunpoar, m the December term, 1900,01 the Glynn Superior court, to be holderi in. and for said county, at the court Riuee In IlrnnSWiak, Glynn county, Georgia, on ~ n In December, moo, and you w;U lie tbotwby ten flO) o’clock of the forenoon en and there to answer the coni- Ip Sint of the plaintiff, Mrs. Lizzie Long hi the above stated cane, in her Iliad for divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph VV. Rennet, Judge of the Superior eo'z. 0 of Glynn rountv this tho 2lth day of Aug," m„o. y M.unty, AUINKSJ i W " Attorney ft BKBViCK BY PUBLICATION. Mrs. Clyde Freeman, Libel for Divorce. Re tu Triable to Decern her va. . Term, 11100,or Superior .. , „ _ Court of Glynn eoun. (). J. Freeman. ty, Georgia. Tolhe said defendant, O. .J. Freeman • W hereby required* personally or bv attorney, to be and aiq.ear at Iho next term of jAe superior Court of said county, convening Olf tbe first Monday in December, moo, then and tbore to answer tn, plalnilH, <;iy,t , “PO th. merits of her petition for divorce tad’ against you j aa in default of sueh appearance the Court will proceed ,vj to juKiice ahail u Ulu. YVltnWthe Hon. v iffi' Judgn of* aid Superior Court, this 2*d d£? of August, IWU. A. O.TOWNSBNIjf W. 0 K l li‘i^i?^Tt t ty? l,roa C °" Soutliern Railway Cos. Office of General Agent. Hninswick.Ga. SCHEDULKB. : For Savannah, Washlntjton aud New York. i.v Brunswick 40am 0 05 pm Ar Savannah to Warn n at am. Ar \\ itshlnston r 35 am s 50 pm ArNew Y'ork 2 OB pm S £i am For JacksonTtlle. Lv Brunswick 500 am ~ 3 ir. pm I) 05 pm Ar Jacksonville.. i) 35 am St 740 pm 130 am For Macon. Atlanta. Louisville and Cincinnati.. I.v Brunswick lUOam 905 pm Ar Macon 115 pm XOO am Ar Atlanta 3 50 pm 5 20 am Ar I-ouisvillo 7 50 am 7 30 pm Ar Cincinnati 7 4C am 7 40 pm From Now York, and Savannah, I.v New York .330 pm 12 15 am ' Lv Washington., o r.r, pm 11 15 am Lv Savannah ... !! 15 pm 520 am 500 pm Ar Brunswick. . 1125 p*, 805 am 835 pm. From Jacksonville. Lv Jacksonville 1 35;pm Ar Brunswick 0 25 pm , '■ • ■ ■ - From Cin’cinna’ti, Louisville, Atlanta and / ' Macon. Lv Cincinnati 8 30 am 800 pm Lv Imuisvllle 7 45 am 7 A. pm Lv Atlanta 10 45 pm 12 05 pm i.v Macon 1 00 am 130 pm Ar Brunswick 7 10 am S 35 pm at KESSLER’S Cor. Monk aud Grant Sta GEORGIA DEFECTIVE AGC’Y BRUNSWICK. GtORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to business Btrlctly cnnfiderhii sv quiros con ducted with sooreJßS' 1 "'"'” J 'jK-f. . ■ y L. .J. M Jy ;a-^|lcactive L*:" |,Dn| in better mm • w • foreign \ and Gener al Ctollecting Agents Coii4gu'Drdß Solicited and Promp^^^irnß Rendered, OTI i° & w I'N K, les pairing, %I I |pT Messenger Scrvico’ T Vr aelffl LI I and, Monarch, Crawford, ~ Uixie. A Vof Wheels for the At Least Money. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests you eat. Itartlflcially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is tho latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in cflidency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gaetralgia,Cramps,and all other resu 1 ts of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E C. DeWltt ACo, Cqicajo. W J. Butts, the Druggist. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Allen’s’ Foot-Ensc, s'powder. It curen painful, nmartlng, nervous to ct naiU.and jiiHtantly fafcca tho sting out of corns and bun ions. Jt’s the greatest coir.ffrt discovery of the age. Alleu’s Foot-Kao makes tight or new shoes feel oaap. It Ih a cei tain euro for Mveat ing, callous and hot. tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by *ll druggist* and shoo store*. By mall for 2gc in atamps, 7’riul package Fn-e. Address Allen H.Olmstead, Le Uoy, N. Y.J hair R gXlsam '* fln.l l.eautlfii'j tl„. jnlf,, fGHiotr* > liixurinnt tfrnwfh \ to Bestore Oray wgWto. to Itw Youthfu Color. I r— > revt nLi jUndrnff ni,,l :„tU talling.j 7