The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 19, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME xr, NUMBER 29. Mill • sfi|r i Gw ai Miaaili Be m BistriMM to Tin. MORE M HE SHE nr '• -, j: t • At Nooil Yesterday When the Men Knocked Off for Dinner They Refused to Return to Wont. Scranton, Sept. 18 —The Delaware Western company has been busily en gag'd daring the past twenty-four hours in distribufing revolvers, ammunition, etc., to the men retained to protect their property, An agent of the Diamond company was on the rcene and superin tended the distribution of arms. At twelve o’clock when the men jHmcked off for dinner many of the men to return to work, and the wash ery vras not Wo*klm tU;. afternoon. I.EARN JAP TRICKS. ptoston Polios See Something Entirely New. Boston, Sept, 18.—The Boston po lice commissioners witnessed a most interesting and instructive exhibition today. It was given by ex-Cbief of Police John J. O’Briea of Nagasaki, Japan. It showed them how to subdue pris oners without the aid of a club. It is merely the Japanese art of self de fence. Mr. O'Brien claims that the thnmb and forefinger if scientifi cally used are sufficient. Strength is not required. It. all lies in the know ledge ct how and where to take hold. Japanese children are taught the art as early as the age of six. At a recent demonstration at the Bureau of Investigation, O’Brien il lustrated effectively bis methods upon three police cuinmissiooers who were trained atb’, leading everyone arout and like a child. He has come back to this country to introduce it in police departments of b g cities and has brought a athlete with b:m to aid in the work. He says that it wculd Dot take him more than four days to teach a squad of polisemeu all the trioks necessary for them to know. It is unlikely that the commissioners will retain O’Brien and have him start the lessons im mediately. The policemen say me y hope (be system will b> introdccJH, for some thing of the kind hs been needed for a long time; MONTANA CONVENIION. Helena, Moot., Sept. 18.—The dem- ooratic convention for the presidential electors and a state .ticket on a p at form in bsrtn ny with n'tictml gem oc.atic principles, wll be ceiled to. order b r* tomorr. wmo ‘dug. Abou ' 450 dole^stys.. era txpeolrd jul th S. . '. . 1 ■[ •.*.. b>e* fe’ l.ns', preyaiis.. WILD CARRY NEW YORK. Chairman Jones Thiuks Bryan Will Win in Tliis State. Washington, Sept 17.—Chairman Jones of the democratic national com mitten is in Washington today, lie says: ‘i bc democra's are working Uarinuf. niously all oyjar the country and lijjS outlook is good. There arc no fagHonjl fights ou electoral tickets even ir_ Jfon t i 1 - • '"Jy* -Jfor -ti 1 Asked as to jkw*J>ork,.Ufcs*t<l: > “ I think we will Utafe Mr. Croker has eain tfi* ir. . • will have 100,000 majority Yorkoity. He has wsgeredlloj® that Bryan will be elected.*' ■ ,_-W TANARUS, **. 'jffJs Bespeaks oonfideuily of the devrlA opments in Indians aid Illinois, and ■ -‘aw w/ in Wiseonsin he thinly the prospects are bright,saying: “We should win easily in Wiscon sin." Wipeakin congressional cam paign, the senator says; “We (ball oontrol the next bouse of representatives!" Finally the senator said.: "A great many republicans will stay away from the polls this yean” DEB A TBS JN KANSAS. Norton, Kan., Sept. 18.—Tully Scot* Bnd W. A. Reeder, the democratic and rtpubllcan candidates f.or congress in this district, began their joint debates here today. This is the first Of a sories of ap polntmeats made for them by mittees of the two paitiea, covering the entire state. THE BANQUET. ' v The Brunswick Riflemen arc send ing out invitations to the grand ban quet to be given by this popular or ganisation. Eloquent speakers, among the number, Congressman Brantley aud Col, J, E. Dart, have been invited to m-ks addresses, and there is a real treat in store for those who are fortu nate enough la be preeeo". DEMAND WHIPPING POST. Reading, Pa ~ Sept. 18.—At a meet ing here today of the State convention oftnagift ra’cs, the Magistral!* Asso oistion of this city tsked the conven tion to request the legislature to es tablish the whipping post for wife beaters. A 810 REUNION. Uptirr Sandusky, Sept. 18.—The 101st Ohio Volunteer infantry held its lliirly fourtb annual reunion here today, which is the anniversary of the battle of Chick amaoga. Gen. I. M. Kirby is president of tbe association. A FOOTBALL CLUB. There is some talk of football in Brunswick for tbe §ommg season, but whether or not it will result in a club, remains to be seen. There is plenty of material here and e frst ola s team ccu’d be organized. BRUNSWICK, <SA;,"WE|>NES"pAY-ifOK.N LN V <;, SEPTEMBER 19, 1900. m mi ii ns ; - - y- •,*. a;.? : . Xi The State ■Depai’Ngibt Oornespoai-- 'RoVera-' . Washington, Sept, iPUfljnnot has addresser a foreign oiljces of telMoJkiSli powers aua^adlf^bf many considers it as todWpi .stipulate in the preliminary peak® i untfa&l'pcitu China in the immediate' delivery njjbe allies of all thoseiespuii'- .* ble fir't|o which have led -to state of,affair's in the celas^ompUc. •<!ONDJs\®V CHINESE TELE - A ■. x. , \f"'. ’ L, Li Hung Chang has srriyedat t{en ninT ' / Admiral; Rerney telegraphs-Unit Com raiaeloncr Rochtl.' baa reached Taku. A Gertnaarfyal battalion Bengal captured ind burned UP , -f&lta poUce guard which has been kept at legaliop in Washington I'a#t>een withdrawn, ds no longer neces sary. v ’ • ■ •*■?„■ ‘ ... %• . ,*; ■ ■ Agrcc’nien't has;begn made between viceroy dmbTsrthr general of Fuh Klen province and forhtgn consuls at Fu Chan that Chinese authorities will do everything peuDEe to protect foreign era at Fuh, KTiJnAmoy aol that scttthern China be attackadf so long as local or der. • T\ The Chinese mininter at Washington (Aas received a disptoh saying that Prince Cfairig ha* full authority with Li lluug Chang to negotiate tor peace. A similar message has,been tent to all the powers. Gen. Chaffee telegraphs that the Russian commander has informed him that he has ordered material for the repair of the railway between lien Tsiu and Pekin. TRAVEL WITHOUT TRUNKS. Pori land, Me., B-pt. 1 it. —A largo party", conducted fcyC-rl. Kiinbail, will leave this oily today for Montreal and and Quebec, anticipating a delightin' trip under Ins experienced guidance. The parly will pass through the White Mountains. Every tourist is compel ed to be content with hand baggage. No trunks will be allowed. SCHOOLBHIP SARATOGA. Philadelphia, Sept. 18. - The United States ecbool-hlp Saratoga, Capl Bar rett commanding, will sail from this port tomorrow for Mediterranean cruise with 85 boya under instruction. The boys will visit the Paris exposition. ■ll ;B / ill I il pr.iß|fCoiipsiiii s' Session al Parts. . pniiiiimu W - mpy by Members tthe fceagyess in - This bounty. ’ ■Br.,’. . - z .. % *.J|#riigFfance, Sspt. 18.—Iit-Hie,ln- Rsilway Congress, wbfbh today in the palaces of con fesses on tbe Exposition grounds, thirty American railroads are rspresshted, and eleven ohoaen ofll bial* of Auieriean railroads will pre sent written papers. who know the history of the aseob'ation, ball eve it to b* tbe most important of its kind in the world, as conclusion upon railroad subjeota are oansidered ETnal. All tbe leading railroads lu the United States are represented in the congress. Canada is represented by the Atlantio and Lake Huperior and Quebec Cen tral.- lion. ST. W. TCuspp, of the’ln terstate Connnerae Commission, and Cf. W. Needham, of Washington, D. C , sre the appointed delegates of tha£ United States government. The Amsrioan delegate! dind jthe subjects they will . present to ♦he congress are as follows ture of Metals for Rail,” P. H, Dud ley, inspecting engineer for the New Turk Central and River; “Locomotives Run at a Very High S. Vogt, me chanical engineer for the Pennsylva ■ -**■ ' m nia; “U:e cf Steel pod Ignnt, Iron la the Construction of Locomotives’ and ,” Charles P. Dudley, ' Pennsylvania; “Brakes and Couplings for Carriages and Wflgwni," George W. West, superin tendent of motive powr for the New York, Ontario and Western; ’‘Eco nomical Bias of Good Trucks, or Ca" paoity af Freight Crs.” L. F. Lores, general manag-T Penney Ivsoia lines wi st of Pittsburg; “Electr/c Trac- tion,” N. H. Heft, chlaf of rl o'Boa! department New York, New H\ven ard Hartford; “Handlirg ard C *n veyarosof Broden L iads,’’ J. H. Ol hau*eo, general Bunerintandeit Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey; “Auto matic Block By>tem,“ K J?. Carter," o* ief anglheer Northwestern; •* rt#l w ay Clearing House,” C. R. 81-.nchard, former commissioner Joint Traffic Aa aotlatioDp “Technicsl Education of Riilway Servants, Appointm n rit end Promotion," G#orge B'oc, president Terminal Bui way ; “Conveyance of Farm P ooii"t to Stations od tlie Main Railways,” T. Aaraban, seo-nd vice-preaident f iinoia Gonirul- PRESS ASSOCIATION MEE TING. HarrisT prices, Sept. 18. —The eJlt >re am! publishers who form the bouth C ir- olina'jPjrtss aaociation met. here today to &H Oiu'x'until Tkitmfay, The ‘allies <jf P'.aey el .'he m tubers accompany .tfjijo'i, kliM. ii attoaihe .very irgrepabte one 4v)ctaßly,'< TMs i<. tins tjrcaty.stet)* mecliPjr.' Tfoo". In'- Uirpsje;,rf Ttp'yr.W.p nf Vh.s wtif.jK' f hr T ■ . - ' . f ' raspstuOf tafeeiV'f'jr i'-s. i'PxjjrntieatTOt'.' Ttic Party XV/ 1 y* 'Pr , * >'• '7 ,1 tnllrjffi tiv -Sitbaiouil ' Tii rsjay a'lcr aoou' foh a. .t/fcen-tv Qjjfc-hour \i4tini ih?4t vyay to their hOiiiA * HAMByiIG Si HIKU. . An At nek Mado On Mon-Union Wo k iji ore in Germany. 'm*k Hamburg, .Scpt, 18.—The striking (look laborers grew restive today and In tlie'r ugly mood, made a vicious at tack on non-union wo'kmon with knlvoi and clube. The result of the trouble was that sixty rtoter4 were placed behind tbe '‘ r iwßk V O’MfcSN'' p bars. i AT THE GRAND. The Great Diamond Mystery Hirueed All Last Night, The. Woodward-Warren Cos. gave the seoond performance of Its week’s engagement last night to a fair house. When It is considered that a percent age of the proceeds was to be sent to tbe Galveston sufferers, tbe bonse should have been packed. However, those presenu besides feeling happy with tba thought that they had done their duty, certainly eeemed to thor oughly enjoy “Tbe Great Diamond Mystery.” Guy Woodward, as Grand ma’s Green, was at his best, and kept the audience oonvnlscd tvith laughter t hroughout the play, Charles B. Mid dleton, as Walter Rained, and Bertha Houghton, as Mary Marehaii, did well. Luln Lumley, as pSlly MellUn, shared the honors of tbs evening wilh Guy Woodward. This urtisclo team was loudly encored at the beginning ** of tbe 3rd act. Charles Milton, as Chai I<ss .Sumner and Hsj|ts KlbUy did • ,me clewk* CbsracwPwoik, his sped Hues 1-. weiyfjs'naed. 'J he j effortuaci , s was a very good one. Twenty dcvtfkrs was the amount railed f,jr the Gtivestcn euff rer’ fund. PAKADK AT C .NoINN ATI. Cinc.uuaii, Sept. 18. —Cincinnati’s Fail Festival is in full sway, and it has so far bevii : lh most mecejsful thing of >he kind h Id i/f.ti.s West for year#. Tn>‘ feature uf the day’s Dro gram vt# a big trade# paradt, in |yA 11 '&'lrWS£v* : % * ■Which al. 'be manufacturers and m the Ohio V 'liny were repre sented. Ttb fl j,- t j , lbe llnest of which received *I,OOO in jfuld an a pria?, were msgriill enr, v 'NO MEETING. On aCco#il of tae absence of several luemb irs 'rmr the city, the Olynu coun ty exccui’V corriuitt e dlfl no£ meet ■ u 'd-.y,- li’i will cniie logo be- within Bhe next few days. PAY I RAIN HERE. The Piau, Sydem p v ’ 'io arrived late yeaterday afternoon , lT id will makes it# many l mployes happy in this < i^t<ji#y, BRICE FIVE CENTS. [IIIU iarise Disaster in Car lin Bay Yesterflny ffloriiii. BOTH SHIPS WENT * The Transatlantic Liner Berlin Rescued a Number of the Two Crews--The Facts. Liverpool, Sept. 18.—Another, ma rine disaster occurred today, in which tbe casualties, as far as could be as certained, resulted in the death of eleven persons by drowning. The cause ot the cato trophe waa tbe collision in Ca dljou Bay between the steamer Gordon Castle plying to Glasgow, and the Hamburg steamer Btormer. Both steam ere argaijLotal loss, being sunk. £ The pßßsengerepmdcre,*' cued by the tranffel 6 • JVrMßer lin aud brought to tSlk port. Tiiu responslbll ty of the disasters could not be usceria'ned. nP.TO MACON. to Take in jgSaEISpPWr n i v a I. '“a v At tb- glast n'gh’, Torpedo divi ieserver, decided to Cirniv “ l . on Sep teajiKTif have discussed this at eev- S*A-lofL and last night soma were read from Muy tretn to come, and the invitation was aocop’ed. Tos company anticipates carrying sev eral fours,andas their ne-w uniforms will be here by that time, they will no doubt make a good showing. MISSOURI COUNTY CLERKS. Marshall, ilo,, S-pt. 18;—The as sooiation'of county clerks of tbe state ar# bolding iter. annual meeting in this city today. The members are dis cussing many praotioal subjects re lating to tbe administration oftbeir üßoe, and an unusually good pro gram has been prepared. CONSUL GUENJHEIt SAILS. Hamburg, Grmany, Sept. 18.— Richard Guenther, United States oon f.ji general at Frvnkfort on-tbe-MaiD, sail.') for New York today on the Kan-er W 111'lm d-r Grosse, REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS. Guthrie, O. TANARUS., Bept. 18 —The re publican headquarters have been In this city, Oklahoma promised good rooms, rent free, but Guthrie has been chosen. /