The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 19, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Tom O’Kourke and Tom Sharkey have agreed to disagree. They have de cided lo qu t business together, and Sharkey will go the way of the other pugilist-— to the saloon business, and ’) Rourko will confine his managerial talent to George • Dixon andJoeWal c° t, the two young men of co'or. Both of these are prac ically dead ones and will require a whole lot ot managerial talent. Sharkey will make a bid for Tam many Hall patronage by opening his sa loon directly across the street from that famous democratic headquarters, Four teen street, New York. W. H. Payne, in England, has set a new record fdx the 50 mile ametenr cyc lists. He covered the distance in 1:44: 15 1-5. The best time eyer made for the distance hitherto was that made by Frank Waller in 1806, when he did it in 1:58:18. Dennis Horgan, champ on ihot-pncter ol England, defeated the American champion, Richard Sheldon, at New York Saturday. Horgan displaytd mar velous form. He had just left the steam er about 40 hour* befere, but In spite ol this he beat Sheldon by two feel. Shel don was the victoroyer Horgan in Eng land. Charles hllllcr, the six-day cycle tbpmpion of the werld, has been so bad iy hurt at the Coliseum track in Hart- Uj,\t be will be unable to ride again tnis season. Ills left shoulder was broken. ‘I! i*h* little rift in th lul< wk.cfc ever A’"*toiini make> tbe music naie.” It 1* just > ■ittle rift in the health of a woman often whieh ■gradually taka* the spring from her rtcp, the Bight from her eyes, the ro*e from her cheek ■and the music from her rolce. Perhaps the which has frightened the woman front the timely help needed at the beginning baa been the dreaded questions, tire obnoxious si aminatlon, the looal treatmente of the home physician. There ia no need fov thete. Nor ia there need for continuetjanffnring. Dr. Pisrce’s Fayorite I'rr.orlption tan be relte<l on by every woman angering from w! at are called "famala itonblee” to ranaw the bealto and cure thedie **“■ Womon are aatnainhed at the results of the nae of thia medicine. It uot only make* weak women “robust and roay cheeked," bnt it gives them back the rigor and vitality of yoath. Free. Dr. Fierce t People's Common Sense Medical kd viler, 108 page*, ia sent free on re ceipt on It one-cent stands to pi,y eogt of mail ing only, address Dr. U. V. Pierce. lliOfalo, N. T. SCHOOL MOTICE Mies Franer* Q. Nightengale will o(.en her school on the first Mend.)-in October at her residence on Carpemer st-ect. No Relief Twenty Yetrt. "1 had bronchitis for twenty yeare," si,id Mrs Minor.', Smith of Danville, ill., -and at times have been bedfast. I nsvor go) reli.-f until had taken Foley’s l/oney and Tar. it it ph na an and gives quick relief, and ia a sure cure for tlttoat amt Juo* disease*.” Ta’e cot* lag Me W. 9. Butts. i Hu- ling yuui g man Per tii ,n:ti end exposer. Herman l ol po-ltion. Experiei *, nn'iecesaary. Write quioit for particulars, Claib & ai., 4ib . 4 1 .Locuoifjt recta. pfei,P. The Chattanooga Brewing Cos. baa • bandeeme new wr.gon. A Higbt of T ttJS. “Awful anxiety wae felt toiWa widow of the hraie.fren'ltcrrhern.of M acbi,.Me.. when the doetora aaid rhe eonld rot 'refill! morning, write* Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. “All thought sho inn*t toon die from Paei monla. bnt aba v ' gg'd f O , tn. King'* New Discovery, laying it had mere than once eave, her life and had cured her of fbnautrption. After three email do*< she re ted easily all night, and It* further ore completely cured her .” This msrveioa medicine <s . nr aateed to cun ail Throat, Chest and Lung )>.*. ease*. Only Sc and I! to. Trial uottle* free at 011 drag stores. Every woman In the country ought to know about Mother’s Friend Those who do know about it wonder how they ever got along without it. It has robbed chili birth of its terrors for many a * young wife. It has preserved her girlish figure and saved her much suffering. It is an external lini meut and carries with it therefore, absolutely no danger of upsetting the system as drugs taken intern ally are apt to do. It is to be rubbed into the abdomen to soften and strengthen the muscles which are to bear the strain. This means much less pain. It also prevents morning sickness and all of the other discomforts of pregnancy. A druggist of Macon, Ga., says: “I have sold a large quantity of Mother's Friend and have never known an instance where it has failed to produce the good results claimed for it.” A prominent lady of Lam berton. Ark., w rites: “ With my first six children 1 was in labor from 24 to 30 After using Mother's Triend, my seventh was born in 4 hours. '■ <Jt Mot her** Friend at the drag - store, *I.OO bottle. THE BRADFIEID REGULATOR CO. * AiUkU, ga. Wrtu tat n*r fra* book, ‘TWJFOR* BABY R-\LLY IN CAMDEN. Woodbine Southeast Georgian : The rally under the sutler the auspices of the Young Men’s Democratic Associa tion of Camden oounty, held at Wood bine, Friday, was a decided suooese. The crowd, while not particularly large, was a very representative gatli meeting was oalled to order by Hon. D. P. Hose, chairman of tbs Demo cratic Executive Committee, who in troduced the speaker in a few well obossn words. Hon. W. G. Brantley, our popular congressman, was the or ator of the day, end more than justi fied the expectations of his many friends and admirers. Hij speech was a particularly fine effort, ebarseterist tca'lj logioal and earnest. The people gave him close attention, and were unanimous in their praise nf his in structive discourse, delivered in words so simple and straightforward that ail oou and understand ar<l appreciate it. A Minister’s Good Work, ‘I ha Ia aevere attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, took two doses and was en tirely cared.” says liev. A. A. Power, ol Krapo- I r:s * Kan. “My neighbor across the street was sick for ver a week, had two or throe bottles o medicine from tbe doctor. He used them for three or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, *o discharged him. I went over to see him the next morning, Ue ! said bis bowel* were in a terrible fix, that they I had been running off so long that it was almost bloody flux. I asked him If be had tried Chain- i berlnluV Colic, Cholera and Diarrhtea Remedy, and he aaid, ‘No.’ I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one doso; told him to take another dose in (lfieen or twenty min utes .f he did ioi Bud relief, bnt he took m more, an 1 was entirely cured. I think It the beat mi.-I cine I have ever tried. ”£ For sale by Dr Bishop's drag afire. Nice l‘ne of Cbimpigne, Verne", Open mil Rimona wafer at Ds ▼oe’s. A good many con.-nmpVivee would ho eured ■nrt the worst ratios eomtoried und relieved by net! r >py s Roney and Tsr. Suggest it t t* <se fUt to!, you i bonld do this as a friend W. J, Bn'la. F/eab 1 no of ginger preserves joat rece-ved at D• Vo*’s. isuYtme genuine n svrup OF FIGS .. afhjrOTAWOluro ® v •• CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. ITHOTg TUB Dana THE BRUNSWICK TIMEB-CALL SEPTEMBER 19, 1900 THS BALL SAKS. ttlrsch’s I‘eam Won After a Hard Struggle. That wi a very interesting game of base ball at the fair grounds yesterday a ternoon between Hirsch’s team and the Plant System shops’ club. The two clubs have met each other several times Ibis season and much riv alry exists between them. They are very evenly matched and play elose games. {Yesterday afternoon there were a good many rooters present for each side and a number of small bets were made. Hirsch’s toam made one run in the first inning, the shop boys made two in the second. The score was tied in the fourth, but in the fifth the riant System team mads three more, making the score 5 and 2. Not another run was made un til the last inmag, when Hi'rsch's team got on to Walker’s curves, and with a few singles succeeded in adding a five more to their score. The shop team scored one more in their last inning, the score standing 7 to 6 in favor of Hirsch’s team. There is some talk of another game being arranged between the two teams for this week, the gate receipts to go to the Texas sufferers. Large aua spots, Mtroaoinera say, caused the extreme heat this summer, and doctors declare nearly all the prostrations were induced by dis. orders of the stomaoh. Good health follows good dlgestioa. KodolDyspepsia Dure digests what you eat. If you have indignation or dys pepsia it will ifulckly relieve aad peraiaaeatly cure yea. W. J. Halts. Bow Bright’s Disease Starts. Indigestion, biliousness, blood poisoned with area and urio acid (which should have been excreted by the kidneys), rheumatic pains In nerves and joints, causing irritation of the kid neys, then pains ovei the small of the back, mark sum approach of Bright’s disease. Do not delay in Inking Foley’s Kjdney Cure, for it males the kidneys right. Take no substitute. W. J. Butts., FEMALE HELP WANTED. Ladies to work at home. 46 per week; no canvassing; work sent prepa'd; send Ump*d addressed envelope for sample acd particulars. R. W. Hutton A Cos., Dept. X, Philadelphia,;?*. Uoldthwaite A Bon,Troy, Ala., wiote: Tooth lua’s speedy cure of old sores snd eruptions upon the skin have been remarkable. There will be a big rxcu/sion from B tinsarickto Jacksonville on dept. 26, The colored bastbill club tf thi* ci with the Jacksonville team. A tpicfH oaxcb for white pe . P,C Contagious Blood Poison There is bo poison so highly cont agious, so deceptire and so destructive. Don’t be too sure yon are cured because all external signs of the disease have disappeared, and the doctor says you are well. Many per sons have been dosed with Mercury and Potaah for months or years, and pro nounced cored —to real iac when too late that the disease was only covered ap Liko Baa fits I Urn. dr,ven from the vao aogeui imp. Burface to break out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest und dearest to them have been infected by this loath some disease, for no other poiso* is so surely transmitted from parent to child as this. Often a bad case of R henaiatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, am old sore or ulcer developing in middle Kfe, can be traced to blood poison oen- n.o Sim of tho Pmront. life, fbc it remains smoldering Jn the sys tem forever, unless properly l treated and driven out ia tbe beginning. 3. 8. 8. is Are only antidote (or thia peculiar virus, the only remedy known that fan am seme it and drive it out of the Mood, sad it Ones thia to thoroughly and effectually that there ie never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate pen afterwards. cures Contsfiona Blood C/H Qkw Poison in any and all “Ba etagee; contains no k_jk \ n v JH mineral to break down W wAB your ooaetftntien; it is Barely vegetable and the only Mood puri fier known that cleanses the blood and at the same time builds ep the general health. Our tittle hook on- contagious blood poison is the most complete and instruc tive ever issued; it not only tells all about this db-ease, but also how to cure yourself at home. It is free end should he in the hands of everyone seeking a cure. Send for it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. HAT ORDINANCE. Wuh the opening of the opera house at entioa is now called to the famous hat ordinance which was passed last year, Tho ordinance ,t unlaw ful for any lady o wear a hat in the building while any kind of an enter taii.ment is in progress. Toe ordinance the talk of the town when it was passed last year, and while there was some unfavorable commer.t on P, the majority of tbea’rs goers apdroved of it. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbs Kind You Have Always Bought ssZ£r<s2£s*^g; Fresh line of cakes just received at Ds Voe’s, ■V*' ii 4 . ; Mr. J. B. Wright osme over yester day from St. Simon, September is Malaria’s Own Month. Malaria is bad enough; its children ate worse; Dengue, Hemorrhagic, Typhoid Fevers Cured "y mom's chm mism he FROM A FORMER SOLDIER. “Soldiers comprehend tho horrors of s Fever Stricken Camp miles away from the base of supplies. In such plaooH Johnson's Chill snd Fever Tome came in. You needed no Quinine or Calomel; use Johnson’s Tonic, snd you would pullthrough.”-CiiA9,F. Kodbn, Everett City, Ga. USE NO OTHEK. IT KEEPBIYOU WELL A. B. GIRARDEAU, Sole Manufacturer, f Savannah, Oa. Real Estate for Sale. We have lot number 178 on A street nine lots on Woll Btrect, for sale cheap B. H. HlO Newraatl bl,” NOTICE. New milled rice meal, best milk producer and feed for stock on the market. Ben Borchardt & Qo., Wholesale Grocers and lJro I* whert mnit\\^7Tt x wgpn, r.ftcr investing from 14$ to S9O for been oducatod for portions a% Bookßfceogrs, Tefeg. raptors, ami now recetfofrorn s<>o<£to 51,500 salary prr yeat*. KrrrtucV>|I Jnfvy ratty fhplmna awarded Hw graduates. Midfcytie&'foccrted two World's refer* to ceaWui graduates. this c!*epSt /nd rost Influential Ci ixlthh out for refarcace. Vcsri partlc* ultra address oniv W. f>. srulth. Ky. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitstlty, Lost Vigor sad Manhood Cure f mpotency. Night Emissions, Lose of Mem m *Emihory all wasting diseases, MMupBK all effocls of noif-abnee or m excftHH ami indiscretitm. VR.dJr W-f WA nerve tonio ind PILLS V blood builder. Bring! L plnk 9 low to pale wAL*bsm ami restores the of youth. By mail CTS Jll*' Hn 0 1 'rea for ■■ ii 9*50, with our bankable gau ran toe to core or refund the mon©y tnd for circoiar and copy of our bankaMtx guar&otco boud. NervitaTabietsS=i= fTBLLow AAWSL) Immediate Results *oeltlvly gnawthtced cn* for Lose of Power, fritcelo, Undevolopnij b r bbrunken Organa, 'anwlA Lomtaator A Latin, Nervous Prostre Fits, Insanity, Paralysis an 1 * twin of Eactwvlvo Ose of Tobtreco, Oritr... or .wjaor: By mail In plain package, SI.OO s x 6 for 86.00 with onr bankable guar antee bond to cure In 80 days or refund money paid. Addreee NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jacksoh Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. i Eor sale, by tSrovwn Drug Cos., Brunswick, Ga. cyߣ VOURSeL?' Aft: ;•'t Ir. If. 5 '*i vfi.kria,loßiunr.:iir-riM, Ouoranuod U *■ un cr ulattUpua noi U swlhmps. Oi 'fl U Of. n B lin’fribr.inf-ii. £r-a Pi•(,-! i’aifi'v- <n. unit not r.itrla* f , TmfwtfrQHWOHCo. MW* •• 1- inou&. "V tvragetwe, -/i&tov U.H.A. hi plAi'f V/MM. t Cirvuljix tint an raoucia* P ~ ARE OVERWORKED^^^ make known their condilion by HEADACHES, SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUS WEAKNESS. m BACKACHES, CHANGES IN URINE, AND IRRITABLE TEMPER}^ JUF IT IS DANGEROUS TO NEGLECT THESE WARNINGS. IPRICKLYACU EWf 1 ■IS A SUCCESSFUL fl j|| Bf T T|TO C I m KIDNEY REMEDY IWIIOII 1 LfVti JB m It cleanses the system of poisons and impurities, Wok conveys a healing and strengthening' to the suffering kidneys, PURIFIES THE BLOOD, stimulates ihe Liver, Stomach and Bowels, and works a speedy improvement in the condition or the body, W- .J Butts, Special Agents. —wTHE EYE., The eye is the most sensitive of all the organs of the human system. If defects of vision exist, consult a specialist. Many eyes have been ruined by wearing improperly fitted spectacles. Does the print blur, or do the eyes tire when reading’. Do they ache? Do they water? Are they inflamed? I hese symptoms point to defects in the refraction or muscles of the eyes, and can be perfectly cor rected with glasses prescribed by us. Don’t wait until too late, but call now' We are specialist. - Examination Free. KENNON MOTT, •Jeweler and Graduate Opticians *ls Nowcaatle Street, Inspector of Watches for Southern Hallway. Time by Wire dally from Washington fill SEMINARY =SP Macon and Baltimore Woman’s College. Primary, Art Elocution and Business courses. Small classes. ' JijdßL, 4lk’ Ned building. Home life. Pupils enter Vassar, Wellesley aflHMiißrtaaoon on oertifloates. Next session begins September 6tb. For iilustratea catalogue ddressMrs.W, T handler, Principal,Llewllyn D. Scott, Ztepoiate Principal wfir* r**o r Rimm . ‘boles ~ >iou naval r Doctor fiitd i®|eonißudre Prescription for mankind . si+Au*# , - ' v imr ' i I?- 1 * *SJSfcS “TN* I ***. >ekmt g'”^ l JfiTT?’?^* 1 T™ Stor* sag Barbers P* l * l k.dc-s tire* sag M-slasy Wc ji=Sir ssssssaasrjgs.s.EHiw SHORTER COLLEGE, ST;;,*. ] ■ Clliuiste toltoilfhl and Hr alt I. rseard j ui.ymt-n.toa. Nsr<waftrb, .nimvlrton Vounc airla >• - \,| l •nttMiooFe.gv w, **i fi;a,ooo t:qwt t . •>..!• i \ rrmtlcai, |*f-of rA<t leiwirrUrrlMi, >--, n <tr Far nit v l.u. ££*&&& ” l •'l*'' I *’ l - i-rofa foursp. siw- .....i i MML S'’ ' . •**•" **• IrajMu, prsiUca. Ain a.- K.d.-,v- 5 m.Mii. onhtiring **.•.ui'.v vnairlsttv* 'Mtvsnt ..< >l—l t>*t 1 T.-. t ) Kraist s nuntof >it srMarsM'.* U> **• ••*. • • uai> • Art nil i I'M-ut l<,„ i u ul? Wf liri W ‘* n"f ' U.r p*.e< twrm tII apw-o v* Ml,-1 Youilg j r ulimLi 1 u 22 “;•***■ ** rly tor AdßilssAon n>Bplu i*r J r * Vrrilc iitoiuoiis for • rauiafiss, wl.irt wilMre sH.I ire*, posti isid. J 3