The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 19, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Theßee Hive. TEMPTINGLY PRICED! IMS DiODli! 16 111 Ifif HRfl §Sf| MIMII ills : .. /sifejfi' m uj£ i 111 u i®lii' Wash Goods ‘ You can’t blame us fo/%ot wicnUoi? to any - Waah tOoods to uoxi *Bason- n buy thcfe flHloly' fabrics ai per yard 10c. otberß worth up to 300 12 1 2c. 11l Ml 61 111 Ell "" We have received another shipment of “Mill fends,” virtually Factory Itemuuntß of nice Bherr Vic'orja Lawn—remnants run into 9 yard piece?; value In a reg ular way 100 to 12 per yard. We price them per yard 8 l-3c. The Bee Hive. Phil S. Farmer, Proprietor.^ CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. CHUE HALL* Proprietor You e*nge| best the market affords by eating here /sis GRANT J. J. LISSNER, WHOLKSALE „ Groceries, Tobacco,’ Flour, Bacon and • '^'Provisions. grain;hay and bran a specialty. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. “getting a boy shoe that is neat in appearance, at the same time give gouA iHPBf," we have setiled on the “ARMOURED CRUISER’’, Soles and heels are protected bmphilled steel l’erftction Circlets, and are guaranteed to give better wear than any HOY’S shoe on the market. LEVY 7 S THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CAIL, SEPTEMBER I9 V 1900. The Bee Hive. ■v J •• TT - ; . Bed Spreads? Honestly, We a*u price! .Marst,tty%am*H^te v .<a>thb-tilffl > ,f u Usfze*, beiumed; #, 1 •19e(>u)ily 4*>c. y at,.. fioc huaiitfatoc. . 7*5 n>ialr RT ■-to 25 quality 98c. . ’ - 1. t. 75 ([uality SIBO. ,’ • - 3 9 ■*&■... 1-lMi nualtiy i.7j. ' 1 1 '• "■[ ' — ir / 1 r " ■ — Seldom enough you can bir*|god ITosiery at a Barifain. YVa ttrpff a Ladies’ Fast Black Hose. Tdf “ refulatr made, Hermsdorf dye, evefey-Apair guaranteed, per pair ‘"’S I f** 25 Cents. . %£■ v ' i sj+ak' * <fc ' *jfE ** The Bee Hive. '+• L& i JsSn .-r ’Mr- 487- 213 Newcastle st.,lßriitiswick, Qd. CHEAP BATES PLANT SYSTEM. Account of the annual meeting of the National Association of Spanish War Veterns at Cbcttanoega, Tenn., Oet. 0 to 11, the Plant System will sell tickets from Brunswick to Chattanooga and return atone fare Tor round trip. Tickets on Sand 9, final limit Oot. 'B. r" Account of the Kentucky^,Trotting Horse Bheidtrs’ Association, Lexlng fey , Oet, 2 to 3, the Plant System wlYiseli tickets from Brunswick* to Lexington and return at one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale Srpt. 30 toUot. 1, limited until Oet, 15. Wanted— A good, smart order boy. Must be a Rus tler. Apply to (jL Wi Har per, the hustler.**^^— The n,*t dainty and effective >lll* mado ar* D.Wltt’a Little Early Ki(-rf. 'lipv are une qnaled for all liver and bowel I r Never grli'e. W. J ButU. For Diabetesluse STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. Poiaonous toadstools resembling mn-hrooma have caused frequent deaths this year. Be aure to use oul j the genuine. < ibserve the same care erhen you ask for DeWltt’a With BftMl. Balve They are poisonous counterfeits. l>eWitt *ta the only original Witch llazi l Salre. It laMife and certain care for piles tad all skis diseases W . Unite. - ■?- Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap sply to J. W. Wat Kin- HARPfeR, , AL WA YS IIARPING ! Telling the news to the people of the many good things he has to <4%- _ _ labor imTY applbs. Shr<sldd Wfeeat Hiscnit ii nst m-K: eh } V>i.t\iCKAkx/Y RING PHONE 158, WILL CLOSE TODAY. Texas Subscription Fund to Be Forwarded. *%■ - "*%•' *> T-L-?' /■ 1 -f. ,v • *’• •■I" • - —p- It Row Amounts to $701.82; Will Go Higher . , Today. v P? iuhicr>pt(Bn list will he otcltck today. M'.yor A - forward the money to P3ev. Sfters tuoigbt. N? contritu ; lions will be rjeceikedJ{y f t.*'r that time, Wjd if there is.cnycne who wishes to /donate,to the-fnnd, (hey are urgeotiy rsijiiestsifl to seed It in before twelve ! o'olsfch. ’the amount went up to *7Ol S2 ■ yeetenUy. A contribution was receiv *e* from hjjrs. A.*G. F. Dodge, froin I The !i for tm- m ’■"* i* ‘--i is as follow*: Pfeyieijily Mkndwledged *053 8> \ D0dge.„...... 35 00 tm ' .Sir*, j. H. Up Her 100 tigjtti Hdfder...'.'.,//.; Mrs. 3.3, Wimberly 1 -G& W'godward-Warreo C 0........ ■ * 1 . _ Qran|l t0ta1.... E ....%,...' $7Ol 8% Wanted—A good, fernart order bay, -Must tler. Apply to G. per, the hustler- Ifyou want something hie# in olives ring ap 100-UJgVue’s. YW %&£ Mr. EJ Leavy, Br., sprained his ankle yes&rtay. All telephofte orders promptly de> Uverad at Ds Vue's. M|| , -rr~W < r QUESTIONS ANWEHED. Yes, August FioWer UH-has it ai largest sale[of any medicine in the civ ilised wotdbKoar gracd mothers ueve’r tbought of Qsing any thing else for indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and ibtyj seldom heard of apendlclUS, ncrvWft prostration, bean faUuae, ffhey used August fflnwer tp clean out the system and atdp fermentation of and fid gestfed food*£eMl%tp the action of the liver, atimulaGN.l'.o action of tae ner vous add orafeuic eyßtem, and that t* % they took When feeling dull and bad oftb h-.aaichs and-other aches. You only heed a few doses of Green's Au gust Flower, in liquid form, to make yK'*attsfieU there is, nothing serious the matter with you Ssmple bottles a; Butts drugstore or Drag C ‘vr.ou’d be in every household mere oirect est Tt afford* certain relief Anything in nice fresh eanred meats cm be bad at Ds Voe’s. J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop* erty and real estate. CABTOniA. Bart the /f The KM Vaa Haw Always BmiiE * ! ’r if- 1 * A1 Disinfect Your Homes W ITH Choloro-Naptholeum, ■ T-; A Safegua <l to Disease. Wf'Stll in Ah* Qnnlity. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. - ’ “On tii a Corner,” We Are 'Ready....' | to attend to all your wants | * in the drug trade. We have two of the cleverest and most Vjjf-ifr* J competent prescriptionists F in the city. Strictly tem perate and reliable. BROWN DRUG CO. Keep Cool These Hot Summer Nights t Our window how. It is filled with a beautiful line of Pyjamas and Night Shirts From 50c to $1.50. See Them. THE PALMER SHOE CO |, SS”- ang i ... ”■■■£;!! y. ■" .. . ... " 1,1 ..-"“t rtni DR. MOFFETT’S a Allays Imitation, Aids Digesfloi, .f Itr r T 111 II fQ R'gulatef the Boweli, rif-SI 9 EETHIN/I stiss t**' mG- # R (Teething Powders) S R. TEETHINA Rtlicvts the Bowrf AS"*; /■ ~ . , „ , n . Troubles of Children of „Yv-A & ,sts on v cents at Druggists, any aoe. J. MOFFETT, M.D..ST. LOUIS.F~ We know it™ Thousands KL.y know it. Hut do you know Ht3 ''f mi®" whisky is tfy* peer of all whis- Bt n!* t Imf- aver, fine aroma and flavor L>t , ( arse it smoot anil palatable. \ w •'r T nE ,VlU ' K * fur Mtil’i- Cincinnati, Ohio. ——• H. \ •