The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 20, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 111 111 II HI. It general ted complete, tbe itrlke will effeot 150,000 meo. Kell meted I hat 125,000 meo already quit. Till* is 80 per cent, of the full number. Tbe men are peaceful and orderly. Mlueworkers’ officer*are pleased with tbe results thus far. Mas* meetings will be held in tbe affected dlstnots during tbe week, Scranton, Pa,: Over 75,000 meo ere out in this, tbe First District. Ilazelton, Pa.: Over 10.000 of tbe 14,5a0 meo in tbi* region Bare joined tbe strike. Sbamokio, Pa.: About 10,000 men sod boys here bare laid down tbeir tool*. '** S *V. Pittson, Pa.: Very few atybe 4# oollleries tore are operating today. Amaqus. Pa.: Tbe collieries here are working ahort-baoded. Pottsvil'e, Pa.: 49,000 out of tbe 60,000 men in tbs Schuylkill district bare quit. Harrisburg, Pa.: Only 60 of the 1,000 men here are at work. Tower Hill, Pa.: No strike here; the 1,000 men are at work. Coleraine, Pa.; Mines are running short-handed. Fotteviile, Pa.: Mine* etill running full blast. Wilkesbarre, Pe.: The tie-up in this district is oomplate. MUNICIPAL LEAUUB. They Are Holding a Big Session In Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Sept. 19.—Tbe national municipal league meeting began heie today at the Hotel Pflster. Men of na • tional repute from nearly all of tbe im portant cltiee are present. yyhon tbe league was organised there were less than eerenty-flve organita tlona for municipal reform in this coun try, but already the number has Increas ed to neatly 500, ol which 118 are affil iated with the national league. As usu- of city admir. npQUtussed lu papers A partial lintfs ;j.—- .. 7® be read, with the names o / 1 "tbors, fol lows: .s “The ossential elements in , -nod citv gorernmcnt,” C. J, Bonaparte, ' more; "The representation of ygpt§fl| cnt city interests in the Foulkc, of of public government,” Glad uen, of ColumbMjjJjg who was recently elected an aldormln Of that city; "The government of the city of Glasgow," Kcv. Albert Lazenby, recently of that etty. £ Mrf 3. P. Davenport left yesterday to spend a few Jacksonville. Dr. Hathaway - Treats All Diseases, Ills Method Invariably Cures AH Catarrhal, Brouciilal, Lung, Stout* aeh, Liv r, Kidney and Oilier Com plaints as Welt a& All Itiseases and Weaknesses of Women. ln Or. Hathaway; most VY extensive practice, cov & '**'*3 emu.' a period of more v ... H ti — ii tie .1 .or - .lie thH'ii K called upon in treat ,J 1 K 1 it manner or diseases of J u ‘ ou a,i< * '•omen and SsjßKHj&tr* nI"UK tilt' wliolo lino of ' human ailments he has been iiullormly sue *>r' Oitiiuway's nip thud of treatment gets — _J directly at the seat of Purifies l! 'c t.v i); . purities the Wood Iho rtinnH tom's up llio hole system urn! • tc.-tratljss the poisons which produce the diseased conditions. ail Diseases „ v f'i r *¥ ,l ° " < tros to perfect t„ health thousands id snfiorers • rvaieu. from Oatnrrh. Bronchitis, As tmn.i. Hay Kt-vor, l.untt Complaints, Stomach. UTcr and Kidney Diseases, rues, Tttmor*. Can cors, Sczema and all nuiu.-r of skin attention' Diseases of r 'r. Hathaway also treat- wfth tbe createst success sill, those many distressing weaknesses and diseases by which so many women are afllk-ted Electrical I>r - HathnwayVoffloesafeSfted tiiDllinn. ’™* l at' *be latest electric* and PPoanoos,. other appliances, in the use of win it. as well as tin- microscope no has world wld-e.*ne as an expert. Ail of the medicines us! oy Dr. Hathaway are compounded 111 hi. oa u laboratories, under his fs-rsonat di-cctlon, •no S.awha remedies arc preparel foi- each In dividual case according to its reouirnmeutn. iiatnlnalUn Dr. ILltiaway has prspaiw# a ri._l . series of selfexam! naUon blanks niankt. aiiplylogtothedUfePiuit diseases which he srodsfreo on apt libation: No. I. for *•'*' Ne.s.tor Women; No. J, forSk'n Discs*** Wo. l, toe Catarrhal Diseases, No. S. for Kldn.-r, . .. Dr. Hathaway makes no charge v-on a v nation , or con imitation at etL'.er hir . -Fred. olttoe or hy mail, , J. NeWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. UslhsuardCa, M Dry an Mre.t, Savam-ah, Us waarioa Tut* papkr bm -■ hitisu AT THE OGLE I’HOBPE. J. B. Coartey, Ga.; H. F. Spence, Mobile; E. Eckhoff, Now Yoak; N, B. Brownard, Jacksonville; B. B. Wood, Macon; Frank E. Gaines, Chicago: W. R. Smith, Atlanta; W. R. Maxwell, New York; G. R Thigpen Wayoross; R. E Jacobs, Washington, D. C ; W. B. Brownard, Macon. BATINW ANU BIAKEING. Food supplies the substance for .repairing tbe wastes of the body and give! strength. Bleep affords tne opportunity for these repairs to be made. Both are necessary to health. If you can’t cat und sleep take Hoof's Sarsaparilla. It creates a good appetite and tones the diges tive organs, and It gives the sweet, restful sleep of childhood. Lie sure to get Hood's. | Biliousness Is cured by Hood’s Hills. 25e. Fine No. 1 mackerel juat-.c-.iyed at De Voh’s, The Rimedy for Stsmaoh sad Bewsi Troubles "I havulbeen In ujfc'ug business for twenty most all of t hCMudRfS an> note. SlHiPßlhave never found jMPfStI Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Kemeiv f° r all and bowel troubles, ” says O. Vf. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This 1 ’Uedycoyj&J two severe cases wf cholera mo %: lii laf family. and I have recom -IU - lad and sold hundreds of it to mv cu " to jSfcto their entire satisfaction. It tt!T ' ,u and sure [cure in a slcas pnttorm, V, it. I keep it at all times.” For sale by drug store, : Hslf the WVwld iftrkce** sto iho eauuof*tblr ill Wbh. if tb&wWi *tn to treat their W9h*v‘ with tfo. nty (jure, the art arlreto afWj **d rtfnLbvt :ch./"head, h(! and rhenutMlo would disappear.* i i '*■ r<ice Yellow Vann at De Vot’a, WHISKEY RECEIVED gold medal I’sru, Aug 25—(Special dispatch.)— Amerfcan whiskies j-eceived the offi- today, when gold medal wss awarded to Bernheim Bro’., Louisville, Ky., on 1 their I. W. Harper, whiskey. Sold in Brunswick, G., by T. Newman. Ferris’ Dene *nd Swill's meats at De Voe's. T Stops the Cosgh and works off the Cold. LsittiveßromoQuiuine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No Cure, No Pay. Trice Sf cents. Here you e eenre of fulioewMn -the region of your stonach after oetinyt It eo you will U, tieocHted by using (biemberlain'e Rtonaeh end Urer Tableis. They also cure belching and aourateu acU. They reculmtt th- bowcJ, too. PrloeSSo. Sold by Bishop’. lirogß ore PeWltfs Little Karly Kiser, are proenpLpat atahle, pleasant, peweiful, purifying little puls W. J. Bulls Put your sttmuoL, iivtr t,d Mi and in healthy conditioo sod yon oan defy 1 ilissaso. Prickly Ash Bitters is a successful system regulator. W. J. Butts.' * J THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 20, 1900. The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb Ton ic ia not only a Wood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people Who have not strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, it regelates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and ton' to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by tbe most delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of tbs Blood, Stomach and Nerves soon succumb to its wonderful effect on tbe human system. Thous ands of people In Georgia recommend It. Prioe SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, ‘ftprafns, Pain in Bowels; in faot, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 25c and 600. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp tad complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, eotema and eruptions of the skin. Price 10v) a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, CindtftttM. . -.tjti PoUuil’s Drug Store MAINE BOARD OF TRADE. Lewiston, Sept. 19. The state board of trade began a two-day meeting in this city today as the guest of the local board. Its sessions will be devoted to a thorough consideration of subjects af fecting trade and manufacture in this state. the Portland and Kumford railroad will extend the cours tebics of the roadyo the members of the board for a trip to Bemls, with dinner at Rumford Falls. RHEUMATISM-CATARRH, ARE BLOOD DISEASE 3 -OV- RE FREE. iy „• tbs ueep-seated ob.-ityyde oases of Catarrh or B. B. (Botanic Biood If doctors, spray*, Ilnimentswßaioated air, blood purifiers, baved failed, B. B. B. drains specific poison In tbe blood tbatlwlfes Rheumatism or Catarru, making a perfeot cure. If you have pains oraohea in bones, joints back, swollen glands,tainted breath, n Wse In (ha bead, discharges of mu oom, ulceration of the membranes, blood thin, get easily tired, a treat ment w;tj, it, b. y, w iU atop every symptom making the blood pure and rioh. .'Druggists 81. Trial treats meot by addressing BLOOD BALM'co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble, and free medical adviee given. hfr W. B, Brownard of Macon is registered at the A Frightful K Will often came a horribl. Cut or Bruise. Bucklsn't Arnica Salvs, tbe bant In the World, will kill the pain end promptly heal it. Cures <Ho Sores, Fever Sorea, Ulcere, Boils Pelons, Corns, ell Skin Eruption*. Best I’lft’ oure on earth. Only 26 cts. box. coterbnar unteed, Sold by all druggist. Mr. R. E, Jacobs of Waehing'on, D. C., le spending a few days in the city.] A Monster Devil Fish Destroying its rlotim, is a type of Consump tion. The power of tins murderous malady is felt ton orfana anti nerves and muscles and brain. There]! no health till it’s overcome But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Bckt In the world for Stomach Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only 45 com* st all druggists. - ■ Mr. G. R. Thigpen, a prominent citN aen ot Way cross. epetrt yesterday in the city DOES IT PA V TO BUY CHAKP A cheap remedy for oougha and ci da is ail right, but you want seme thing that wij believe and cure the j t vat se-ere and dangerous results u ,th roat and It,eg Double. What tba ; dot Gt> to . warmer and more regula 'v'lr Ue? Tts, If uosr-'bl* ; t? no' po slble tor yru; th* ln f'tber cast ink tht only remedy the* has been intro tuood in all olvitlved countries with • suooeaa lu sore throat and lungtroublea I Boschoe’r Oertnao Syrup. It not only | cumulates the tlMnes to destroy the gorm disease, but allays lnflamatlon ; *utd onuses expectoration, glyea a good SAght’a rest and cures the patient Twoaf qotlle Recommended man? y Ara by all dru.giaw In the world Sample bottles at VT, J, Butts ard Brown Drunr* Go. . STOLE A BICYCLE. Yesterday afternoon little Freddie Joerger rode his bicycle up to Kaiser’s and left it to go into the store. A ne gro hoy was standing near by and he deliberately got on the bicycle and rode off. Tbe boy weDt home and told his father. Dr. Joerger went down to the depot and found the boy there ready to get on the 3:20 train. He got the bicy cle, but the boy escaped. A Minister's Good Work, “I had a serere attack of bilious aolic, got a battle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, took two doses and was en tirely eared,” saya Rev. A. A. Power, of Empo ria, Kan. “My neighbor across tha attest wag sick tor over a week, had two or three bottles o medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or four days without relict,then Called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, ao discharged him. I went oarer to see him the next morning. He ■aid hia bowels were in a terrible Sx, that they had been running off ao long that It was almost bloody flux. I asked him if he had tried Cham berlafh'a Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhcoa Remedy, and he wid, ‘No.’ 1 went home and brought Aim my bottle and gave him one dose; told bint to take another dose in fifteen or twenty min utes if he did not find relief, but be took no more, and was entirely cured. I think it the best medicine l have ever tried."BFor sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug store. \ You *an spell it cough, eoff, caugh, kauf.kaff, kough or kaugb, but tha only bartnJMw remedy that quickly cures it is One Minute Cough Care W J Butte. OPERA HOUSE. _. w • One Solid vWek, Commenc ing Matinee!WlSitesday and Saturday. The Woodward- Warren Company Supporting the Eminent Comedian, U. Mil la high class repertolr. (♦ls downstairs, $lO upstairs.) Prices, 10/20,30c Reserved seats on sale at Butts. Colored people can secure their seats at Carter s. OEVARIS & LEVADAS. Gocerics. Coontrv Product —Vegetables etc. Also Confectionery. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK. GA KIDNEY DISEASES most fatal of all dis eases. FOI FY’Q cohe it i • ULLI 0 GuarantMd Remedy or money refunded. Contains raradies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for tvidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and W. J. Butts, tli I'rj|fgt|*t MITCHELL iTHCMAB Livery, boarding and tale stables. Finest turnouts to the cl y. Tel- 9Y. Newcastle 8l CASTOR IA The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of— and has been made under his per (/ HHia! supervision since its infancy. / Allow no one to deceive you iu this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castor!a is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narsotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and- allay s Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimUates the Footh regulates the Stomach .and Bowels, giving healthy andf natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The find You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE C**TAU* COMPANY. TY MURRAY T*ttT. NEW YORK OtTY. PLANT- SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. ...: RIXdTJBW j ~ ‘ ~ READ Up pr. “ . . so,(. Tim© lab!© *.. #so.< *.j ■' ’ * ■.*?![!' Pksseugvr Mixed NO. 35 ;PMenfer Mixed j Dny. Daiur, \v.Y77.7. Dail?. Daily. IS 20pm... 145 am...; ar Tlfton It 5 15pm.... 2 ViA WAYCROSS A MONTGOMERY. ..A | 715 am...! 5 00pm lv Brunswick ar 11 30 am... 10 15 a m ...jiS 26a m.. ll 59 am... ar Brmingham; lv 842 am.. 4 05 pm | 6 50am ... 710 pm... ar Nasnvtlle H 2 21am.. 9 00am ............ 12 25pm ... 280 am... ar LouievtJ)© It 912 pm. 2 65am... VIA SAVANNAH AN D CHARLESTON. 438 pm.. | 613 am Ar C.harlcaton Lv , |ll 15pm Direct connection made at Wavcroea with tbroutra Pullman Sleeping Can fox Savannah Charleston, and all pomta North; also for Mont.ornery, Birmingham, Nashville, Bt. Loula and all points Wed, Heeling chair ca a between Waycroat and Montgomery v.a Thomaavillo. Between Port Tampa, Ke; West and Havana. ’ GOING. L? Port Tampa 11 00 pm Mon. Thur* Sat Ar Key West 8 0) pm Toe*. Fri. Sun. Lv Key West 9 00 pm Tum. Fri. Sunday Ar Havana 5 00 am Wed.Sai Mon W.B. DENHAM, CEO. W, COATKS. B. W. WRIN'N General Supt Division Paf-s Agent. Paas. Traffic Mirr Savannah, Ga Brunswick, iaa SavannaL Ga OPEN AGAIN. Jno. VeruKi wines, Liquor, Cigars, Etc. now ready for business, We will sell you goods 10 pay cent less Uutn original cost 608 Monk Street. * RETURNING Lv navana 2 30 pm Mon. Wed. and 5at.....,* Ar Key Weft 9 00 pm Mon. Wed. and SaU L? Key West 10 00 p m. Mon. Wed. and Sftt Ar Port 2 SO am Tue Thnr. and Snn..