The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 22, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SOCIETY NEWS. THE AUTt'MN OIHL Hark! Do 7011 hsar a far off I>lm mysterious throbbing t> rain Of wondrOß* meiudy ? It la the golden led Keating ita (talks against the meadow Inecte To lime her coming. Sees toe sound trill a well Into a gladsome, gleesotne song, A mafoh tttuuipbiftl,. cae. And with a aw>;i, g swagger and a swish Enter the Autumn Girl of :v.,r<> S n Wundrodl "rent the res, tie the mmmtein ton- Yacht deck and botil porch Ske swoops upon us, A bloom-eyed, son-kissed sjmphony of girl! About bar clings a certain sadness. For the mad, glad summer, And notone trsoe, one whittle, nor jot Of alt the rlanto rampantness That marked the year’s high noontime. In bar eyes, the sky and the sea have loft blue distances, The waves have put a tangle in her hair, Brine ordored, glinting like golden sand Touch' and by the sun to danse. But why write madrigals like this To her? The wots not of a rime dust now; She’s busy hunting lotions, almond eraams And other freckle ch users To tench her tawny cheek and bleach her tilted note, For while you think her very beautiful And mayhapa tell her so, She’d let you understand That she’s a perfect fright And hasn't worn a hat all summer! Oh, cheerfuleat of liars, Too well yon know The (leach crop is no failure, Autnmn Girl, Now yon are here I —New York Kuu. Mrs. Horace Dart Is an honorary member of the state fair ladies’ com mittee for Glynn coun'y. Mrs. Dart It always a goutl worker in such mat tere. Mbs Mamio Burroughs, of Bruns wick, is the guest of Miss Hallio Brobston at her country homo. —Madi- ■■ sou Advertiser. 1 *—:Ster~ * .. v * kittle MlssLaun Baker is 'iuUe ill i with feV*r to the rt>?r-t of her friends, ! - S Hr many if ends ly* „,n he K iau FINE FURNITURE. A Pages* of talk on our furniture stock would give but half an idea of f j the beauty and economy found here- m Visit the-StOiir"" and let the goods do their own talking and the prices their own saying? More than an entire train load of suits and odd pieces have been placed on these floors since last you were here. See abot|t it CARPETS, RUGS, MATTIE Never were the prices on these high grade ar ticles so low as at present. Never have the pat terns been so beautiful, the quality, so excellent or the price so attractive. •Each new season fiuds this deMmnent in bet# 1 condition to till your wants. * ' carpet and rug centres have repf jfßfepj We are quoting Lower Prices H. M. MILLER I m to know rhat Miss Brobston, ol Madia n, will return to Brunswick next week and will spend the winter the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Broke too. Mr. B. E, 1.. Burford and daughter Lila will spend several days of next moo|h in Brunswick the guests of Mr and Mrs W. E. Sftm)A4, *: /'~T~ Mr*. W. ; S. Hoagjon, ol Wajcroew, I'ltWUttUla, her mother. Mrs, Yleioral - r-- M!sa Bettie Nightengale has return* od l. om a visit to Aiken, 8. C., where she was a social fav, rite for geyeral months. Misa Hope Curtis, who spent several month* here in iheeprlnir is now In Boston, where she is taking a course in physical culture at the Boston Nor mal school. jt Mr, 11. J. Smith Is absent from the city on a vacation. ' Mis* Joseph Smith leaves next week for New York, where the will spend severel months with relatives. Little Joe Game, who has been quite 111 for the paal week, was reported much better yesterday. |25 will be given away to night. sls down stairs and $lO upstairs. “It Is the little lift in the lute whioh ever widening makes the .music muW It is just a little rilt in the health of a women often whieh gradually takes the spring from her step, the light from her eyes, the roee from her cheek and the mostc from her voice. Perhaps the bugbear which lias frightened the woman from the timely help needed at the beginning has been the dreaded questions,the obnoxious ex amination, the local treatments of the home physician. There is no need for these. Nor 1* there need for continued suffering. Dr, Pierce’s Favorite Prescription can be rolled on by every woman snffering from what are called “female (roubles” to renew the heel to and cure the dis ease. Women are asuadsbod at the results of | the use ol this modicinM It not only makes weak women “robust gives them back tiie vtafetand vitality of you! h. 'vSta Free. I>r. Pierce’ I’eopl • mllfcnmon Honse Medical t s p((ge, in-Kjfciee OB re ceipt omaio.’ P'ijfc' l o* mail ing Uunraio. Jim t arit JWPMSBggßfcest clothes claral*. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. SEPTEMBER 22, 1900. REAL ESTATE ACTIVE. A Number of Sales Have Been Made Recently. Brunswick real eeta'e bas become very active in the past few weeks, and agents say they expect It to become more so for tbe demand is rapidly in creasing. j Recently several yajj&YiAnt sales have beenjjfade and negotiations are pending for number more. It i* thought by the agents that the good price cotton is bringing and the general feeling of prosperity tbat exists is tbe cause of tbe decreased activity in the real estate parkot. Our Greatest specialist For 80 years Dr. J, Neyrton Hath away has so successfully treated chronic diseases tbat he is acknowledged today to stand,t the head of his profession in this tint. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele ano Btricture without the aid of knife or cautery eures in 90 per cent, of all cases In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecu). iar to women, he is equally swccesrAd- Dr. Hathaway’* practice u more than double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounoed hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at hit of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 85 Bryan Street. Savannah, Ga Matinee today at 2:30 p. m, Two handsome prizes given away. % Russell’s Chill and Fever Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every cottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. All telephone orders] promptly de livered at De Voe’e. Guy Woodward will give his taking specialties at mat inee and night performance. SOUTHERN CHEAI* RATES—SA VANNAH, GA. Sundty morning, September iitA and 30ib. One dollar for the round trip. Tiokets limited to datebf sale. Train leaves at 0:10 a. rn. , Bussell's Chill and Feyet Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best oh the market, every, bottle guaranteed. For sale by ail druggists gi S|&uiy Woodward will gfve am. specialties at mat i neealj^htjrerforinance. Pim t lee on v not only annoying; but they indie Hood’s Sarsapa rilla cures them by tM*|fyin£ the blood. Now 0 the tiu&o have Mu* old last winter's -2 • good order. S*e HARPER WHltv kItjpECEIVED I’-ris, Aug. }— American whiskies oin oial ’approval of the expositio” today, when gold medal wars awarded to Bernbeim Bra*., LjuiBv*<!p. ’Ky., on their 1, whiskey. Sold in i" Irtßfrwlok, G., njvT. Newman. Guy Woodward will give his tal ‘jg specialties at mat inee and night perform#ftHce • r Rueeell’s Chill * . Fever Ton ic is, to ’ on the market ■**fDottle guaranteed. For Mile by all druggists. STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, thoj stove doctor, repairs al kinds or cook stoves and ranges, boy and sella second band stoves, 414 Bay street. SHIPPING REPORT; Ccrreeted Daily by Capt. Ott* Johannim 1 Port of Brans . iek, Sept. 21, 19Q&. X'JtBI VKD, Ncr/lbark Rimfaxe, SpiGanger, Lon don via Barbados. Scb. Thelma, Coombs, Boston, to load lumber for F, D. AikeD; vessel to E, H. Mason Sc Cos, CLBABED. Nor. bark Emil Stan?, Evensen, Gar stoarDeck.i Scb, Dora Matthews, La Biance, New York. SPP' SAU.BO. 88. Bio Grande, Johnston, New York merchandise and passengers, f'. Ship Notice. Neither tbe master, owners nor eon? tignees j/ the Norwegian bark Prinoe-jobn will be responsible for •ny debta contracted by the orew of eaid berk. Hkbmanskx, Master. ns; jgn i— nri # Ship Notice. Neither tbe master, owners or oon aignees of tbe Norwegian atsamobip Transit, will ba responsible tot any debts contracted by tbe crew of jaid steamship, O. Dahi., Matter. - ■-*.£—„. A Night of Terror. “Awful anxiety was felt forth* widow ol the biSvejGon’.BuiDham,of Maebirs, Me., when the doctors said she couldrpt live till morn toy. writes Mrs. 8. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. “Alt thought she most soon die from Pneumonia, hot she begged for Dr. King’s New Discovery, saying it liad more than oace saved her life and huWwjired her of consumption. After three srasll doses she rested easily all sight, and its further use completely cured her.® This marvelous medicine is guar anteed to Throat, Chest and Lung Dis eases. Only frigid $1 00. Trial bottles free at all ii?ug sioreaw-y -w --. jijg "*■■■ ■ Mr. Puroe A'tjeu, ol the Southern w*s in Brunswick yesterday. jgt “I had a running sire <in my leg tor seven years” writes Mr*. J*mi*s Forfeit ak GheppoW* Falla, Wi.,‘-anrt spent huoiiri-ds of dollars In trying to get it Two Ixixes of Baunar Salve entirely onrtt tt,” W, t, Suits, - t Mr. J. 8. N. NVofidblne, spant yesterday til the oUft, ChaabarUia’s Ooaffff Bomedy a Great Fawte. Tho <*,tiling .l he*itng uuUtle* of this remedy, tts pl<\ant jKjpint and per manenteiirea hove made It * treat favorite with peopleavarvwhere U is ttpS. i < fjr pured by mothers of ainali ei>tldjV lor colds, ckjuh> and whooping cough, eft <ml* quiets relt.f, ami as it coutaia. no opium or other harmful drag, it tnaydp given at eonlhiently to a baby a. to ao adiiW For sate by ding store. i Mr. H. B. of Mncon, Is a guest at the o : 2wm - Mis BtasMUgtas nations of tfca world are tit* - • ’•■‘fa 'll ’Sptnn'R nattons. .d0.4 food well •It you ■kySS.jpiod Ko’lo! Dyspepsia dire. It digests Wliat yon at. Yoo heed not diet youts self. ricontslnaall oithe dlgejtants eombisjhd •with the Wt kndwfi tonics and it will even digests all elgases of food* in a hot tic. No other plop.'.ration win do this. U in stantly relieves and cores al! stomoeh troubles W J Untts ... sfe- WANTED. Arlesisu wells to drive at $250 each Iti-e and ospacity guaranteed will also guarantee to complete wells in 15 ■Tgys. CsU on or address A. H. Baker, A 205 Q'cuoester street. - ‘a..-.—. When yon want something nice in jams and preserves cell at De Voe’t * Mr. W. D Pb'ifadelpt>, is a ‘JgSPlKthorpt. , ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND nßfl'uvKiiUr , There Is no kind of pain or ache, Internal or exter nal, that Paln-KlMorwlli ' not relieve. | LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. the genuine eo r TLE | BEARS THE NAME, I PERRY DAVIS A SON. WHEN \ ARE tWtftWORKEC^^h They make known their condition by HEADACHES. SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, M BACKACHES, CHANGES IN URINE. AND IRRITABLE TEMPEft^^ >n is oAWGtfioua to Neat-KCT these warnings. ■ PRICKLY ACU - 1 B IS A SUCCESSFUL II ||l O|X”F IT D flj 1 WONtV REMEDY fWI 10 1 1 I £fW J Bal It cleanses the system of poisons and impurities, MS conveys a healing and strengthening influence' tn the suffering kidneys, PURIFIES THE BLOOD, stimulates ihe Liver, Stomach and Bowels, and work* a speedy improvement in the condition of ihe body, W- J Butts, Special Agents ANOTHER LOT ofZ— < \ ••••Sdir^Ains! "Ladies’ Silk Tnderskirts 25c up'. Lace Curtains at 79c per pair. Lace Pillow 3hams at 49c per Dair Table Oil Clothß worth 30c a^isc. Bureau Scarfs, Center Pieces and Table Linen Greatly Reduced. All the latest styles in Millinery just received. Every Hat Personally Selected while in New York. You will be convinced by examing our stock that we carry the finest in city. MRS. M. ISAAC, The Large** Oi> Goods Store, 2oS and 208 1-2 Newcastle St. Coney <& Parker DEALERS IN fIP Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster,"!lair, Shingles and Laths. Phone 18- 525 Bav St. A WISE PROVISION —Never be without some of our Wines and Whisky in the hw*se. It is the best for health and hospitality. The doctor prescribes it and friends approve it. Pure, rich, mellow. —V- DOUGLAS,-*^ 206 Bay Street. men ciratei [#~|P~lFl Use any of my bran Is of WINES ASI>3 '"‘ s "" ‘ V> f LIQUOKs and nnture will be greatly £■¥£&’' - awl*ted in the work of recuperation. \"J My goods aro of excellent quality, and 4. ■ have been bottle# and matured under I flI our Immediate aupervision, Each SHBmlSlji '■* I brand haslieon eted because of some i | mJ a j PRICES TO J \ | j