The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 25, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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STORE TO CLOSE 515 DAYS ' AND OPEN UP IN JACKSONVILLE, FLA. And In order to save expense of moving our goods, we hereby offer ~ . A ■ iV' OUR ENTIRE STOCK FOR SALE-*— bAT COST! |V W Not Including Freight. GOST MARK IS^x 1234~36 7 8 9 0 0 TIAV. HA R I S O N B D Sale Begins Today. k . PTROM LORD ROBERTS. oodon, Sept, 24.—Lord Roberts re -1- ports from Pretoria that General Polc f Carew's advance guards occupied Ko matlspcort this mornlntr. The bridge leading to that point was left intact, the advance upon the enemy being so rapid that Its blowing up was success fully checked. Large I quantities of * supplies and ammunition were captur ed. The resistance offered was slight. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and buchu-. Mr. Geo. W. Haines, of the Plant System, is In the city. er -■■■ You can ipell it cough, coff, catigh, kanf, kaff, kougb or kaugb, hut the only harmless remedy that quickly cure* it is One Minute Cough Cure TV J Butt*. Mr. 11. M. Hull, of Sa annali, is registered at the Oglethorpe. CASTOniA. •earsthe K && on< Wa*tool r* emtding hare can ed frequent death* tbixyeai. Be *ure ‘ {Oflfijm, • liie genuine, Observe the • ■ u©c:>rp wtjtui jo ;i a*k for With 1T& ! ■'ui ve Tbej aic poh*non counterfeits. I’eWitt’ils tliorioly original VVitch Ua&cl It l-tsafo •jid ocx o it cure for piles and all akin Ji*ea ' * WJftai spent y .sterday u the c l,y t>Jjk>l<lamaitc & Saj,T',.',j i -Vlr., w .ote: . fMredreol old we* .. •. Hi gP* Bk ‘“ ****** remarkable. I W. P. Eur.lq of Atlanta. wa ,4ay W t • JCeWSU’e tittle £arlr Risers are prempUpst- 1 atall' pleasant, roweiluL purlf;liv little p,ii i VV.J. Huts POLICE COURT. The following cases were tried in po lice court yesterday morning! Jack dußignon, lighting, $5 or thirty dayß. Ella Nelson, Idling on the streets af ter hours, dismissed, Ida Walker, disorderly conduct, $3 or sixty days. Fr Bladder Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. SCHOOL NOTICE. MisseajGa Vs select private school will open Oot. I at their residence, 708 E street. Thorough instruction is given in primary, intermediate and collegiate departments. Tbi* institution of learning is of seven years’ standing, and the teachers are progressive, em ploying all the new and improved methods of instruction. j Mr. G. P. Wvlly, of Tifton, is a [gnest it the ft, tbnrpe. P O -V tit*l OTtrA. I Beats the ;iie ibmljfka to By Boi#t I ! Signature "oj ii <• UIT’ MO MIV C U'C ffero* ! - ----- —— The Wo-diar...Wa.-„ n Compel • many cm* uiupllvcs would be cured End ;!• • v ttfio* wmtoried *ind relieved I>> ! a ttff Tolers Honey and Tar. Suggest it to it..->f. iflh <4. You * booJd do this friend 1 Butts* 3 idK BRUNSWICK SEPTEMBER 25, I9io. CHEAPSKATES PLANT'SHNMypi Account of the annual moeting of the National Association of Spanish War Voterns at ChetUnooga, Tenn., Oct, 9 to I], the Plant System will sell tickets to’ Chattanooga and return at ohe? fa| for round trip. Tickets on sale OotfsUni & Anal limit Oat. id. ** Account of the Kentucky.. Trotting Horse Breeders’ Aesbclayoo, Lexing ton, Ky., Oct, 2 to 5, thej.Plant System will sell tickets from fiV*mewick to Lexington and return at' one faro for the round trip Tickets on sale Sept. 30 to Oct. 1, limited until Oct, 15, *' RHEUMATISM-CATARRH, are BLOOD DISEASES—CURE FREE. It is the deep-seated obstinate cases of Catarrh or Rheumatism that B. B. B, (Botanic Biood Balm) cures. If dootors, sprays, liniments, medicated air, blood purifiers, baved failed, B. B. B. drains out the specific poison in the blood that causes Rheumatism or Catarrh, making a perfect cure. If you have pairs* or ache* in bone*, joints or back, swollen glands,tainted breath, noise in ttaa head, discharges of nuf' cons, ulceration of the ~ . Yi4 roil J , .■ ■! j c-.l HOCrOERN CHEAP RATE&—SA VANNAH, aa. ’ Sunday morning, Septemb r 23rd and 80 h; One dollar fur tlis round tr i . T ick 's lim<ted to dale of sale, Traio leave* a* 0:10 a. in. Anythiug in nice fr, sh canoed meats cun be bad at De Voe’a. 5e Prints now 4c yam Cc Prints now 44c" 7c Prints now 54c Brilliantine worth 65c now 41c Poplin worth 85c now 55c Henrietta worth fl.oo now 80c Blue Brilliantine worth 75c now 55 OftiQCJ s Hair worth t>sc now 42c Camel’s Hair worth 25c now 121 c Dress Flannel worth 25c now 16c DressjjFlannel worth 85c now 210 Blue and brown Henrietta 15c now 94c Henrietta ass’t colors worth 25c now 17c Serge Dress Goods worth 05c now 42c Imp’td Dress Pattern worth $1 now 05c linp'td. dress pattern worth $1.25 now 83c 'V- SILKS Taffeta Silk worth 95c now 024 c China Silk worth 50c now 380 Big lot Silks too numerous to mention. Liberty Satin former price 00c now 42c Dress Silks former price $1.25 now 83c Black Satin former pride 85c now 65c Black Satin Duchess former price $1.25 now 72c - - Silk Velvets, all colors, former price SI.OO now 72c Silk Mercerized in colors former price 40c now £3#c Ladies' Colars, former price 10c now 7c • Ladies’ Cuffs, former price 15c now 111 „ Skirt Dcniine, forpier price 19c now 131 Crenton, former price 10c now 7e Table Linen, former price 50c 30c Allayer Loco, former price 90c now 60c ■x/v ■ ■ _ _ * _ vumutu dllU Ua'HIS IVUuI HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND 2 BICYCLES FOR SALE. We Will Also Rent our Store to a Good Tenant OUR STORE FIXTURES FOR SftLE, SHOW CASES. MIRROR, DESK. IRON SAFE, CASH CARRIER, Etc No Goods Taken Back Or Stamps Given During This Sale. YOURS TRULY, R. L. HARRISON & O. h Merchants Will do Well to Call and Buy This Stock. TIMES-OALL JOB OFFICE. Those who wanfthe best work, at the lowest figures, should bring it to this office. On large dodgers, our prioes and work will make you a con ‘i tant customer, if you wii| give us the flrßtjob. Ring up 31, and a solicitor will ckll. N* Relief for Twenty Years. “1 bad bronchitis for twenty years,” saidJJrs Minerva Smith of Danville,lit, -and at times have been bedfast. I never go? relief until had taken Foley's Honey and Tar. it is pleat ant and gives quick relief, and is a mire cure for throat and lung diseases.” Take nothing lac. \V. S. Butts. ,S*! The Mallory steamer yesterday, ■ Cheap Rates Via Soutj^P^Qggi Lorjsvn.l.r:. KY .--Annual lit <33* ored OtltlffiidMH. One : Tickrtuon s tit limit Oct. 9. ASJIBVII.Ik. v. MIhMe- Val!r | f, no fiin for round t rip. Uu limit Oct. 15. J ,;y ■ ITV. . • •• f * ■ ,i \ i K sMrrl -f. i ''"vj •-•'9ar>s^i.- qI'VM Jfi- f; .#• . : I 4 <: * '-'iM 11 I 'Mill h ? < oil., r. -k -Hie Of.tohj^gH^H ■- 1 ' r 1 . mSfSttel' j V ' ■. vi - .. ■ *.•' i>i'. • .!• tin; v*.ii WrajJll |sVi., vVoO. ' • 1 !•. ■ & in'il'iiriiiTn^H^^^M'v' <i on one tl< I h. omc l cent jtcr mile £er citpitw. U 1 Af.’J.FHTONs S. { nf N hum I* .m ; if i■,rt *j <' i '> 1 ' 11'111111 j • 11 ~ a ’•< ’ in' rr Jiud 1 > V- il ..W'-'A.’ cumU.f ii 4, UKJO. A? !• 1UO(T ,O V. -Ginnd Lortge A. F. an (\ A. ! ii u-t.i Auxiliary. Of*e auci oue-U*ivd n . va for tin*, round trip Ticket on sale 1 m pto’iiher■ to Octoboi 1 with fljuai limit OctvUii; 7, WO. LUMBER C‘TY, Ga.—c; M 1 CnmpmcrtJngy One and one-thir i for i..r u e j onnJ trip. Trek tf on Wftie ciobcr 11 r ’With final Uaiit OdoPCr 1, J9o<>, 500 Bolts of Ribbons All Colors and Widths Going AT COST. All kinds Belt Buckle and Ribbon Pins One $45.00 Music Box for $27.50 One $25.00 Music for sl4 00 A lot os Ladies’ Wraps and Jackets White Table Linen worth 35c now 21c White Table Linen worth 50c now 39c White Table Linen worth 75c now 65c White Table Linen worth 95c now 66c Wnite Table Dinen worth $1 now 82|c Jeans worth 20c now 114 Cottouade worth 15c now 9c White Pique worth 10c now 7}e White Pique worth 121 c now 94c White Flannel worth 40c now 27 l-2c White Flannel worth 25c now 16 l-2c White Flannel worth 35c now 14 l-2c Corsets worth 50c now 37 1-2 Corsets ,worth 75c now 09c Corsets worth SI.OO now 75c .Comforts frehii .700 ,to $1.60 each Blankets from foe .upwards White Linen worn! sopnefv A3c A lot of white Lawns, Mousliu de Soire 'ri Towels, Damask, Scrim, otlteis too nu merous to mention T?nvft Pants nrur 10r> Si ,r <ne f ' • Sans min MfJ ■ <ir = trs filut. ‘AmrLs en make room for new c -TT ~ v .*T 0 a VTOik -GA *■ .ortnueot of Sideboards, Cupboards ,J|jp ff rWMSlovilie Market. 888 ’TKcBARVEY. J. N. BRADT, |HH/VEN & BRADT,' IHm S3 fcrvi C:D L3 Uni *U- CZJ -~Z. i t S-3 mp' fick Ix-va:- J. ’<! ir: |k|h ’ Liiflybcg flt - ' fit .'1 .!<!. \I if :l ’ J 41 ;* 2. ’0 .-u'- ‘id iyc -1 - ‘.t '3 Vf -iAtt jft i r ... i- ■ - # 1 ••' *. '•- • V -r. *, • ’*•••.'l j ’■ ijf" I,l '''i;*”*-’'"■ k''ep’ -r 1 i iilogua Priooipal Iluslling jreng m->n *■■■ m„k cr.o, S^HtauT 8 — Ht A s ''wNi phia, Fine No. 1 received at De Vo.’-, | mm Boys Pants 50c now 374 c Boys Suits from 65c and upwards Ladies, Children and Gents of all de scription Oil cloth worth 25c now 10c Gents Shoes worth 1 35 now 95c Gents Shoes worth 3.00 now 1 80 Gent's Shoes worth 3.00 now 2.25 Boys Shoes worth 1,60 now 1.10 Gent’s Clothing worth 5.00 now 2.50 “ “ “ 7.00 now 400 “ • “ ' “ 990 now 6.60 “ “ 11.50 now 7.50 “ “ “ 9.50 now 6.00 “ “ " 12 00 now 8.00 “ “ “ 11.00 now 7.25 “ “ r ‘ 10.50 now 725 “ “ “ 14 50 now 10 00 “ “ “ 13.50 now 8,90 And many other Suit too numerous to mentioiv 500 Gents Pants A lot of Gents and Boys Bats and Caps A lot of Gents Underwear of ail kinds Collars, Half lloso Jewelry, etc Gelit^ajC-Neekwcar mustJjk . GenlS 50c NeciJwefiFiibw 38clHBj 124 c Sca Island Percale now 10c 10c Sea Island Percale now 74c SI,OO Ladies Shoes and Slippers now 75c $1.35 ladies Shoes and Slippers now 95c $1.50 ladies Shoes and Slippers now $3 A lot of Children and Misses Shoes space not sufficient to name prices. Ladies, Children and Gents Rubbers crivnoK. G 'IuCG t \—Glynn County irbanua liart, of a '.rtm county, )n said stale. t!i® OfUitiary of t(ivi4 county t of newmaUy am ottiuic ttpart mid vaiunU''u Oi ftn4 i will P t,u 't lo "’c’ypk. a- m. upon the bdlil county ot Glvnn. , r ] bin Ropt'-mßer u. lung, JEFFKKS<;N >. k LAKKB Ju jg?(/iiv Court jf A'iCk aud pro hao ■ omit/, Georgia, 5