The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 26, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 ran ii i IBS 111 Haiy Brnnsvlckiais on tbe Propn. ■——■■■ l,l ■"' ■ ~ IS IHE FIRST CONFERENCE And all Are, Determined to Make a Great Suc cess of It. The Timbb-Cai.l is in receipt of the program for the First Epworth League Conference,. Wayoross district, which % is to be hold in the above city from October 12 to 14. This conference is the first held by the leaguers of this district and it promises to be a great success. Following is the program: FRIDAY AFTERHOOK. Song Service. Devotional Exercises, led by Dan Lott, Vice President Wayoross Local Union. / Our District, E,' Prentice Peabody, District Secretary. Tbe Leaguers’ Experience Meeting, P. M. Ulsch, ’ . f 1 he i/i ... \ Out I.CCRtIf WTl‘r''S. Chas, M. Williams, Way crote. AUaptabilHy of tlic League to Couu. try Cha|gfij, Mr a, J. O. Ward. Black- THE SICK ARE MADE WELL, And the Weak are ReMorwl to Full Vigor , suid Strength at tlu Hum!* of the Great est Healer of Modern Times. w llav© you fn.T pln or uche or wMikne*t? Are TOH Does your blood eh- >w i hat it contain* im je|_l> > puvMe*? Are sou norvoaa? Du you lack 4 map urn! activity of wind and body? Are i ,n tired? Have you fotit niubltlon? Im Uiorc unv „ \ unnatural drain upon the 'mj! ayttotuY If every orjrun per ■ forming lt proper June ■•-w K li mV In Other Word a: s?v. Are Von it Perfectly ,7 Strong, Active, \ Igor* WhA—y I llnppy y Man or Yt oimu< ? U wot, jam should not tie* lay one d&fl>etore yon con '*l salt a apcclnliel. one to " h<nn tin*human I rxly i.*n ■'tnU&'-j <''i‘ou book mnl who liuder r tand* every plmeoof weak “** uml dlaease and to > how the proper treatment W„ — ~J lor a euro la us simple a* the lidding of a coin?’ n of figures. , .. I ’ vears, PU.J NEWTON The Leading hatmv.v \\ i,a* been ue leadlnf fineeiaPat. etvofa; . ted thiscouutry. Aiiaymc' spo t In h *H’ *n for yea re larger than thatof all othci spocinllsiecoinblnod. Hie cures of all eortaof diwonmxi nonunion* lwvleen the marvel of Chexncdhal profeak>ii and the f-coplo generally. His fame has spread ut ) every!,van and every hamlet. fhose ufthoted vt t( b a! i tuanm r of diseases liave *t night lafmoe* In on* rti t they might be made whuja y the adminicle • ii*r of id* m.wdorlnl eystem of treat ment V eck* of h’wa:ilty have come to him for eonsultauon nnd im dicliu**, whoa fev, month* later Jhttve rotu.-iiod to him In tnwt vigorous health to give mu him It) itrwbpnK*. mi Dlscu&c * pr. Hathaway treats H ll diseases. • Cured. UMj peculiar to men and those _ . . iioc’u ar to women, es veil as Catarrh, lib* an.i.ti tr, Kidney Complaint**, Kowma, and nil loan • f !.■ and c*<ranlo disorders. V.Hooc.l. end , m Strict •o. rtrictur without the sM of knife or eruteri npbonameMU. The mUcnt t tbl. mrtiHKl Ml hi. o.tihivu, SstthoulMlnor \ - ■ uip. from ntilonM. Thislc -yo.l*:'- -iy lh. only tio.uncut, n i li'h Cl'.. w‘tli oof tit r ration. T>r. vntlirtwiiy n-.u. U..‘ rurtlcnlei utton o' Kvtr or* fn.. t.irUoMy ul BtrU-tnra to Pn> .JCMliiiio llo< bieuow book which will b Evnt-v a..ft ••fi* free on Rpt.ltcltlou. BT.rj .• Frcry ran* toVon by Hr Hsthßwsy i Speelally f .w,-..itiv tnujw) .• >ratn totti ' lmUi-y..i>U .uulrrliloronern HOMM<| ■ rr.ntDH. min.rvl.lon. wvl Mil rr uto.'*. ■ mho ny him or. nronoml in'-i 11 . lovtilinfM in hi. own Im'' inti 'r prpo tlml ovrrpl.M, •UM vll fn-1 . proofrtntk.OM ot hIMOWr m I liotlv 'Toy make, no el.e:htrcoaanU hOW lotiao or o<ilc4', oit''or Ml hi. olbro or b, m- null.ftnd w’ en i co. | . takon tho oo low fee cope Vi; <xt ot niixllcmo, ru4 wn MoaftlMrmco. „ J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, Nl.ffe- ft4 <| lkr. Hatha way A Cos. •I Nryan Str.wt, Havannah, Oa. kUurnUN THIS FATRK WIIKN WnrVIKU - shear. Where There Are no Leagues, How Shall We Organize? Mrs. S. W. Hitch, Way cross. Discussion of last two subjects, con ducted by W. P. Ward, Douglas. The League’s Great Work, M. W. Howard, State First Vice President, Bainbridge, Ga. Quest'on Box, conduotcd by W. Le- Flls Arnold, S'ate Secretary, Savan nah SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Promise Meeting, ltd by J. A. Wright, Brunswick. How to Conduct tbe Literary De partment and use the Reading Course,’Mra, H£V. McMillan, Black shear. ' 'W'- j ■* r The Place for the Bible in our Leag ues, Mrs. Georgia A. Jones, Way cross. Discussion of these subjects, led by Roy. J. M. Glenn, Waycross, The Holston Plan, Mrs, Minnie L. Parker, Brunswick, Ga. SATURDAY EVBSIKO . Devotional Kxerciees, led byC. C, Tindall. Jesup. The Duty of the League, with re gard to Temperance and Sunday Ob servance, An open Conference, led by Rev. M. B. Ferrell, Blackshear. The Work and the Workers: A Plea for the Pastors, W . L. Arnold, State Secretary, Savannah, Ga, SUNDAY MORNING. The Quiet Hour; A Preparation for the Sabbath, led by Mrs, J. O, Word, Blackslicar. Love Feast, conducted by "Uralo’ Thomas, Way oro'>s. Sermon, Bev. T. M. Christian; Way oross. Subject: ‘ Christ in His Church: The Past and Present." SUNDAY AFTEBSOON. First V. L. m^M^^LcrinteL.'.eLt. Trinity Cliurch, U e u il e u t. a Junior Work Misu Martha Jonos, leade^^®? 0108 *' League peyoUoßil JnMjjhF' T# ?| c; ■■ lj - i ’ (Era Wajcivsa. {-rSDAV BVEN-IN^^K^Bk IVayer.and Piaine. body, !>>trict SeorWß S 1 i ‘ w'' .'■ ! ii.. Hi v. \:.JK e V- Howard, First \’li'e-rres!cßß^^H bridge. Doxology. "Quick luncb'’ is on. of tlio commonast of city sign.. The sign doesn't .r "a healthy lunch of soop food—the character of the food apparently is not eosaidetcd. li’a jn,t a quick lunch—cat and get n<ay. Is it yij wonder that the jd<nu aeh breaks down? Food Is throut Af iNfAßpe l indlgeatible and iunuu-iiiona food, weiy often, and the stomach haa to do the best it onn. Nor mally there should be no need for medical as ■balance tor the stomach. But the average method of life ia abnormal and while this con tinues there will always be a demaud for Dr.( l'icrce'a Uoldcu Medical I'iscovery. It la fho one medicine which tan d,e relied on to cure diseases of the stomach SSuither organa of dl gesilon and nutrition, 'ikiaunta cure all. It ia n medicine designed for tha stoinh> i!,*jyJ .Ho cure tliri ush the atemach remote have their causeinthc derangirarnt of the stomaeb and digeatire end nutritive ays tom. It cure# when all else falls. Buy your dry goods it nclual cost it tbe Bee Qie. ' $ Half the World sa to the cause of ihdr ill ivrw • . if tin; would start to treat their kidney* with Voley’a Rid noy Core, the wearn eta of body and mind, took ache, headache and rl disappear. W. J. ItutUjgpAPßßi f ry goods * •* i he Bee liive. mmhn^lT saia stables. THE BRUNSWICK TIMEb-CALL, SEPTEMBER 26, 1900. The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blood purifier, bub a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the jiervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be tskep by the most delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of tbe Blood, Stomaeh and Nerves aobn fuccumb to it* wonderful etfeofc on the- human system. Thous andsnf people in Georgia recommend it. Price fI.WV* QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med cine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprain*, Pain in Bowelsusn all pain can be relieved by it. Prlee *Sc and 50c. . " M QUAKER WHITE WONDfiTI SOA3P, a medicated soap for the skin, sejr *nd complexion. Price 10c acake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tester, eczema and eruption* of the •kin. Price 10c a box. FOR SALE BT ALL DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. . Polhill’s Drue Store FOR SALE ON RASY TERMS. ‘ The following valuable building lots, Charmingly situated in tbe resident portion of tbe oity, are for sale on easy terms: 138x180, oo Union street, running back to Reynolds street. Tbie piece of property be divided into eix lots, 45x90 eacb, thiee fronting on Union and three on Reynolds streets, and is situated Immediately north of tbe residence of Mr: Glauber. Lot on tbe east side of Union street, opposite the residence of Mr, John H. McCul lough, 80x180 feet, can bo divided into fourjlots,4sxyo; two fronting on Union and two on Ellis streets. Lot* 180x180 feet, oorneriog on Albany, Albemarle and Amherst streets, scan be dividfd into eight lots, 45x90 feet eacb. Also lots od Gloucester street, between Al bany and Amherst streets, and lots on Albany, between Gloucester and F streets; and on Amberst street, be tween Gloucester aud F streets. To anyone wishing desirable building lots, either for their oltp residence or for rent, oannot fail to be satisfied with lh9*i locations. For further Informa tion apply to J. E. deßisnon. AFTER FIFTEEN UiilH, Cuthert, G.,Bcpa. IT, 11)00.—J. R. Richarileon, B|£.i of this place was for fifteen yeera trouhlod blood disease which we called dry cc- SSlaiio tcHik a .-real deal ..f medicine Vlin i.:;.! ami finally via- si!vi.,i] to H. now has no al.-n cun <i hr H ‘nes at solusi cost Artssiauw^l^ iTe ** each Else and cap J will welis in IB days, b all on ' Baker ’ •205 Gloucester street. Kihhons snd fancy goods the Hee Hire. 1 term of Miss Jos e Smith’s school will open Monday, October Ist, sod will be taught by Mias Elizabeth Nightengale until the former's ttpforn r om the north. W. B. Corsets on sale at oi u *l oost at tbe Bee Hite. y Sprnrildifeiid household and sojd, mgm pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Wi kins. . W. B. Oorsetson eale ut aotual coat at tbe Bee Hive. Nice Yellow Yams at Be Voe’hi RIELEMEN’S ENTERTAINMENT. The Invitations Have Been Issued for. the Opening qf Their Armory. The Brunswick Riflemen have issued the invitations to the opening of their armory on October 4 The invitation is quite a neat one and reads as follows-. “Yourself and ladies are cordially ln vted to attend the ‘opening’ of our ar mory Thursday evening, October 4,1900. There will be a prize drill, speeches by prominent citizens and a danc'. “Harry Miller, Chairman. “ J. P. Hutchinson and M, Greenwood, Invitation Committee. “Please present enclosed card at the Lor.’ .jf Bow Bright’s Diseass Starts. ' lodJ*itlon,bmouaiic6, btood poisoned with ores and nrte should have been excreted by the kidneys), rheumatic pains in nerves and joints, causing irritation or the kid neys, then pains over the small of the back, mark sure approach of Bright** disease; Do not delay in taking Foley’s Kidney Care, for It makes the kidneys right. Take no substitute. Butte.’ ■■ w , All our sites go at actual cost at tbe Bso Hive. -i*. * t .. ) Ship Notice. Neither the master, owners or con signees of tbe Norwegian bark Rim faxe, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the orew of said bark. *• SiuNangxb, Csptain. OPERA HOUSE. Monday, j-1 October lul WM. A. BRADY’S Magnificent Scenic Production ot the Marvelous Melodrama of Mys ticism, Ihe Story of the Devil on Earth, ths from the* Famous N-ovel of MARIE CORELLI. PRICES: Orchestra, SI.OO Dress Circle, 75c. Balcony, 50c, Gallery, 2oe*. Seats at store. BEST PIES best goods, best treatment— those am the three rules which rule in ihi6 store in all seasons of the year. My aim la to Rive perfect satisfaction. * Inhere is no reason *hy I jjQ^Unot; and if, at any snitli'of hero lhat New ’^lWoiSApples. New Prunes. See Them. THOS. KEANY GROCERIES. Phone IJ, 312 Newcastle Street. CASTORIA Tlie Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been iu use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of— and has been made under his per l2* , sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are lmt Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. ■ ... r r * What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THiem*u fitswNV, n muamt tTflcrr, new you* cmr. Summer ™ ikJi Bargains * A clearance sale to make room for new goods. I Parlor Suit, 5 pieces, worth S4O, now $29. r .efflSK_-,_. 1 Oak Refrigerator, worth S2O, now sls. 1 Oak Bed Room Suite, 3 pieces, worth $25, now $lB Bed Lounges, worth sl6, now sl2. *’ 'MigSiclwfl&aSjlj. Centre Tables 50 cents to $6. Ice Cream Freezers worth $2.50 at $1,98. BEV f A large assortment of Sideboards, Cupboards Prices Below the Market. feplSf e. HcBARVEY. W. trD m DR. MOFFETT'S A Allays Irritation, Aids Digestion, H r —f |V7“TII I hi rk Regulates the Bowels. ■ L L I II I M #M Strengthens the Child, ] I LLInI II b\ Mak ” Teething Easy B*B* i * (TeethingPowders).jLJsL TEETHINA Rdit'/estheHowd . Troubles of Children of Costs only 25 cents at Druggists. any aoe, Or melt ir, reats to C J. MOFFETT. WI.D..ST. LOUIS.f WASHINGTON SEMINARY SSsSs Macor, and Baltimore Woman's College. Primary, M usic, Art, Elocution and Business courses. Small classes. Individual work. Xo< building, ' Horn" life. Pupils enter Vas-ar, Wellesley n < K ndt. lpb-Mecon on certificates. Nextsegsion begins September 6th. For illustrated ra'alngue ddress Mrs. W.T handler. Principal,Liewllyn D. boott, Asoociate Principal OPEN AGAIN, wines, Liquor, Cigars, Etc. now ready for basinere, We will eelgoods 10 per cent lees than original coet 606 Monk Street.