The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 27, 1900, Page 2, Image 2
2 ■1 HI 111 Ml 1 Vntirans of Georgia an! Soon Carolioa to Moot io mi! Hi The Date Gathering is JNoveLber 14th, to Continue for Threfc Days The second ann uat re union ol the Georgia Confederate Veterans will be held at Augusta, GaNovember 14, J 5, 10, 1900, ’ i It It now justf, seven weeks before the reunion of old Confederate veterans of Georgia*) and South Caro lina, This re-unlon should be a mem • fa. I Orable occasion ’Vroyn the fact that many of the old comrades are grow ing ripe In old age and) it may ba the last time they will bijive an oppor tunity of seeing thojeV whom they stood shoulder to shoulder with dur ing the trying days o’ the f/o's, Another fact worthy of intention Is that they will have the opportunity of -meeting the comrades of fold South Carolina, the state In. which secession waß bom. and no doubt tßoruye many South Carolinians whqtw&OV* reside In Georgia, and many GeoYgians who aide In South Carolina, ail of whom will have an opportunity of meeting and mingling with each timber on the banks of the BvanuaiH(iv*r at Aug usta, during this year’s reunion. * Another fact that vsbbu <i lend en •Sr ' ; • \ chantment to this ocoaglr win, that the j/pio of"Atguti> SUI wide for their (mboubded fei, to their guests. And tb y intend ben* ing every effort to make this a long to be remembered occasion for those whom we love, because It may be very many years before many of us will CATARRH Tlie Mother of Consumption. How this Dread Disease May he Prevented ind Cured—The Ureatest of Specialist# Writes on the Subject. . Catarrh is the mother of consumption. My this I do not mean that every case of catarrh da* veiapoe into consumption* hut I do liman that catarrh when un m checked, and when given the ■k proper opportunities for extern jg eion from it® place of beirlmdnir, RfiPqi ***- n which t the nasal i>a**age. mt.i J deeper ana deeper along the J breathing tract, invariably ends UkSm. in Consumption of iheLnng*. Catarrh seldom destroy* any jpf|considerable part of the mucous surface of the upper air pass * awes: it inflame® ami congests ''dBQHBIaMHP them, carnoutr usually a super abuudant and offensive dis charge; got when It. roaches Urn intensely delicate lining of thebalf-Uxo Juntr tubus and little lung cells, theTnrtamatton and Congestion which it causes, doeee these small air paaeagea and, allowing the putriddtsokarged matter to accumolate, causes a rot* ting away of the membrane, resulting In what wo call Consumption of the Lungs. THE TENDENCY OF CATARRH. The tendency of catarrh, when Ithaeonceohtalned • foothold in any portiou of the mucon* membrane which lines every cavity of On body, la to constantly extend in every direction. Catarrh in almost every instance utart® with what is commonly known a* cold In Urn head. This cold la added to by another, because of some extra expos* re or weakening of the system and becomes chronic. Wesnl cater* Is she result. Unless a radiealcure of this condition Us true ted. the disease tauaea rapidly to Uu* throat, to the bronchial tubes, and then to the Jungs. , * NEW LUNGS. Consumption cannot be cured. Now lung® cannot T>e made for a wan any more than new Angers or a new note; but catarrh can be cured In all its stages except this dual and always fatal one. A CERTAIN CURB* t> * In an experience of twenty years, during which time l have treated many thousands of oases of si* form* of catarrh, I have never vet failed to effect a radical and permanent cure. The method I employ la one exclusively my own, and the remedies widen 1 use are prepared under my personal direction la noj earn laboratories. Many people imagine they have (\ >n sumption When In reality the has not quite reached that siege- lam treaUog and eating case® of this sort every day. fro long the process of decay haenot begun lu the lungs toemsclree. lean make the jUIHHi perfectly weU and strong again. BUOIN AT ONCB. ’ Let me once more urge all catarrlud sufferer® to begin treatment at ouce, for a atcrnUi of treatment BOW is better thaa the three months later on. _ 1 shall make for the next moo to a apecis'ly tow foe for the treatment of catarrh not complicated ty *4ber and sasaea. unking no ext a charge tor all mod tclnee, •*>% that msybe required. 4. NEWTON MATHAWAY. M. D, * Dr. Hathaway At Co s Nvarnnh. Ga, 1 ajtyrriuN Tine paper yuixvi^^ have the pleasure og doing their part In making life pleasant for our old comrades. The railroads of Georgia and South Carolina are determined to do their parts manfully and see to it that a very low rate is given to all sections <d the two states that everybody may be present on this festive occasion. The different committees Intend uss fng every effort for the comfort and pleasure of all who will be there on the 14th. ISth, 16th of November. BTORY OF A SLAVE. To ba bound band and foot for years by the cbaioyf diseas* is the worst form of slavery. George X). Williams, of Manchester, Mioh,, tells how such a slave was made free. Es says: “My wife has be&n so helpless for five years that she coaid not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottlea of Electric Bitters, she i* wonderfully improved and abl* to do her own work.” This supreme remedy for fe male diseases quickly cures nervous ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head> aobe, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle-working medi cine Is a godsend to weak, siekly, run down people, Every bottle guaran teed, Only 50 oents. Sold by all drug gists, IS A GORGEOUSLY BOUND Workof art baa just been issued at an outlay of over |IOO,OOO, for wbiob tbe publishers desire a Manager in this county, also a good solicitor; good pay to the right party. Nearly 100 full-page engravings, sumptuous pa per, illuminated oovers and bindings; over 200 golden lilies in tbe Moroooo bindings; nearly 50 golden roses in tbe eloth bindings. Sells at sight; presses running day and night, so great is the saie, Christian men and women making fortunes taking orders. Itspld promotions. One Chrietiau wo man made elef.r S6OO io four weeks, taking orders among ber oburoh ac quaintances nod friends. Write ns. Tt uiaydead to a permanent position *> V to managfe our business and look after our large correspondence, which you can attend to right at your bums. Ad dress J. A. Knight, Secretary, Corco ran building, opposite United States Treasury, Washington; D. C. lunch : * Is one of tbe commonest ot city doesn't sui “a Healthy lunch ot tbe t> .-1 , -Aquo-s lurch - -a: 'hi in “ct* thrown at it, sloppy, Indigestible amiemrhtfgrfoae rood, very often, and the stomach has to do the best H*;m. Nor mally there should be no need for medical as sistance for the stomach. But the average method ot life Is abnormal and while this con tinues there will always be a demand for Dr.f Pieree'a Golden Medical BUeovety. It ig the one medicine which can l e relied on- to euro diseases ol the ptcmsih and other organs of di postion and nutrit: not * cure sib It is a medicine designed and to eure through tho w Uleh have their cause in the of the stomach and digestive and nutritive*,vs tem. It cures * W all else fails. QTJBMTIOSg ANWEKID. Vee, August Flower still has the largest sale.of any medicine in the civ ilized world. Your mothers ami grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for Indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of apendlchis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undl gested food, regulalfttte action of the liver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organlftsysteua, and that is all they took wbttiwding dull and bad with headache and other ache*. You only need a few eases of Green's au gust Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied ligpre ta. nothing serious the matter with you Sample at Butts drugstore or Brown Drug C Should be In every household medo olne chest It afford, certain relief, Stops the Cough if sad works off the Cold. gb*itireßi coo. Quinine Tablets care avoid l ouo day. No Curt, No Pay. Price X cent*. Wt>n jon want a lOenssn* phyaic try the new iycdy, Chamberlain's Stowaeh sad later Tablets. T.ey nre easy t take and pleaaan tta nffsot. Price Jsc. Bangles tree at Bishop'. 4 rog tore. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 27, 1900. The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb Ton ic is nob only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale,Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood, u acts as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by the most delicate. Kidney disease, Rkwacaatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Nerves soon siiceumb to its wonderful effect on tbe human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend tt. Priocsi.V). . QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, ail pain can be relieved by it. Pfwfe 25c and 60b, QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion. Price 100 a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, eciema and eruptions of the skin. Price 10c 4 box. for sale by all druggists. PolßiU’s Drug Store SHIPPING REPORT. Corrected Daily by Capt. Otto Johannes#* Port of Brass iok, Sept. 26,1690. ARDIVKIt. >• ' A Schr. Joseph W. Hawthorn, Barther, Boston, CfiSAHBD. Sobr, Harold B. Cousins, Anderson, Boston. Russ, bark Carl Gustof, Sarline, ar rived at Bermuda, September 23d, leaking. The C, G. sailed from Bruns wiok, September lltb, for Greenecck; cargo 688,000 feet timber and 6,000 feet lumber. Shipped by Meixts. Smith & Wylie, of Darien. AFTER FIFTEEN VEAHS, Cuthert, Ga, B|t*. IT, 1800.—J. R. Richardson, Or., of this place wwb for fifteen rest s troubled with a blood dleeenewhich was tailed dry ec uma. He took a great deal of medicine with no permanent relief and finally ,* advised to try Hood’a Sarsaparilla, He non hs no fsr of tho disease, having been entirely euredhy this medicine. He says It Is the best medicine on earth, The Remedy for Sumach and Bowel Troubles *‘l have been In the drug business for twenty years, and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemei-y for all stomach and bowel troubles,” says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga “Thl? remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family, and I have recoin. mended and sold hundreds of it to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure [cure in a pleas ant form, Ho, family should be without it. I keep it in my house at all times.” For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug store, The Greatest Evidence of the dan ggrs of oholera morbus, diarrhoea and dysentery is the increase in the death rate during tbs summer months. Yon too oareful, and particular atteßbr; should be paid to the diet, A supply of Pain-Killer should always be at hand, for it can he relied on at times as safe, aure and speedy. A te&spoonfn! will cure an ordinary ce. Avoid substitutes. There is but one Pain-JOller, Pirry Daria’, Pr ice 26e, SBOO R-ward. We wit! pay the nbove reward for aey <ut of Liver Complaint, Dy pepsla Sick Ur ulacSe, Indigestion, foiwtipailon or C .tivonre. re cannot core with Xi-evi.-.,*, the Up „-lite Li Or Lit. - PiiU. when the (.iivc'lon* aie strictly eampUed with. They ere i>or- lr vege. table and never fail to give seUsfaoOon. c boxVßc-Blai* too puis, Ca I’oxe* contain 40 pill,, o bets* .at ia it pills Be tare ofsub litotes end loiltallonr. He- tbymxll. Htanii'* takon. MKKVIVA ML OK) AX CO, for. din ton and J ckson Sta , Chicago, UL For sal, bi Biwn Drug Cos. Bran*-..iok.Ua ' AT THE OGLETHORPE. W. C. Dennis, P. A, Allen, P. Mtr tin, F. L. Ingram, Atlanta; M. C. Jqstioe, At G. Field’s Minstrel Cos.; J. M. Barrs, Jacksonville; T. B. Twit ty, Camilla, Ga.; F. L. Dampaier, Naylor, Ga.; A. T. Jones, Pelham, Ga. ; B. W. Bloont, Abbott, Fla.; Max Stern, Savannah; F, B. Hellen, Chi cago; Wm. E. Taylor, New York: E. M. Daniels, Boston; H. J, Leinpant, Atlanta; P. J, A. Morgan, Boston. SCHOOL NOTICE. Mlaees;Gale’s seleot private school will open Oct. 1 at their residence, 708 E street. Thorough instruction it given In primary, intermediate and collegiate departments. This institution of letrningisof seven years’ standing, and the teachers are progressive, em ploying aLI the new and improved methods of instruction. How Bright’s Dieaase Starts. Indigestion, biliousness, blood poisoned with Brea and arte acid (which should have been excreted by the kidneys), rheumatic pain* In nerves and joints, causing irritation of tho kid neys, then pains over tbe small of the b*ck, mark sure approach of Bright's disease. o hot delay in taking Foley’s Kidney Cure, for it makes the kidneys right. Take no substitute. W. J. Butt*.) Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W- Wat Kins. OPERA HOUSE. Monday, jj.i October IUI WM. A. BRADY’S Magnificent Scenfe Production of the Marvelous Melodrama of Mys ticism, the Story ot the Devil on Earth, the til 111 Dramatized from the Famous Kovel of MARIE CORELLI. PRICES: Orchestra, |I.OO Dress Circle, 75c! Balcony, Gallery, ‘ • Seats at Butts’ drug store. BEST PRICES beet g o*l*, b s\ r-aime .t --tbosv er tbi tuiee rules which -ul 1 .hi* -to etn *lt S' sson- of t e ?t>,r •• v aur. ia to siv 1 "* ‘'t,n i,j a . There in . ream? u ( should no j g-id if, i ho y timu. vou v 1 a be-e wh ch is iot -i|Tb , 1 s=k that you tel me fu. ITEMS lOk TODAY: New Evaporattu PeactDS. New limnW Apples. npw Prunes. Pee Tteßi. THOS. XEANF OIiOOEKIES Phone 11, 312 Newcastle Street. n 9 oo Drops! Castobia ■ ■ - hi, -. „■ ■ ■■••: -1. nlw’.a AVegefable Preparationfor As - iheFoodandßeguia tmg the Stomachs andJßowels of INFAN IS /( HIL i)KLN Promotes Digestion.Cheerfuh ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic. * ’ “• flmv&m Sail- , Jlx fm/M . j jjmmStMi e I J A perfect Remedy forConstipa- Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions ness and Loss of Sleep. Fae Simile Signature op NEW YORK Al fa inuiilh> old ] ) Host “v - J -I MS tXACTCOBY OF WRAPgEfL; Su m m er Furi i ife A clearance sale to make room for new goods. -4 I Parlor Suit, 6 pieces, worth S4O, now $29. . -mAh.-. 1 Gsk Refrigerator, worth S2O, now sls. 1 Oak Bed Room Suite, 3 pieces, worth $25, now $lB Bed Lounges, worth sl6, now sl2. Centre Tables 60 cents to $6. Ice Cream Freezers worth $2.50 at $1.98, ft fy A large assortment of Sideboards, Cupboards £■ Prices Belaw the Market. C. McGARfEY. W. a.rr nn DR. MOFFETTS ft Allays Irritation, Aids Digestion, I irr Tlllll m Regulate, the BoweU, 8 EE THIN A sj^ J M (Teething Powders) xJL TEF-THIN A Relieves (he Bowd \ c T , or . , ’ Troubles of Children of %4 M&fa? t° s{s only 25 ceats at Dragpsts, any age. f|j§g*&!jygiOrauaSf.evautoc. J. MOFFETT, M.D..BT. LOUIS. F.” ' WASHINGTON SEMINARY SSSS M con and BxMtmtr Woman’s College Primtry, Academic, Music, Art, Et curinr and Busines* oonrses. Small classes. Individual work. Neg huHd'ng. Horn- lf. Popils enter Vassar, Wellesley and Rsndolpb-Maeou < cerfiliea'*-*. Next session begins September 6th. For illustrated catalogue ddrs, Mr*. W.T handler, Prinoipal.Llewllyn D. Scott, Associate Principal OPEN AGAIN. ST n wines, Liquor, Cigar,s, Etc. now ready for business, We will goods 10 per cent less tiun original cost. f 606 Monk Street, rh CASTOHIA 1 For p f apts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought I Bears the I t ’ \hf Use For Over I Thirty Years IJIASTORIA