The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 27, 1900, Page 5, Image 5
STORE TO CLOSE . SISDAYS * AND OPEN UP IN JACKSONVILLE, FLA. And in order to save expense of moving our goods, we hereby offer V OUR ENTIRE STOCK % -; r> * * • • FOR SALE—^ AT COSTI > Not Including Freight. COST MARK 1 J 2 00 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 nARIB O N B D L Sale Begins Today. CHEAP KATES AGAIN. For tbe benefit of those citizen* of Brunswick wbo desire to spend Sun day with their friends in Savannah, tbe Southern railway will restore tbe cheap excursion rates to Savannah and return on the two remaining Sun days in this month. Tickets wili be sold on Sunday morning, September 23rd and 30th, to Savannah snd re turn, at rate of SI.OO for tbe round trip Tickets limited to date of sale. A good many consumptives would be cured and the worst cases comforted snd relieved by using Foley’s Honey and Tar. Suggest It to those afflicted. You ehould do thu.aa a friend Butt*. No Relief for Twenty Yeare. “I It-d bronchitis for twenty years," said Mrs Minerva Smith of Danville, 111., “and at times have besnbed.’ast. Inevergoj relief until had taken Fo’ey'* Honey and Tar. It is pleas ant and gives quick relief, and is a sure cure for throat and lung diseases." Take nothing lse. W. S. Butts. When in need, call on J. W. Watkins. He loans mo ney on personal property. Tne ttioit dainty and effective pills made are PeWitt s Little Early Riser*. They are une qnaied for all liver and bowei trouble-. Nevtfl gripe. W. J. Butts. For Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU*. J. W Watkins wuWoan you money on oersonal prop* Tiity and real estate. OAST' i r. *. ( Esariths ! jL. ' PdliviiO’iS ' • flitted i :11 i r have rhu mi *• jin n> '■> U to use only tt e * M wherryo u-1 foi DWHt*V<*h Us* l *v ci They are c im teuciin "*> U I the only original Witch Hite! Stive It m mJc | and core for j*iw gmi n)i cl;c 'l. cafc PUBLIC SCHOOL, OPENING. The public reboots of Brunswick will open for tbo next session oa Mon* day, October Ist. Each day of the week beginning Monday, Sept. 34ib, and ending Saturday, September 29tb, from 9to 1 o'clock, I will be found at the Mansfield street fchool to enroll now pupils. Let all prospective pupils come during that time. The teachers will meet mo Friday, Sept. 28th, fct 9 a. of which this is thoir sufficient notice. G. J. OxiH, Superintendent City Schools. 11 your food dees net digest well, a few doses of Prickly Ah Bitters will sut matters right. It sweetens the breath, strengthens tbe stomach and digestion, creates appetite and cheer fulness, W. J. Butts, K Is-ere Ga., June 18, 1809.—Dr. \X. If.’Mc- I.ean's Hrrengtening Cordial ami Blood Purifier Is the bes: medicine of its kind male. I have need it aud know it to be good. C. P. McDan iel. For sale by W. J. Butts, the druggist. Ki na Ki-na, the Tasteless Quinine Tonic, cqrcs chills and fever— 36c a bottle. PREPARE FOR THE COOL WAVE. O- out yoor hesvy clothing, and have them ptft in order by dim Car ’it. There's no use buying new cloth, ’u g wteriihe old suit can bemade n-w for pr.otically nothing. Be sure 'o Aid J,m Carte. If you want semething niee in , Voe's, Have you a acme of f-il‘nesfn the region of you si,.much aft resting? If so you will i>e .ai.eftteti bj' t.-ing chamber,sin’s Stofeaeli and i.i TANARUS, biets. They also core Iwlcblng und ..w t. s, i>. Tb -v xculute tb bowels too. P: co2sc H .and v lil‘bo| ’s lirugßloie. TO C’'&E A COLD IN ONE DAY o Qtimiu* Tal is, u, drill u It refund the money if it fails to cure 1 • tv. .rove’s si ana urels on each lx, x. 26c, Feu irslciddcr Troubles v -C- STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. THE BRUNSWICK TIMEB-CALL SEPTEMBER 27. 1900 CHEAP RATES PLANT SYSTEM ... --o r - , f • . Account or. the annua! meeting of National Association of Spanish- War Veterns at Chcttanooga, Terin., Oct. 0 to 11-, the Plant,System will sell tickets front Brunswick to Chattanooga and return atone fare Tor round trip. Tickets’oa sale Oct, 8 and 9, final limit Oct. 13. Account of the • Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders’ Aesociitloh, Lexing ton, Ky., Oct, ‘i to 3, the Plant System will sell tickets from Bntrrtftjck to Lexihgton and return at onfi'-ftro- for ihe round trip. on sale Sept, 30 to Oct. lj Ilinited until Oct, 15, RHEUMATISM-CATARRH, ARE BLOOD DISEASES— CURE FREE. It ii the deep-seated obstinate cases of Catarrh or Rheumatism that B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) cures. If dootore, sprays, liniments, medicated air, blood purifiers, baved failed, B. B. B. drains out the speoific poison in the blood that causes Rheumatism or Catarrh, making a perfect cure. If 1 you have pains oraobssln bones, joints or back, swollen glands,tainted breath, noise in tha head, discharges of mu cous, ulceration of the membranes, i blood thin, get easily tired, a treat ment with B. B. B. will stop every symptom by making the blood pure and rich. Druggists sl. Trial treat-' ment free by addressing BLOOD BALM t'O., Atlanta, Ga, Describe trouble, and free medical advies given. SOUTHERN CHEAP RATES—BA VANNAH, GA. Sunday morning, September 23rd and 30'h. One dollar for the round trip. Tickets l'mited to date of sale. Train leaves a! 6:40 a. m. STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the ttovr derlor, njalre aj kiDde or cork stover ano rarges, tuy and sells second band stoves, 414 Lay street. Br- Prints now 4c yard tic Prints now 44c 7c Prints now 54c Briliiantine worth 65c now 41c Poplin worth 85c now 55c Henrietta worth JI.OO now 80c Blue Briliiantine worth 75c now 55 Camel’s Hair worth 65c now 42c CamePs Hair worth 25c now 124 c ‘Dress Flannel worth 25c now 16c Drqss Flannel worth 35c now 21c Blue and brown Henrietta 15c nfow 94c Henrietta ass’t colors worth 25c now 17c oerge Dress Goods worth 65c now 42c Imp tjd Dress Pattern worth $1 now 65c Imp td dress.pattern worth $ 1.25 now 83c SILKS Taffeta Silk-worth- 950 now 024 c China Silk wprth 50c now 38c Biff’lht Silks too numerous to mention. Liberty Satin former price 00c now 42e Dress Silks former price $1.25 now 83c Black Satin former price 85c now 65c Black Satin Duchess former price $1.25 " now 72c Silk Velvets, all colors, former price. sf-00 now 72c Syk Mqrcoriibiriln colors former price 10c mjw 2.'i>ic LiVflgs’ Cedars, former price iOe now 7c HaffwaLChiffs, forme* price 15c now 114' SKirt'ESefime, former price 19c now' 134 CrektoiTj fhtftnci' now 7c Table iaSmen, foratei* price 50c now 300 Allppcr Lace, Wfttmr price 90c now 00c - HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND 2 BICYCLES FOR SALE. * - * xfc ** aaaasxssasa3ssxaamgs ** xa We Will Also Rent our Store to a Good Tenant ■ • '- I **; ‘ T. '' % 3%'- . * * **' ' X: OUR STORE FIXTURES FOR SftLE, Sftow CASES, MIRROR, DESK, IRON SAFE. CASH CARRIER, Etc ’ No Goods Taken Back Or Stamps Given During This Sale. YOURS TRULY, R. L. HARRISON & 00. Merchants Will do SH% Call and Buy This Stock. SCHOOL NOTICE. The ninth term of Miss Josie Smith’s school will open Monday, October Ist, will be taught by Miss Elizabeth Nightengale until the former's return from the north. Wanted. Artesiau wells to drive at $260 each Rite end capaci'y guaranteed will also guarantee to complete wells in J 5 days, Call on or address A. H. Baker, 205 Gloucester afreet. * -V ' v r .. ;r - • • • Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, IriTßks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, flaking. Cheap Rates Via'Southern Railway. LOUiSVJIiLK, KY.,—Annual convention col orod Oddfellows. One fare for round trip. Tickets ou ie,Sept. 29-30, and Oct. 1, final limit Oct. 9, ASHEVILLE, N. C,—Annual meeting *Md vallep Medical Aasocifttion. One fare for round trip. Tickets on Hale Oct, 0-9. final limit Oct. 15. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Account of Nation Con vention of the Christian chnrch. tickets*lll be wold to Kansas City, Oct. *-io, with final limit Oct. 2!l, at rate Of one fare for the round trip, plus ft. CHATTANOOGA. TENN.-Chicamanga and Chattanooga National Park Comraiasion, Annual reunion of tl Society of the Army of M.e Cumbrian . Confederate Veagiaiui South: annual meeting National Assoc,tj&t*ton Spaninh Wa” Veteran** One faro fdr-tne round trip. Tickets on sale Octobcn 8 and 9, with final limit October 13,1000. LK.X2NGTON, KY.—Kentucky Horn* Breeders’ AsH.iciatlon. One tare for tbe round trip Tickets on sale September 30, with final limit October io, 1900, - ATLANTA. G A .—Southern Interstate Fair for individuals, one fare tor the round trip plus 60 cents admission to tbe fair ground*. For iJitary companies ami bras** bands in - uniform, twenty or more on on© ticket, ' coft per pale iti each direction per cap| s Oj J CHAKLEBTON, . 0.-Atmn:il r XiO-iguo of American MunHipa!itfeYF.iij4 fare for tbe round * ri* v>lun Tfckowi imi f-tie I in ( m>KM- 9 ana IJ, wIUj final JUni; I)e --comlrer 24, XjOOO. AM GA,—Grand I.f-djrd A. and IfflHona on * AuxHi'iry. One ntd one-tliird la ta tor the ion; and trip Tickets 6© aje • *plon ber S* to octolxu 2, with flnkl limit October 7, J . vK). LUMB&T; CITY ' a—C * ored Campmcetlug. On* and ore-tlilri f j f*r the rounl trip. Tickets on a.its S|> oinoer 27 aud 30, with final limit October 1 UDO, 500 Bolts of Ribbons All Colors and Widths Going AT COST. All kinds Belt Ruokle and Ribbon Pins One $45.00 Music Box for $27.50 One $25.00 Music for sl4 00 A lot os Ladies’ Wraps and Jackets White Table Linen worth 35c now' 21c White Table Linen worth 50c now 39c White Table Linen worth 75c now 65c White Table Linen worth 95e now 66c Wnite Table Dincn worth $1 now 824 c Jeans worth 20c now 114 Cottonade worth 15c now 9c White Pique worth 10c now 74c White. Pique worth 124 c now 94c White Flannel worth 40c now 27 l-2e White Flannel worth 25c now 10 l-2e White Flannel worth 35c n0w.14 l-2c Corsets worth 50c now 37 i-2 Cprsetg worth 75c now 59c Cornets worth SI.OO now 75pK. r,_ _ Ciimta-rts..from TOc; to $1.50 each Blankets frbnr4oe hpwards White Linen worth 30c now 33c A lot of white Lawns, Swiss, Organdies Mouslin deSoirc . Towels, Damask, Scrirt? others too nu merous to mention Boys Pants 25c now 19c PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT ' - V • • ; RifAD DOWN - STkad upT7~~T7— : No. 87 No 89. f lEDO 1 Rul© NO. 88, j,3ro ''Paueager. ’ Hsiwh NO. 35 1 ;I’3senger | Mixed j'.'.'..'.;; :S : : : DallT - -jfeU Daily ' oMir - I 16am.... 500 0'.“.! lv Brnoswlck ir 'll DOpm.... W1j, n .... S 2? pm "' ? r Waycroe. lv lusol’m.... fijaa... .'T"''.'"; ”. '"la ii J? '? ~m’ " lT Wajcroee ai 7 46pm... ilfflum.... " igMpm... I*4 am... ar Tifton lv ! 616 pm.... 216 am.... ...r....,..-jll 40,pm... 200 am.. lv llftlon ar 6 10 pm. 20at0... 2 10pm... 4 00am... ar AlLftny lv ;i,4S|iui.... 1201 am... VIA WAYCROSS & MONTGOMERY. * " Mnoigomery lv 11 26 am.. 7 46 pm. 0 60am .... 710 pm... nx Naanville lv !221 u m uno am 7lbi,ro -; 7 **“•••' bulcui. huu.. sssl.s::::::::::::: via Savannah and charleston. •’ J lo? 2" 1.1 V9 pm I r .- v Brunawiek Ar| 1! 80 pm fo iTVU 7 i S’*”” i Ar Bavxnn. h Lv 6 00pm 8 15am Ar Charleston I.v 1116 pm ■*£■■■ 5 SJJ™” pm.. Ar Richmond l.v 16 pin BOSam “**• S2om H pm.. Ar AV ashlugton I.v 8 07pm 430 am ,?e *“ i 10.1 am Ar Ita .'i .ore Lv 1411 pm 266 am *? *“■ f J am ,Ar Phlludelpbia Lv II 83 am 12 20 am 1 :.. .; 1 [ Ar New York Lv 365 am 926 pm C'i'ar l ieston on "nd t id’l with throuxn Pullman Sleeping Carr for Savannah ODd aU pointaWest, .Mortvomery, liirmlnpha ■„ NaahvUle, Bt. Loul. Heeling s DetweeMh?.t tw^ a , ifif ' going, &sVort Tampa 11 00 pm Mon. i At* Key W t 8 O') pm ihiew. Fri.jinii !, Key West 000 pm Tufes Frf Sunday _ Kir Havana 5 00 am wOd. Sat Mon ' • W.HA l GNHAM, savannah, Ga BU Y THE GENUINE " SYWP OF FIGS ... JttANUFAOTUEKD 81... CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. or hot* tut gAim. Boys Pants 50c now 3~4c Boys Suits from Gsc and upwards Ladies, Children and Gents of all de scription Oil cloth worth 25c now 19c Gents Shoes worth 1 35 now 95c Gents Shoes worth 8.00 now 1 80 Gent’s Shoes worth 3.00 now 2.25 Boys Shoes worth 1.00 now 1,10 Gent’s Clothing worth 5.00 now 2.50 “ “ “ 7.00 now 400 “ . “ “ 990 n0w'6.60 ‘ “ “ 1150 now 750 “ “ “ 950 now 6.00 “ “ “ 12 00 now 8.00 “ “ “ 11.00 now 725 “ “ “ 10.50 now 725 “. s “ “ 14 60 now 10 00 “ “ “ 13.50n0w 8.90 And many other Suits too numerous to mention 500 Gents Pants A lot of Gents and Boys Hats and Caps A lot of Gents Underwear of all kinds Collars, Half Hose Jewelry, etc Gents 25c Neckwear now 19c Gents 60c Neckwear now 38c 124 c Sea Island Percale now' 10c 10c Sea Island Percale now T 74c SI.OO Ladies Shoes and Slippers now 75c $1,85 ladies Shoes and Slippers now 95c $1.50 ladies Shoes and Slippers now $1 A. lot of Children and Misses Shoes space not sufficient to name prices. “SKSS Ladies, Children and Gents Rubbers | KKTIJRNINO I Lv riavf.n, 2 80pm A.'on. 'A -d. and Hat lAr Key Weal vno pm Men 'Vod. aid Hat daMftVest 10 nj p m Mon. Wed. ..mi Hat Ar Fort Tampa 2 30 am Tuts. Thui, and Hun . GEO. TV. OOATES. Blvl*- ion J’ftna, Agent. Brunswick, oa. ■Nxiiiid haud household furniture bought anu sold; ifso piano."-, organs, trunks, carpets, etc. J. W. Watkins'. 5 B W WPKVN X’ass. Trafhe Mr BavanuaU Ua