The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 27, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 §o©ietcj. Mis* Punch* Frant Nightengale hae returned from a pleasant summer at Blowing Rock and will open her school on Monday, Oct. 1. Mr*. Pil ieturns next month from a summer at Asbury Bark. Mr*. J. H. Haley returned last night from a vUit to Chattanooga and the mountains. Miss Daisy Mclntoah Is spending some time with Mrs. G. W. Blanton. The mußic in the Catholic church next Sunday will be conducted by Miss Helen O’Conor, organist, and the fol lowing singers will take pari; Meters. Charles Fleming, Kobert Sherman, Laws rencc von Weller, T. C. Wilson; Misses Helen O'Conor, Nellie Colesberry, An nie O’Conor and Prof. Deal. Mrs. J. S. Raymond will return next week from Nova Scotia, accompanied by her son, Master Donovan. Miss Betly Nightengale will have charge of M isa Josie Smith’s school dur ing Miss Smithy’s absence at the north for two months. A meeting of the building committee Of the library association, Mrs, L. C. Bodet, chairman, was held on Tqpsday afternoon at the library rooms on Rich mond street. Each member of the com mittee mado encouraging statements of the progress of the work towards secur ing anew library building, and plans are on foot tdralse the funds. A bazaar will be bold in November for tills purpose, and it is anticipated that it will boa glgantio financial sucoess. The ladies of the association are devot ing much time and attention to the af fair, and evory effort Will be made to have it unusually ua: ; ,uc gd attractive. Miss Bessie An<t<*£ Jtettftawlck, la visiting Adams on Carving ave UUe, HugueWff Tele* graph, "l bad a running sore on my leg tor seven years” writes Mrs. James Forest of Cheppews Falls, Won,“and spent jiundreds of dollars in trying to get U healed. Two boxes of Banner Salvo entirely cored it,” W. J. Butts. FINE FURNITURT>||| Pages of talk on our furniture stock would give but half an idea of m "ft IfJ the beauty and economy found here* Visit the Store and let the goods do their own talking and the prices their own saying? More thin. an entire* train load of suits and odd pieces been placed on these doors since last you were he|e, See about it tides so low as at the pat-, terns been so beautiful, the qulJy so excellenpor.' the price so attract**^.. Each new season fiuds this department in better condition to fill your wants. The principal foreign carpet and rug centres have representation We are quoting Lower RjJLpes Than Elver. H. MT HILLER & SON. TO MEET TOMORROW County Democratic Executive Committee to Convene. A Full Attendance is De sired, as They Want to Prepare for the Election Next Month. # —- The meeting of the cocnty democratic executive committee, which met some time ago, adjourned to meet on Friday, Sept. 28; therefore the committee will convene at the court bouse tomorrow at 12 o'clock. A full attendance of the committee should be had, as orgmizatlon muct be effected and other important matters looked after. The following c mpose the commit tee: 20th District-E, A. Warn, J, F, Lassero, F. K. Twltty, J, C. Cal houn, Burney, J. E, dußignoo, H. B. McCrary, It. H. Everett, J. T. Dent, A. L. Fraukiin. ' 25th District—Heyward Dudley, W. C. Taylor. 27tli Distrlol-G. W. Ratcliffe, Jos. Williamson. 1499th District—Joseph Howe, J. A. Ward. 1350th District-W. H. Crofton. IT SAVED HIS LEG. I‘. A. Danfortb, of LaGrange, G*., suffered intensely tor six months with a frightful sore on his leg, but writes that BuWfeyk Arnica Salve wholly cured It liJAu. For Ul cers, Wounds, BujHljHiU, Pain or Pile-, ii>g the the world. Cure guaranteed.' Only 25otg. Sold by 111 druggists, 4 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought eSnaTJcof „ Beyond, l iand household and sold; also p3tiiflC organs, trunks, mirrorsTcSrpets, etc. J. W; Watkins'. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. SEPTEMBER 27, 1900. Bon win sue [n? Just buddi'Jg into womanhood, ao fresh so fair and fine that we turn to watch her as she passes, she trips al n g the street a picture of health aril beaulr. Among the passing crowd of w-tm and she looks a being ever lie like them? Kl-icT- Could they once lemm -la* Pat’ •J* have been as fair as she? No BiWW|r: can last under the Hrag".-*' ".p strain and drain Vy -I of female weak ■K£ ’■] 'fl \ 5 W t.ess, from which K’ i3| the majority of women suffer in a (Tenter o: less dc al 1,1 ► cfr * Br-t: s rnMS ffjf s •*wM cess of face aid /• y 't, 11 form if they would HI tig - V ifcpue the disastrous f S ” V,*B diseases which ■Jj V , ,tl>' i.-C;--'. ~ tion and ulcera -0 cures benr ’ lug - down' pains, —’strengthens the nervous system, and restores the gen eral health. It contains no opium, co caine or other narcotic. ' “ J . I’"' 1 '■ **.. Mffer from female wakacsfc,f|WMis Sk. ft Wanner, M Muen ler £ook Cos., o*B* / trkt! ftmrd<x!.s and mt any I *?yr*n, feit atlssUl Ipmi'l relief YMbllowed you*'advice, ao4 took bottles of Dr. there?* FSvferite Prescription and four of hi- Golden Medical Discovery.’ l now feel Ufc e a um j have ga.ned ctglitecii pound*- Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pei lets cum bil iousness. A GOOD CONTRACT, Col. Goodyear Is to Work on Fernan- dina Bar. The many Brunswick friends of Co’. C. P„ Goodyetr will be glad to learn that the government has awarded him the contract for deepening the Fernan dlna bar, and work will begin at an early date. Col. Goodyear will employ a number of the force he worked here. • Cured #f Ohronie Diarrhoea After 30 Years of Buffering. “If suffered for thirty years With diarrhoea and thought I woa past idling cured,” says John S. Halloway, of French Camp, Miss. “1 had span . much time and money and suffered so much that I bad given up alljiope# of recov ery, I was so feeble irum the effects of the diar rhoea that I eonhl do no hind of Lahore mid not even travel, but by accident 1 was pur nltted t And a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, .i holesa and Irtarrhce* Remedy, and after taking oral bottles 1 am entirely cAred of that trifiT ble, Xam so pleased with the remit that I am anxious that it be In reach of all who auffer as f hate.” "For sale tiy Bishop’* drug jitore. The xight man to have clean your clothes is Jim Carter. Our Qrcfttest Special in For 30 years Dr. J. Newton Hath away has so successfully treated chronic diseases that he is acknowledged today to stand at the bead of his profession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele ana Stricture without the aid of knife or cantery ourewin 90 per cent, of ali cases. In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases ueyui iar to women, he is equally itrctpSHp' Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more 'iKn double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case. He makes uo charge for consultation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga A Minister's Good Work, “l had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhwt Item oily, took two doses and was en • Urely cured," says Itev. A. A. Power, ot Empo- ItjfyJ&au “Jly neighbor across the street was eiofcfir over a week, had two or three bottles o medicine from the doctor. He used them tor three or four days without relief, then called la another doctor who treated him tor some days and give him norellet, so discharged him. I went over to see him the next morning, He said bis bowels were In a terrible fix. that they had keen running off so long that It wiistlmost: It, jjWfiux. I asked him It he had tried Cham- Bperfnn’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, find he said, 'No.' I went homo and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty mtn- I tites it he did not find relief, but be took no more, and was entirely cured. I think it the i best medicine T have ever tried.” For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug store. PREDICTED GALVESTON STORM Ladies' Birthday Almanac Printed Progm stlcstion of Great GulfCy oione Mouths Ago. Cbntanoogi, Seyt. 26.-r The Galves ton cyclone which startled the world with horror September 91b, was pre dicted nearly eighteen months .ago by Prof. Andrew Jackson DeVoe, the meteorologist who prepares the weath er fcrecsa'.s used by the Chaltaneoga Medicine Company in its Ladies' Birth day Almanacs and Cardul Weather Chart and Calendar. Over 15,000,000 of these almanacs and 1,000,000 of the calendars are is sued each year and every copy printed for 1900 showed this prediction. Prof. DeVoe has been making these weather forecasts for years and has made some truly wonderful prognostications in the past. He foretold the coming of the St. Louis cyclone four years sgo with the same accuracy as the recent cyclone at Galveston when be gave the lcoa- Uon and day. In hts forecasts for the month of September, 1900, Prof. DeVoe says; - “On the O.h a great cyclone will form over the Gulf of Mexico and move up the Atlantic Coast. At this season cyclones are likely to form over the Atlantic ocean and travel westward, causing very heavy ’ rains In tbajGukf states,” The Chattanooga Medicine Company states that the Ladles’ Birthday Al manac for 1901 will be In the bands of the druggists for free distribution in October, Tiisprogrewlvsnatiowrnr-tfc* world arsibe groat (ood consuming nation*. .’iooS, food well digested g vov strength. If you tcaimot digest *ll you eat, yon noed fiodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digest* wbityou eat. You noodpiot.aiel your eelt It contains sit of the digestHutsJromliiiied with tbWbhStXaiowa tonic* and; reconstructive* it will even Jage-t, all cleo<of fo-Kls ie a bot tle. wlHtdothlK. it iu etantly relieves and euro* *ll stomoch Ireublea W J Butt* . Jim Carter is Brunswick’s best clothes cleaner. -pj*. ‘ f~' _ "**■ l.iirgr stru sp.'t*, aaironomcr * say, cuumhl the extreme heat this suiamor, and doctor! d-wlara nearly all the prostration* were induced by dt*. ordereof tho atomaeh. Good health pillows goodfftgesiion. Sodot Byspepaia (lays digests wiiat you o*.. If job have Indlgoslissst-or dys pepsia it win drkly tslievh and p-nw*,eiu!y cure you. W. J. BuiV. : — : • Now is the tfm to have the old isst winter’s in good order. See Jim Carter. ■ , , . ■ ~ *- ■** MITCHELL St THOMAS. Livery, boarding and *aie stables. Finest turnouts in the city. Tel. 97. Newcastle Bt. oa¥#oria. Beam the Kind Yen Hsw smjs Boagfit For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: Goldthwaito * Sou, Troy, Aiiu, wioto: Tooth luV speedy cure ot old eorea and eruptions upou the akin have boon remarkable. NOTICE. The great ravivaltat, Rev, T. Car ton it here, and will preach at Sr. 1 aui a A. M. E. church Thursday nigh*, Friday night, and tux! Sabbath. Public is invited. P. F. Curry, B. D., P. C. , ALWAYS keep on hand There Is no kind of pain or ache, Internal or exter. nal, that Pain-Killer : will not relieve. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB. STITUTES. The GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS A SON. Beverage WF fJ is truly gratifying —and what a thirsty old I world indeed this would be without wafer! ■ ® u ‘ yin quenching thirst we can also inv* part nourishment, then have we acted wisely jS/l I and unproved upon nature's suggestion. H| AB C { wmmm (Bohemia n WJIIfi j iJi ’’King of all Bottled Beor.” fjlfjvAX not only slakes the thirst but yields that Wmi'i -4fe jBrlH invigorating nourishn.ent so often ded mW M ' <; ? tyjHaMaM manded by the human system. R|jr |? For Sale Rt Brrmswlck Wine & LiQnor Cos Doctors find ><• V \ \ *\ . x A Good - . • •* V ■■■ ■/ -fTVS. d?T-\r V' v-\ Prescription^ for ."4y ' * , > x 4 r- m ' T* W It. mm, *t Drwggtrt*, Onan, IntaitraMa' fclocw*, JftnStmit, General Sto-et **4 tier ben Wnp*. They luiih pef* Induce sleep, *d poaleng Bfc give* rtSd! We ui(lrr what 1 * the metier, mat wit . *• tT food. T* nmple. ud cm. SmM) Metf. - u ■MhaMkadu **r addran m mWdidmL - >T** Bls—eCl in* nl Cm, m|Spn** St Kwr.TwbVßt Coney& Parker DEALERS IN Coal and “Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Piaster, Hair, Shingles”and Laths. Plum 18- 525 Bay St. A WISE PROVISION —Never be without some of our Wines and Whisky in Hue house. It is the best for health and hospitality. The doctor prescribes it and friends approve it. Pure, rich, mellow. V- DOUGLAS, _ 206 Bay Street. IKE Glutei fk ~W~ Use any ot my brands of WINES .VXD *. LIQUORS and nature will be greatly ' t, a assisted :n the work of n-cnpe ration. •; i\ A Sly goods are of excellent totality, and BMh : '*Sf M ' -& have been bottled aud matured under lM&&reuly " our ifuncdiate supervision, Each 1 Jig brand basbeen selected because of sotne !£&£?*"■ ' i special merit. Find out-whlch suits. jjgx|Jjlß!B|. rsivES TaeviT.) I BSjUjS , .. T. NEWMAN, L v'