The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 27, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Ac/ffle&rant/y andJhompt/y.
Cleanses the System
Gently and Effectually
when bilious or costive.
/resents in the most acceptable/am
the laxative principles of plants
Known to act most beneficially.
for safe by &rvpsisrs - price SOt per bortffj, _
Civil and criminal caec-s attended to
business strictly confidential. En
quire* conducted with secrecy.
L*. a. LEAVY
L. J. Leavy 6c Cos
Auctioneers, Commission
_ and Genet
? al Collecting Agentis
Solicited and
Prompt Retarneitendered.
Special Attention Paid to
Collection of Rents
-*—* lcylcs
Belling, Henting, Repairing,
Messenger Service
We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawiord,
Eagle, Elk, Dixie.
Best of Wheels for the
Least Money-
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itartlficially digests the food and aids
Mature in strengthening and recon
structing tlie exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache,Gastraigla,Cramps,and
all otherresultsof iinperi’ectdlgestion.
Precared by E. C. UeWttt ft Cos., Cr. icajo.
\y J. Butt*, the; Druggist,
New milled rice meal, best
milk producer and feed flff
stock on the market.
Ben Borchardt & Cos.,
Wholesale Grocers and Pro
duce Dealers^_^ggjpii
1 Allan'<Toot-Eae, a'powder. It cure* palnfnl,
mkrtirf lervousfeet nd|logruwlng nails-and
iMtant.y cakea the atingontof corns and bun
ion*. t's be greatest comfyrt d> reoyery of the
ago. Allen > Foot-Faso make* tirtt or new
(boo* fee' *sp. II Is a certain cnrew.r sweat
ier. eaUsua i.nd hot, tired,acting feet. Try it
today. Sold by all druggtats and shoe atoies.
By mall for J6e in package Free.
Address AIM S.OlmuteJPU Boy, N. TANARUS.,
m rker 7 s 1
H/ftf BALAAM 1
Cit y*** w<- i limuur.e* th Unit.)
to 9' AJ '
H*)r to 11* OOlcr. |
lhfMMWMdwiff and i iii <#dKaf%j
A Days Doings as Gathered by Tlie
Times-Gall Reporters
City conncil will meet tonight.
Mr. Harry Miller is in Macon.
Mr. P. A. Allen, of Atlanta, was in
the city yesterday,
Mr. M. Verdery, who has bees quite
ill lg much better.
Mr. Isidore Greenwood is spending
some time in Macon.
Chief Green w. s busy yesterday fix
ing the fire a arm boxes.
Many new pupils wcie enrolled at the
schools again yesterday.
A large number of vessels are ex
pected in port next week.
Mr. Max Stem, of Savannah, is reg
istered at the Oglethorpe.
Mr. Mason Scarlett spent yesterday
in the city from Fancy Bluff.
Tho Riflemen held an interesting
meeting in their armory last night.
Quite a number of Brnnswickians
are attending the fair in _ Macon this
f Mr. of Pelham, Ga ,
was among the vhiters to the city yes
Mr. J. T. Colson will return this
morning from a short buslnees trip to
A large excursion left for Jackson
ville yesterday morning over the Plant
Mr. h. Ludwig, the produce merchant
will retrove to the Bussell building
next to the court hou-e.on Oct. 1.
Mr. W. C. Justice, representing A1
G. Field'* minstrels, wa in the city
yesterday, advertising this popular
minstrel show.
hundred negroes will today at
tend the preliminary trial of Sol Wing
field. who Is charged with the murder,
of Phinnis Hart,
Was the result of hia splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous en
ergy are not found where Stomach,
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are ont of
order, if you want these qualities and
the success they bring, use Dr. King’s
New Liver Pills. They develop every
power of brain and body, Only 25cts ,
at all drug stores.
A cheap remedy for coughs sne
colds ie *Ji rlgb f , but you want some
thing that wid believe and cure the
n OBt severe and clangorous res tilts n
throat;and lung trouble, Wba> ehe
do? Oo to a warmer and more reguia
climate? Tee, If possible ; ll noi po
Bible for you: then in either case tak
tbe only remedy that has been intro
iuced In all clvillved countries with
success in sore throat and lung troubles
Boecbee’s German Syrup. It not oniy
stimulates .he tlaraes to destroy the
germ allays lnflamatlon
k ■& causes expectoration, gives a good
night's rest and cures tbe patient
Try one qot’Je Recommend'd
years by all druggist# in the world
Sample bottles at W. J Btii' a. and
Brown Dtuuf Cos
Tou can spell it cough, eoff, caogb, kanf.ksfr.
kongb or kanab, bat tbe only barmlea* remedy
that (.nlokly cores H is One Minute Congh Caro
W J But;#,
DeWut’a Little Early Kisers arc prompt.pal
alable, pleasant, powoifal, purifying little pills
'A' J. Butts
Mr. James Riley died at hie home in
Temple, Tex., on last Tuesday . Mr,
Riley was a brother-in-law of Mr. H.
A. of Brunswick,
and has visited him in thisoity where
he mads many friends, who will re
gret to hear of his death.
Timely information given Mrs.
George Long, of New Straitsville,
Ohio, prevented a dreadful tragedy
and saved two lives. N A frightful
cough had long kept her awake every
night, She had tried many remedies
and dootors but steadily grew worse
until urged to try Dr. King’s New
Disoovery. One bottle wholly cured,
and she writes this marvellous medi
cine slbo cured Mr. Long of a severe
attaek of pneumonia. Suoh cures are
positive proof of the matohless merit
of this grand remedy for curing all
throat, chest and lung troubles. Only
800. snd SI.OO. Every bottle guar
anteed. Trial bottle free, at ali drug
The Timss-Caj.l, job office is now
working night and day. The people
seem to have found out that this office
does the beat work, and at the lowest
figures. Try us on your next job.
September is Malaria’s
Own Month.
Malaria Is bad enough; ’ jits children arc
worse; - ■ t - v j
Fevers Cured l’j ■ ~~j j
jos chill m mu m
“Soldiers nomprchon<i tho hoiTom ol a Fever
Stricken Camp milw, away from, the base of
supplies. In such places Job uson’s Chill and
Fovor Tonic eame fn. Yon lioodrd no Quimue
or Calomel; use Johnson's Touto, ami you
wOuld^puU through,"—Cp as, F. Roden, Everett
Sole Manufacturer, Savannah, Oa.
Real Estate for Sale.
We have lot nutpber 17C on A street
nine lots on Wolf StroJt, for sale cheap
B. H. Daniils & Cos.
BlONewtafatt bt.
Country Product
—Vegetables etc.
Also Con^ctionerv.
The following valuable building lots,
charmingly situated in the resident
portion of the city, srs for sale on easy,
135x180, on Union street, running
baok to Reynolds street. This piece
of property can be divided into sir
lots, 45x90 each, thiee fronting o>
Union rind three on Reynolds streets,
and i# si'But.ed Immfd’atsly north of
the reid> nee of Mr. G'subr. Lot on
tbe east side of Union i're , opposite
the residence of Mr, ,!i.b H. McCul
lough, 90x180 f et, can be hiv'd and into
four,lots 46x90; two fronuiig on Uni'in
and two on E lie streets. Lots 180x180
feet, corr.eMug on AlbaD), Albemarle
and Amherst street*, oau be divided
into eight ota, 45x90 fret etch. Also
''"soi Gh aces sr r‘r 't, b twren Al
bany and Amli rst air. i u-d >ots on
Albcy. be’weeh OloUOPlder shii f
streets; on Ambcrst street, be
tween Oloncester aud F streets. To
anyone wishing dei.-able building
lots, jiiln r for tLeii o*n residencs or
for root, cannot fail toL' tatiefied with
tbee lo< a'ions. For furtbc r Informa
tion appy to
J. E, dtßignon.
Mortgagee’s Sale.
GEORGIA— CxLynn County.
Under and by virtue of a power of sale con
tained in a mortgage executed by 1). D. Moore
to the undersigned. dated the 15th day of Juuc,
1900, and recorded in the oillce of the clerk of
Glynnsuperior Court in Book Vol. 10, folio 395,
tho undewigned wm S ell at public
the court house door n Brunswick, in said
county, during the legal hours of sale, to the
highest and best bidder for cash, on tho
Tuesday in Novenii, r , iyco, the following prop
erty, town: All the right, title and interest of
the saw i. l). Moore, and especially
the nil exp i red leasehold Interest in
and to that certain 1.. t, tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the cliy of Bruns
wck, said county, ami in that part of said city
commonly known as Town Commons,” and
being more particularly described as follows:
T.he eastern one-half of town commons lot
number fifty-live (55), being one-half of one of
those six to wn common! lots situate,
bp being botweeu G fcnd H
an d Gordon ami Johnston streets, in
said city, aud bounded as follows: on the north
by the eastern one half of town commons lot
number fifty-seven (57?, on the east by John
ston sti*eet, on the south by the castearn one
half of town commons lot number fifty-three
(53) and on the west by the western one-half of
town commons lot number fifty-live (55) to
got liei with all improvements, thereon. Said
property being the purpose of paying
three certain promissory notes amounting in
the aggregate to the sum of $43.50, principal,
besides interest aud costs of this foreclosure, as
pyovided in said mortgage.
A deed to the purohatdv will bo made by the
•ndersigned, purchasoi: paying for tltlo. This
Soptews©r 20, 1900 w- .•
MAX ISAAC, Mortgagee.
- v'v-0 ■•A-’. T\T <* i 1
(Jeoriria—Uljwn County. .
Undar and by virtue of a power (it sale con
tained In. that certain deed to secure deed
from Alfred F. Turner to the Amerloan Build
ing Loan and Tontine Saringa Association of
Memphis. Tennessee, w hich deed i*recorded in
Book N. N. folio, 274 of the records of said
county, reterohee to which deed and record of
same is had for all purposes, <tiieeaid Alfred
F. Tiirnorjiuving formore tlian six mouths de
faulted in paying thOduoa and interest which
ho in Ida said deed to secure debt obligated
liimself to pay.) there will lie sold berore tho
doof of the court house in Brunswick, Georgia,
between the legal boursof sale, on tlio first
Tuesday in October, lflOO, to the highest and
best bidder for cosh: That certain lot of land
111 Brunswick,Georgia, and in that part of said
etty of Brunswick known as Town Commons:
aud being the Western one-halt of Town Com
moils Lot Number 110, (and improvement*)
tL 1 } of lots located between
Wolf and Albany streets, in said city.
To be sold as the proporty of paid A. F. Turn
for the purpose of laying the indebtedness
scoured by said deed, principal being $308.28,
besidoa Interest, dues, lines, etc. Purchaser
pays for titles, This August 31 1900.
.By American Building Loan and Tontine
bavings Agsociat ioiv of Memphis, Tennes
see, Attorney in Fact.
V. W. KliAims, *
AftOrney for Said Association.
GKORGIA<*-Giynn County. v
By virlne of an order.of the court of Ordinary
of said county, will be suld at public outcry on
the first luesday in October, lttoo, before the
court house door in said county, between the
usual hours of sale, all that certain lot, tract
or parcel of laud lying and being in said state
and county unci jn tho city of Brunswick, and
being dosenbeti according to the survey and
plan of said city made by George R. Baldwin,
civil enginoor, in 1837, an follows, towit: 3SJI -2
feet by 4o feet of tlm eastern 1.4 0 f Q| (t *i\ )Wn
lot number 537, having the following tM'mses*
distances mid measurements: Commending at
a point on the western It n© of Ccchran itvrn
uc 25 feet Pont h of lb© sou thorn line of London
street, and running thence south along the
western line of Cochran avenue 321-2 feet;
thence runn ng westerly at right nnglcfi 45#eet
thence running northerly at right angles 52 L-2
feet, and thence easterly at right angles 45 feet
to the point of beginning. land belonging
to the estate of Amanda Hughn, deceased.
Lerma cash. This tho 7tb day of Heiitemher,
, * * * a „ IL IvNIRB,
Admlnistraktr.Estate Amanda Hughs.
Stato of GoorgI a—County of Glynn.
Mrs. Lizzie Long Libel for divorce; In the
j Superior court of Glynn
W vs * county, May term, UHK).
. * Order to j.erfce-1 service,
Thomas A. Long, granted at said term.
To the Uefendant,Thomas A. Long.
hereby required, in or by at
llt m Scomber
K 900,0£ fc . ,0 F <jlyn ,“, Superior court, to be
holdftii in and for said connty, at the court
houW in Brunswick, Glynn-entmty. Georgia, on
the flVj&t Monday in December, JIKSO, and you
I^’rt l,y ltm i ll /' 1 ) ' r>f
Jof gala lay, then and there to answer the cons*
plaiut.oi the plaintiff, Mrs. Lizzio Long in the
; ab Ji r v ;® fdated case, in her libel for divorce.
vv itness the Honorable Joseph w. Beti’net,
J Judge of the Superior court of Glynn county,
j this the 2llh day of August, 19? 0.
, A * O. T*>WNBENr>.
I Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn
County, Georgia.
I Attorney for PlaintiiT.
Service By Publication.
STATE OF GEORGIA '-County of Glynn.
Jobu Kogeriy ) Id GJyuu Superior Court, JVluv
„ . t!' f Term, im
Mpic Roiror* ) LIBtL FOR I> 1 VORCE.
MM&Uin Uefea&untsSufcio Rogers;
jjPjTw fre beicchy commanded to in; and aj>i ear
Turin, next, of Glynn Superior
conn, to Lo bohtnn at the cm.tin house in
jimjwyfek, GlVnn Onnty, Georgia, on tlie
¥°nyy ,n December, MKK), and by Ten
(10) 0 clock uf tilefor?*Drain of anid date, then
uml tliortj to answer the complaint of tile plain
tiff In the above stated cane in hla Lino! for
1 uvorcf;.
Witneae the Honorable Joseph W. Bennett,
P u>> 'Hor Court ol Glynn County,
tnis the loth day of July, 1900.
y-v , a , , H. F. duP.IGNOV,
Clerk Superior Court, Glynn < ounty. (ia.
GlfloßGlA—Glynn County*
~ Wiiuiea,. IMiaJ. Jenninir*, admlnistrali ix oi
George W. Calvin eatatc. represents Gi the
court in b r petition.duly filed and entered on'
record, that she has fully administered George
W. I.ttlvui s . Mtate. Xbfa is, therefore, to cite
all penroue concerned, kiodred and creditors,
to show cause, if any they cnn. why said ad
-1 rnimstratrlx should not bo discharged from
. atlminlstralion, and tecelTe letters of di.tnls
eton on the first Monday in December, ftffib.
UOBaCE PAiST, Ordfhar^!.
GEORGIA—OIynn Connty,
Notice ia hereby given to all creditors of
thewlatc of John Maboney. late of Hillstmr
ongh oounty, * lorida, deceased, and formeslT'
ol llriinswlck. Glynn county Georg! i, lo ret.
; der r.n account of heir demanda to me wltbla
the tl e prescribed bv law. properly made ont.
| And all pcrsoDalndebted losaid deceased are
by requested to ■ akc immcdia'c payment
■Wtup un''erslgn<sl. Till. Anglpsl 24, ]UGO.
W11,1.1A -M MAHOMkJt, ■-
A Mministi ati.r of John
GKOHGI A—Glynn County
llibanut Dan, of Glynn county. In .aid Sta te
has a plied to the Ortfluary of said conaty of
Glynn for exemption of person.dty and setting
spurt and valusti uol hom.stee.l, and 1 will
pass upon the s one -1 If. o'clock a. m. upon the day of October. 1900, i Ibe court house In
said countv ol Glynn This September *14,1500.
Jt.dse City Court of Brunswick and pro bao
vlcu et din ary Olynn County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Glynn County.
Will be sold before tho courthouse door in
said county, on the first Tuesday in October,
1900, within the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bikder for cash, certain property of
which the following is a full and complete de
scription, towifc: That certain undivided one
eighth interest of, in and to that certain lot or
tract of land lying and being in the City of
Brunswick, county of Glynn and State of Geor
gia, and krnmn aud designated in the plan of
said town and city as the eastern one-naif of
Town Commons lot number one-hundred aud
llfty-s'ix (150), said lot one hundred and fifty six
being bounded as follows, towit: On the north
by Ifstrect, ou the east by Albany stroet, on
theßouth by lot number one hundred anti fifty
seven (157), and on the w r cst by Wolf street.
Also, a certain undivided one-half of, in and
to that certain tract, lot or parcel of land situ
ated in the State of Georgia, county 0T Glynn,
and City of Brunswick, and in that portion of
the City of Brunswick known as Town Com
mons and described as follow*, towit; The
western one half of Town Commons lot num
ber one hundred and fifty-six (160) and im
provements thereon w T cst of Cochran avenue.
Also, a certain undivided ono-lialf interest of,
in and to that portion of that certain tract lot,
or parcel of land in tho Stato of Georgia, and
county of Glynn, and in the City of Bruns
wick therein, and known and designated upon
the Town Commons map of said qity as that cor
tain northwestern corner aectiorrbf Town Com
mons lot number one hundred and thirty (180).
between A mhort and Albany streets, being rec
tangular in shape.having ends thirty (30) feet
and sides ninety which is more min
utely bounded as tollews v towit: Cnthe north
by Town Common lot number one hundred and
twenty nine (1291 ninety !a©t, on the east by
Amherst street thirty the south by tho
southern portion of said lot number one hun
dred and thirty ninety feet, and on the west by
tho eustern portion of said lot number one hun
dred and thirty thirty feet.:
Said property levied on as tho property of R.
T. Hitch to satisfy an execution issued from the
City Court of Brunswick in and for said county
in favor of English-American Loan and Trust
Company against said R. TANARUS, Hitch: said prop
erty ocing in possession of R. T. Ilitcli. Levy
made and returned to me by U. 8. Pyles, depu
ty sheriff. This September 5,1900.
Also at the same* time and place
the following described property towit:
That certain lot tract or parcel of land situ
ate lying and being in the city of Brunswick,
county of Glynn and stato of Georgia known
aud described on Summons map of said city as
Dixville lot No. 1, east of Gordon and south of
Prince streets. Levied on as property of estate
E. C. P. Dart, under and by virtue of an exe
cution issued by H. J. Road, tax collector, for
state and county taxes due 'for the year 1899
amount of tax SI,BB with interest and all
costs. Levy made amt returned to me by R. 8.
PylON deputy sheriff.
Also fit the same time and place,
the following described proporty to-wit: That
certain lot, traot or parcel of land lying situato
ami being in tlie idly of Brunswick, Glynn
Cos. Ga.,known and described ou Baldwin's map
made in the year 1837. of said city as the West
ern one fourth of Old Town lot No. ill. Levied
on as tho property of Lucy Drayton, under and
by virtue of an execution issued by H. J.
Read, tax collector for stato ami county taxes
due for the year 1599, amount of tax, $7 si with
Interest and all costs. Levy made and returned
to mo by It. 8. Pyles, deputy sheriff.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: That
certain lot, tractor parcel of land lying situ
ate and being in the city of Brunswick, county
of Glynn, State of Georgia, and known
and described ou Baldwin’s map of
said city, made in the year 1837 as
Old Town lot No. 479. Levied on as the prop
erty of F. M. Dart and children under and by
virtue of an execution issued by 11. J. Read,tax
collector, for state andcounty taxes due for tho
year 1899, amount of tax $91,25, with interest
and all costs. Levy in Ado aud returned to me
by It. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff,
AIo at the Barn* time and place, the
following described property to-wit: All
that certain lot or parcel of laud
situate and lying in the city of Brunswick, in
the Evansville addition thereto and known as
Evansville lot No. 41. Levied on as the prop
erty of R. H. Alston, under and by virtue of an
execution issued by 11. J. Road, tax collector,
for state and county taxes duo for the year 1899
amount of tax $17.75, with ilfercst and all costs
Levy made and returned to mo by R. 8. Pyles,
deputy therm.
Also at the same time and place, ftte
following described proporty towit; The leas \
hold interest in mid to tho southeast one half
of I'own Commons lot No. 181 between stone
wall and Cochran avenues. Levied on tho
property of James aud HraUic iiemloi .micr
and by virtue of an execution issued by H, j.
Read, tax collector, foe state and otmai v ts'tgpa
duo for the vcnr 1898, Arnount of tax *V wi#h
interest and aibcosts. Levy made aud rfitirtMd
to me t>y R. S. Pylos, deputy sheriff;
rollers. Levied ••n l anSHX| : H Jc prollhn vof
A A .••Leavy under arid bn cx
cCUti-.n issued from G dou ri. in
favor -it' A*Kaiser Sc B|bt?MPpSinr Jlgainst
C. A. Leavy. and Tt. tfc. .Hopl.m And
XL H. Harvev srenrlty on replevy bdhd for s7l
and s2l.frbdst.
/Isa at tho game time aid place
fho highest aud bc&r. bidder,
following described real caAft*' prd im
provoifien'. thereon towit:
one-sixth irdrrc i oi U. part in jwlßp that
Certain Jram Inter pa red 61 of
Brunswick rod known onTuan of
said city thud!* in I*3- lot No. -179;
said lot being uoiinrt* wit the north by F
t reet, on Iho na^feSlmlbn street, a nd op the
west by “treat. Levied or as th*
piopcrty of sain defendant, U. Dart, to -al isfy
an exeention oiw f the Superior court of said
county. Principal $361.33, besides interest and
cost. Written notice of levy given dofendant
as ieqaitfid by lay. Levy made And retnme i
to me b 0 R. 8. Pyles, deputy sheriff.
Sheriff Glynn County,Ga.
Al?o at the same time and plat e that cer
tain other tract or parse! of land In the Town
Commons of Brunswick, Georgia, end known
ns the western one half of Town Commons lot
No. 711 said western half of said lot containing
Tf.xlOOfeet facing-on Joneon street in -aid cite
I-eviod Oil as the properey of I>. cameirui io
satisfy tbst certain mortgage 11. fn. In favor of
George Johnson for principal $2X4,80, besides
interests and costs. Written notice of lew
given defendant as required V law. levy
Juade and returned to me bv H. H. Pyles, denu
’VF-'icGIT. , W. H.BERRIE,
oo fpf' Glynn County, Ga.
Wi .’.' bc /2j d 'lefese GTc court Xborise do oln
tH* city of Branawir.k, C nuin,, Georgia,
daring the legal hours of 'ale on the first . ues-
V lot *• tract
,and abfTieiOg In the 27 dis
trict, G. M .Glynn conr,ty,GPorgia, ami known
as a part of Col nels lsln !, containing 45 aerca
mote or less, bounded north by Illythcback
n Ta r ,.*. ntl * l !'F r "*K' a 0 "" 1 by part of
Ba/dialand. laid ont in c ity lots, earn by Aiythe-
river, and west by said city lots ana Fan
oy llluff creek. levied on And sold as the
propm ty of the South Biimiwlck Railway
Company under and by fl. to. is
sued ly William A. VFrlghtrTfflWoller gen.
eral of Georgia In f Tor of Glynn county for
IMS.#II taxes doe for 18BP, and against said rail
way company. This September ft. tone.
. .. W. H. BEKRIE, Sheriff.
Glynn Count)
Pfoad whom It may concern: Henry G. Cur
tie having in proper fo i applied to mo for
permanent lett* i •, of admiulsl ■dlon on tt*c es
tate of Samuel i.•. ute oi .sid county, tnla
is to rite sil ~u' “Ingdlar. iha creditura and
next cf am of 8 itnnei Cui its to be and ap hr
at my oOlco within the time at owed by law
and ghew cause, it au tbty can, why pern a
noet administration nhonlj not lw sr.nted m
llenrv (I Curtla on es'ato of Samuel '..irtra.
Wltueaa my hand ait dlciaL signature luia 4th
day of September, lle.o
VvdMie.ry Ulyno County, u*.
Southern Railway Cos.
Office of General*A gent, Brunswick, Ga.
For Savannah, Washington and New York. 4
Lv Brunswick 6 40 am 9 05 pm
Ar Savannah 10 30 am 13 50 am
Ar Washington 7 35 am 8 50 pm
Ar New York 2 03 pm 6 23 am
For Jacksonville.
Lv Brunswick.... 500 am 325 pm 905 pm
Ar Jacksonville.. 925 am 740 pin 130 am
For Macon, Atlanta, Louisville and Cincinnati.
Lv Brunswick 0 40 am 9 05 pm
Ar Macon 115 pm 300 an*
ArAtlanta 8 50 pm 5 20 am
Ar Louisville 7 50 am 7 80 pin
Ar Cincinnati 7 it am 7 40 pm
From New York, Washington and Savannah.
Lv New York— ?30 pm 12 15 am
Lv Washington.. I r s pm 1115 am
Lv Savannah.... 3*. pm 620 am 500 nm
Ar Brunswick . m 805 am 835 pm
From Jacksonville.
Lv Jacksonville 1 85*pm
Ar Brunswick 25 pm
From Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta and
Lv Cincinnati 8 30 am 8 00 pm
Lv Louisville 7 45 am 745 pm
Lv Atlanta 10 45 pm 12 05 pm
Lv Macon 1 00 am 2 80 pm
Ar .Brunswick 7 10 am 8 35 pm
Wall Paper
502 Monk St,
Can be found in nnr display
Truvuvifid hats,
or quickly developed in our work
rooms from tbe large snd beautiful
as.ortinent of Millinery Goods in our
Milliner* of artistio tastes and deft
flowers produce hats which equal in
stylo and attractiveness many of tbe
bigb r,iJHWp|nnndels..
Our least, pleasing
Cor. Monk and CrantSts]
Bloodworth & Jones
New Liverv Stages
New Buggies
Fine Horses
Prompt attention given all
orders. Drayage a spec
Phone 24-3. E St.
■ rinuf oral
%Xw *• i * *•*•, Ii u!f ' hari(®,lL! . maUoiut,
tVf rur*ote4 W imtiitl'i.m or uionrAtifiaa
V J no to E<ri'>t'ifs. of maooQv n. rubtarKw.
' Zpy*" and uot MBtun
i*^A™ g Omnom 00. gout OT potoouoiui.
■' ViNWiUMAn, 0. MB < * oAa **■ ftbkt.