The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 27, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Clipplrg from ibe Brunswick Times-Cal! Wednesksy, Septem ber 26, 1900: • TO REDUC'D stock. • An announcemoat from the popular Fee IDvc is always lu te-eating, tut *h m this store says ‘Stock must be reduced,” it means that hundreds of Bruns wicklacs will save money because goods are being sold at a very small margin. Bead the an nouncement and go to the Bee Hive for bargains. The above clipping from the Times Call of recent dati is cor rect In but one detail—it stateß that the Bee Hive issuing on a “very small margin,” which is erroneous. The B e Hive is sell ing good, honest, reliable mer chandise at 1 Mute flciuol chi. A BONE FIDE COST SAEE. COST MARK NO. I 1 2 3 456789 0 Repeater N O W>B Y OUI C K PX T i| COST MARK NO. 2 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 Repeat^ MAKFOR T U N E XT Bn i ini Ilf [ill will Be soldm m. The Bee Hive. Phil 8. Farmer, Proprietor. CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. CHUE HALL, Proprietor Youjcan get the besrthe market affords by eating here 213 ORANT ST. gji^—l- I I — ' . Ilium ' I '’f'.jtegjgag 1 J. J. LISSNER, WHOLJCSAiF. W" : , ; - Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon anil GRAIN, HaS&BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, BrunffwiJ^Geoma. Your Boys^ In one of our windows we display today a com plete line of articles for Boys’ use. The school season will soon be here and the fitting out of your BOY tor school can be made easy by inspecting our immense assortment ot Suits, Shoes and Furnishings.,-^ LEVY^ ........,,,,.... .. ..1............... i> • * • •* i mu ii riir tilt! in **/Vf ** 1 II 1 'AA ** f Ju II J, uu u . Per a period of fully two years this store has sold the Bruns-wick people re table merchandise. During that entire period the Bee Hive has been the cnly Dry Goods Store in the ci y that has appealed for your patronage day In and day out through the newspaper; never afraid to tell the public of our store doings; always inviting your patronage on the policy of '‘LIVE AND LET LIVE;” you have grown to believe u. Now wo are endeavoring to i educe thla stock, and for that purpose eeofLf every article In this store at .i t -> ABSOLUTE ACTUAL COST, It is the shipping public’s opportunity to .buy DRV GOOD3 OJ? DESCRIPTION for present and future use. We reserve nothing Everything goes. Wo affix our eosta marks below. By that the public near- Judge. a* pla. sale being as stated ; . THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. SEPTEMBER 37, i960. The Bee Hive. 213 Newcastle st., Brunswick, Ga. CHEAP ADYEETiSING. IN ADVANCE Adertiemut fa this eolumn will bainsert ed the wii/oriu rate of OneClint a Ward fur each insertion. No advottiMmeny,.however ,auiUyßltfio to penis, cash in advsnoe. . EQI|„ISrVWS-*Thrfco Milk. tows. Of &:■ Tail . jmm A good dinntu tercets., at the Cen tral hotel :*• ‘ ” f—t — For Sals—Goa large safe cheap. Brown pph* D*. ■*>' ' li.'.L'.-jlf-.i-.i.s. l-.—_ LO3TC- A white and Hjer colored [ pointer, bltohf 3 monthaoid. Liberal •rd. _. .. A. D, Gale. £ WANTED—To purchase a second had standing bookkeeper’s (teak Me,'City. FOB REN T.- Large,, comfortable rooms,' with use Of bath room; with or without, meal*. .Terms reasonable. 405 G street. FOR RENT OB SALE—Houa* and lot No. 407 D street for rent op l sale. Can be bought cheap, and on easy terms. Brunswick Bstik'aodTruet Go, STRAYED OR bTOLKNdog with blaok velvet ribbon Answers to name of Mao or Me' Kjoley | Be ward if returned to Joerger's drug store. Hustling young man can make ICO per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quiok for particulars, Clark A Cos., 4tb ,&:.Looua,Streets. I’biladel phla.-Pa. WANTED.—Christian man or wo man willing to qualify for permanent position of trust, here or in home county, S9OO yearly. Enclose self addreugd<*tamped envelope to Secre tary, ettre of Times-Cali.. Morning I Have you tried one of our Large, fat (new) Mackerel, only 12 t-2c. Crest Golden Drip Syxup. Large Fine Yellow /TggEine Line (just in). [RING rHONE 158, STEEL WOOt. A Cortoo* Cm{ • a Snb •tltnte Fr Si(iii#ape(, Steel wool Is a machine terial that IS -Used as a substitute for Eantfrmpff. It JM composed of sharp edged threads of steel, which curl up together like wool, or somewhat as the wood fibers of the familiar material known as excelsior curl up together, though the steel wool Is very much finer, the finest of it being not much coarser than the coarsest of natural wools. .The steel wool Is put up In packk'ges containing one pound each. These are something like roils of cot ton batting, but smaller, a pound of steel wool, loosely packed, making; rolled In paper and open at the ends, a package perhaps 15 Inches long and two-pr three Inches In diameter. Made in various degrees of coarse ness, steel wool Is put to a variety of uses, the finer wools for polishing wood and metal, and the coarser for rub bing down paint and varnish. It is often used on special parts of work, while, for example, on, the flat surfaces of a door a man would use sandpaper with a block bock of ft; for the mold ings he would use steel wool, which fits Into the crevices and conforms Itself to Irregular shapes. Such work can be done with steel wool far more readi ly and quickly than with sandpaper, and H i* used with like advantage on irregular and small surfaces and on e*wed work. ef ' : thCftffcel wool there Is a ca*.rttr material of tha same kind call edited shavings, which is put to vari ous uses, as In taking off old p^lnt*^ leyffiaiid floors fos^smoo 88i* *SSaS”k tL Wlalft dewn. The Jkol is comsMwly used with gloves to keep the cads frqm lfcm Use Wkgepfc- N*w Turk ■ > 'I ’4K^'ntaMßar**, I H* Oterr* Ibe Jg| ( e, ; ° ¥ “ score of years ugh JudgeTrits- Cerafd was to the bench oC the _ district that includes lima and f Cochise Counties, In Arizona. He found on celling to TuCso® that formality . .was almostJ|uknown In the cosrtroom. If the days’were warm, the attorney* n'it^^ dants coats, hl to him applied farrii-uiarly dis re*p<‘ci ful Tie announced that amok* ing in the courtroom would uot be tol ©rated and tpat coots must- be worn under pain of the vourfe displeasure. The grand Jury was called. Among the jurors summoned >yns a brawny miner, who apppred in his usual cos tume, n dark blue shirt and overalls. “What do you n,can,’' thuridered the magistrate, “by appcMßig in this court-1 rdem In your shirt she vis? Where is your coat f ,V "At home; Juilga,” ’mildly returned th* Juror. • w “Then go and get It! N6, not a wo<§, slrfl glaring down upon the wan aw he attempted to speak “<L hernia get your coat, sir?-or I'd ciunndt yoa •for contempt!** # k s3 miner out Ha dWn’t return that dgy nor next, i ©ml . the Judge, afsr;jg*uing a beach | warrant for MaS, Wfore in another [Juror. About two wieks thereafter the I original Drifte*i clreN p* the court de [ mandeil, again stdpisjil witUia Judge FltxgoraWs range w vww>n. To Uw Irate magistrate .LuJfeflffL.i the ex planatlon that ids home ami coat were both In Harshaw m omit aids, near the Mexican border, over 100 mil** away,, and that be had bftf'obeyed the orders of his honor In jjjeihg home after bis coat.—Arizona Ora phie. Onr Pint Woman KAlter. According jo. the Hartford Conrant, that paper in 1777 was owned and ed ited and managed by a woman, whoa* name comes down toanodern days as “the Widow had "delu sive charge” of Urn. Journal. After a - "f years Mrs. Watson married attending citizen of Hartford, and after that date she no doebt let him advise ,nd assist In the eonduet of the paper. But she bolds the record for the first woman editor In the country. A HERO ENDORSED. Austin, Sept. 26—The republicans have nominated Mayor Jones, of Gal veston, for congress, LOST. Buneh of keys. Bing had long chain attached. Lost between St. Mark’s churob and Brunswick L ! ght A W ater Company’s office. Be turo to John C. Green, at fire depart partmsnt. Prickly ash Bitters 2* x. c ttl KIDNEYS. th uvea. Ih. STOMACH S* Mit BOWUS. ■■ sirotciHM ro onc oollar. W- .J Butts, Special Agents. Disinfect Your Homes Choloro-Nagtholeum, A Safeguard to Disease. We Sell in Anv Quantity. W J BUTTS, Th, Druggist. “On the Corner.” WELL, ! I DON’T THINK! - ] You have tried all of Our Special Flavors of Cold Soda Water. ! There are several of them that wilt refresh you In any old weather, r or Instance, haye yoa ever fried our new drink, .‘v. - ■! pgsrcs^/-M If you have you know a good thing. If you haven’t, there is a j real treat yet io store for you. Our reputation of having the beekj ida In the city must lie sustained, and that is why we use only thJH pure fruit juices for our syrup anil why we are never just out. - ’ 1 Its served oight ami cold as ice can make it. "R Nunnally’s Candies; BRO WN DRUG C O j t SHOES FOR MEN. We have secured the sole control of the famous “liu-man-ic” Shoes for men- These shoes are scientifically perfect, being constructed on anatomical lines to conform to the natural foot. They combine ease, grace and durabil ity, with a popular price. Their demand throughout. America has been marvelous. Superior in quality and more perfect in fit than any shoes ever Only obtainable of us in this city. PRICE $4 PAIR. THE PALMER SHOE CO LOOK THE WQRLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT CREAMJFKENTUCKY Whisk^ SI.OO PER QUART ; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY A I- Trager& Cos,, Independent Distillers. Sold Exclusively in BraunswicM by FR. V. DOUGL-AS, 20618 av Street. a