Newspaper Page Text
ill Hi
PI ill
Jiirl of Former MarsM
BenCtl M.
An Ordinance Introduced to Tem
porarily Consolidate the Of
fices of Clerk and
Present—Hon, De*n D. Atkinson,
mayor, aod Aldermen Mason, Krauss,
Dart and Thomas
Absent —Aldermen Briesauick ami
Minutes of previous mejtlDg wer e
read and confirmed.
From Dr. J. A. Betts, president ul
Southeastern Fair A*sjcii.t on, asking
the cncoufagemaat and co-operation
iite.uKv tar a street fair,. Granted.
> iTonr-Sparks and Twltly, attorueys.
r for Mrs. Minnie James, sating that
sale of 3 S-lf) acres oi the iloore land
for taxes, was irregular, .and tha they
same set aside unless at-
by the ety taking the texts
doe ir>m 1805 to 1000, plus in erest.
Taxes and Revenues.
kiOm Mrß. M. C. Mlnehan, asking
tliat amount paid on certain alleged
improvements on her lot b refunded;
•City Engineer.
From H. H. ilarvey, res going as
-city treasurer, Accepted.
The following was adopted:
To the Honorable Ma or acd Counoil:
Gentlemen: —Vour cvmmlltte on fi
nance to which was red the report
of Lewis VV, Beach, marshal, b_g leave
to make the following-report upon the
same: Your committee has checked up
the report of the marshal and have tak
en the precaution to have said report
checked and verified by Mr. E 1> Wal
ter, a bookkeeper of pronounced abili
ty, and herewith beg to submit his re
Your committee recommends that the
report of the marshal be received and
ordered filed, an 1 that the clerk be
etruc'.ed to issue a voucher In favor of
Mr. Beach for amount due hfm.
B H. Mason, Chm.,
3. W. Thomas,
Brunswick, Ga.,
Mr. E . H. Miron, Chairman, Finance
Committee, City Council:
Dear Sfr—At your rrque*t I have
submitted the report of Mr. Lewis W,
Beach, marshal, which beaas da'e of
July 31st, and was submitted to the
mayor and council + their meeting of
August 9.b, to aahorougb verifica
tion of the recorcAf Mr. L C. Bodet,
City i lerk, -nd herewith I beg to mb-;
mit my report on same :
Having reference to the report a
rendered by Mr., Beach, the city i,
Pago -I to cash, with reference to
Treasurer's cash book 8 43,104 00
Page 5 To c-aßb, with reference to
Treasurer's cash book 87,050 3t>
l'sge (i To cash, with reference to
Treasurer’s cash book t 24,19**9
Page 7, to cash, with reference to
Treasurer's rush bonk , j~
Page 7 To eash, without reference to
Treasurer's eash book 3.1V3 89
Page S Executions delivered to Bet,
ert Levison, marshal 3,3,13 07
Page 8 Ksccutions cancelled,with ref
erence to clerk's execution docket . 1,201) 22
rage 8 Executions settled with Bruns
wick Cos., with reference to Treas
urer's cash book |1,457 00
Total-„ $121,103 00
The references to the treasurer’s
have been checked aid I find that the
treasurer has charged himself with
corresponding amounts.
The oharg. 8 ‘*To Cash” have beeu
verified by the exhibit of receipts
signed by the treasurer, but which do
■** .2 PS?
not appear lo have been entered, on
the treasurer’s record of receipt)*, at
fellows: " ,
One bl aring date Jan. loth, 1S18) | 23
one bearing date Jim. 22nd, law ja go
One beating date June 27th,1809 37 Oil
Eight bearing date Joly noth, 1000 .. .. 2 046 M
One bearing date Aug. let, 1900 20* 40
Total * 8,118 89
The charges Executions delivered
to Levison, marshal, have been veri
fied by tha exhibit of receipts* signed
by Mr. L visou.
Tbe reference te Clerk's i xeCu ion
duck itMMaHh okd and ver tied
with the docket itself.
The oily is credited:
Page 9 By executions,-overplus and
rests with ref. clerk's ox. docket 8 02,710 89
Page 10 with reference to clerk,s
execution docket. 5,910 02
Page 10 overplus from Kfike unpound
ed aniiuula.... . 802,1
Page 10 l’olieo cbtut Bnes , yjftg'j*’
Page If Police court Once, jj,474*70
total. :...,\.v..,.. nsofit/, tt
The above item has been verified as
cc.rrlct by clucking same against the
Clerk’s execution docket and bills ren
dered by tbe clerk, exoept ; ■<
Pare ii Clcrka docket reference sl*3 113,
Should le t.A.. 144 IS
Difference % &o
i'hio item is explained by the clerk
an riot cbargable tu it be
ing at error in payment of 50c. for
advertising that should have gone to
the city 00 account of 00.,t5.
Clerk’s docket page 7, gives credit by
cancelled executions *147.9 eg
Should be,.... 1,491 94
Diffeiec $ 69
This item, a mistake on tbe part of
the clerk, candy explains itself by re
ference to the docket. *
Page 12 of Marshal's report shows city
in his debt s9i; ;*
Which mayor may not ho rcducable by
errors speciOed above 1 19
Or redact ttie amount to f9-j(l 69
I would call to your attention the
fact that the clerk’s exeautlon;docket
shows.executions egaiuet the Bruns
wick .Street Railroad company (or
1891, 1892, 1893 and 1891, which lam
given to understsndare notohargeable
against the marshal.
That execution* were issued against
property, but are
notcbargeable to the marshal, baviug
been settled with the treasurer direot
by authority of council.
W* ' .#*■ ’’ % _
The mayor has called my attention to
a duebill said to have been given the
marshal bv the city treasurer in Novem
ber, 1890, for about $4 Oty , On this sub
ject I beg to report, that I have not
seen the due bill; that nothing in the
figures submitted by the marshal in his
1 111
He Will Reacli TMt diinese
Ton May
•A'-’ ; • 4, * ,
BIG 111 TO BE |1
The i)ld CElnese Viceroy Preferred
Amerioan Officers to Act W -*
His Escort to Pekin. Aj ;
i t I’bwiTsto.Sept. 37-Field Marshal
yob Wildersue, of ;
Will arrive.**!*'
troops f Hie
and lt,ti*
portal the Isißeia#s, after the mature of •
tbe Luzai forts, began rUßblng iron ptr
.north along the railroads for the pur
pose of occupying Sltaq liai Kwan. %
Tien Tain, Sept. 27,—GcnldgalTee has
arrived aud Uas. conferred with the ut&ft
officers of the diffjrenWepartmcmsin
ytow ablishipg a winter base In the
VicinityTien'Tain. Tie js*n% to Tion
(ii> apd.made a general inepeettop. Tho
gefi.iial also veiled’ Lt-liuUg Cfaahg and
iuforma' ly V(Eensi<l ths'ouUoek for a
:et lenient. -.2 7 :>'i. -
RUrTiisrG. work of WARsflii’S.
New York, Sept. 21.—Wo'rk is being
on the United States wjtrsliipa
Atlanta and Kor.tucky at the Brooklyn
navy yard jn of a meraaga,
ffont Washington. *
*Jlllj.'.-x4gl-l -O J—-1-.55L1.1.J..U. _l
tgport give any clue to the exlsten 9 of
snch an instrument; that if sficbTu in
strument dtd exist, it would lie uljjuat a
mailer of impossibility to trace use,
from the fact that an examination of
the % treaßurer’s cash book jlevolops that
his entries of charges ago Hjwi’bimself are
in,many instances on d<Ts widely at
variance with dat,e of tho Items
tiumse.vcs. However, it does' dpAchf
that the treasurer Ibust have received
Uuriug November, lß96j;sj;to* o( mon.trtg
uitteli in excess of thee'wpdijunts enteric
on his cash book for this month, because
the balance as struck by him at tho cud
of November allows that ho had dis
bursed more money than ha 1 come into
his hands.
The above being respectfully sub
mitted, I am
Very truly yours,
E. I). WAllan.
The following resolutions were offer
ed and adopted:
desolation by Alderman Krauss:
Whereas, our friend, citizen and fel
low-councilman, Dr. Harris M. Bran
ham, having removed to Fort Valley,
Ga., has resigned his seat in this coun
cil ; therefore, bo it
Unsolved, by the mayor and aldermen
of the city of Brunswick, in council
lawfully assembled, and it is hereby so
resolved by authority of same, that it is
(Continued on l'age a.)
hi ns
T!ii Op Door Policy to ne
... *>*t• * •'**&■*% ■ ■
.. . '
With fhis Coun-'
. ' try's Might.
Parts, Scijf. 2?,—The determinailoit
. ,;t>d to withdraw its
ekin, while On tbe other
uch an unusMl
Sfttvjfy its licet in Chi
ijmgf waters, iii qdite disoonoerting to
the Jiov/ers.
The only interpretation which seems
plausible inofficial circlss is that the
United States government fully re
solved to the open door policy
to the lst extremity Jn conjupotlpj)-
with Engltttd, or single -handed if
The fleet under orders to report lo
Admiral Itemey, when under his flag,
"Will certainly make an imposing
of tip io-date irou olads.
London, Sept. 27.—A dispatoh dated
yesterday from Shanghai says that
Viceroy Li Ifu'fcg Chang left T<en Tain
under an escort composed of two hun
dred Russian and two hundred Ja> an
*roop. for Fokin.
Fari, Sept 27.—The French jeoutaHl
at Shanghai cabled to the foreign
Hc9 the* the Chinese general,'Tung-
Fub-S ' , had bean appointed
cimmand of tho western and oortTiern
Chinese armies. Hii instructions arc
to exterminate all foreigners.
iJ'hje,New.lSfbrk Reached Southampton
MEF. Yesterday Afternoon.
“ ■
Sept. 27.—The Ameri
can liner TWw York, which was due
this morning ar.d about winch consid
erable anxiety was felt, was sighted
off St.. Catherine’s at 5.20 this after
noon She was delayed by a fierce
— ■ 4
Thomklnsville, S. 1., Bept. 27.-The
Richmond county republican conven
tion met here today, Candidas fer
sheriff and member of the assembly
were nominated. A great effort is to
be made this year to relieve Statga*
Island from Tammany power.
V i
■Brooklyn, Sept. 27. M.
Depew spoke at the Academy of “M
--here this evening. The republicans
gave him a great audience, and his
speech did much good for both the state
acd national tickets.
It is Now On Again in the City of
New Xork.
New York, Sept. 27.—Tits hearing
in the proceedings to seoure the remov
al of John F„ W. T. and E. A. Gays
nor and Benjamin D. Greene, accused
of conspiracy to jdefraud the govern
"■■ t '' ' ' ,’ . ’
meat in connection with Captain
Oberlln M. ; Carter in the Savannah
hajfbor improvements, was Resumed
today. • ' .
At the last heartag'
presented its side and .testimony was
abuodanl, many wt nesaes were ex
amined and letters and papers belong
ing to Cartor were reproduced. Dis
trict Attorney Erwin worked up a
Strong case.
Todtiy the defense presented its side
of the else. It is thought that much
additional light will be thrown upon
tiie celebiated disc.
State Chemist McOandless Gives Result
of Investigations.
Atlanta, Sept. 27..—State Chemist Jno.
M. MeCaridless, in his quarterly bulletin
just issued, says that tho wheat crop of
Georgia has largely increased this year.
•Bis statement shows thal the farmers
have raised a iarget crop than in any
year since 18G5. He presentß an aualysis
of tha Georgia wheat in which the pro
duct is show n tobo very quality.
He says:
“I think It well to bring the matter to
the attention of the readers of the bul
tin, to show them that they can.grow as
fine wheat in Georgia as ia grown any
where in the world. some of our
Georgia wheals are deficient in valuable
properties;' others are well up to and
above the staudard set by tho ave— " ‘
exhibited at the Yv'twapafe.
in Chioago,” r < ] •
N< w orji^
If ■■ :t v l *1;! blS 4 * 4** ifv
ir tt Jf..
foundatL V ' JKffork by
tbs Dominic. 4fi nas , vaw ..iamSu .t
asylum will be bt* jfa care
for the colored or, xoee *condi-
tion, in spite has been done,
is pitiable in {he extreme. The wdrk
was started at the invitation of Bishop
Sbarrctti, of Havana. A second party
of sisters will follow in a fortnight.
Minneapolis, Bept. 27.—Senator Bev
eridge, the eloquent Indianian , opened
the state campaign here tonight with a
rally at the exposition building. The
campaign was to hayc been opened bes
fore this, but it wai delayed for the In
diana senator. m
New York, Sept. 27—l<i the eotton
market today bids were as follows:
September, 10 10; Ootqbpr, 10.07; No
vember, 9.79; Deoemljet, 9.67; Janu
ary; 9.60.
j/Trhe following Brunswickiaus will
sJil on the Mallory steamer for New
York today: Mrs, Isaao Cohen, Mis*
AimeeCebon, Mrs. Julias May, Mr*.
Cl 11
ADD 1 cm
J. PifirpoitKergai) Al
The Republican Campaign Mana
gers Probably Boought
About the Set
' tlement.
SNew York, Sept. 27 .—lt was an
nounced late this afternoon at the of
flos of J. Pierpont Morgan that the
great anthracite coal strike had bean
practically settled on terms that mean
victory for the strikers. An offloiat
•aid that a statement would be issued
within the next twenty-four hours.
There is no doubt but that the re
publican campaign managers brought
about tbe settlement, as labor trou
bles at this time are of course very
harmful to the administration ,
Wilkesbsrre, Sept. 27.—Men of tbe
Markle colliery, one of the largest in
these region*, returned to work this
morning., Their grievances will now
be settled by arbitration. This is con
sidered a bad blow f o tho United Mine
Workers’ organ’/* on.
jftept. 27. —The miners at
|s| colliery, near Mt. Car
’llion a itrike this morning
is omp'Stely tied up. 1
Bjfrk ers of this property are tbs
Philadelphia and ILading coal oom
paoy. The situation between Mahony
City and Ashland is unchanged.
Hazelton, Sept, 27—Out of twelve
collieries located on the north side,
seven are reported by the operators to
be running. None, however, are run
ning full handed. Only one of the
nine collieries on the south side is
being worked. Four collieries on the
west side and the same number on th*
Lehigh Valley are reported turning
out an increased output of coal.
Froyidence,R, I, Sept. 27—C01. Jdhn
C. Wyman, of Valley Falls, a cotton
manufacturer and war voteran,died this
morning. He is said to hare once saved
the life or Oca. V lyss;s S. Grant, and
administered the temperance pledge to
John B. Gough. Col. Wyman resem
bled Henry Ward Beecher very much.
New York, S.ept. 27.—The big per
formance in aid of the Galveston suf
ferers by Messrs. Ilurtigaod Ssamou
was given today. Speoial attractions
were offered by both the New York
and Chicago music balls for the occa