The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 28, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 mi iiy Hiram Older Iliiispsolßryn aid Stereisoi Gilt. BRfINUtY II SPEAK t BS, Numbers .Promi nent Denfocrats Will Also Talks. There will be a great democra'lc r,l --1; under the auspices of the Bryan and Stevenson Club at the city ball next Tuesday night, and the voters ot Glynn aountjr are Invited to be present. Congressman Brantley will speak and seueral other prominent democrats will also make addresses. From present indications It will be one of the largctt political gatherings eyer held in Qlynn county, STORY OF A SLAVE. To be bound hand and root for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George I). Williams, of Manchester, Mioh., tells how such a slave was made fres. He says: “My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electrio Bitters, she is wonderfully improved aDd able to do her own work.” This supreme remedy fof fe male diseases quiekly cures nervous ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head ache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This n iracle-working medi cine Is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaran teed, Ooly 80 cents. Sold by all drug gists. HEBREWS INCREASE VOTE. Boston, Sept. 27.—The Democratic eauous in this oity for the election of delegatee te the S'ate, C ij^B^L-na a . was held here toUy. lineal C ub has been crease the IlebQtw vote. if their efforts bad' been sue WOMEN CURED AT HOME. THE GREATEST OF SPECIALISTS OFFERS TO THE SUFFERING HIS SERVICES AND REMEDIES. For more than twenty live years Dr. J. N'evr ten Hathaway has made a specialty of Female Diseases. During that time he lias had among — l,lß patients over ten Hums and women, sulTermg from all ■k> la those many different com f plaints peculiar to the sox,and K*7 J has completely nod pei ma- J nenl'.y cured more than so per cent, ol the cases he has ' h- Py his exclusive method, "hh h he has porfivtcd daring • Wi< tF a 8 the twenty-live years si Ids most extonslvd practice, he Is enabled to euro all of those inherent diseases, (minding painful, profuse or suppressed meustniatlonjwulapsns, ah ovarian trouhlc, tumors and n’AAslon- In fact, evarv form of those diseases which uuilto a . harden of life to the great majority of women. 1 STe'hU *0 perfo ted this system of his that ho can treat these eases by mall, without ruiy per •onsl examination (to which every sensitive ■roman naturally objects) and vlthout any oper ation, with Its consequent pain and necessary Anger. t His s v^- m of treatment Is taken In the prt ■acy ol the home; the cure Is painless and It l* gmaltho. .< ONE LOW FEP, ‘ Write him a letiar stating briefly your oomU- Bon and he will send you a blank h 1“' fined out Jin will iflve your case his personal aiteetiou aDd earn and make his fee so moderate (111 eluding all medicines ui>eessary) that you will uot feel tbo burden of llie payment, and he will guarantee you a positive cure. Address, j * J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Hathaway * Cos., 0* Bryan Street. SaVuunah, On. ■UIUION I'UIS PwrKll VIIKS WRmKO. THE MURDER RASE. The Preliminary Hearing Has Not Been Finished. Judge ConoSey was busy all day yesterday trying Sol Winfield, charg ed with Pblnnis Hart. An acoount of such a large crowd or negroea wanting to bear the caa-* it was tried in the court boose. It was not finished, however. All but two witnesses have bees examined and the case will be taken up and disposed cf this morning. 4B A GORGEOUSLY BOUND Work of art has jest been issued at an outlay of over SIOO,OOO, ter which tbe publishers desire a Manager in this county, also a good solicitor; good t- bright party. Nearly 100 fulLjr ringe. sumptuous pa per,illuminate i covers and bindings; over 200 golden lilies in the Morocco bindings; nearly 80 golden roses in the elotb bindings. Bells at sight; presses running day and night, so great is the sale. Christian men and women making fortunes taking order*. Kspid promotion*. One Christian wo man made clear SBOO io four weeks, taking orders among her church sc quaintanoes and frieDds. Write ue. It may lead to a permanent position to manage our business and look after our large correspcndence, which you can attend to right at your home. Ad dress J. A. Kuigbt, Secretary, Corco ran building, opposite United States Treasury, Washington, I). C. Buy Silks, Gloves, Corsets, Trimmings, Dress Good*, and all of dry goods at oost at the Bee Hive. -quick lunch" u one ot the commonest ot city signs. The sign doesn’t <r*y “ healthyiuuch of goop food-tthe character ot the food apparently Is not considered. It’s just a quick lunch—oat and getaway. Is Uany.wonder that the atom - nob breaks downflfeoil ta throw* at it, sloppy, indigestible and innutritions food, very often, and the stomach has to do the bout Itesn. Nor mally thcrobotld be no needier jnedleal *- ablative ,ior tbe stomach. But the average ol life Is abnormal and while tlilscon will always be a demand for Dr.f Medical lUfcovciy, it Is tbs ran be relied on to cure ■rganSof dl cure nit. It iach, and to to diseases ignncnt ot tritl-r® ey*;, | v >■ : w... . fUM a£Kld. Yes, aiitl the largest sale of anrSyfltotor. it the civ ilise® world. Your and grand mothers never thought of us'ag any thing else lor ldd’-reßtion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce aud they seldom heard ol anendlciiig, nervous prostration, ht-an (ullure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out tht system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the acuon of lire liver, stimulate the action of the nor - vous and organic system, and that U ad they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other aches. You only need a few doses of Greeu s Au gust Flower, in liquid form, to make you ->aiUfied there is. nothing scrim a the trailer with you Srttple Pottles at Butts drugnore nr Brown Drug C Should be la eysrv household u-e-itf oiuo chest. ' : sfforda • tal ' rl'f Attend 'he B e fiM *o*l <# ! e. Stops ..•? Couch and workwoff ib Cold. Laxative Preeno Quinine Tubists cu e eoM In urn- day. He Cur. No ry. Price cw is. When jou wc u a pleasaulphysic try ttjc Bewj remedy. Cbsmberialn’s btomsch srd Liver, Tablets. Taey are easy to take anti pl.-aauit In Cgrant. Price c. Sample* free at Bishop* drug atorv. THE BSUNgWICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 28, 1900. The Quakers Are Honest People. t. The Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blood purifier, hut a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. ft is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and an be taken by the most delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and ail liseases of the Blood, Stomach and Verves soon succumb to Hb wonderful ■ffeci on the human system. Thous inds of people in Georgia recommend t Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med cine that the Quaker Doctor made all if hisquickcures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Bprains, Pain in Bowels; in faot, all pain can be reiieveddjy R. Price 25c and GOc. Quaker White wonder soap. s medicated soap for the skip, scalp ind complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointgienf for the cure of tetter, eczema and eruptions of the kin. Price 10c a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. F. A. .DILftIMGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. . PolhiLTs Druse Store SCHOOL NOTICE. Miasee'Gale’s select private school will opeD Oct. 1 at their residence,7oß K street. Thorough instruction is given in primary, intermediate ad collegiate departments. This institution of learning is of seven years’ standing, and the teachers are progressive, em ploying all the new and improved methods of instruction. * A HARD'JOB, '--y The msnsgers for the State eleotioq will certainly earn their salaries for the day’s work. From tbe number of names on the ticket, it will be an all night job for tbe managers and clerks. AFTER FIFTEEN TEARS. Cuthert, ,Bepa, 17,1000.—Jb K. Ulchanlson, Jr., of this place was for fifteen years troubled with a blood disease which was called dry ec* zema. He took a great deal of medicine with no perm anon t. relief and finally was advised to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla, lie now has no sign of the disease, having boon entirely cured by this medicine. lie says It Is the best medicine earth How can you hrsitaU? Attend tbe Bee Hive sale. The Remedy for Stomaoh and Bowel Troubiii' “I have been in '.he drug business for twenty years, and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itcmeey for all eMtnaeb and bowed troubles,” says O. W Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus In m> family, and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of it to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure cure m a pleas ant form. No family should bewUhotfl it I keep it in tuy bouse at all times.” For sale by Dr Bishop's drug store, 4K 1 ' “: r ‘ "• l>u v ur dry go ids at actual cost a' the B*e Bive. PREVENTED A TRAGEDY'. Timely information given Mrs. G orgre L‘Ug, Of Mew Straitsvflle, 'At* 1 o. ,le sntrd a d.esdful tragedy and **vml two lives. A frightful o iugt hud long kepr her awake every eight Bre usd tried many remrdies ana 'H.|fors but steadily grew worse until r*gstl to try Dr. King'- NVw Diaeuttry. One buttle wholly cured, aid the writ-'- tbi- marvellou oredi* c.n a i med Mi, Ik* pof e revere a’tsssk of piieuii it*. Shop, cure- ar l oiiipfi* prou* ol th* ran'ch •■* ment of this grind remedy t*.r curing all tbroal, ob> at trod iui.g troubles. Only (Oe end fIOO. E.ery botlle guar a ttf 'i ripl bottle free, at alt drug - businees by offering busi neas t lonur*. Everything at cost at the ti:e liive. AT THE OGLETHORPE. A, H, Abraham, Savannah; P. S. Sutherland, Coweta county, Ga.; Par ker Bowling, St. Simon; J. Heilman, Savannah; S. Better, Cincinnati; W. 11. Clough, Jacksonville; M. W. Guy tern, Birmingham; Z, C. Rose, Chattanooga; O. O. Calhoun, Vienna; S, /. Hayes, Macon; Ralph Smith, Billy Brown, Albany; M. Tbalman, New York; Rev. A. R. Richardson, Gardi; Daniel Abrams, New York; H. Baer, Louisville; A. B. Vance, Jacksonville. How Bright’s Dinas* Starts- Indigestion, biliousness, blood poisoned with area and orie acid (which should have been excreted by the kidneys), rheumatic ptlns in nerves and joints, causing Irritation ot the kid neys, then pains ovei the small ot the hack, mark sore approach ot llright’s disease. Do not delay In taking Foley’s Kidney Core, for it makes tbe kidney e right. Take no substitute. W. J. Butts.’ — * Save money by trading at the Bte Hive. BISMARCK’S IRON NERVE Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous en ergy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowel* are oot of order. If you want these qualities and the eucoess they bring, use Dr. King’s New Liver Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Oaiy 25ots; at all drag atoree. OPERA HOUSE. Monday, l ft l October IUI WM. A.’ BRADY’S Magnificent Scenic Production of the Marvelous Melodrama of Mys ticism, the Story of the , Devil on Earth, the Mis 01 sio "Dramatized from the ~ Famous Novel of MARI& CORELLI. g PRICES: Orchestra, SI.OO Dress Circle, 75c. Balcony, Gallery, 25c. Seats at Butts’ drug store. OPERA HOUSE. Two P&fernunces Only. Friday Night, ft| fft Saturday Night, UU 00 SIXTEENTH ANNUAL TOUR. Tfc 111 B. Flell'GrM MINSTRELS. OLDEST ! BIGGEST! BEST! So-l’cople-^o AN ENTIRE TRAIN OF PALACE CARS The Mi st Expensive Organiiation of the Kind in Ex s ence 12—A TRIBE OF MAMELUKES—I2 The Old World'* (ireatet A erobats, presenting the Oriental Spectacle “THE FETE AT MECCA ’ AT,. G. FIELD. ARTHUR RUGBY. TOMMY DONNELLY. DOC QUIGLEY. PASOATEL, THE NONDESCRIPT, The Man with a Hundred Forme. “A Niilt is Paris Dmnitlie Exposition" BERR't & H IGHES, KOBT KEYS, Musical Yd okas. Giotasqu* Athlete WATCH FOR THE BIS STREET PAGEANT PRICES, 50c, 75c ani $1.03. CASTOR IAI The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beets, in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of— and has been made under his |>er sonal supervision since its infancy. /'CcccAt/K Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but i Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of J Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA \ Costoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narnotid substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatiou and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC OESTRUS C0..1N.1 7T MURSSV STREET. HEW TORS CITV. Summer * , Bargains w Furniture A clearance sa’e to make room for new goods • I Parlor buit, 5 pieces, worth S4O, now $29.- <-,iSSvifet*- 1 Oak Refrigerator, worth S2O. now sls. l Osk Bed Room Suite, 3 pieces, worth $25, now $lB 'Wfel Bed Lounges, wurih sl6, now sl2. Centre Tables 60 cants to $6. loe Cream Freezers worib $2 .50 at $1,98. BIC-~ M ™ A large assortment of Sideboards, Cupboards BP. It*., Prices Below the Market. i|igl§| C, Mc&ARVEY. m DR. MOFFETT’S A Allays Irritation, Aids Digestion, r f 1 VrTII 111 I® RtguUles the Bowels, f. 4g. ? W"' E la la IHlfu ft Strengthens the Child, fr \ 1 LLIM 111 h\ Makes Teething Easy. BAT'S?, j _JL (TeethingPowders)XJLtEETHlNAßelieve.theßowM wC.iC Costs only 25 cents at Druggists, any age. .vMHt^'hastt gamtsto<S. J. MOFFETT, M.O..ST. LOUIS,*' WASHINGTON SEMINARY .SSp Macon and tumniort* Woman e Coiled** ‘ Primary, Aotd*mtc, Mus.c, Art, Elocution snd Busine-a enurres. Bmsll clssee-. Individual work. Nog build ng. Hoin Hfe. Pupils enter Vaesar, Wellesley snd R nrtolpb-Maeon on certificate*. NVx* session begins September 6*h. For illustrated catalogue and Jress Mr*. W. T handier. Pnncipa Ij.lewlljn D. Scott, Associate I‘riocipal A WifeL I’KOVlsioX—Never d* witnout some of our Wines and "Whisky m the house. It is the best for health and hospitality. The doctitf prescribes it and friends approve it. Pure, rich, mellow. V- DOUGLAS,**— 206 Bay Street. 1