The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, September 29, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 i in m ■niro will AM Fair Association *■ ia ErajWayPossil. ACTION INSURES SUCCESS There Seems to be No Doubt Now About a Gala Week. f Those who are taking the lead in the gala week projeot feel sore now that it will be a big success, as the city council will grant the fair asso ciation all reasonable street privi leges and will 00-operate in every way possible. Daring the first fair a large number of sideshows, etc., did not go to the grounds but put up down town, there by causing the fair association to lose a large amount of privilege money. Buch wili'not be the case during gala week. The association will have con trol of the streets, and the oity will not be an opponent in selling suob privileges. Active work will now be gin, and sucoess is almost assured. STORY OF A SLAVE. To be bound band and root for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mioh., tells how such a •lave was made free. He says: “My wife has been so helpless for five years that she oould not turn over in bed ■lone. After using two bottles of Eleotrlo Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work.” This supreme remedy for fe male diseases quickly cures nervous ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, bee-' aobe, backache, fainting spells. This mlraole-working rnlih olne is a godsend to weak, slokly, ran down people. Every- bottle guaran teed. oniv an all drug We boom business by offering busi ness boomers. Everything at ooet at tbe- Bee Hive. A New Book For Men Special Arrangements Whereby a Free Copy Can Be Obtained by Every Reader of This Paper. For weeks the press • have ln>nn busy tr.n'r out the euoniibos edit Hathaway's ihv book “Manliness, Vu > Health" necessary (•, satisfy the miblie do umuu. lir. llt!i:r.v,;\ lias reserved a limit,il numher of these hook , aud thesehe hass peeia! ■ arrautn-l to send free ip mailtc ajl reader sol is . alilT full address to huu. For ao yean Dr. Hathaway has eontluej lus practice Hlmoat evelualvoly to diseases of i t and durlim that time he has restored more men to Uoaltti vigor, usefulness and happlue s liiau any ten ether doctors In the countrv combined. Dr. Hathaway treats and cores by a Method euUrulv bis own, discovered and peifeeted he kinoeli and used exclusively by him. hops of Vitality VaiK'oeelo, stricture, Blood Folsonine *n Its dltferent stages, Rheumatism. Weak Back, all manner of urinary complaint., I'leers. Son and Bkln Diseases, Brights Disease and all forms af Kidney Troubles. Ills treatment tor under acted tneu restored lost vitality and makes the patent a strong, well, vigorous man. iir. llntluwav’s success In the treatment ol V -Icoeclt and Stricture without the aid of kntfo * tutory is idimiomenal. The )>atlent Is treat a I y this method at his own homo without pain, os t/ss of tilbe lrom business. This Is positively ft •'only treatment which euros without an oper ‘ ' ”at haven y calls the particular atten hSf'ot surferart. from iw> 1 ' to utgue 27. W, ao and 31 of lit* new _ fCviTv vie taken by Dr. Hathaway Is specialty a-c-tod •**.- ra'“ to Its nature, all unvl*r P! e r crsomUsuian vlstou.and all remedies used by turn are prepared from thenurestand bestdmgs In titnown laboratories under nls personal oversight. Dr. llalhawvy makes no charge tor consulta tion or advice, either at his office or by math and •- when a rase Is taken the on* low Too covers all * cost of medic ines and proteaaloual services. Dr. Hathaway always prefers, when Ills pesSl •"t*e. to have hit patients call on him for at least nos Interview, but thll Is not essential, aa he has tsml aroma ol thousands of patlonts in all ace dhtns ot tho world w’vom ’ elia* octet seen. Ills '. System of Home Treatment u so perfected thrvt "fte rati hi mg about a cure as sorely and speedily as though the imtlout called dully at hl office, 'v J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. l>r. tlalltaway A Cos.. fiaryndlmt, Savannah. Q<k JOC.-.TION nil pAi-sn was* witmro- M AY HAVE OPPOSITION. Rumored That tbe Will Fight Mr, Brantley. It was said on the streets yesterday that tbe republicans would put cat a congressional candidate to oppose Hon, W. G. Brantley. A meeting at Waycross tomorrow will decide tbe matter. Three names are on tbe list— W. A. McNeil, ofWarej 8. M. Griffin, of Brooks, and W. H. Mareton, of Ir win. Distriot chairman Belcher neither oonfforaed or denied tbe rumor, but tbe*TiMß-Cai.L lias it from other sooroes that Marston will be tbfFnom inee. , IS A GORGEOUSLY BOUND < Work of art bae just been issued at an outlay of over (100,000, for which the publishers desire a Manager in this county, also a good solicitor; good pay to tbe right party. Nearly 100 full-page engravings, sumptuous pa per, illuminated oovera and bindings; over 200 golden lilies in tbe Morooco bindings; nearly 60 golden roses in tbo cloth bindings. Sells at sight; presses running day and night, so great is tbe sate, Christian men and women making fortunes taking orders. Rapid promotions. One Christian wo man made clear S6OO in four weeks, taking orders among her church ac quaintances and friends. Write us. It may lead to a permanent position to manage onr business and look after our large correspondence, which you can attend to rigbt at your borne, Ad dress J. A. Knight, Secretary, 6oreo ran building, opposite, States Treasury, Wsehington, 1). C. Buy Silks. Gloves, Corsets, Trimming*, ‘•yrasV Good*, all kindSkUfdry goods at cost at the Bee Hive. “Qulclt lunch” is one of the commonest if city' signs. The sign doesn’t say *i healthy lunch of gcop toon—the ctaraenarijf me toon apparently is not considered. It's fust and get a 4%. Is it stom ach breaks down? 'E’akMKMfTwn at it, sloppy, Indigestible and inntstrfilOTiwfood. very often, and the stomach has to do the can. Nor mally there should bo no need for medical as- Bistaitce for the stomach. But the average, method of life Is almoriuahood while this con tinues ttaawji will alwKy* be a detn,y/l, i fflr.^j’"i*ii P lercc'e Golden Medicut*Dbpy one medicine which can kSt diseases ot'.he dl gsetion nnd is a medicine designed lor the fout ach, and to euro ilirtugh the stomach remote diseases which have their cause in Ihe derangrment of the stomach and digestive and nutrltlie-syg torn. It cures when all else falls. Buy your dry good* at actnal cost at the Bee Hive QUESTIONS ANV.ERED. Yee, August Flower still has Ihe largest sale[of any medicine In the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else Jfor Indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of spendtdi Is, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of uudl* geeted food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate tbeaoUon of tbp ner vous and organic system, and that ?* all they took when feeling dull and ted with headache and other aches. You only need a few doeee of Green's Au gust Flower, In liquid form, to rank* fdu satisfied there la. nothing serloue the matter l*Uh you Sample bottles at Butts drestore or Brown Drug C Should ha In; every household made oine obest. Jt affords rehtala relief i-- Attend tbe 0 s Hive’s cost sale. Whip jt> waat a pleasant physic try the new remedy, Chamberlain** Stomach sad Liter Tablets. Taey arelessy to take and pleasant In effect. Price He. Sample* free at Bishop’s drag store. THE BWj%S WICK TIMES-CALL, SEPTEMBER 29, 1900. The Quakers Are Honest People. The Quaker Herb Ton not only a blood purifier, but a Blood m a k er for Pale, Weak l. sE feM and Debilitated people !j * av ® not strength j4ESSS® nor blood. It acts as a XT' ton * c > it regulates di £ gestioo, cures dyspepsia * \a V\K and leads strength and ' ’’A . v w tone totbe nervous sys tem. It is astedioine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by the most delicate. Kidney disease, Bbeofnatlsm and ail diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Nerves soon succumb to its wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend It. Price SI.OO, QUAKER PAIN BALM iethe med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with, It’s anew and wonderful medieffa for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowel*.} in fact, all piin can be relieved - Price 25c and 60c. ' - QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for ib* *k£n, so*lp and complexion, PriciWcjfcake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, ecsenjs and eruptions of the •kin. PrietPJOc a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati., PolliilTs Dr use Store FIRST COTTON STEAMER. Tbe British steamship Incemore, for Wm. Johnson & Cos„ limited, reached port yesterday, sod tbe cotton workere are cow happy. The steamer will load out at tbe new docks. DeWltt's tittle iSly RUera ere prompt,pai atable. pleaaant, powerful, purifying little pill* VV.J. Butts SCHOOL NOTICE. Missae'Gate’s seleot private school will open Oot. 1 at tbeir residence, 70S E (street. Thorough instruction is given in primary, intermediate and collegiate departments. This institution of learning is of seven years' standing, and tbe teachers are progressive, em ploying all tbe new and improved metbods of instruction. AFTKR riUTEJiN IK .IRS. Cuthert, Ga,, Sops. If, 1900.—J. R. RlehaiMwin, ■OTfTOt VBliplace was for fifteen years troubled with a blood diaeeaa which was called dry ee lema. He took e great deal of medicine with no perm anon t relief and Dually was advised to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla, Uo now has no sign of the flUcase, haring been entirely cured by this medicine. He aeys it Is the best medicine on earth - * t How oan you hesitate? Attend the Bs# Hive sale, ' ■ - ■ ■■ The Remedy for Stomach and Bowel Troubles i. "I havo.Tiocn In the drug business for ■twenty years, and have sold most all of I ' f the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain’s Uollc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Betueey for all stomach and bowel troubles,"isaya O. W. Wakefield, of Columbua,,Ga. “This remedy cared two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family, and I have recom-" mended and sold hundreds of it to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure 'cure m a pleas ant form. No family should be without It. I keep it in my house at all times." For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug store, Buy yonr dry goods at actual oost at the Bee Hive. PREVENTED A TRAGEDY. | Timely Information given Mr*. George LuDg, of New S:rait*v>ll, Ohio, prevented a dreadful tragedy and eavrd two lives. A frightful oough bad long kept her awake every night. She bad tried many rrmediea and doctor* Wot steadily grew worse unUttlrfeed to try Dr. King s New Disoovery. One bottle wholly cured, and she write* this marveilou. medi cine also cured Hr. Long of a severe atrask of pneumonia. Such cure* are positive proof of the matchless merit of lhie grand remedy for caring ell throat, chest tod lung troubles. Only 600. and 11.00. Every buttle guar anteed. Trial bottle free, at ali drag (tore*. SHIPPING REPORT. Corrected Daily by Capt. Otto Johanneses Fort of Brans aiek, Sept. 28, 1800. ARRIVED. Hr. SS. I neemore, Walker, Genoa, via Tybee. Sofar. Tbeolene, Francis, Boston. ■CLEARED. SS. Seminole, Bearse, Boston ; mer chandise and paeseogere. SAILED.' SS. Colorado, Avery, New York ; merchandise and pasieogers. Scbr. Wesley M. Oler, Harriman. New York; 17,412 orossties, shipped by Messrs. Brown A Cos. Ship Notice. Neither tbeohapuio, owners or con signee* of tbe British steamship luoe more, will be responsible for any debts oontrtoted by the crew of said steam ship. W • M. Jobs ton A Cot, limited, sgents. When in need, call on J. Wt Watkins, He loans mo ney on personal property. OPERA-HOUSE. Monday, j.l October IUI WM- A. BKADY’S Magnificent Scenic Production of the Marvelous Melodrama of Mys ticism, ike Story of the Devil on Earth, the Dramatized from the Famous Novel of MARIE CORELLI. PRICES: Orchestra, SI.OO Dress Circle, Balcony, sOc. Gallery, 25c 1 r Seats at Butts’ drug store. OPERA HOUSE. tHo Performances Only. Friday Night, |j| rn Saturday Night, Uul 0 0 SIXTEENTH ANNUAL TOUR. lie si and. Fieli Greiter MINSTRELS. OLDEST! BIGGEST! BEST! 50-i ‘eoplo-no AN ENTIRE TRAIN OF PALACE CARS The Mi st Expensive Organization of the Kind in Ex s ence 12—A TRIBE OF MAMELUKES—I2 The Old World’. Greatest Acrobat* presenting the Orient*' Speciai-’e "THE FETE AT MECCA ’ AI.. G. FIELD. ARTHUR RUGBY. TOMMY DONNELLY. DOC QUIGLEY. PABCATEL, TBI NONDI3CRIPT. The Mon with a Hundred Form* “A Hidt is Paris Dnrini the Exjotitton” BERRY ft HUGHES. ROBT KEYS, Muaical Moke*. Grotesque Athlet. WATCH MB ?H* 810 STRSIT FAOHAST PRICES. SOc, ISC aii sl.lO. 9<?o Drops XNfcgetabk PrepatalioiiforAs similating the Food andßegula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of iMAN 1 S'/ 1. H 1 L 1) KL N Promotes DigestionCheerfuf ness and Rest. Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral Not NAjr c otic. aftJUJJrSMiELmCHSR Amptm Seed- TANARUS" Alx.StJuu! * foxkriU Wir -i ■AMp Jgwf *■ I ) Aperfect Remedy forConstip*- Tlon. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feven stv ness and Loss of Sleep. Fac jioule Signature of NEW YORK. AI to mon Ib s old Dosi s- JjCI MS rxACr'coPY or wRAPprn. Summer jfeJk bargains w asOmmsA Furniture rjS e/Wij *m***'!!. y- ■" A clearance sa’e to make room for new goods. I Parlor tuif, 5 pieces, worth S4O, now $29. 1 Usk Urfrigerator, worth S2O. ouw sls. 1 Oak Bed Room Solle, 3 pieces, worth $26, now $lB Bed worth sl6, now sl2. Centre Tables 50 cents to $6. < OSHWSiSRi9BsS|*? lae Cream FrteEern worlb $2.50 at $1 98. " A largo aesortmant of Sideboard*, Cupboards Prices Below the Market. C. McBARVEY. p*A jfr~, ft rai DR. MOFFETT'S a ills Olteslion. mSfIJSk-- ' I I sr*p" Tllltl /ft RequUte. Uie Bowel*, l S CL I Hi W I U Strengthen* the Child. wIP 'BL L I 11111 Tthin s Ey )§J 'fe;A MtO/p. Costs only 2S cents at Druggists, any aoe. Or mail i,"> cent* to C. J, MOFFETT, NI,D..ST. LOUIS.'' WASHINGTON SEMINARY SSkSI Macou aua Bninm irt WoHibL-’i Coll.g" Primary. Ac-d-mic, Muic, Ar t, Dlocurion and Buaine** ccorvee. -insli cl..**”. lud'Vb’ual work. Ne 4 building. Horn*'if*. Pnpll* ‘'<■ V*ir, Wi H**le. ard R ndolph-M-oon on certitlca'*-. X*xt ees.ion b-gitt* ! *0 h. For iliu.iraieil ca’ei' gu e ddres. Mr*. W. I handler, Prioejpa!.Ll-w LD. HcoH, Awociale Principal AIM iliviflO!!—N.-....1 , Wiues as and \Vhisk7 iu the l-oaue. tt is th<‘\ best for health and hospitality. The doctor prescribe it and friends appiove it. Pure, rich, mellow. V- DOUGLAS, 206 Bay Street. i GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the £ \ Signature n Jfv In hjf Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMr OCNTAUR COM-.NV. NCW YORK CtW. -• M