The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 02, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 The Brunswick Times. Bitebliihad 1889. Hie Brunswick Call. Eatabliahed 18SB. The Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED WOO, Published KVKKV MORNING EXCEI'T MONDAY. AWfiTUIt H. LEAVY Editor BOLAND A. Manager office } s2 £s2Bi2%frl£ r ' itrtet y J TO SUBSCRIBERS: Bubucribcre are requested to notify the office When they fall to get any laaue of the Times- Call. Attention to this matter will be appra elated by the publishers. tbs Times-Call will be: Delivered b; ssrrier or mail, per year. *6.00; per week 16 easts. Correspondence on live snbiecto ■elicited. Eeal name of writer sbonld ac company tame. Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper ehonld be reported to the bneinese office. .Addrese all communications to THE TIMKS-CAIX, Brunswick,tia. Local Democratic Ticket, a.- , For Representative," v W.F. SYMONS, f* Ordinary, HORACE DART. Clerk ot Superior Court, . t r 6, F. DC BIGNON, ' .Sheriff, W. H. BKRIUE. Receiver o! Tax Returns, J. E. DUBBERLY. Tax Collector; v H. J. READ. k County Treasurer, H. S, LEE. r: County Surveyor, E A. PEN NI MAN. Coroner, m G. A. H. JENNINGS. Con. mission era cl Roads and Revenues C. D. OGG J. J. LOTT. TOBIAS NEWMAN, H. H. RAYMOND, W. . TOWNSEND, DAVIS DUBBERLY, J. B, WRIGHT. / Tomorrow ia eltctlk.h ;;rok I '* '."l'J'TUiLrf ;;UCS w - ~ Pay your subscription b*i. ♦ i: Attend the big democratic rally to st might. The Typographical VnfCb opposes McKinley. Soldier* follow the flag and the carpet baggers follow the eoldtor6. It is not McKinley but the wan be hind him and the trusts behind the anan. Tho Atlanta Constitution is out in a double-leaded article expressing its be lief that Mr. Bryan will wiu. It begins lo look that way. Secretary of the Tteasury Gage's financial theory is brief anil eomprehon jive, rut all the gold in the treasury 'nd give Gage the key. It is said that war wakes money mpflFi fui- Temporarily, just sit <S| hiu who ov*> s ftm house mortgage on He luxuries for -• • ■ but to pay it, With in>vrM wen.t>*l' di9o,c “ 1 ' M imagines that the W deal ruction of property and yojp ' tends to;efcrlch the world. Ke jM ymdlftles U>i* < r >B ut,ul f *"* cs * MEMORIES OF.HOMESTEAO. The great strike now In progress in the anthracite fields of Pennsylvania had its counterpart in the bloody Home stead strike in 1892. The latter contri buted largely to the defeat of the repub licans in that memorable year. The Homestead affair was one of the worst in the history of monopoly war on labor. The steel barons bad set out to destroy the unions and the culmina tion ol their efforts was reached in the murderous assault of the PiDkertons upon an unarmed populace. The war In the anthracite region is in fact a war upon organized labor, and It S presenting many of the familiar man ifestations of the Homestead affair. Already innocent bhfed has been shed by armed deputies; and already stale troops are patrolling the whole terri'ory involved, doing police duty for the robber coal trußt. The soldiers are ex pected to shoot at tbc first drop of the hat; and if it Is necessary the bat will be dropped from the point of a bayonet. In answer to Hanna's charge that he had premised cabinet positions, Hon.W. J. Dry an said: ‘•I have not given to any one, either verbally or in writing, a promise of a cabinet position, and I shall not, during the campaign, make any such promise. I have not authorized and shall not au thorize any one, verbally or m writing, to promise any cabinet position, or any other position to any one. If I am elected I shall be absolutely free to dis charge all the duties of the office, ac cording to my platform, as far as the platform goes, and according to my own judgment in all matters not covered by the platform.'' LAWTON’S POSITION In a letter to the New York Sun, Col. Alex K. Lawton, of Savannah, tells the American peopla that he is going to vote for McKinley. The Sun com pliments Col, Lawton editorially, and also gives his letter great prominem: in Its news columns. Is it not true that the administration stands ’or militaryism and Is it net also a faot that Col. Lawton Is a military manhlmseli? ” President McKinley made our es teemed friend f colonel during the Spanish wtr and a real taste of military life must have pleased Mr. Lawton in asmuch as be will vote for a military president. But really we Cannot see how a Southern man can support Me Kluley. Does Col. Lawton ever think of the race question.' DopsVCol. Lawton fe me m be r that H. A. Kicker, the negro, appointed internal revenue collec'or of Georgia by McKinley, ordered a white employe to clean his cuspidors. This white man was a poor unassutn lug Confederate veteran and one who had fought and bled for our fair South' land. Vote for this negr loving, trust, president, Col. Lawton,but Georgia will ba democratic and consequently for whitj supremacy When the voles are counted next ■ "A Gentle Wind K?/? Western Birth” |W r sweeter stcryjto htin\*nitj fh.w Its* THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. OCTOBER 2,1900. SCOTT’S EMULSION of cod-liver oil is the means of life and enjoyment of life to thousands: men women and children. When appetite fails, it re stores it. When, food is a burden, it lifts the burden. When you lose flesh, it brings the health. When work is Jliard and duty is heavy, it makes life bright. It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food. But what is the use of'food, when you hate it, and can’t di gest it? Scott’s emulsion of cod liver oil is the food that makes you forget your stomach. Well .end you a little to try, tf you like. SCOTT ii BOWNE, 409 PwrUtreet, Net* York COME OUT TODAY, The meeting of citizens tor the pur pose of organizing a Chamber of Commerce promises to be the beginn ing of anew eta in Brunswick- Tbe Timks Call appreslatis the great disadvantage under which the orlg’na'ors of movement labored and the success of their efforts call* for the ccmmendaFon ol all the people. Tbe prime movers have been con fronted with “its a political aehem;,” •will do us no good’ and many other ex press ions ot this kind but they wojfd not be turned from the ro.dof progress. Explanations, -such as only a who Is putting noble efforts Into a practical patriotic plan can make, were forthcoming, and today the fruits of tbeir labor will be harvested. Wo are to have a real live Chamber of OotoaleirM! Would you believe if? The organization meeting > will be bed tody at the city ha.l at 12 o’clock and let every mu who bav signed tbe list, as well as those who intend sign ing be present, SOUTHERN CHEAP KATES-SA VANNAH, GA. Sunday morniug, Ssptembsr 23rd and 30. b. One dollar for tbe round !trip. Tickets limited to date of sale. ‘Train leaves *i tl:40 a. m. WEDDING PRESENTS, Big cu' in ail lines of silverwares for the next lew days. To be sold at suo tual cash. A. Rothschild • TO CORE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tske Ijixstive Bioino Quinine Tablets. Alt ! drnirglsu refund the money it It tails to cure. | E. W. Grove's i*naiure ts on each box. J6c. j To preveut consumption quickly cure throa ! and tan* trouble with One Minute Cough Cure . W J Butts. qK-> Presents- In Cut Glass and Silverware’. 1 Nothing Richer, More Lasting and as Much Arjtsciated. CALL Al' D LOOK ! ILENNON MOTT, | and Graduate Optician. : MS NewcaaUa Sintt, ~<;lm* tor Southern Railwxy. Ttmr ly Wire .laily trom Waxhlnxtor MEKTINU IN MONTANA, Daly W ing of Democrats Trying to De feat Clark. Butte,Mont.,Oct, I.—The Daly wing of the Montana.democracy will meet in convention here tomorrow. The new party has been christened the indepen j dent democratic party. Its object is stated to be the electlen of William J. Bryrn and the redemption ot the politics of this state from the alleged bribery and corrupt methods of the Clark wing. Full state and legislative tickets will he nominated, with the object of defeating tbe Clark legislative candidates. Sepa rate presidential electors will not be placed In ths field. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE Train 87 leaves Brunswick at 8 a. m. TrainSO leaves Brunswick 3.46 p m. Train 90 arrives Brunswick 10 a. m. Train 88 arr.ves Brunswick 6 p. m. BUY THE GENUINE' SYRUP OF FI6S ... MAsrcYACTtraim by ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Hr-NOTE THJt NAME. Goldihwalte A Son,Troy,Ala., wrote: Teeth ing's speedy core of old sores and onip,is upon the skin have been remarkable. and xa xx *yv *rw m Bears ths x Bffl Kind Yon Have Always Bought The Mallory ship arriyed early yes terday morning. Pretty Children We have three children. Before the, birth of the last one my wife used four bot tles of MOTHER’S FRIEND. If you had the pictures of our children, you could see at a glance that the last one __ is healthiest, prettiest and finest-looking of them all. \r: v jy My wife thinks Mother’s Vpk Friend is the greatest and grandest /-y Jf . ■ Jgj|g '1 remedy In the sjflß- 1 JvJHr world for expect- ft. <•!•;/• ||®|f Written by a Ken- s|l tacky Attorney-at ' TfflHi n prevents nine-tenths of the suffering tnetdeat to child birth. The coming mother’s disposition and temper remain unruffled throughout the ordeal, because this relax ing, penetrating liniment relieves the usual distress. A good-natured mother ts pretty sure to have a good-natured child. The patient is kept in a strong, healthy condition, which the child also inherits. Mother’s Friend takes a wife through the crisis quickly and almost painlessly. II assists In her rapid recovery, and wards off the dangers that so often follow de livery. sold by druggist* (or $1 a to*tie. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. Send'for our free illustrated book vrrUtas uprosaly for expectant mothers fi|3|o Beverage “ truly gratifying—and what a thirsty old ■ y i/ISN world indeed this would be without water! ■ quenching thirst we can also im-* 8 //1 jNLVy/ par* nourishment,then have we acted wisely ■// j dfIWPW and unproved upon nature's suggestion. II yiW ■■ (&OHeMrAN ml/ov "King of all Bottled Buert” f//ljjl not only slakes the thirst but yields that invigorating nourishment so often dex MmiSm 1 N| HwjMm manded by the human system, mil If ■ -f ‘’’ i w ■Kr"- Hill twiMl For Sale to Bramvict Wine & Liquor Cos Advertisers lways PPRECIATE Reaping iCH ETURNS Ar-sJO THAT IS THS Regular ETURNS EPORTED By AdYertisers-Sbo Use These Columns. Quantity asd Jaailly of Circulation gives . Quantity and Quality to Advertisers And We Give Both —^WEALSO—a. GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON'T SEND AWAY FOR ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., When you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling and talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. . ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL? \ Times-Call, 209,'.20911-2 and 211 F Street. j i