The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 02, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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STORE TO CLOSE Sls DAYS AND OPEN UP IN JACKSONVILLE, FLA. And in order to save expense of moving > our goods, we hereby offer OE ENTIRE STOCK FOR SALE-*— AT COSTI Not Including Freight. * > —- M~y GOST MARK 1 2 3 4 5 6789.^0 O. w. 1J A 11 I SON W I? Sale Begins Today. WINE OF CARDUI THE LINK THAT BINDS. H 1 r Jacksob, Thxh. , Nov. 28. 1 i'Y r j I wei.nbjeet to miscarriage for three yew*, II and eu(fared constantly with hackacha. I wrote it? J! ffj { to you tor advice, and after three bottle* SB* ]\ I:] of WineofCardol, accordingtoyonrdlreotlon., JPI ]II \ J lem atrong and well, and the mother of a Qua (i ** Mr* E. N. JOWEBB. WneTori" 1 There is no us talking—* baby In the house is the link that binds husband and wife together. Nothing is sadder than fruitless wedlock. The prattling and cooing of the little ones offset a thousand times the occasional worries and trials of life. When a wife is barren, there Is a derangement somewhere in the genital organs, caused by one or more of those common disorders known as “ female troubles”. Wine of Cardui Is th* remedy. It puts the organs of generation in * strong and healthy condition, fitting the wife for the sacred duty of reproducing her kind. During the period of gestation the entire system of the expectant mother is built up to withstand the ordeal of labor, and when the little one makes Us advent it is lusty and _ strong, well-fitted to grow toma- laiiTTTlvisiCY bim*t*fT. turity in perfect health. iht Forsdrlcein rauui requiring special mother too passes through the trial with little raw and ro dread. iiDia.ico., Chattanooga, Term. Wine of Cardui is truly a wonder- '• *— ful medicine for women. Large Bottles for SI.OO at Druggists. WINE O F.V CAR DU I* OPEJNfAGAIN. Jno, VeruKi yoßcs, Liquor, , Cigars, Etc. no\? ready for business, We wiil tell jou gou .■ J ce’it lees tuan original cr at. 600 Monk Street. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL OCTOBER 2. 1900 Jim Carter has increased his force at the Brunswick Cleaning and Press ing Cos. to meet the demand for turn ing out the greet amount of work wh'ch he receives during this season of the year, Carter’s reliability to plea e tie publio with bia line of work has the best sort of endorsement, and every one should see to It that he has his clothes cleaned and repaired at bis establishment. When yu eancot sleep for coughing, a ie hardly necei-&ry ttnt anyone should tell you that you need e few doses of Chamherlain' Cough remedy to nllay the inflation of ths throat and make Sleep possible. It is good Try It. For sale at Dr. Bishop's store. HARPER WHISKEY RECEIVED GOLD MEDAL. Paris, Aug. 25—(Special dispatch.)— American whiskies received the offi cial approval of tbs exposition today, whet gold medal was awarded to Bernheim Bror., Louisville, Ky„ on their T. W. Harper, whiskey. Sold in Brunswick, Ga., by T. Newman. CHEAP RATES PLANT SYSTEM Account of the annual meeting of ! the National Association of Spanish War Vetera* at Chcttanooga, Tenn., Oct. 9 to 11, the Flant System will sell tickets from Brunswick to Chattanooga and return at one fare rer round trip. Tickets on sale Oct. 8 and 9, final limit Oct. '.3. Account of the Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders’ Association, Lexing ton, Ky., Oct, 2 to 3, the Plant System will sell tickets from Brunswick to Lexlng'on and return at one fare for the round trip Tickets on sale Sept. 30 to Oct. 1, limited until Oct, 15. STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the stove doctor, repairs al kinds or cook fctovea and rnuces, buy and bells second hand stores, 414 Bay street. 5c Prints now 4c yard 6c Prints now 4ic’ 7c Prints now sfe Brilliantine worth 6,0 c now 41c Poplin worth 85c now 55c Henrietta worth *l.OO now 80c Blue Brilliantine worth 75c now & Camel’s Hair worth line now 42c Camel’s Hair worth 25c now 124 c Dress Flannel worth 25c now 15c Dress Flannel worth 35c now 21c Blue and brown Henrietta 15c now (>}e Henrietta ass’t colors worth 25c now 17e Serge Dress Goods worth 05c now 42c Imp’td Dress Pattern worth $1 now 65c I mp. td and ress pattern worth.if 1.25 now 83c SILK'S Taffeta Silk worth 95c now 621 c China Silk worth 6('e now 38c Big lot Silks too numerous to mention. Liberty Satin former price 60c now 42c Dress Silks former mioast.2s now 83c Black Satin Bsc now-55c Black Satin Dujebprice $ 1,25 now 72c ~ Silk Velvets, all colors, former price $l.OO now 72c Silk Mercerized in colors former price -40 e now 23>4c Ladies’ Colars, former price 10c now 7e Indies’Cuffs, former price 15c now 114 Skirt Den ime, former price 19c now 13J Crcaton, former price 10c now 7c Table Linen, former price 50c now 30c Allover face, former pride 90c nowflte HOUSEHOLD GOODS HHD 2 BICYCLES FOR SALE. We Will Also Rent our Store to a Good Tenant OUR STORE FIXTURES FOR SftLE, SHOW CASES, MIRROR, DESK, IRON SAEE, CASH CARRIER, Etc No Goods Taken Back Or Stamps Given During This Sale. YOURS TRULY, R, L. HARRISON & CO. Merchants Will do Well to Call and Buy This Stock. For Bladder Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU Poisonous to3datoolB resembling mushrooms have caused frequent deaths this year. Its sure to use only the genuine, observe the same care when you'ask for DcWltt’s With Hazel Solve They are poisonous counterfeits. DeWitt’s Is the only original Witch Hazel Salvo. It is'safo and certain cure for pile*- and all skin diseases W J Butts. Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pi||igs, organs, trunks, etc. J. W, Watkins. Cheap Rales Via Southern Railway. MACON. G A.—Grand Lodge. F & A. M. One fare round trip. Ticket* on bale October 29 final limit November 2, 1900 LOUISVILLB KY.,--Annual convention col ored Oddfellows. One tare for round trip Tickets on sap; Hept. 29-30, and Oct. 1, final limit Oct. 9. ASHFVILLK, N. C.--Anninl meeting Missis sippi Valleu Medical Association. One fare for room! trip. Tickets on sale Oct. C-9, final limit Oct. 15. KANSAS CITY, MO.—Account of Nation Con vcm ion of the ChrtaUao church, tickets will be wild to Kansas Citf, Oct. fc-10, with final limit Oct. 23, at ate drone fare for the round trip, plus $. CHAT 1 aNOOGA. TFNN.—L'biCit’iiHOga and Chattanooga National Park Commission. Annual reunion of the *ocietr of the of tlie Cumberland, Cos rdo;ato VcWafcf South; Burma! rm eting N ional Association* Spanish War Veterans Ono*’fare for the round trip. Tickets on wth Octoben 8 and 9, with final limit October 18,1000. LKXINGTON, KY.-Kentucky Horse Breeds rsh| Association. One fare Wr the round trip? Tickets on wile September 30, with final limit 1 October 16,1900. ATLANTA, G A.—Southern Interstate Fair For individuals, one fare for the round trip plus $0 cents admission to the fair grounds. For illtary companies and brass bands in uniform, twentv or more on one ticket, one cent per mlie In each direction per capita. CHARLESTON, 8. C.-Annual Convention Le*gne of American Municlpaiitiefl. One farf for the round trip plus *2.00. Ticket® on sale eoember V and 11, with Anal litr it Hr. camber 1900. ArtrMClDSO'Vflfend Lodge A. F l .end A. • rtS'*ns and Auxiliary. One and onc-tbJra faTH for the round trip Tickets on sale Beptou ber 80 to October *A with final liir-H Octobyr TANARUS, 1900. UIMI'KR In S' 'I '-..iisuld ' 500 Bolts of Ribbons All Colors and Widths Going AT COST. .HI kinds Belt Buckle and Ribbon Pins One $45.00 Music Box for $27.50 One $25 00 Music for sl4 00 A lot os Ladies’ Wraps and Jackets White Table Linen worth 35c now 21c White Table Linen worth 59c now 39c White Table Linen worth 7cc now 65c White Table Linen worth 95c now 66c Wnite Table Dinen worth $1 now 824 c Jeans worth 20c notv 114 v Cottonade worth 15c now 9c White Pique worth 10c now 74c ■ White Pique worth 124 c now 94c White Flannel worth 40c now 27 l-2e White Flannel worth 25c now 16 l-2c White Flannel worth 35c now 14 l-2c Corsets worth 50c now 37 1-2 Corsets worth 75c now 59c Cbcsfcta worth SI.OO now 75c Comforts from 70c to $1.50 each Blankets from 40c upwards White Linen worth 50c now 33c A lot of white Lawns, Swiss, Organdies Mpuslin de Soire Towels, Damask, Scrim, others too nu merous to mention. Boys Pants 25c now 19c. PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. HEAD DOWN ~ \ | Jo) Ai> Up no. 87 n0.89. Time Table no. sb. *.j.u> .Passenger Mixed , NO. 35 j IPa enger ! Mixed J D v. Deny. • Dally . 915im... eoc pm... r Weycroe, lvX^^^Hb.Uav... 45 pm... 10 Hu pm... Waycroaa ...I* 49 pm... * NUf.. tv Tif I,fern ar 2 00m... . 4 19pm... 828 am... nr Cherleeton lv > . . . lllßoito *yo 00pm 8 COetr.... ar Tampa lv j 7 30am 7 OCpir V,A WAYCROSS& MONTGOMERY. |7 15 a . .. ( I'6'oo’n, lv BruDawlok arl.ll 80am... 10 15am..1 9 20 pm . t 8 10am... ar Mum*, mery HIJ 2b am.. 7 45 pa, ■ if 2&a.m..,111‘69 am... ar -£!.rungham 1\ ,819 a tii 405 pm ..... 8 Wart 7 10 pm... ar Naenvitlo h;2 21 am.. j 9 00 am vrA SAVANNAH AND charleston. ’ 11 65ara. :12 10 am. Af . Savannah Lv 600 |uu 8 15am K r 7 25pm ,Ar Richmond Lv fi 48pm i 05aui Direct connaction made at Wavcroas with t nrougu r .in 81oeplne Cnrs for Savannah and all pointt North; aleo fo. Binninuha i, Nashville, Bt. Louis and all points West, c Bccling s between Waycross and Mon * ihomasville* Belwaen Pori Tbmpa, Key W&st and Havana. GOIN6. Port Tampa 11 Mpm M on . Tbure. Sat fjfr Key Went 80; pin 1 1 PYi. -,n Lv Key 5 eel 9 00 pm l „ee. Fr,. Sunday Ar Huvene 6 00 am W*<l.Bat Men * W.B. DI. DAM,, w, CtijiTES. 8. W,.WBNH Supt Dtvleion Paio Agent. Pass. Trelllc Mgr Bavaunah, wa Brunewlck, he savannan ‘Q* WftH. BOWEN. v | , J. N. BKADT, BfIUIENIfriIRADT, Of and fia^Building Maoufacturen of Cement, Tllo aiid.Aj-tlflcial Stone. Boys Pants 50c now 374 c Boys Suits from 65c and upwards Ladies, Children and Gents of all de scription , Oil cloth worth 95c now 19c I Gents Shoes worth 1 35 now 95c Gents Shoes worth 3.00 now 1 80 Gent’s Shoes worth 3.00 now 2.25 Boys Shoes worth 1.60 now 1.10 Gent’s Clothing worth 5.00 now 2.50 “ “ 7.00 now 400 “ “ “ 990 now 0.60 “ “ 11 50 now 7.50 “ “ 950 now 6.00 “ “ “ 12 00 now 800 “ “ “ 11.00 now 725 “ “ “ 10.50 now 725 “ “ “ 14 50 now 10 00 “ “ “ 13.50 now 8.00 And many other Suits too numerous to mention 500 Gents Pants A lot of Gents and Boys Hats and Caps A lot of Gents Underwear of all kinds Collars, Half Hose Jewelry, etc Gents 25c Neckwear now 19c Gents 50c Neckwear now 38c wsg * 124 c Sea Island Percale now' 10c 10c Sea Island Percale now' 74c SI,OO Ladies Shoes and Slippers now 75c $1.85 fadios Shoes and Slippers now 95c $1.50 ladles Shoes and Slippers now $1 A lot of Children and Misses Shoes space not sufficient to name prices. 53381 Ladies, Children and Gents Rubbers f ItRTURNING I Lv Ha hum 2 30 pm Mon. Wed. and Hat I \ Key W.-st 9 00 pm Mon. Wed* and 8at....... Lv Key Wer.t 10 0i) p m. Mon. Wed. and Bat A Fc.rt Ist pa 2 30 am Tues. Thar, and Bua.. 5