The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 03, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Hurry! Hurry! blurry* BIG CUT RATE SALE. OUR STOCK MUST GO —EVERYTHING AT COST. v ^ShoeS. A- Gent’s Furnishings. Humane Shoes at.... $3-00 Men’s Gold and Silver Shirts at 7 c and #I.OO i ;i Kid Bals at 2.50 ' Men’s Summer Underwear at Cost. Men’J fan Vici Bals at... 2.25 -J I jl Men’s Winter Underwear at Cost. Men’s Calf Bals at 2.25 ■]*• If Large Line of Guyei Hats..... aj Ladies Ultra Boots at 2.75 M Men’s Stiff Hats, latest styles -j.75 Ladies' Kid Lace Boots at 2.25 ' ! U My rfl Boys’ and Youth’s Shoes at 20 Ladies’ Kid Button Boots at 22? A !arge line of half hose and E. & V\ , Collars at cost. Ladies’Patent Leather French Heel Ties at 2.75 Our line of Neckwear is swell and complete A LARGE LINE OF MISSES’ AND M 1 Ml i children’s shoes at cost. Come and See Us, PALMER SHOE COMPANY. 116 Newcastle Street. 3 THINGS Timm. The following concerning Al. G. field’s minstrel is from the Atlanta Constitution of Sept. 26. Field will he here T'*m4wjp and Sattyrilay nights; "An audience tliat was more than demonstrative ihnn a baseball crowd, when the score is tied in the ninth in ning aud the home team has two men on bases, packed the Qrand to the guards last night. In its personnel ss well as in size it was an audience Wiat would have flattered and inspired the most fa- mou* of contemporary playere. Sojfar as tho lower part of the house and boxes were concerned, tho assemblage can be called brilliant. In startling contrast were the banked tiers of black facesYnd gleaming eyes in the gallery. “Nothing but a company of well known minstrels or Sir Henry Irving could attract such a house in Atlanta “As anything verging on adverse crit icism of the psrformauce would be like- ly to incite a not, it is well to say promptly to say that the crowd got its money's worth. “Al. G. Field’s organization is the Ppest of its kind ever seen In Atlanta. During the two hours and forty five minutes of continuous performance thero was not a minuto when the audi ence was not enthusiastic ap- { proval ard urging ihe ‘artists’ to renew ed oririions. hu’. cne or two ex ceptions! every number on the program bad to be repeated. L “One would like to mention by name Bhose human watch springs who com of Moorish Marnelckcs, evolution - ar.u th of aorobatic activity. One is forced to ] forego the pleasure, because when put < appellations would look like a string of typographical errors ■‘The garden or domesticated oriental acrobat ceased to be a novelty many sea sons back, and when the audienco read the program last night and saw that a tribe was scheduled to ground aud lofty stunts, it hoped for the best but feared the worst. The hopes were realized. The act was an excellent one. "Go and see the performance—it is to laugh.” There is a fascination about big profits to a business man. But the conservative and cau tious trader prefers to have the lesser per cent, of interest and the larger per cunt, of safety in his investments. There is no business man who would not consider It a sound proposition to in- vest in sn enterprise in which absolute toss was impouible and which offered ninety-eight chances In a hundred of a rich probt. XUo jta tlsilcs of cares effected by Dr. l'ierce’s aoldeu Medical Discovery show that ninety-eight per cent, of cases of "weak lungs” can be absolutely cured. Almost if not all form# of physical weakness maybe traced to starvation. Starva tion -api the strength, The body is just ns much starved when the Htomach cannot extract nutrition frum the food it receives as when there ie no food. “Weak lungs,” bronchial af fections. obstinate coughs, call for nourishme.:: “LJolden Medical Discovery" supplies that nourishment in its most condensed and assim ilable form. It makes "weak lungs" strong, by strengthening the stomach and organs if diges tion which digest and distribute the food and by increasing the supply of pure blood. IS A GORGEOUSLY BOUND Work of art baa juat been issui and at an outlay of over SIOO,OOO, for which tbe publishers desire a Manager in ibis county, also a good solicitor; good pay to tbe right party. Nearly 100 full-page engraving?, sumptuous pa per, illuminated covers and bindings; over 200 golden lilies ia tbelMorocco bindings; nearly 60 golden ro6es In tbe olotb bindings. Hells at sight; presses runoing day and night, so great is the sale. Christian men and women making fortunes taking orders. | Rapid proa-o'ion?. One Christian wo man clear S6OO io four weeks, taking orders among her church ao [qiisiiiiabces aid friends. Wr te ue. Tt may lead to a permanent positicn to mamge our bosioets and look after our large oorreep'.nlence, which you can attend to right at your boms. Ad dress J. A. Knight, Secretary, Coroc ran baildiog, opposite United States Treasury, Waebiogton, I>. 0. Bad blood Is a bad thing to inherit or acquire but bud blood may be made good blood by tak ing Hood’e Sarsaparilla. THE:BRUNSWACK TIMES-CALL. OCTOBER 3, 1900 MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY, i It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The pro prietors of Df. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Golds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this, greats’mediolne. and have the satisfadtjon 'of knowing it has absolutely onred thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, and all diseases of the Throat, Cheat and Lungs, are surely cured by it. Call on all drnggirts, and get a free trial bottle. K-'gular size 60c. and sl. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. Bure Whiskey, Harper’s. Terfeot Wbik*y, Harper’s. Every bottle guaranteed Harpers. Sold by T Nw nsan, Brunswick, Ga, TIMES-CAftL JOB OFFiC E. Those who want the best work, at the lowest figures, should briug it to tilts (dice. On large dodgers, our price* and work you a con tant customer, if yds will give us the Bret job. King up SF, and a solicitor will call. CANCER Sufferers from this horrible malady nearly always inherit it not necessarily from the parents, but may be from some remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs through several generations. This deadly poison may lay dormant in the blood for years, or until you reach middle life, then the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap pearance — or a swollen gland in tbe breast, or some other part of the body, gives the first warning. To cure Cancer thorouglily and perma nently all the poisonous virus must be diminated from the blood—every vestage if it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and Is the only medicine that can reach deep seated, obstinate blood troubles like this. When all the poison has been forced out of the system the Cancer heals, and the disease never returns. Cancer begins often tn a small way, as the following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows: A fmall jflmy/lecame on my law about an Inch below the earonthe left aide or my face. It gave toe no pain or Inconven* elnce, dml T should have forgotten about it bad it not begun to Inflame and Itch ; U would bleed a Sn&J little, then scab over, but vrotiM not heal. This wjra&f' eon'inued for some time, sCT wtim tny jaw began to yJb •well, becoming very igZ jNninfnl. The Cancer be- 4f C;' £an to cat and spread, zffl.hJS&R } nntil .t waeaa la rife as a ■ ri-^i half dollr.when I heard of B. 8. 8. <* 1. 1 dvlerrnin- V ed to give It a fair trial, cti i it wet lemsrkabl* ' BflfVj \ what a wonderful effect “ ' ~ ' “ It had from the very begtnnlng; the eore began to heal and after taking a few bottles diaa ppeare't , entirety, Xhiawaa two year*ago j theie ate still I no of the Cancer, and n:y general beet lb ■xmtluuc* good.—Mas. R. huiaaa, La flala. Mo. 0* aSOh is the greatest of all | rt blood purifiers, and the only one guaranty” k. JM K.JB k Si purely vegetable. Send Maw 55 Elf for our free book on Cancer, containing valuable and interest ing information about thia disease, and write our physicians about your case. We make no charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANI^^^ BIST PRICES best goods, beet trsatment— those are the three rules which rule In this store in all seasons of the year. My aim is to give perfect satisfaction. There is no reason why I should wot; and if, at any time, you get suythlug. bore which is not right, you tell me of it' Sgß’ ITEMS FOK TODAyT New Evaporated Peaches. New Evaporates Apples. New Prunes. See Them. TFC)S, KEANY GROCERIES; Phone H, 4H2 Newcastle Street. ELI ZISSIMATO, 302s Newcastle St. fti i:... :. out is CIGARS ANi) TOBACCO *a Ckib Etjpt KMilki Shake Soda Water Etc., - All Kinds of^Candy. OEVABIS & LEVADAS^ Gocerics, Country Proves - - Vsgt2bi33 etc, G^clioneni, HONK BTallof the oTbb'iWICK, GA —tjst the eaft HEP# and or °T*IP‘ ANOTHER LOT oF_^ ♦... Bargains! Ladies’ Silk Lined Underskirts 25c up; Lace Curtains worth $1.25 at 79c per pair. Lace Pillow Shams worth 79c at 49c per pair. Table Oil Cloths worth 30c at 15c. Bureau Scarfs, Center Pieces and Table Linen Greatly Reduce All the latest styles in Millinery just received. Every HaW Personally Selected while in Now York. You will be convinced by examine our stock that we carry the finest in the city. MR§. M ISAAC, The Largest Dry Goods Store, 208 and 208 1-2 Newcastle St. WASHINGTON SEMINARY Macon and Baltimore Woman’s Culle* I'rimary. Aoadsmic Music Elocution and Business ooursus. H.nslt classes. Individual B) ,k v, building. Home life. Pupils enter Vassar, Wellesley and Kiu I ilob-Maa on certificate.. Nextsession begins September oth. For illintrfed catalog ddress Mrt. W, l handler, Prtnoips LLlewllyn D. Scott, Assooiate^Prinoip KICNET DISEASE are*fhe most fatal of all dis eases. Fill FY’Q & IDNEY i* a s ULL ii) Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies Recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. ' © VV, .1, Kutte. the DruggfU! SHAKE INTO YOUR a,. | fr|. • '"i H. . ” W. ; ■" •# a'le,ad iiirntl|’“®B*ttliig.iui o( cvriu and bun *tr,‘s2'T'®f t i" t o, ” f r n dDcovovyoltho like. Allon'k foM-Kaee umkea Halit or n„,v rb.H-e frel essp. Itlsacertui ,ir fur sweat 10a, fallous and hot, tired, uoblng foet. Try It today. HoM l,y all ilrugKlals an<T -hoo stores tty mall for 25c ; n ate m pn, Trl id paokn K<3 b’rco H.oiiustaail, LoRoV.-N. g°;' rto ' J boarding and sale atables, io tbe city. * 87 ' . . ' Newcastle th You don’t need the doctor | for every little trouble, but | you do need In the house • ; trusty remedy for times at l danger. Thousands are saved ; by having at hand DR. J. H. McLEAN’S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM a' certain cure for disorders of < the Liver, Kidneys and Blad* ' der. Use it at once for lams J back, furred tongue, lost ap- 1 petite and changes In urine or j bowels. j SI a bottle, at druagUte. I TW* OR. ). H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., I •f. torn, eo. 4 rOR BALE BY riVVWUIJ BUTTS, The Druggiar.' 3